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Which IE game has the most beautiful scenario design?



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    The results in this poll just add to my impatience of looking at IWD again
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited October 2014
    Well, I haven't played all of them, but for just scenery, I would choose BG1. IWD seems cool to though.
  • StratosjStratosj Member Posts: 30
    In BG2 you've got a wide array of beautiful locations scattered all over the place, it's like you're on a super-fast trip all over the world in 14 days, which is awesome but can at times be a bit overwhelming as well.

    BG1 is so small in scale you never really cross the borders - you won't notice any change in architecture or natural environment with just a few exceptions. It feels like home to me.

    I'll take a bit of both for a balanced diet. Aaand, of course, IWD for winter months.
  • Cal_ElCal_El Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2014
    BG2 for me had immense variation in scenery. Sahugain place was pretty unique and memorable. Loved the Elven city too. Havent played IWD1 though, but the thought of travelling more of the north sounds nice. IWD2 didnt have much variety IMO
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    I may be one of the few people who liked Planescape Torment more for its setting than for its story. In particular, I'm talking about the setting of Sigil. From what I've seen of fantasy settings, no one has created something quite like it. It is a place where wishes have power and anything can happen, but it isn't done in a cliched "what if faeries and dragons were real" sort of way, nor in a "twisted dark faerie tale land" sort of way. When a commoner of Sigil sees an abishai walking nearby, they don't stare at it in shock; they just keep doing what they were doing. Indeed, Sigil is a place where the irregular is normal, where even the most innocuous-looking townsperson may be imbued with the strangest supernatural power. No part of Sigil is merely heaven OR hell; everywhere from Ragpicker's Square to the Civic Festhall is filled with happiness and torment, curiosities and disappointments. There are always new things to discover in Sigil, and it is in my opinion the greatest fantasy setting yet. I'm surprised Planescape Torment has been losing the poll so far.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    atcDave said:

    I think IWD is technically "better", but it's just too desolate for my taste. I like the wilds and open landscapes of BG best.

    Exactly how I feel, especially now with the improved EE engine and graphics.

    I sometimes stop just to admire the lush green landscapes and sounds of birds chirping.
  • TuthTuth Member Posts: 233
    I'm torn between Baldur's Gate 1 and Planescape: Torment. Both have very different styles, but at the same time their scenery design just fits perfectly to the style of the game. For example Firewine bridge in BG1 is one of my favourite locations, becasue of how it looks and feels - ancient ruins of an enormous bridge. I would like to know the whole story of this place, some of it we get to know from Poe. Example from PS:T would be the chamber of Silent King, one of the most mysterious places in the game, it has that powerful aura. In both cases the whole stories of these and many other locations are not given. I like that sort of mistery, as opposed to every bit of locations and items having some sort of importance/symbol to the plot. Similar example form a different game, the intro of the first Diablo, there is a sword that no one knows what is it there for, what does it do, where to find it, it's just there to create the atmosphere. Still, if I have to choose one game it would be BG1, because of the wilderness areas. They remind me of the place where I live, with many woods, hills, lakes and rivers. It just feels like home to me.
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