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dorn quest... *BGII:EE SPOILERS*



  • AnimusRexAnimusRex Member Posts: 37
    Oh thanks was wondering about the druid laying on the ground in the summoning circle. I just sacrificed Anomen (Since I'm evil) and summoned the monsters. I killed both of them freeing Dorn, but still wondered why the druid lay there. I cast resurrect on him and he just says something random but does nothing. I guess was suppose to resurrect him before the fight.
  • ZaezarZaezar Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2014
    Soo i just finished Dorns quest and killed both demons... Seems to be stuck now? How do i leave the area? I dont have any acorns or anything in my inventory

    edit: Nvm found it. The dryad didnt appear untill i rested first for some reason
  • untitleduntitled Member Posts: 2
    Did anyone have a problem with Dorn after reviving him. He suffers loads of penalty to his ability points (strength, dexterity, etc.) and nothing seems to bring them back..

    Any help would be welcome.
  • WinterisleWinterisle Member Posts: 111
    edited December 2014
    The quest is extremely bugged. First of all, Ur-Gothoz didn't even appear. I had to reload a few times for this to happen. After killing the two demons, I resurrected Vernon the druid (if that's his name) but couldn't get him to speak to me at all. After getting out of the gorge using the acorns, the halfling guy was still hostile so I had to cast hold on him just to not have to kill him. I went to speak to the old druid wench at the beggining, who says nothing about her son and just starts talking like I haven't been to de gorge at all. I just hope someone fixes this quest soon.
    Post edited by Winterisle on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Is this seriously unfixed in 1.3? Unreal.
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