Which D&D game do you want remastered next after the Baldur's Gate series?

We all know Overhaul has been talking about remastering other series based on the success of BG1&2 EE, but I am curious on whether another remaster is even necessary, or do we just want BG III, or even nothing to do with D&D at all?
- Which D&D game do you want remastered next after the Baldur's Gate series?555 votes
- Icewind Dale series(IWD 1, IWD:HOW, IWD 2)20.18%
- Planescape Torment30.99%
- Temple of Elemental Evil  3.06%
- Pool of Radiance  2.34%
- Neverwinter Nights  3.24%
- Eye of the Beholder series or any other old school D&D game.  3.42%
- Baldur's Gate III, I don't want another remaster just a completely new game.35.32%
- None this remake is all I need, I will be satisfied with its success.  1.44%
It would be great to see your vote though, as the idea is to get a census of the board, I know the decision is hard, but worth it in the end.
EDIT: Something really missing here, Icewind Dale III. !!!
Close second: PS:T EE.
But a BG3 + P:T EE + IWD1-2 EE would be better!
- BG3
- Iwd1, Iwd2
- Temple Of the Elemental Evil (for this one, we need 5X more contents)
*Crosses fingers and adds it to Christmas list*
Planescape: Torment has *huge* potential for enhancements other than merely a better engine and such.
Just take Sigil's remaining city districts for example; the Market Ward, Guildhall Ward and of course the Lady's Ward would all make excellent additions for an EE. Another possibility would be to include the remaining eight factions (Athar, Bleack Cabal, Doomguard, Fated, Fraternity of Order, Free League, Harmonium, Mercykillers, Sign of One, Transcendent Order) and make them joinable for the Nameless One. Even simply deepen the already joinable factions with new quests (the Godsmen's secret project comes to mind) would work nicely as well.
Not to mention adding all content which were scrapped back to the game, such as the romance with dead-drop-gorgeous Fall-from-Grace and her mysterious "unlockable" diary.
One addition I'd especially like to see is the Priest class unlocked for the Nameless One. Aola, Hargrimm the Bleak and Fall-from-Grace for example could be trainers for the priest class.