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Limited edition boxed set: ideas and brainstorming



  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Right - what I mean is that if it's not a cloth map, I picture it being a poster. Kind of an either/or situation. I don't need to hang two things on my wall, y'know?
  • MajoritasMajoritas Member Posts: 16
    I agree, non-cloth map of this style/format would be weird. Well, let's consider the option of cloth map + a poster.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2012
    @lordkim I saw the little Irenicus busts at CCEE. They're pretty sweet. I was thinking about getting one for my desk.
  • AkerhonAkerhon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 614
    The miniatures would suit me!
    I am reconstructing the adventure in D&D 3.5e by master for my friends :)
    They are as soon as to the beginning they are traveling toward Nashkel :D
    (I don't like a lot 4e)
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    For me:
    A cloth map, full soundtrack, artbook maybe or some nice artprint (it would be awesome if any of that would be signed by a member of the BGEE team). All in a big cardboard box and the game in the box should also go with a digital copy on Beamdog (like boxed version of Witcher 2 which entitles you for a copy on GOG or Blizzard games that can be downloaded later via But I also would be happy to see a figurine of Sarevok or some symbol of Bhaal in the metal :)
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    I've been ambivalent about the Collector's Edition really... I'll get it anyway because I'm fairly confident it will be fun to have, but I'm really far more focused on the game itself. Like miniatures, busts, a cloth map, etc.- I don't find them interesting. I'd look, like them, and tuck them away somewhere as excess baggage. A larger paper map of all of mainland Toril, however... now that would go up on my wall and keep me busy for a long while, constantly reflecting back to it, pondering it, marveling at all the areas, appreciating where Baldur's Gate lies in its midst... The comprehensive music CD- yeah, that would get played a lot... I'd honestly be hard-pressed to wear a BGEE tshirt around, but I'd still wear it, so that too would get usage out of me. Beyond that, all my nostalgia is for game experience, not game peripherals, so... Just one consumer's preferences...

    And I fully support the going idea of using a USB stick over actual DVDs, but it's not like everywhere in the world is done with optical drives, and BG is arguably one of the more international games, so... but I still prefer it for storage capacity, weight, convenience, and cost-savinsgs. :-P
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    So can we all agree that we want some manner of map and a soundtrack?
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305

    Yeurp. I vote cloth map, paper in the middle ages was made of scretched, dried, plaster-covered and finely sliced animal skin. There's no way modern paper and printing machines can match that!

    But a cloth map might feel a bit like a tea towel or a hanky if it's too small. I don't want to blow my nose all over this game (lols).
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    So can we all agree that we want some manner of map and a soundtrack?
    I do.

    IIRC, Trent had posted a poll via Twitter to ask whether users preferred a paper or a fabric map. Last time I checked, fabric was winning with 100% of the votes. I voted fabric myself. Then again, a paper map would be better than no map (but with "no map" not being a possibility, why not make it fabric which is awesome?).

  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2012
    It would be fine to have an artbook too, I wonder if some of the original BG artworks are still there (they could be presented with the new content). Also, maybe some bonus disc? I'd really like to see @TrentOster @PhillipDaigle and @CameronTofer (and other members of the team as well) commentary about this reedition, maybe some unknown facts about BG (after all, we have members from the original team)?
    Offtop: Trent wrote once on twitter that Neverwinter Nights was intended to have a different title but the guys from Interplay wanted NWN so badly that it happened to be this title. And I don't know what the original title was. (It's like opening the left bracket and leaving it without the right one, it's unfair. Anyway, hope the thing with boxed BGEE full of love and awesomeness works out just well!
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @Ward Having see you mention it twice I am now going to imagine that all your posts a written while you are in the bath, and that your current lack of a bath mat is causing you serious problems.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305

    You see right through me, or atleast you could if I wasn't so filthy. Somebody get my Cuddle-Me Boo bathroom soap.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I'd like a Boo plushie too. >_>;
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    Nexlit plushie.
  • MajoritasMajoritas Member Posts: 16
    Nexlit plushie.
    I'd actually prefer the Boo one, you know.. Nexlit ain't so fuzzy and furry. And I can't imagine someone cuddling with Nexlit plushie.
  • ZakerosZakeros Member Posts: 75
    Hell with plushie, give us the Miniature Giant Space Hamster!
    ... Or some info on whereabouts of them :p
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    This game definitively needs a box

    I have personaly printed à huge map of Faerûn :

    HD 4763 × 3185
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    I wonder if some of the original BG artworks are still there
    I don't know how much we can actually say about this topic, so I'll err on the side of caution. What I can say is that probably 90% of the original art sources for BG1, 2 and ToB are no longer available.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    What about a 1"x1.5" card with the resolution we do have, then? :)
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    Sounds good!
  • TrentOsterTrentOster Administrator, Developer Posts: 433
    Still working to see if this is even possible.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874

    IIRC, Trent had posted a poll via Twitter to ask whether users preferred a paper or a fabric map. Last time I checked, fabric was winning with 100% of the votes.
    You do not RC. :-P It was instead a much closer vote of 15/85 in favor of cloth, so it could easily switch sides to paper with a few new paper votes.

    That said, I recommend a paper map of mainland Faerun which is also adorned at one corner with the authentic personal autograph of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl... something you can't get on a piddly cloth map after all.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I like this idea.

    Although personally, I'd rather the autograph be on an 8x10 photo of the EE development team.

    Still signed by Larry, Darryl, and Darryl, of course.
  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    I would not favor paper, because you inevitably have huge lines on the folds... Unless the paper maps are rolled in tubes, I would be ok with that. otherwise, cloth.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    ^ And we obviously want all of the above.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    In reference to 13, cardboard boxes are better. Tin gets dinted too easily. Trust me, I know.
    In reference to 5, are people really asking for LEGO Baldur's Gate? I can't think of anything worse, argh. Pewter 6" tall statue of Sarevok still sounds better.
    In reference to 9, it seems not only are you morbidly fascinated with Xvarts, but Kobolds and Taslois as well.. and Newhart. Who votes this guy as our official Xvart spokesman?
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    Head of the Xvartean peoples front, or the peoples front of Xvartea? Splitters!
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