Phase III

Congratulations! Phase II is now complete.
We know that there are still some issues, and we're committed to resolving them in time. That said, we want to get this patch out so that the people with certain hardware will finally be able to play.
Therefore, we'll have a poll. The more positive feedback we get, the more people we'll bring into the beta to try it out.
If you don't think this patch is ready for more testers, tell us why.
I can't guarantee that everyone who emails me will be added immediately, but if you're interested in getting involved, that's the information I need to put you on the list.
Phase III
In Phase III, don't worry about trying to break things; just play through the game like you would normally.We know that there are still some issues, and we're committed to resolving them in time. That said, we want to get this patch out so that the people with certain hardware will finally be able to play.
Therefore, we'll have a poll. The more positive feedback we get, the more people we'll bring into the beta to try it out.
If you don't think this patch is ready for more testers, tell us why.
If you haven't already tried the beta, PLEASE do not vote. You're on the honor system. Boo is watching you closely.
Update: How to Get Involved
If you'd like to be considered for the next round of provisions, send me an email ( ) with a subject line of "BETA ACCESS" (all caps) and text as follows:Please add me to the list for Phase III testing. My beamdog email address is:If you do not give me your Beamdog email address, or if you have not purchased the game through the Beamdog website, you will not get access to the beta.
I have purchased the game directly through Beamdog for [Windows or Mac].
I can't guarantee that everyone who emails me will be added immediately, but if you're interested in getting involved, that's the information I need to put you on the list.
- Phase III270 votes
- Yes, the patch is awesome! Close the beta and release the patch!45.56%
- The patch is good, but it needs more testing. Bring more people into the beta!52.59%
- No, don't add more people to the beta yet; fix this issue first. (Please specify)  1.85%
Post edited by Dee on
This discussion has been closed.
Are there still bugs in the Beta? Yes, but to my untrained eye nothing I've seen in the Beta forum or experienced personally should keep this Patch from being released.
Sorry for the bad grammar :-)
If this means that the biggest work will end and beamdog will move to other things - then its better to continue with the beta
As I'm inclined to suspect that the second option is more likely, I would prefer the beta to continue.
But gameplay/content wise, there is still some work to be done. To me there is nothing worse than that ONE quest which is broken, or system that doesn't calculate properly, that spoils the whole thing.
With more people testing, it'll cast a bigger net to catch those annoying bugs.
To me, the game is the best it's ever been. But an extra coat of polish can't hurt.
I think the patch is ready. There are still a few bugs (berserk comes to mind) to fix and there are always things that can be polished (interface?), but I think those bugs can be pushed to the next patch. This one is big enough already and releasing it sooner rather than later could help sales on BG2.
@Dee please delete at your convenience, sorry.
As of right now 56% picked my choice. 42% said release the patch. 1% (two people) picked the last option.
132 people have voted.
Edit: Updated.
Or Do I need to request it? Or its not open-open yet and only certain people can check it out right now?
I know that it would be ok to release it very soon, but more there are people more will it be closer to perfection... I mean, I know I take a path when testing... And, to my knowledge, it's about always the same... I test the things I think are important... But I know, that those things aren't what everyone else finds important... So, they test other things... And more things are tested, more bugs and glitches alike will be fixed!
Maybe leave the purely visual glitches alone for now, focus on fixing the others and then release the patch? Although I guess in the end my preference all depends on how many players are going to be let in on phase 3 of the beta.
The only game-breaking bug I've experienced so far is Shoal and that should be fixed before the patch goes official or before the public beta. The "angry confetti ice cave" and "ludicrous speed Iron Throne roof" should definitely be fixed before the official patch too, lest they think the priorities of the dev team are out of whack. And we can't have that, given the number of naysayers out there that still think BG1/TuTu with mods is superior.
I just wanted a more complete patch and wouldn't mind waiting
After each patch, no matter how much content was added, people complained about the continued existence of bugs. If only to lower the amount of 'rage' threads [but really because I know you guys take pride in the work and want to give the best quality with the resources - human and otherwise - you have available at each point in time
If the process can be sped up by bringing more people into the beta then my vote's cast there.