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Which NPC are you most similar to?



  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Hmm, I'm more like an odd mix of Imoen, Xan and Xzar...In my good moods, I'm most like Imoen (cheerful and roguish), in my bad moods I'm like Xan (pessimistic to even downright cynical and depressed) and last but not least I can also say random nonsense like Xzar when I get high on chocolate. :)
  • AtianAtian Member Posts: 32
    Equal parts of Edwin and Viconia with a hint of Alora.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Garrick :P
  • Leaf_EaterLeaf_Eater Member Posts: 71
    Some Edwins just want to watch the world burn...
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Mature, opinionated, interactive, committed, stubborn, proud.
    Which is great! Because she's my favourite character, and very realistic, if you ask me. I'm... probably not so big on the nature part. I'd be like.. the bardic/sorcerous version of Jaheira. Yeah. I like that idea. :P
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 481
    A cross between Xzar and Garrick
  • dandydandy Member Posts: 35

    i have a slight stutter and i like strong women
  • GromnirGromnir Member Posts: 7
    "npc" is not limited to party or joinable npc, yes? therefore, answer is obvious: Gromnir is Gromnir.


    regardless, am passing curious 'bout this dorn fellow and am wondering whose idea it was to dig up our bones.

    HA! Good Fun!
  • XavaineXavaine Member Posts: 12
    I'm like Tirdir. :(

    Just kidding, I have no idea actually.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Gromnir said:

    "npc" is not limited to party or joinable npc, yes? therefore, answer is obvious: Gromnir is Gromnir.


    regardless, am passing curious 'bout this dorn fellow and am wondering whose idea it was to dig up our bones.

    HA! Good Fun!

    The same Gromnir from ALFA way back in the day?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    dandy said:


    i have a slight stutter and i like strong women

    I'd go with Khalid as well. Mostly because I would like to be heroic, but am a bit of a coward.
  • GromnirGromnir Member Posts: 7
    Lemernis said:

    Gromnir said:

    "npc" is not limited to party or joinable npc, yes? therefore, answer is obvious: Gromnir is Gromnir.


    regardless, am passing curious 'bout this dorn fellow and am wondering whose idea it was to dig up our bones.

    HA! Good Fun!

    The same Gromnir from ALFA way back in the day?
    am not sure we would identify self as the alfa Gromnir, but we is the one, the original, Gromnir. gaider seemed to feel bad that the content that included our cameo were cut from bg2, so the tob version were a bit more developed than we had expected. regardless, we is the Gromnir that posted on the old co6 boards with folks like draconis, lanfear, silvermoon, di, spectre, etc.

    HA! Good Fun!

  • Washcloth_RepairmanWashcloth_Repairman Member Posts: 35
    I admit it, it's Edwin. If it's the NPC I like the most though, it's gotta be Viconia. There's no other woman for me.
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106

    What a pointless poll!
  • XenowarXenowar Member Posts: 21
    Jan Jansen probably. Maybe Vicionia, but with less... venom.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Had to pick Imoen as the character closest to my personality and demeanor I think...but Im not a girl sooooo
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    I guess I'm a sort of mix between Edwin and Khalid (minus the stutter).
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,438
    Commoner #17.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012
    So I found an NPC list that was in alphabetical order. I got to Xan, third to last on the list, thing that runs through my head "jeez, I'm really like none of these guys." Then the last guy on the list.


    Definitely most like Yeslick.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    gggggggg baby baby baby gggggggg
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  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Some weird combination of Xzar, Khalid, and Imoen. With 100% more stubborn.
  • RajickRajick Member Posts: 207
    Edwin sarevok and a tinsy but keldorn. I have a superiority complex that makes me talk about other people under my breath and anger issues the two mingle perfectly to make me hate everyone equally (except my wife and children). But on the up side I have a great sence of duty.
  • VargnattVargnatt Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2012
    Xan+Edwin=me %)
    Highly intelligent, pessimistic & shy but really love bickering XD

    PS: maleXans, hey! don't you want to whine together with female one?
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    My identical twin brother claims I'm an exact replica of, Edwin.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    In my mind: Sarevok or Kivan or one of the cool ones
    In reality: Probably Garrick
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Skie. I'm kind of vacant, I complain a lot and I like shopping.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    In my mind: Thalantyr

    In actuality: Melicamp
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    A mix between Valygar and Edwin.
  • elvee68elvee68 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 35
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