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Limited edition boxed set: ideas and brainstorming



  • Silver_MoonSilver_Moon Member Posts: 72
    1) I am for collectors edition. Most thing i want, besides the game DVD and sountrack is ARTbook! Great and huge artbook with many-many pictures and creators comments! ARTBook, is 100 % neccessary thing!

    2) Can be alternative COVER for box. Many of us prefer SKULL logo. But, if we talk, about, collectors edition version, maybe CARAVELLA will be good also. Don`t push for "Caravella" cover, all the things i understand. THats for me))

    3) I want Amulet or some thing like this. For example, in HEROES of Might And Magic 6 was this amulet:
    HEroes VI Amulet
    HEroeS VI Amulet

    4) Also, good to know, possible price. How many such box can be cost in result.

    5) Also, in Heroes Of Might And MAgic Antology were the Tarot Cards with images of Heroes V characters.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    A caravella alternate cover would be nice, imho.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The term for that is "Pay to Win", which is a mistake a lot of developers make when releasing a game. Also, regardless of whether it's LE or standard edition, any in-game content is eventually going to be available through mods (just like Deirdre and Joluv), which means anyone who bought the LE was wasting their money.

    I'd like to keep it in the realm of "spend a little extra, and get these cool collectibles." Like a USB Flash drive, molded into the shape of Bhaal's holy symbol - or even just a straight up black "stick" with gold lettering. :)
  • ZaccaroZaccaro Member Posts: 39
    @powerfulally :D spoken like true Keldorn.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    edited June 2012
    Concept art is always great, but I'm not sure how much new material there would be, as they are mostly working on old art.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The version had some concept art and backgrounds, the quality of which was for the most part fairly underwhelming (from an "ohhhh pretty" point of view). I don't think an Art Book would have much of an impact.
    Soundtrack, good looking box, Bhaal symbol necklace, cloth map and a pocket-sized imp that crafts items for me have my vote.
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    @Cadros new art is also in production, so we can get our signed copy of some new painting ;)
    Maybe a signed litograph like those from Mass Effect? Minsc and Boo on my wall would look nice. They have a small "disadvantage" though - they're pretty big and shipping them would be costly, as they wouldn't fit into a box. But even a smaller version would be good and it would fit in a big cardboard box :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    so since there be 6 quadrillion posts on here already ( a slight hyperbole, but only slight :) ) and it requires waaay too much thinking and thought processing to read all the wonderful stuff on here im just going to go from here: load that sucker with as much cool I-tams as you can muster, even if that sucker was 100 bucks i would still purchase it, the more goodies you can throw in there the better i say :D
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    8. Photo of the BGEE Team.

    Wth !!!

    Are you trying to scare the fans !!! :P
  • StradlinStradlin Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2012
    Cloth map, manual in hard covers, soundtrack cd and 1.8 meters long proper and sharpened two handed sword made out of steel. (+1 enchantment on it preferable but not necessary)

  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    @Stradlin It needs to be a talking sword, otherwise no one will be interested. Preferably one that gives useful insight on how to become rich quickly.

    ... that, or a cloth map and a soundtrack CD, alright.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Shrimp I've got a hunch that they may be saving the original Lilarcor for the BG2:EE limited edition bundle...
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Stradlin @Shrimp , hahahahhaah goooooooood stuff
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Awesome t-shirt idea (which I would totally want for real, it's not just for the humor).

    Black American Apparel with white writing:

    "First, you try to ninja into the code. Then you look around and know there is no way back"
    - so sayeth the wise Cameron Tofer
  • AldarkAldark Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2012
    Awesome t-shirt idea (which I would totally want for real, it's not just for the humor).

    Black American Apparel with white writing:

    "First, you try to ninja into the code. Then you look around and know there is no way back"
    - so sayeth the wise Cameron Tofer
    Just remember, all of us have different sizes of potbelly. If you are XXL and get M size, that is no good. )
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    Hey people what about a Noober talking doll? Can't believe no one mentionned it yet! Hahaha, just joking of course. ;) The poor thing wouldn't survive long!

    More seriously, I'd love something involving Minsc and Boo, either a small litograph as @powerfulally mentionned or a small bust of Minsc with Boo in one hand and pointing his sword with the other ("Go for the eyes, Boo!").

    I also really like the idea of being "back to the roots" with a nice cardboard box + DVD (I don't like to pay for virtual things). A map + a soundtrack CD would be lovely.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    Damn straight, @Yorleen: back to the roots is the way to go!

    Also, you shouldn't have mentioned the Noober talking doll because now I want it.
    Yeah, I know: I want way too many things.

    @Aldark - bummer. I would totally wear that t-shirt.
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    @Yorleen maybe it should be Minsc instructing Boo (pointing two fingers at his eyes and showing something in a distance with other hand), that would indicate "go for the eyes Boo!" quote pretty clearly :D
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    @AndreaColombo Wonder how long you would stand this doll though, before it takes a fly through the window... ;)

    @powerfulally Yeah, good idea! :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    sooooo many possible goodies, for such a small amount of space :(
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @sarevok57 - those that don't make it into the limited edition boxed set can still make it to Beamdog's online store as aftermarket marketing gadgets ;-D
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @AndreaColombo ah a most superb idear, i like yer tinkin :)
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2012
    I'm quite sure BG merchandise would sell quite well. :) I'd gladly buy NPCs' figures for example, of my fave NPCs!

    I mean, you can't include everything in the box so... ;)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i would buy every single pc, and buy a grid or some such, and pretend to play bg 1 & 2 like it were real life or something, maybe i will make them fight dragons or even go in dungeons, oh wait i know, i will make something called dungeons and dragons where you go into dungeons and fight dragons........... hmm, i see that this has already been done, darn, oh well, i will still buy all the pcs :)
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    Actually it would be cool to issue figures of some monsters too! I don't mean tiny steel ones (these you have with the miniature games) but bigger plastic figures.

    I mean, for example, look at the Dr Who figures (yeah, each time I go to London I visit the famous Forbidden Planet shop with its thousands of merchandises for series, movies, video games...) - you find both good and bad guys, including some non-humans. ;)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i would want an iron golem figurine from SoA, despite the fact this is about bg 1, but the iron golems from bg II look so bad arsed its amazing, in my opinion ( no acronyms for anyone ha he hi ho hu :) ) i think they even look better than the 3rd edition ones ( but only slightly, i wont troll that hard at least :) )
  • FlauschigFlauschig Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2012
    Figure of important NPC & cloth map and card game or chain, example: image

    Others (not my favorite): poster with NPC, USB with Baldurs Gate Design


    Post edited by Flauschig on
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