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Phase III



  • EffinyEffiny Member Posts: 378
    Adul said:

    Why not just make the beta entirely public, and let everyone with a Beamdog BG:EE access download it? Then people who are eager to would have access to the patched game, and I think everyone would still understand there are still unresolved issues with this version.

    I just don't feel comfortable with you guys releasing yet another patch that introduces new bugs. I fear it might take another 7 months to fix them.

    7 months???? I just had a heart attack...Don't do this to me again, please. :-))
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    edited October 2013
    This poll is biased. I recommend you to read How to make a good poll tutorial if you haven't already. ;)

    Joking aside, after stuttering gone, the patch is pretty much ready. What I'd like to see before it ships however, is proper descriptions of all innate abilities.
  • SaradasSaradas Member Posts: 148
    I agree that the best idea is probably to release it during the week end.. this way, testers still have 2 days available, and players will not have to wait too long for it
  • bnvdarklordbnvdarklord Member Posts: 15
    I'm not in the beta, so I can't vote, but isn't there a 4th phase regarding multiplayer? How can the patch be released before that phase?
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    So what are the results so far? There ought to be an option for beta-non-participants too see the scores.
  • darrenkuodarrenkuo Member Posts: 366
    I had already played beta version now , therefore fix the bugs and make sure no potential issue is most important for me , if you would like to enjoy the new patch , just buy beamdog version directly which can give you more fun
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Dino said:

    So what are the results so far? There ought to be an option for beta-non-participants too see the scores.

    43% in favor of releasing, 55% wanting to wait. 0% for third option (one guy).
    Yeah I know that doesn't add up to 100% (The poll needs a patch!) and the number of voters does seem higher than are probably in the test. But only Dee would know that for sure. :)

  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Just to get this straight: The beta is still active and closed or is it now open but still active?
  • RythgarRythgar Member Posts: 101
    The damage bug for Berserking and the Hit Dice bug for Dual/Multi-class.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    From what I've played so far, I haven't ran into any issues. .. . . Unless you call death by Fireball via Neera's wild surge a bug, but I think that is working as intended. However, I think we may need some more eyes to find bugs.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    edited October 2013
    Dino said:

    Just to get this straight: The beta is still active and closed or is it now open but still active?

    Not sure I quite understand your question. Open as in still working on it or are you asking if its an Open/Closed beta?

    But nothing has changed on the Beta. Its still active, it can still be tested, and they're still checking bugs. This wont change even if they do release the current patch. I just downloaded a small update to it this morning in fact. (probably small stuff since I don't see a patch note).

    I guess it would still be considered a closed beta if that's what you're asking. Not available to the general public yet.

  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    edited October 2013

    Dino said:

    Just to get this straight: The beta is still active and closed or is it now open but still active?

    Not sure I quite understand your question. But nothing has changed on the Beta. Its still open, it can still be tested, and they're still checking bugs. This wont change even if they do release the current patch. I just downloaded a small update to it this morning in fact. (probably small stuff since I don't see a patch note)

    So I can participate now? Can I download the beta patch from Beamdog?
    It was not available for phase 1 and 2

    I guess it would still be considered a closed beta if that's what you're asking. Not available to the general public yet.

  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    There are still some major issues that need to be resolved. Devs shouldn't wait until all bugs are fixed, but for example hit points being wrong for multi and dual class characters is something that definitely needs to be fixed before release.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Dino said:

    So I can participate now? Can I download the beta patch from Beamdog?
    It was not available for phase 1 and 2

    I realized you might have meant the other definition of open after I posted that, so edited the above. No you can't.

  • killeahkilleah Member Posts: 124
    I can wait another year, as long as it means a better gaming experience, a.e less bugs. Then again I haven't played the beta, which prolly wouldn't be any good, as I didn't have any issues with the game before the patch.

    So yea lets opt for a release with bg ii and get the entire package, all ready to go
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    edited October 2013

    Dino said:

    So I can participate now? Can I download the beta patch from Beamdog?
    It was not available for phase 1 and 2

    I realized you might have meant the other definition of open after I posted that, so edited the above. No you can't.

    Yeah I thought I read somewhere that phase 3 was supposed to be 'open' where the two previous phases were limited to a certain number of participants.

    Patience is a virtue I guess!
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400

    I'm not in the beta, so I can't vote, but isn't there a 4th phase regarding multiplayer? How can the patch be released before that phase?

    To what extent has multiplayer been tested in the beta? I'm definitely up for joining a game with a bunch of players, but so far there doesn't seem to be much multiplayer activity.
  • AendaeronBluescaleAendaeronBluescale Member Posts: 335
    @Dee do I have to re-enlist if I already participated in Beta Phase II?
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Sylvus_Moonbow in regards to creating more points for interesting discussion than to be in disagreement :)

    Being the supplier of my current avatar picture, how can we ever be in disagreement?

    You quite rightly pointed out...

    BG:EE should not be moved out of beta. There's still many issues to resolve.

    On these I agree.

    But it is only the dialogue loop that is truly is game breaking. Multiclass hp being wrong on level up and such are annoying but not truly game breaking.

    Perhaps my perspective is warped (beyond being an ancient mummified corpse of course) in that I am playing using an intel chip.

    Without the Beta, I would still be unable to play the game.

    In fact not entirely true, I managed to jump through hoops and use Linux and the app wine to run BG on my computer...

    But it was... painful...

    There must be many people like me, ancient mummified corpses, with ancient mummified computers with intel chips, out there still not able to play the game without awful stuttering and slowdowns.

    For those people, I say, release the kraken.

    ...I mean patch.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560

    The closed beta is still active. They just sent out new invites this morning, so if you didn't get one and want one, read Dee's post:

    The next (and final!) phase is open beta for a multiplayer stress test.
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    PugPug said:


    The closed beta is still active. They just sent out new invites this morning, so if you didn't get one and want one, read Dee's post:

    The next (and final!) phase is open beta for a multiplayer stress test.

    Yep, already sent a mail

  • XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
    Okay, today's update finally fixed low-res movies problem.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I voted to release it now, but then I hit the fire-effects crash bug that was just added to the tracker, and I consider it pretty gamebreaking. I hope that's fixed before the patch goes out.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    We've got that one fixed internally. It will most likely be in the next beta update.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Hooray! Assuming you're directing that towards me, of course, @Dee.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862

    BG:EE should not be moved out of beta. There's still many issues to resolve.


    Good news, more than half of those is already confirmed fixed :)
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited October 2013
    Can't see any other thread about it, guess I'll just ask here; just downloaded the beta installer and all is well and dandy until I fire up the launcher which does a generic Windows crash. Common issue? Doing something wrong?
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