Seriously, though. The amount of anticipation and speculation is kinda great. I think they've made everyone really curious about her. Just check out that thread about most anticipated things in BG2EE!
The thread NPC with unique race (for BG2:EE) touch the subject pretty well (while i don't know why the devs closed that thread, there's no reason for it but well...)
@RedGuard also highly supported this idea. There was a pool for doppleganger request as NPC but i can't find it atm !.
We should get Clairvoyance or Farsight spell icon badges if we're correct about our predictions
In December, send me a message with a link to your accurate, pre-launch, prediction and I'll give you a badge. I'll even accept non-Hexxat predictions if you made one in a different thread.
December because I don't want ya'll flaunting your new bling and spoiling things for people that want to make their own discoveries. And I'll be busy in November. And I didn't get you anything for Christmas yet.
Edit: By pre-launch I mean before the public gets game data. So before pre-load.
Given that we have seen both Frenned and Frennie used as portrait names (Frenned appearing to to be the portrait of "Hexxat") are we likely to have another gender swapping character on our hands? Move over Edwin!
I'd hazard a guess that DLCDN and DLCNE are Dorn and Neera, given that they're DLC characters on iOS while Rasaad is core.
I dunno, it's about as likely as anything else at this point. Still, Frennie is a funny name for a dragon.
She's probably Human, or some close approximation of one (either something that can look human, like a doppelgänger, or a specific human sub-race). People have said her name sounds draconic, do we know any human cultures that would be inclined to use draconic names or the draconic language more generally? That might be a hint or just a red herring.
Her hair is purple. I am disinclined to believe it is an effect of lighting or that she dyes it. This might indicate some kind of planetouched nature, or something else entirely. Regardless I am going to say that I do not think she is completely human, possibly even remotely human, despite her appearance. She is, however, certainly not going to be an elf, or part elf, and for that we can only be thankful. In a game with coming up to 5 romancable females in it, at least one of them should not have something of the elven in them, fetishes be damned
I'm going to put her alignment as probably Neutral Evil. Failing this I think she will start Neutral and then might be able to be influenced to fall to evil in some fashion. Though I privately want Rasaad to have a potential corruption plotline.
I'm still thinking she'll be a shadowdancer. I think shadowdancer is at least fairly likely given its marketing push as a mobility class and her apparent function as an archer (extrapolating from the screens). Also her colour-scheme in terms of background and hair seems to be purple, and I've seen purple associated with shadows and/or darkness in other media.
Hmm, time to lay down an unpopular prediction: I predict Hexxat/Frennie/Frencat/Frenned is going to be a swashbuckler, which will be blazingly apparent if you see how the rest of that outfit looks.
Separately but furthermore, I predict that she is an oddly-colored aasimar that grew up in the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia who has already slipped down to a Chaotic Neutral alignment and may yet have further to fall. She seeks artifacts from around the globe because, well, that's the kind of grand adventure a swashbuckler aspires to. She's done a few things she isn't proud of and has travelled with githyanki pirates in the past.
Now it's time for me to be overwhelmingly incorrect.
I am genuinely curious about her
There are Purple Dragons, right? If not, why not?
Seriously, though. The amount of anticipation and speculation is kinda great. I think they've made everyone really curious about her. Just check out that thread about most anticipated things in BG2EE!
I really hope her name isn't "Frenned" or "Frennie."
I mean Hexxat ;p
Hexxat being a Dopppleganger would certainly be interesting.
The thread NPC with unique race (for BG2:EE) touch the subject pretty well (while i don't know why the devs closed that thread, there's no reason for it but well...)
@RedGuard also highly supported this idea. There was a pool for doppleganger request as NPC but i can't find it atm
December because I don't want ya'll flaunting your new bling and spoiling things for people that want to make their own discoveries. And I'll be busy in November. And I didn't get you anything for Christmas yet.
Edit: By pre-launch I mean before the public gets game data. So before pre-load.
Okay I predict that I will enjoy BG2:EE!
I'd hazard a guess that DLCDN and DLCNE are Dorn and Neera, given that they're DLC characters on iOS while Rasaad is core.
Ok fat chance of that, but whatever
She's probably Human, or some close approximation of one (either something that can look human, like a doppelgänger, or a specific human sub-race). People have said her name sounds draconic, do we know any human cultures that would be inclined to use draconic names or the draconic language more generally? That might be a hint or just a red herring.
Her hair is purple. I am disinclined to believe it is an effect of lighting or that she dyes it. This might indicate some kind of planetouched nature, or something else entirely. Regardless I am going to say that I do not think she is completely human, possibly even remotely human, despite her appearance. She is, however, certainly not going to be an elf, or part elf, and for that we can only be thankful. In a game with coming up to 5 romancable females in it, at least one of them should not have something of the elven in them, fetishes be damned
I'm going to put her alignment as probably Neutral Evil. Failing this I think she will start Neutral and then might be able to be influenced to fall to evil in some fashion. Though I privately want Rasaad to have a potential corruption plotline.
I'm still thinking she'll be a shadowdancer. I think shadowdancer is at least fairly likely given its marketing push as a mobility class and her apparent function as an archer (extrapolating from the screens). Also her colour-scheme in terms of background and hair seems to be purple, and I've seen purple associated with shadows and/or darkness in other media.
Separately but furthermore, I predict that she is an oddly-colored aasimar that grew up in the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia who has already slipped down to a Chaotic Neutral alignment and may yet have further to fall. She seeks artifacts from around the globe because, well, that's the kind of grand adventure a swashbuckler aspires to. She's done a few things she isn't proud of and has travelled with githyanki pirates in the past.
Now it's time for me to be overwhelmingly incorrect.
Portrait name is Frenned.
Backwards: Dennerf.
Den nerf.
Shadowdancers recently underwent a highly controversial nerf.
Confirmed for shadowdancer.