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Post-ship features: what would you like?

AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
This thread is for listing our desiderata in terms of post-ship features and interaction between the developers and gamers.

I'll start with a few ideas of mine:

- Weekly portrait feature. As suggested in my request thread for a wider selection of portraits, I believe it would be great to release a number of new portraits drawn by Nat Jones (e.g. 2) every week for a predetermined number of weeks after the game is released. You can never have too many portraits, and it would assist in covering as many race/class/sex combinations as possible.
- Weekly paperdoll feature. I have already put forth a request for new, high resolution paperdolls drawn by Nat Jones. However, if time was tight and that couldn't be done before the game was released, I believe it could be a high appreciated post-ship feature. Every week, one category of new paperdolls is made available for download until all paperdolls have been covered. E.g., week one Male Fighter paperdolls are released; week two is for Female Fighter paperdolls; and so on. Of course, it would be nice if half-elves could look different from elves and tieflings, and gones could look different from dwarves. Also, let us not forget beardless lady dwarves and gnomes ;-)
- Weekly animations feature. What about the addition of new animations to the game? If the game was made "Infinity Animations" compliant (I have already put forth a request for this), adding animations would not be a problem. Has it ever bugged you that all fiends display the same, generic tanar'ri animation? Isn't it wierd that all Sirines look the same as Dryds, Nereids and Nymphs? It's time for some variety! Also, the new models could be high resolution, which never hurts ;-) Dual-wielding support for BG1 character animations could be part of this feature, and a very welcome part if I can say so myself.
- "Interactive" bugfixing. Gamers, and especially modders, are likely to run into a variety of bugs the develoeprs weren't even aware of. Their bug reports should be taken into consideration for post-release patches.

More ideas?
Post edited by Coriander on


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I think bug fixes will most certainly be addressed (especially if they are bugs introduced by BGEE).

    All your other ideas look nice.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Maybe a new NPC or kit every so often would be nice.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    God darnit, do you all lack the insightfulness to click, uh, insightful on my post? Be you misclicking and disagreeing, or even, flagging? I thought it was funny, he wouldn't be offended. That is the classic joke when you're asked how to get out of Candlekeep, you say CLOSE THE GAME. It's genius man.

    ANYWAY, if a serious answer will redeem it, I'll give one. I think post-ship interaction is a good idea, but it adds to their overall workload. I'm more concerned with them fixing bugs and updating features with patches rather than portraits. Animations and paperdolls are a good idea though, if those can be addressed.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2012
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    I think I see the error of my ways.

    Did I get a paddlin?
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    @Ward Updated.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305

    Make a joke about Trent helping noobs by trolling em'..

    ..that's a paddlin'.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    dont worry Ward i laughed myself silly when i saw your post, good stuff :D
  • CameronToferCameronTofer Administrator, Developer Posts: 279
    I laughed
  • unfortunate_oneunfortunate_one Member Posts: 44
    I love the idea a few more portraits. I really hate stealing a pic from one of the NPC's. I never had a portrait that fit my character. I always felt like I settled on a pic. The portraits are GREAT, but not enough of a variety.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Hi @unfortunate_one

    you should jump the happy Wider Selection of Portraits bandwagon, then ;-)
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    I like the weekly portrait idea.

    The paperdolls and animations, though, shouldn't be done piece-meal. If they're going to do them, it should be all at once, released as one or more patches (one for paperdolls, one for animations). Otherwise, the change will look somewhat jarring.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    OMG @Cadros this move oozes epic win! :D
  • pablomnipablomni Member Posts: 94
    edited July 2012
    la vista isométrica estará estática o tendrá algo de rotación?? Espero que se le acerque a los gráficos que hoy tenemos en juegos, aunque sea un poco, no pido mucho.... o si??
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    Weekly animations feature! Be it some spell vfx, an ambience bird or swarm of flies I dont care. I just love non static things in games.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited July 2012

    Vou responder em Português e esperar que me percebas.

    Infelizmente, os gráficos não deverão fugir muito do que temos para o BG2. Provavelmente as melhorias gráficas irão apenas ser vísiveis ao nível do GUI, e através da possibilidade de Zoom e de jogar em resoluções melhores.

    Se não te sentes confortável em postar em Inglês, existe um subfórum Espanhol onde alguém talvez te possa dar melhores informações em Espanhol:ñol
  • pablomnipablomni Member Posts: 94
    edited July 2012
    ok muito obrigado Tanthalas, eu posso entender Português. Aflige-me saber que no haverá substancial nos gráficos melhores, algo que tinha me animado. Assim, dependendo do que você vê vai decidir se o jogo. Foi o melhor jogo que eu jogava até hoje e espero que este servirá para lançar um BG3 para as alturas dos tempos. Saudações da Argentina
  • carugacaruga Member Posts: 375
    I don't understand the necessity of this thread. It is already implicit that if they can't implement something in the current dev cycle then it will have to be postponed. I mean, how would _I_ decide whether a feature I want is something that should be post-ship or not, i.e. what's the difference between a post-ship feature that belongs in this thread, and a non-post-ship feature that has its own thread in the 'new features' subforum?
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited July 2012
    If new animations/graphics/whatever visuals are to be done, they could do it like you suggest @AndreaColombo, slowly after the release.

    Thing is, if they are considering moving to BG3 exactly after BG2:EE, and they build a new engine for it or something, then they probably won't do it and save it for then.

    Unless of course they start altering animations and graphics from now slowly till then, and use the enhanced infinity engine with all the graphic and animation tweaks for BG3, which could work i guess.

    But yeah, i'd like to see new animations/models released in parts.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited July 2012
    @caruga - I just brought forward a thread that would/could have been born after the game's release. All things listed in the OP are post-ship features that wouldn't really fit in the current Feature Requests forum (mainly due to their recurring nature). As for how to decide whether to ask for something here or in the Feature Requests forum, that's up to your discretion. There are features the devs have already announced as post-ship, or said they would slip post-ship.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I'd love to have as many portrait as possible, especially after having the confirmation that mr. Jones can draw 'em very well the Baldur's Gate style (see Philip Daigle's Profile picture as reference)

    HD paperdolls would also be awesome actually. Well, that's why Icewind Dale 2 screwed things up a bit - NO PAPERDOLLS D;

    If I could implement something is perhaps small easter eggs or hidden things. I just had an illumination tonight, I had a dream where I played BGEE. I used Freedom (the spell) in a random area of the game and a 1000 years old prehistoric adventurer appeared in front of me and thanked me for freeing him. As a reward I got the mystic Root of the Problem (the only magical club in the game, which never was introduced into it)
    If they could add such small details after the game's release, I would be very happy! XD
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2012
    HD paperdolls would also be awesome actually. Well, that's why Icewind Dale 2 screwed things up a bit - NO PAPERDOLLS D;
    @Cheesebelly I just thought about the IWD2 no-paperdolls, actually, I prefer the way IWD2 handled it - a window with your character animtaion - rather the awful AWFUL paperdolls of bg2....

  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Bg2 paper dolls were awful.... Bit BG 1 dolls were awesome.
  • LekianLekian Member Posts: 108
    @Space_hamster: Completely agree
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    I took another look on the comparison between BG1 and BG2 paperdolls that was originaly posted by @AndreaColombo
    ... Horrible!!!

    I just LOVE to complain about the BG2 paperdolls, they have rightfully earned it!!!

    regarding the OP, I would love to see my Gnoll stronghold idea being implemented, Trent said they might look to it "down the road" so I have a 0.01% of hope :-D

  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I agree that Baldur's Gate 1 paperdolls were better than the ones on BG2 (mainly because they looked more realistic, instead of too cartoony I guess? ) but still, I liked having paperdolls more than not have them. I don't know why, maybe I am drunk or something similar. But they kind of added some sort of immersion.

    But that's just my opinion of course!

    HD paperdolls could be interesting to say the least though. (especially if half-elves got separate ones)
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I don't know who the designer is who designed the BG2 paper dolls, of whether or not he's on the Beamdog team, but I can just picture him reading this forum and going "I tried! I swear I tried! Forgive meee!"

    I do agree with a graphics update being my first choice. Not that I mind the graphics (in fact, I love them) but we've got a hundred mods that give quests and NPC's, very few that change/upgrade graphics. That's something that's best left to the professionals, so I've got my hopes set on our dear development team.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    lol @Drugar

    you just need to search "BG2 Paperdolls" in google to know the general feeling about them, it is irreversible damage! :-)

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