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Limited edition boxed set: ideas and brainstorming



  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    How would a Boxed version work for the Mac and iPad version. I thought the Mac version was exclusive to the Mac App Store, and the ipad to the itunes app store. The only way I could see this working is if Beamdog included a code in the box for at least the Mac version. Otherwise this box would be a PC exclusive I'm guessing.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533

    IIRC, Trent once said on Twitter that if a boxed edition gets done, they'll try to put both the PC and Mac versions in one box. Not sure about iPad.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    Just throwing my 2 cents into here: whether the CE or regular boxed version, a nice spiral bound manual would be wonderful. For those of us who bought the games in the 90s, we might have misplaced that and new players would appreciate not having to alt-tab to look up info. It's really useful having a sturdy hard copy of all the ability tables, etc. I still use my IWD / BG2 manuals when rolling up new characters.
  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    A spiral bound book would be nice, the original was just your typical bound one. BG2 had a spiral.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    BG2 had a spiral.
    Not in Europe, unless you're referring to the collector's edition :-(
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i have both the spiral and non spiral manuals did the collector's edition only come out with spirals?
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    A free pair of socks with every box.

    Why have your feet warm, have them BHAALSPAWN warm.p
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    i really hope for some box release too, because me and there are for sure still a lot of others who feel more comfortable to have a real disc in the own hands where we can install the game oldskool stlye on our computers instead of that digital - strangeness - way of getting a game.

    I know at least a handful persons which would not get the game when there is no option to buy for example on amazon - and i guess its important that as many people DO buy the EE - I am sure no one wants to see it ending as commercial failure and therefore all future plans do go to hell in one big hit.

    A VERY valid point in my opinion. So.. think about that... Please :)

    and btw. i am new here.. Big fan of Baldurs Gate 2 - Looking forward for having finally the option to play the first game in the most awesome version as possible :)
  • ChurchOfBooChurchOfBoo Member Posts: 82
    You can buy guides/walkthrough books for a lot of other games. Why not make a companion box set which did not include the software but which was just a collection of nicely bound manuals and maps and other goodies. I don't really want a .pdf manual for my shiny new BGEE when it comes out.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    If i think of the Witcher 2 Collectors Edition Box.. full of awesome stuff :D In the case of BG... I want to see a revolution of Bonus Material... A legendary Game earns nothing less compared to some Over the Top Box :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    couldnt agree more @IkonNavros
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    (Oh please give it to me)
    That's what she said.

    No for real I asked her she wants a boo softie as well.

    I might just start going to bed with stuffed animals because of BG. NOT in a sexy way, just in a fuzzy way.

  • BKattBKatt Member Posts: 11
    I like your ideas AndreaColombo :)

    May i also suggest adding the old game on a dvd in the limited edition, for nostalgia.

    Perhaps a good/evil coin, to let fate choose your path and destiny? ;)
  • TrebrTrebr Member Posts: 6
    Isn't this moot, at this point there won't be box copies correct:
    "According to a tweet by Beamdog founder Trent Oster, BG: EE will only be hitting Beamdog's website and the App Store on launch date. Boxed copies are also a no go since the business deal for boxed copies is in "limbo."",news-15801.html
  • XenonXenon Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2012
    USB Flash Drive with the face from Sarevok would be nice.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    edited July 2012
    I just want a physical copy of the game, anything extra is a nice bonus. There's something more "real" about installing from a disk than waiting around for a download.

    Also, +1 on no ingame items from a collectors edition. Often you miss out on ingame experiences because it wasn't included in your region or you didn't preorder from the right vendor.

    Hopefully the above post claiming there won't be a boxed copy is inaccurate.

    *edit* Ah, an idea. Why not charge an additional $10-20 for the collector's edition and have all paid DLC free from that point on? You pay an upfront fee then don't need to faff around paying for all the stuff down the line.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    From TrentOster's twitter, it seems that there won't be a physical version in time for the release of BGEE. I'm starting to think that if a boxed collector's edition happens, it'll be for BG2EE's release.

    Would be nice if we could get a boxed edition with both games.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2012
    Hell I have a tiny ink printer designed for making photographs. It's not like a normal printer, gives you images like an old day photograph so they look good. I'm no tech so I can't explain how it works.

    However, I've made stickers with it before so to satisfy my need for BG:EE merchandise I'll just print off some logos and stick them on my desk. Or sell them on the black market to fans illegally AHAHAHAH.

    "Oi mate, you got me the goods?"
    "I got em, but my supplier got cut off so I'm going to have to charge you double."
    "What? I can't afford that. PLEASE man, I need my Baldur's Gate fix."
    "You want em, you pay."

    Plus they can be scented too, SCRATCH N' SNIFF! This one is Bhaalspawn Bite, this one is Sarevok's Armpit, this one is Scent El'Viconia, this one is Druid Grove no.86 and this one is Bandit Scalp.
  • DreadxsisDreadxsis Member Posts: 1
    I agree with most of the stuff on Bhryaen's list...My preferences would be...USB game stick, that could integrate with it's own display base (a great idea people). Soundtrack is a must. A cloth map....hopefully not too synthetic feeling, and the bigger the better...all these tiny, tiny cloth maps barely the size of an A4 page are fairly pointless! A proper game manual (full colour would be nice) they used to make, would be a great retro touch. A figurine of some kind. An Art book. A making of DVD. Cards of joinable NPC stats would be nice, but not essential.

    My main wish is for it to be in a great box like the Starcraft II Collectors Edition. That was killer quality. We don't want a flimsy cardboard one please! Perhaps, in design, it could be a Tome of some kind?? Cannot wait for this to be released...end of summer can't come soon enough!
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    A Boo plushie.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    A Boo plushie.
    Yes! The ranks of the Boo plushie supporters are thickening!

    Also, I'm apparently not the only one saying "plushie" for "soft toy" =D

  • MajoritasMajoritas Member Posts: 16

    Yes! The ranks of the Boo plushie supporters are thickening!

    Also, I'm apparently not the only one saying "plushie" for "soft toy" =D

    Um.. Is there someone who doesn't support the Boo plushie? I hope not!
    Also, "plushie" is totally normal, I can't imagine saying "soft toy".. "Plushie" is easy to say and a wonderful word. :D
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    A Cd with the whole soundtrack.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599

    A door mat with the words "You must gather your party before venturing forth" on it
    This would be pretty amusing :)
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Yeah, I totally support the doormat =D
  • xan212xan212 Member Posts: 65
    Oh, i just want:
    1. BG:EE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    2. Soundtrack
    3. Updated map - poster
  • JJ1897JJ1897 Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012

    A door mat with the words "You must gather your party before venturing forth" on it
    Made my day! Definitely want something referring to these words. If not a doormat (well, that'd be innovative to say the least), then maybe a t-shirt!

  • LekianLekian Member Posts: 108
    I really do not care, but I want a retail copy!!
    I will purchase both digital and retail if it is finally published!
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