@Isaya : You're mistaken, I'm okay with having a partial french soundset, even if I don't like it and think it gives a feeling of "that game isn't complete/polished" to the users.
But i absolutely disagree about having both english AND french sounds in the same version. It's the worst option possible to me, and it's the option they had chosen, hence me disagreeing.
@Isaya @Aranthys is right, we were not complaining about having the French sounds instead of english ones.
@Aranthys@Palanthis I think I understood what you don't like. I just disagree because of the implications for people who would like to have the French voices. It's true there are lots of personal preferences involved here.
From a technical point of vue, it's not possible to have bif files for French without the new voices as the catalog for the files in bif files is common to all languages. So the files for Dorn, for instance, has to exist, according to the bif file handling. However, it may be possible to have them empty but then the game should have specific handling of that case otherwise the problem I reported earlier (here) about cutscenes may come back . One workaround could be to remove voice files references in the French dialog.tlk for all new content. This means some work anyway.
In the latest update though, the french sounds were mixed with english ones. It's a bug i already reported earlier in beta, that has not been fixed. That's why we asked to remove it, until they can fix it completely and offer us a true and working french version, like in vanilla.
I'm very surprised you faced such a problem during the beta. I never had any French voices. I entered the beta around the 3rd of October (before the first update mentionned in the forum) and I missed one update around the 15th (got the 21st instead), plus the one from yesterday with French voices package. Maybe I missed something at the very beginning then. However existence of French voices in the patch must have been very short-lived because I never had such a version. Believe me, I checked that point very carefully along the process, and I never noticed any French voices in the game. You can check my report where I mentionned the tests I made with a French voices package that I build myself and that indeed includes English voices for all that is not available.
@Aranthys@Palanthis I think I understood what you don't like. I just disagree because of the implications for people who would like to have the French voices. It's true there are lots of personal preferences involved here.
I would actually say that the implications of having both french and english will be way more devastating from a quality-standard standpoint to people that are saying "BG:EE is a half-assed adaptation".
But I may be biased, because I'm quite fluent in english.
To be honest.... In a perfect world, french version would be wholly translated (Additional content included) In a slightly-less perfect world, people would be able to pick the text language AND the sound laguage (IE : German text with polish sounds, YAY )
Problem is, we can't have a perfect world... (at least not yet...) so it's just a matter of "What is considered slightly less worse, while we are waiting for that perfect world to happen ?"
Please remember, this is not the last patch for BG:EE. There will be other patches in the future, other opportunities to resolve issues and improve and polish features. When you see the change log you'll see that there's already a ton of stuff in this patch.
Good to read! I think a lot of people fear that it will once again be aroung 6-8 months until next patch.
I have been playing it quite a bit and I have not encountered any issues at all. I think it's ready. I am sure once it's released there will be other things people notice, but as far as i can see, it is working well enough to be released.
Please remember, this is not the last patch for BG:EE. There will be other patches in the future, other opportunities to resolve issues and improve and polish features. .
For a second I read this as "improve Polish features" and I thought, "There are Polish features to improve?"
About Russian translation: Unfortunately, the translation is terrible.
1) They used an old fan- translation of the first part of the game (good translation). 2) New texts are translated from Prompt (disgusting translation) or skipped. 3 ) "Major" bug: please replace the text of a button in the main menu "СКЛАДИРОВАТЬ" to "Магазин" (modern translation) or "Лавка" (in the spirit of the time). Main menu - is cutaway of game, but here is ... 4) Scrolling text is shaking when scrolling (line "float " on one pixel up and down) . 5) Save Game -> New Save -> Print "Ы" (Russian letter) -> Delete letter -> string is empty, but the "Save" button is available . -> I press the button - > "Saved successfuly" (pleace replace "Успешного спасения" to "Игра успешно сохранена"), but in fact the game is not saved. 6) When you close the game window (right click - > close), a window appears with the text in the wrong encoding.
@Dee If you hit the "Language" button, you will see that the screen does not look good. The part that displays credits and translation notes has a different color from the rest of the screen. It looks really bad in my opinion. Aside from that, the game works like a charm.
The framing could probably be better, but it's important to separate that box, since some languages have so many lines that you need to be able to scroll.
Will this patch be available to users who purchased the game on steam, even though we can't participate in the beta?
Yes. I don't know how quickly it will hit Steam, but this patch is for all Windows and Mac versions. (iPad will come a little later, probably a little closer to the release of BGII:EE.)
The framing could probably be better, but it's important to separate that box, since some languages have so many lines that you need to be able to scroll.
I do not see how the two things are related. In the previous builds, there was the ability to scroll credits/translation notes and the screen looked good. Now it is a punch in the eyes.
About Russian translation: Unfortunately, the translation is terrible.
1) They used an old fan- translation of the first part of the game (good translation). 2) New texts are translated from Prompt (disgusting translation) or skipped. 3 ) "Major" bug: please replace the text of a button in the main menu "СКЛАДИРОВАТЬ" to "Магазин" (modern translation) or "Лавка" (in the spirit of the time). Main menu - is cutaway of game, but here is ... 4) Scrolling text is shaking when scrolling (line "float " on one pixel up and down) . 5) Save Game -> New Save -> Print "Ы" (Russian letter) -> Delete letter -> string is empty, but the "Save" button is available . -> I press the button - > "Saved successfuly" (pleace replace "Успешного спасения" to "Игра успешно сохранена"), but in fact the game is not saved. 6) When you close the game window (right click - > close), a window appears with the text in the wrong encoding.
I have never tried Russian translation how do you switch to that? Its not in the language options do you download language pack or?
From a technical point of vue, it's not possible to have bif files for French without the new voices as the catalog for the files in bif files is common to all languages. So the files for Dorn, for instance, has to exist, according to the bif file handling. However, it may be possible to have them empty but then the game should have specific handling of that case otherwise the problem I reported earlier (here) about cutscenes may come back .
One workaround could be to remove voice files references in the French dialog.tlk for all new content. This means some work anyway. I'm very surprised you faced such a problem during the beta. I never had any French voices.
I entered the beta around the 3rd of October (before the first update mentionned in the forum) and I missed one update around the 15th (got the 21st instead), plus the one from yesterday with French voices package. Maybe I missed something at the very beginning then. However existence of French voices in the patch must have been very short-lived because I never had such a version.
Believe me, I checked that point very carefully along the process, and I never noticed any French voices in the game. You can check my report where I mentionned the tests I made with a French voices package that I build myself and that indeed includes English voices for all that is not available.
Edit : thanks for the feedback @Dee
But I may be biased, because I'm quite fluent in english.
To be honest....
In a perfect world, french version would be wholly translated (Additional content included)
In a slightly-less perfect world, people would be able to pick the text language AND the sound laguage (IE : German text with polish sounds, YAY
Problem is, we can't have a perfect world... (at least not yet...) so it's just a matter of "What is considered slightly less worse, while we are waiting for that perfect world to happen ?"
What about now ?
What about now ?
Unfortunately, the translation is terrible.
1) They used an old fan- translation of the first part of the game (good translation).
2) New texts are translated from Prompt (disgusting translation) or skipped.
3 ) "Major" bug: please replace the text of a button in the main menu "СКЛАДИРОВАТЬ" to "Магазин" (modern translation) or "Лавка" (in the spirit of the time). Main menu - is cutaway of game, but here is ...
4) Scrolling text is shaking when scrolling (line "float " on one pixel up and down) .
5) Save Game -> New Save -> Print "Ы" (Russian letter) -> Delete letter -> string is empty, but the "Save" button is available . -> I press the button - > "Saved successfuly" (pleace replace "Успешного спасения" to "Игра успешно сохранена"), but in fact the game is not saved.
6) When you close the game window (right click - > close), a window appears with the text in the wrong encoding.
If you hit the "Language" button, you will see that the screen does not look good. The part that displays credits and translation notes has a different color from the rest of the screen. It looks really bad in my opinion.
Aside from that, the game works like a charm.
I have never tried Russian translation how do you switch to that? Its not in the language options do you download language pack or?