Sarevok Sings Alaundo's Prophecy

I gotta tell you guys something. In Candlekeep, when you meet "Koveras", I discovered something that sent chills up my spine. On the floor where you meet Sarevok without his demonc looking armor, he and one of the chanters who chants Alaundo's prophecy outside the library with the other chanters came towards me PC, and as the chanter was chanting, Sarevok chanted the prophecy with him! I've never heard him do that before!
Post edited by BladeDancer on
You just don't recognize him because you had only seen him with that horned helmet.
The fact that he can do this after he is
It is either the above, or a side effect of being a Deathbringer. I personally like the Bhaalspawn idea better. It means my evil PC can learn how to do it xD
Added spoiler tag. -Jalily
Thing's have changed, technology is moving on... i feel old.
A wonderful "did you know?" discovery.
I didn't know this, actually.
You mean by right-clicking Koveras...I can hear Kevin Micheal Richardson sing!?
Am I hearing this right? Please tell me I'm hearing this right!
And Koveras is most likely protected by illusions. Different skin color, different eyes, different everything.
There's no mistake.
As for the whole appearance thing, I doubt Sarevok was using any illusions to hide his identity. If you think about it, despite being a rather large individual, few people outside of Baldur's Gate have seen him in his Deathbringer armor, or outside it. And with the armor covering him, the helm makes it so that only his eyes and nose are visible.
Now Charname would be able to recognize him if it weren't for the fact that despite attacking Gorion, Sarevok was quite the distance away before Charname fled off. This means he could very easily approach Charname unarmored and probably fool the hero quite easily.
His voice makes my heart all warm and fuzzy inside!
And the trait that prevents me from respecting Sarevok is lack of self-control. When he puts on that helmet, he becomes a, well, just a raging bully.