I think it makes perfect sense, really... growing up together, going through ordeal after ordeal together... it's poetic that they would end up together, in a way.
They only have a sibling-like relationship if you decide they do. It's not really supported in the dialogue, as I recall.
I want to give it a shot, see how the mod is. It makes sense to me too. My charname cares for Imoen as if they were brother and sister. And when she and Irenicus get arrested by the Cowled Wizards, he worries about Immy's well being to the point where you start wondering: "Does he care about Imoen like a brother... or something more?"
I want to give it a shot, see how the mod is. It makes sense to me too. My charname cares for Imoen as if they were brother and sister. And when she and Irenicus get arrested by the Cowled Wizards, he worries about Immy's well being to the point where you start wondering: "Does he care about Imoen like a brother... or something more?"
"or something more?"
Erm... I have no siblings, but I imagine that if I did, I can't really care about somebody more than I would a close relative like a brother or sister.
Granted romantic love is different to familial love, but I certainly don't think it supercedes it.
Same divine father, different biological fathers. Bhaal himself doesn't have DNA.
No idea how these things work... I mean, I know how they work. Don't know if there's any godly DNA or not.
But usually if you've grown up close to someone you would see them as a sibling regardless of whether they're actually related, rather than a potential mate. Although Imoen doesn't arrive in Candlekeep until ten years after you, according to her bio, so maybe... I don't think it's ever explained in game where she was before then.
Uh, none of them. Viconia has the whole "I'm evil" thing going, and honestly if I'm working on freeing the realms from a dark taint threatening to destroy the land I have more important things to do than worry about Aerie's self-esteem. Like worry about my half-sister's lost soul, the fact I'm slowly turning into a demon, the whole "I'm trying to cope with being a demigod whose death will revive a dark god" and additionally handle the stress of being thrust into an epic struggle of life and death every single day. Forgive me if I can't exert the emotional energy to consul her on the giant scar where her wings were removed. Right now I'm trying to stay calm so I don't grow a giant claw, go berserk and unintentionally rip her in half.
Jaheira definitely has that "strong woman" hotness to her, but when you factor in the substantial age difference and consider that she was friends with your crazy old foster father it seems more like an Oedipal conundrum than a legitimate romance.
*Le sigh* its always the ones you want you can never have.
I see Jaheira's romance as the more healthy one of them, she's a reasonable girl, mature (in mind not in body, she's half elf after all), strong willed and active.
Aerie is just an easy chick that can't make 3 steps in the game without a cry about her lost wings. Don't take me wrong, i like easy chicks (Haer'Delis like them too) , but i don't compromise with them, just that. Why she never regenerated her wings after reach epic levels in ToB is totally beyond me.
Viconia is a Teenager with the illusion of being a badass, she has her flavor also and i romanced her many times, but she's a bit frustating for evil characters as her neutral tendency is easly in sight and her poor attempts of appear evil (which is intentional i think) are shallow and childish.
i identify a lot with Jaheira's character and that makes me like her more than the other romances, but she had an husband, which lead me to think she had relations with him, then after romancing her in the entire BG2 saga, not a single time we had an sweet time... Dafuq is wrong with that girl? No love? Is she celibacy now?
This is a game, and isn't even one with advanced Graphics so no sweet video for romances, but then, in roleplay terms, i just can't see an woman used with regular sex and in need of confort after a huge loss being so focused in... abstinence... (hope to not appear as an dick, i'm a nice person in real life, just saying)!
By the way, would people approve an Feature/Graphic request for more videos in the game when certain conditions are meet (just don't forget to configure auto-pause when they launch plz)? I would suggest videos for the romances in the sweet times and in the most critic moments in the romances as anomen killing the merchant daughter, charname taking the arrow to save Jaheira, viconia meeting her Drider brother with the handmaiden (by the way change the handmaidens, they're very alien demons, not drows).
Other non romance features deserve some video scenes also, as the first time we meet firkgaark or any other dragon in the game, the summon of the lesser demon lord in Ush Natha, Kangaax the Demi-lich and a lot of other moments in the game, but that's banter for another thread !
@kamuizin on the no sex with jaheira part- as you said she is a strong character, mature, and she knows how important what is going on right now is. not to mention much of soa she is getting over Khalid's death. not just that, but does D&D even have condoms? I think that is a little too risky and am glad jaheira and viconia don't pull an aerie on us.
on the videos part- I would love some more videos for these scenes. you just can't provide the kind of reveal you can in video with in game gameplay in bg. that would be a good feature request
Viconia has the whole "I'm evil" thing going, and honestly if I'm working on freeing the realms from a dark taint threatening to destroy the land I have more important things to do than worry about Aerie's self-esteem. Like worry about my half-sister's lost soul, the fact I'm slowly turning into a demon, the whole "I'm trying to cope with being a demigod whose death will revive a dark god" and additionally handle the stress of being thrust into an epic struggle of life and death every single day.
No room for love in the life of a hardworkin' man.
If you don't like Aerie talking about her wings or slavery, then you don't have to keep encouraging her to talk about them. To me, it comes across as a little bit disingenuous to keep doing that, then tell her to stop complaining. That said, I think Aerie would have fit better into the little sister role in the party, since she's there because she wants to learn from all of you, and I was surprised it was her not Nalia that was the romance option. But I suppose Nalia is more interested in Amn and the political situation than in bhaalspawn which is just a bit of an unwelcome distraction for her; she makes that pretty clear when you summon her in ToB.
Same divine father, different biological fathers. Bhaal himself doesn't have DNA.
That's not what the game implies: Bhaal went around physically impregnating women of every race. And clearly some kind of DNA was at work, because otherwise those women would have given birth to an entire generation of exclusively-female Bhaalspawn.
That's not what the game implies: Bhaal went around physically impregnating women of every race. And clearly some kind of DNA was at work, because otherwise those women would have given birth to an entire generation of exclusively-female Bhaalspawn.
Right. An avatar's DNA isn't Bhaal's DNA. Each of his forms would have different, mortal DNA, but Bhaal himself has transcended such things. The Bhaalspawn aren't actually, physically, related by blood unless they were sired by the same mortal shape.
That said, I think Aerie would have fit better into the little sister role in the party, since she's there because she wants to learn from all of you, and I was surprised it was her not Nalia that was the romance option.
Maybe I'm just getting old but I always found Aerie too darned whiny!! I often fantasized that "I" was the one who hacked her wings & smiled doing it....and I play a paladin!! Nalia is too conflicted and immature. Viconia may be a delicious morsel of Drow womanhood, but as a paladin I have better things to do than convert a heathen drow, but by the same token, as a paladin, I have to save her as she was unjustly condemned to death by bigoted athkatlan's , but send her on her way. That leaves Jaheira and I like how they explored her gentler side so to speak in BG2 and giving her a sort of vulnerability that I always found endearing. I forget who said this and I'm honestly too lazy to scroll through 4 pages to find it again but, someone mentioned how The romance started as a very close friendship after travelling together through bg1, dealing with their imprisonment & the death of Khalid & blossomed gradually into a nice love story. I too love strong, independent women. My train of thought derailed as I've been commenting on too many topics, trying to make up for lost time these past 6 months I was away.
If a male Bhaalspawn mates with a female Bhaalspawn, is there a possibility for the child to get Bhaal genes from both and essentially be Bhaal?
Well, see, that was the original premise behind Baldur's Gate... But the developers were afraid of coming under fire, and just made what we now play, instead.
Same divine father, different biological fathers. Bhaal himself doesn't have DNA.
That's not what the game implies: Bhaal went around physically impregnating women of every race. And clearly some kind of DNA was at work, because otherwise those women would have given birth to an entire generation of exclusively-female Bhaalspawn.
Careful when bringing real world knowledge to a fantasy world. We do not know how reproduction works on Toril. Even in the real world, if you look at species other then mamals, the mechanismen for determing the offspring´s sex can be vastly different, and for several species it is perfectly possible for a female to produce male offspring asexually.
Not to mention if reproduction would work the same way as on earth there should be emans and hulfs instead of halfelfs ( like liger and tigon for lion/tiger crossbreeeds ) since the female gamete has a bigger influence on the offspring than the male one.
Jaheira is the bestest and most attractive of em. I disagree with the notion "but she just lost Khalid, aint that creepy/weird?"
I mean, first of all, use suspension of disbelief. This is a CRPG. Just imagine that more time had passed or something. Also, she might need comfort from a new companion. I know this can happen very fast IRL for some people whose partner dies. Cant say how fast though.
I'd say the Viconia romance is more of a stretch to me. She comes from a culture of extreme racism and sexism and just goes and falls in love and lets herself be guided by a surfacer male. If it was just the sex (which is also weird considering drow racism) but she falls for him.
But I think Neera is shaping up to be real cool as well.
Jaheira is the bestest and most attractive of em. I disagree with the notion "but she just lost Khalid, aint that creepy/weird?"
I think the creepy/weird bit is more that she's introduced as a close friend of your character's "father" - setting aside the age difference (since she's a half-elf and it gets complicated), it's that transition from surrogate guardian to love interest that tends to put some people off Jaheira's romance.
I'd say the Viconia romance is more of a stretch to me. She comes from a culture of extreme racism and sexism and just goes and falls in love and lets herself be guided by a surfacer male. If it was just the sex (which is also weird considering drow racism) but she falls for him.
All of which would be true except that Viconia isn't a typical drow, which is why she was exiled in the first place.
i find viconia has the most depth of the romance interests. her stories are interesting (at least) and her struggle seems believable. most importantly there seems to be solid reason and motivation for her behavior and occasionally she has what seems like actual discussion, as opposed to therapy session. i like how romance progress seems to be result of your built up influence and actions although she has CONSISTENT character and your word goes only so far.
(as opposed to: AnonymousNPC: "i have no wings! i suffer!" PC: "i't not so bad down here." AnonymousNPC: "ok then, make me a woman now." O.o )
romance is pathetic in standard "tortured soul" way though, but i don't find it forced (nowadays it seems like every bad hair day counts as a trauma to bemoan to PC endlessly)
without question i consider viconia the best videogame romance up to date.
I want viconia romance added/extended/improved. The swing of either good/evil... If my paladin has a sold sport in his honor for dark elves or my blackguard needs someone to help drink the blood of bhallspawns I absorb.
I find Aerie's personality and voice extremely grating. I did play through the romance once, and decided to never include her in my party ever again.
The Jaheira romance was frustrating, back in the day, because there was a bug that prevented it playing out properly (I believe that it involved a time-based trigger that was easy to miss). That was quite frustrating! Hopefully this will be fixed for BG2EE, as I'd actually like to see how that romance plays out some day.
Viconia's romance always was my favourite. It's not perfect, but it's way more interesting than Aerie's, and isn't bugged like Jaheira's.
Erm... I have no siblings, but I imagine that if I did, I can't really care about somebody more than I would a close relative like a brother or sister.
Granted romantic love is different to familial love, but I certainly don't think it supercedes it.
Aerie will romance a gnome, IIRC. Although I don't think they thought it through all the way to ToB.
But usually if you've grown up close to someone you would see them as a sibling regardless of whether they're actually related, rather than a potential mate. Although Imoen doesn't arrive in Candlekeep until ten years after you, according to her bio, so maybe... I don't think it's ever explained in game where she was before then.
Uh, none of them. Viconia has the whole "I'm evil" thing going, and honestly if I'm working on freeing the realms from a dark taint threatening to destroy the land I have more important things to do than worry about Aerie's self-esteem. Like worry about my half-sister's lost soul, the fact I'm slowly turning into a demon, the whole "I'm trying to cope with being a demigod whose death will revive a dark god" and additionally handle the stress of being thrust into an epic struggle of life and death every single day.
Forgive me if I can't exert the emotional energy to consul her on the giant scar where her wings were removed. Right now I'm trying to stay calm so I don't grow a giant claw, go berserk and unintentionally rip her in half.
Jaheira definitely has that "strong woman" hotness to her, but when you factor in the substantial age difference and consider that she was friends with your crazy old foster father it seems more like an Oedipal conundrum than a legitimate romance.
*Le sigh* its always the ones you want you can never have.
Aerie is just an easy chick that can't make 3 steps in the game without a cry about her lost wings. Don't take me wrong, i like easy chicks (Haer'Delis like them too)
Viconia is a Teenager with the illusion of being a badass, she has her flavor also and i romanced her many times, but she's a bit frustating for evil characters as her neutral tendency is easly in sight and her poor attempts of appear evil (which is intentional i think) are shallow and childish.
i identify a lot with Jaheira's character and that makes me like her more than the other romances, but she had an husband, which lead me to think she had relations with him, then after romancing her in the entire BG2 saga, not a single time we had an sweet time... Dafuq is wrong with that girl? No love? Is she celibacy now?
This is a game, and isn't even one with advanced Graphics so no sweet video for romances, but then, in roleplay terms, i just can't see an woman used with regular sex and in need of confort after a huge loss being so focused in... abstinence... (hope to not appear as an dick, i'm a nice person in real life, just saying)!
By the way, would people approve an Feature/Graphic request for more videos in the game when certain conditions are meet (just don't forget to configure auto-pause when they launch plz)? I would suggest videos for the romances in the sweet times and in the most critic moments in the romances as anomen killing the merchant daughter, charname taking the arrow to save Jaheira, viconia meeting her Drider brother with the handmaiden (by the way change the handmaidens, they're very alien demons, not drows).
Other non romance features deserve some video scenes also, as the first time we meet firkgaark or any other dragon in the game, the summon of the lesser demon lord in Ush Natha, Kangaax the Demi-lich and a lot of other moments in the game, but that's banter for another thread
on the videos part- I would love some more videos for these scenes. you just can't provide the kind of reveal you can in video with in game gameplay in bg. that would be a good feature request
I forget who said this and I'm honestly too lazy to scroll through 4 pages to find it again but, someone mentioned how The romance started as a very close friendship after travelling together through bg1, dealing with their imprisonment & the death of Khalid & blossomed gradually into a nice love story. I too love strong, independent women. My train of thought derailed as I've been commenting on too many topics, trying to make up for lost time these past 6 months I was away.
Even in the real world, if you look at species other then mamals, the mechanismen for determing the offspring´s sex can be vastly different, and for several species it is perfectly possible for a female to produce male offspring asexually.
Not to mention if reproduction would work the same way as on earth there should be emans and hulfs instead of halfelfs ( like liger and tigon for lion/tiger crossbreeeds ) since the female gamete has a bigger influence on the offspring than the male one.
But that is now far offtopic isn´t it ?
I mean, first of all, use suspension of disbelief. This is a CRPG. Just imagine that more time had passed or something. Also, she might need comfort from a new companion. I know this can happen very fast IRL for some people whose partner dies. Cant say how fast though.
I'd say the Viconia romance is more of a stretch to me. She comes from a culture of extreme racism and sexism and just goes and falls in love and lets herself be guided by a surfacer male. If it was just the sex (which is also weird considering drow racism) but she falls for him.
But I think Neera is shaping up to be real cool as well.
most importantly there seems to be solid reason and motivation for her behavior and occasionally she has what seems like actual discussion, as opposed to therapy session. i like how romance progress seems to be result of your built up influence and actions although she has CONSISTENT character and your word goes only so far.
(as opposed to: AnonymousNPC: "i have no wings! i suffer!" PC: "i't not so bad down here." AnonymousNPC: "ok then, make me a woman now." O.o )
romance is pathetic in standard "tortured soul" way though, but i don't find it forced (nowadays it seems like every bad hair day counts as a trauma to bemoan to PC endlessly)
without question i consider viconia the best videogame romance up to date.
The Jaheira romance was frustrating, back in the day, because there was a bug that prevented it playing out properly (I believe that it involved a time-based trigger that was easy to miss). That was quite frustrating! Hopefully this will be fixed for BG2EE, as I'd actually like to see how that romance plays out some day.
Viconia's romance always was my favourite. It's not perfect, but it's way more interesting than Aerie's, and isn't bugged like Jaheira's.