How long would you survive? (spoilers!)

So if you were Gorion's ward, how far do you think you would get in the adventure before the creepy music started and all the flesh was blown off your upraised hand?
I figure I would do okay with the fetching and carrying in Candlekeep and would survive the attacks from Carbos and Shank (because I'd run a mile as soon as I saw them). I would, however, miss out on 5GP because I couldn't clear out Reevor's storehouse (scared of rats)
Having seen Gorion killed I would probably be a gibbering wreck but the sight of Imoen would cheer me up and make me attempt to be brave. Unfortunately, I have no sense of direction (and being a man do not ask for directions when I am lost) so I doubt I would find my way to the Friendly Arm Inn. I dare say Imoen would know which road to follow but by this point I would be putting on my decisive big brother act and I would assure her I knew where I was going. So we would end up in High Hedge where I figure I will either get killed by a knife-throwing skeleton or the gnoll who stole Perdue's sword.
So that's me. Dead before I even get to level up. How far would you get?
I figure I would do okay with the fetching and carrying in Candlekeep and would survive the attacks from Carbos and Shank (because I'd run a mile as soon as I saw them). I would, however, miss out on 5GP because I couldn't clear out Reevor's storehouse (scared of rats)
Having seen Gorion killed I would probably be a gibbering wreck but the sight of Imoen would cheer me up and make me attempt to be brave. Unfortunately, I have no sense of direction (and being a man do not ask for directions when I am lost) so I doubt I would find my way to the Friendly Arm Inn. I dare say Imoen would know which road to follow but by this point I would be putting on my decisive big brother act and I would assure her I knew where I was going. So we would end up in High Hedge where I figure I will either get killed by a knife-throwing skeleton or the gnoll who stole Perdue's sword.
So that's me. Dead before I even get to level up. How far would you get?
Post edited by Lemernis on
Back to the thread. To be entirely realistic, I'd probably die at the hands of Shank. I'd also try to run from a random maniac with a knife. Unfortunately, I can't run very fast, or far, so it entirely depends on how close the nearest guardsman is. lol
Since I would probably be either a fallen ranger or a druid of Malar, I would stalk the wilderness in an extreme survival lifestyle without any regard of possible joinable NPC's. Crafting my own armours and weapons out of wood, bone and other organic materials is way more fun and challenging than buying them from shops anyway.
i doubt any "normal" human being would survive wolf attack not even monster wolfs like in bg world
Still, if a man of my size and strength (read:average) lunged at me with a dagger in a small room, I don't think my chances of survival would be good. One stab to abdomen or leg would have any normal person staggered and unable to defend himself, and then the attacker will stab again continously, or just slit the victim's throat. No 'I made one attack and now have to wait one round, which is like six seconds, before attacking again.' rule.
IRL most killers with a dagger or knife would make wild, multiple stabs and the pain and shock would prevent most victims from defending themselves, except in the case of 'defensive wounds', they are cuts seen on the murder victim's palms and hands as the victims instinctively try to protect themselves:they still end up dead in most cases, though.
So now my life is in the hands of Khalid, Jaheira and Imoen. In other words, I probably would die to the two Ogrillions S of Beregost.
Even then, 1d4 damage from a dagger does not corelate that well with real life. There are factors like pain, blood loss, shock, losing the ability to move your limbs due to cut tendons, etc. Example:if you get stabbed by a dagger on your arm or leg or stomach for a measly 1 damage, in the game nothing is wrong, you go on fighting at full strength. Whereas in real life your ability to continue fighting or even escaping would be hindered greatly. The pain and shock of the wound would be too much, and the killing strike would come quickly after.
I watched Evil Dead remake and in there, people who had their hands smashed, arms cut off, heads bashed in, chests stabbed etc. did continue to try to escape and even fight. There was even one guy who suffered so much abuse and so many great injuries yet he continued to fight on, I was like 'come ooon!'. It is unrealistic to the extreme, any person would enter shock and hypotension from wounds and blood loss of such scales, and die quickly. 'Course it's a movie about evil spirits and possesion so it is all good gory fun. ^^ Just like our epic heroic fantasy role playing game bg:ee is fun!
If I survived him, I'd get eaten by wolves in the woods while looking for my father.
If I survived that, I'd manage to find my way to the Friendly Arm Inn (just follow the road people) and get killed by Tarnesh.
If I'd survive even that, I'd probably just spend my days in the Inn, in a room, with the door barded, rocking back and forth.
I'm no hero material.
I think my stats would be pretty good and I'd probably choose Fighter class. My stats would be pretty good. My wis and dex wouldn't be that stellar, but they'd probably be between 10-12, so not bad. Intelligence would be above 10, too.
Con and Str would be okay. Nothing amazing, but probably 14-16. Charisma would be my highest stat, probably.
Assuming I was raised in a D&D world, I'd probably spend my time practicing swordplay and stuff - I'm pretty active in real life and sort of a gym rat.
I think I'd do okay. Maybe I wouldn't be able to take out Sarevok or Irenicus, but I'd make it far enough.
Then at night when I "sleep" with Dyna... Minsc or Jaheira ends the story of my life (no resurruction posible because of low CON... I will be chunked on the first hit) Yes I will take two cats