Inquisitor is not that effective with SCS. Mages will protect themselves against dispel magic with SI:A or spell shield and the like. I think a sorcerer would be more useful, he would cast secret word (all day long), then your K/M can breach and the mage is dead in a round. I remember a fight in ust'natha, the one where the fish thing sends you to a priestess house to kill her. Inside the house you take on the priestess (pitiful) AND 5 or 6 level 17 drow mages, all with their sequencers, contingencies, MR... That was one of the hardest fights I can remember SCS also make a great job on yuanti-mages. Before they just cast chaos followed by true sight. Now... well now I hate them
Tbh I mainly use Inquisitors not to dispel enemies, but to dispel my own party, particularly in the early game. Too often I end up in a city ambush (maximum settings on ambushes, of course) and there's two mages firing off Hold Person pretty much right off the bat. If I miss a save, I am DEAD - the accompanying melees (thieves in particular, with their backstabs) just slaughter everyone, helpless as they are. Having an Inquisitor there to drop a quick dispel is a life-saver!
Of course that dispel remains a useful thing to have against enemies, too, despite the ubiquitous SI:A. Luckily you can load up on Secret Word easily, as that spell level is not loaded with too many other spells you'd want (basically just one). Just use that for the SI:A mages, and the Inquisitor either afterwards, or for dispels when SI:A is not a factor - against clerics/druids for example.
Plus, don't forget True Sight - in the mid to late game, I found myself casting that spell a fair amount. TS actually takes up a VERY valuable spell level (6) so having it at practically no cost is quite good!
I don't like Sorcerers for powergaming; while they are certainly powerful casters and great fun to play, they simply lack the quick, raw power of melee characters. Spells just don't do enough damage, except when you blanket an area with many foes. Against bosses in particular, I find offensive spells quite weak, compared to the slaughterfest of a 10 APR fighter-dual.
i find inuisitor very usefull because his dispell is way more powerfull than any other and there are many casters with spell immunity vs true sight so at least i can dispell
I think it may be a good idea to either to make shorter segments (~5-10 min per video) or write a timerange where special events occur. It's difficult to find things in an hour video.
I think it may be a good idea to either to make shorter segments (~5-10 min per video) or write a timerange where special events occur. It's difficult to find things in an hour video.
is this about every video or fire giants?
i'm trying to cut parts with shopping spell selection etc. and leave only fighting but cutting to smaller pieces could be a good idea
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 028 tactics scsii insane Windspear Hills Firkraag bug? i probably killed hm with that harm so is not good
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 028 tactics scsii insane Firkraag raw bonus Windspear Hills kill in 1:34:13 pretty good for my tests
Druid Grove without faldorn because yeah i don't have things to kill her : D
planar prison boss was kind of (he can summon dark planetar)
meh when done right
I remember a fight in ust'natha, the one where the fish thing sends you to a priestess house to kill her. Inside the house you take on the priestess (pitiful) AND 5 or 6 level 17 drow mages, all with their sequencers, contingencies, MR... That was one of the hardest fights I can remember
SCS also make a great job on yuanti-mages. Before they just cast chaos followed by true sight. Now... well now I hate them
Of course that dispel remains a useful thing to have against enemies, too, despite the ubiquitous SI:A. Luckily you can load up on Secret Word easily, as that spell level is not loaded with too many other spells you'd want (basically just one). Just use that for the SI:A mages, and the Inquisitor either afterwards, or for dispels when SI:A is not a factor - against clerics/druids for example.
Plus, don't forget True Sight - in the mid to late game, I found myself casting that spell a fair amount. TS actually takes up a VERY valuable spell level (6) so having it at practically no cost is quite good!
I don't like Sorcerers for powergaming; while they are certainly powerful casters and great fun to play, they simply lack the quick, raw power of melee characters. Spells just don't do enough damage, except when you blanket an area with many foes. Against bosses in particular, I find offensive spells quite weak, compared to the slaughterfest of a 10 APR fighter-dual.
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 013 Watcher's Keep level one
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 014 Watcher's Keep level one statues
i find inuisitor very usefull because his dispell is way more powerfull than any other and there are many casters with spell immunity vs true sight so at least i can dispell
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane 015 obtaining celestial fury
i am disappointed
was hoping for epic battle with sion but...
what he did was really lame
that was... really easy Oo
another easy
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 tactics scsii insane bonus fire giants
i'm trying to cut parts with shopping spell selection etc. and leave only fighting but cutting to smaller pieces could be a good idea
before i knew "how to Lich in SCSII"
everything went better than expected
too easy
Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2 028 tactics scsii insane Firkraag raw bonus Windspear Hills
kill in 1:34:13 pretty good for my tests
kill at 01:08:57