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dorn quest... *BGII:EE SPOILERS*

kjiflrfkjiflrf Member Posts: 31
afrer i kill demons in circle Dorn lost all his abilites and i do not sure that it wasnt bug. i still have "aCORN OF yARROW" and can teleort to the locatino with stones any time. but how can i continue this quest?
Post edited by Jalily on


  • EndeavourEndeavour Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2013
    can I delete my own post?
    Post edited by Endeavour on
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    If you kill both demons, then yes, Dorn is no longer a blackguard as he no longer has a patron. You just killed his patron.

    I believe you've completed the quest. :)
  • kjiflrfkjiflrf Member Posts: 31
    but there was 3 demons. at last those demon whom i killed to get sword and stone get free...
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    edited November 2013
    There was Xachrimos, and then Dorn's patron, Ur-Gothoz, and the marilith Azothet. The latter two are the ones I'm talking about. :)
  • kjiflrfkjiflrf Member Posts: 31
    and so... there is no continue after xachrimos kill dryad?
  • kjiflrfkjiflrf Member Posts: 31
    and in this case dorn suck? i mean he dont have any Black guard ability and become just common warrior w/o warriors adwantages?
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    He is now a regular warrior, yep.

    Once you've picked up the Acorn from the dryad's corpse and left, that is the end, yep.
  • killingmachinekillingmachine Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2013
    I have just gotten to Resurrection Gorge and spoken to the old woman who said her son was killed. I have explored what appears to be the vast majority of the map but cannot figure out where to perform the ritual. I have already went up north to kill Yarrow and her servant and taken the acorn. Where do I go next to progress in the quest?
  • kjiflrfkjiflrf Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2013
    LiamEsler said:

    He is now a regular warrior, yep.

    Once you've picked up the Acorn from the dryad's corpse and left, that is the end, yep.

    do u understand that this quest made him useless? ))) he got only disadwantage of paladin class and no advantage of warrior...
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    I have just gotten to Resurrection Gorge and spoken to the old woman who said her son was killed. I have explored what appears to be the vast majority of the map but cannot figure out where to perform the ritual. I have already went up north to kill Yarrow and her servant and taken the acorn. Where do I go next to progress in the quest?

    Equip the acorn in a Quick Slot and use it.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Yep; the price of freedom is a high one.
  • killingmachinekillingmachine Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2013
    Jalily said:

    I have just gotten to Resurrection Gorge and spoken to the old woman who said her son was killed. I have explored what appears to be the vast majority of the map but cannot figure out where to perform the ritual. I have already went up north to kill Yarrow and her servant and taken the acorn. Where do I go next to progress in the quest?

    Equip the acorn in a Quick Slot and use it.
    Thank you very much for the tip, but where must I be standing? I've put it in my PC's slot, stood him next to the part of the map marked "Great Tree" and clicked on the acorn but nothing happened.

    EDIT: My apologies. It took a little while, but it worked. Thank you very much again!
  • HassonHasson Member Posts: 12
    where do you find dorn any way? aha
  • killingmachinekillingmachine Member Posts: 6
    Outside Radiant Heart HQ in the Temple district, next to a really fat guy.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Okay, I am trying to do this quest and I'm really stuck. I presume there are 3 summoning crystals you need to find, but I can only find two: the one from the Nereid, and the one from the Fairy Dragons. I can't leave the gorge and I don't seem to be able to progress, and I can't for the life of me work out where the stone is. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @Eudaemonium So, one might say you can't see the solution? That it's a little bit invisible, even? :D
  • BulwaiBulwai Member Posts: 6
    Aye, got the same problem! I have the acorn, but I cant find the 3rd crystal no matter how hard I look. Only thing I keep hearing on and on is Xachrimos & funnily I have a quest to free her grove from him thou she instantly attacked me? :D
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    i'm actually having the same problem, true sight, the potion of detect invisibilty aren't working and I can't rest in the area without being swarmed by ankhegs so i can't rest and try other divination spells
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited November 2013
    I actually worked it out while sitting around waiting for a response XD Clever.

    @AcridSyphilis: there is a certain wand you find that might prove useful.
  • zupskyzupsky Member Posts: 126
    Dorn looses his blackguard abilities, but sword that you get during that quest gets better for killing Ur-Gothoz and Azothet.
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    ok got it thanks!
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    zupsky said:

    Dorn looses his blackguard abilities, but sword that you get during that quest gets better for killing Ur-Gothoz and Azothet.

    I got the full-power version. What does it lose with only a single soul in it?
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited November 2013

    zupsky said:

    Dorn looses his blackguard abilities, but sword that you get during that quest gets better for killing Ur-Gothoz and Azothet.

    I got the full-power version. What does it lose with only a single soul in it?
    Ur-Gothoz adds +5 damage vs. devils, and Azothet adds +5 damage vs. demons.
  • SarlyssiaSarlyssia Member Posts: 27
    LiamEsler said:

    Yep; the price of freedom is a high one.

    Is it possible to restore his powers with EEKeeper and if yes how? If not it's not that tragic because I would choose the same even if I had known he would loose his powers but still, I am one of those people who wants to have her cake and eat it too. ;)

  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Sorry, if there is a way, I don't know of it!
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    How do you start this quest?

    I've had him in the party for 30 days and all he's wanted to do was gay-it-up with my charname.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Level 12+. :)
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    LiamEsler said:

    Level 12+. :)


    Does Rasaad also have a level requirement for his quest? He's been silent since I picked him up.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @Macona Try heading to the Gates district. :)
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