BG2EE iPad release date

I am wondering what the iPad release date is. Is it also scheduled for Nov 15th? Or is that the app-store submission date, and there will be a delay for app review? Or (worst case) is Nov 15th just the desktop release date and the iPad release date is TBD?
I'm hoping it's either the first or second case.
I'm hoping it's either the first or second case.
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The Ipad version will be not release the Nov. 15th but soon after. So we can expect it for end of November or half of December.
I don't think patches to existing apps have the same restriction, so we shouldn't have to wait so long for BG1 1.2 (I hope).
We haven't submitted to the iOS App Store yet, so at least a couple weeks.
Anger management issues?
More like a "paid-for-a-well-running-BBEE-with-anounced-full-german-language-support-and-got-buggy-english-version-and-endless-false-promises"-issue...
He also said december 2nd ipad patch was due for 1.2 on regular baldurs gate.
1 week later nothing.
apple freeze their update in a few days.
I'm done with beamdog and their made up lies.
As someone who gives estimates for completing software, I would like to inform you that missing a target date for the release of software is not lying. Anyone who thinks that estimates for when software will be completed are promises is naive. The delays are extremely disappointing, but not surprising. Welcome to the world of software.
I understand that some people have a hard time dealing with disppointment and tend to cope with rage. I look forward to an improved experience when the new patch finally arrives. While I find the current release enjoyable, I decided to wait for a patch a while back for the best experience. It is annoying that the wait has been so long, but there are plenty of other things to do in life.
To me it's hours or max a day or 2.
Apple takes 5 days for an approval it's been 7 days now, if that's not a lie from beamdog then what is?
According to Oster's twitter feed, there was a language bug they had to work on over the weekend. That is the nature of software development. You think something is done, but until it is done, you don't know how much longer it will really take to complete.
If you have given up on the game, when will you give up on trolling here? You said you don't care. Why do you seem to care so much?
If my company would give an estimate that went from "coming soon" to days or years, they would have filed a bankruptcy years ago. But yeah good luck with your "estimates".
Funny how our engineers have a rough estimate..... then again our company doesn't port a 10 year old game into something that has been done with mods.
The reality is it wouldn't be surprising if problems like they have had with BGEE causes serious business problems. Projects fail, as do companies. This doesn't support your 'lie' mantra, but it is problematic. It does show poor expectation setting.
Btw, what mod can make BG work on an iPad with a touch interface? Please point me to that mod. I will try it with my GOG version. And why did you buy this version if you could just use a mod to play it on iOS?