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Which D&D game do you want remastered next after the Baldur's Gate series?



  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    I voted none, because I'm not sure that I want a BG3 (do you imagine start a new game with a level 40 ? What will be the scenario after TOB ?), more games like BG, yes, but BG3 ?...

    The campaign of NWN1 is very poor, no need to remaster it, you buy this game only for the editor & mods. ^^

    I've finished several times all IWD and Planescape... Elemental & Radiance are not amazing... Beholder is a very old game.
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    Beholder is a very old game.
    Sorry, but this just made me laugh. We're discussing Baldur's Gate, a 14 year old game, and you point out that another game is very old? :P
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    BG is a 14 year old game, Beholder is a game of the beginning of the 90s.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Wow, I never expected anyone to choose that choice, I was just making sure the topic was complete. I can see your point about Eye of the Beholder being much older, but I think it has the freshest start and the easiest to acquire.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited August 2012
    I want zem all
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    Kerozevok said:

    BG is a 14 year old game, Beholder is a game of the beginning of the 90s.

    They're both games from 2 decades ago. EoB is only a few years older than BG is. They're both old games.

    BG being an old game doesn't stop you from enjoying it. Then why do you discard EoB because "it's old"?

    That struck me as funny, is all. No need for a serious answer.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    Eye of the beholder is a pure dungeon crawl game. The engine what legend of grimrock is based on is the way to go for a EoB remake, if at all.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    True that. Almost Human would probably have an easier time remaking EoB than Beamdog would, but they never would. Others might try to mod it into LoG, though. Who knows, perhaps someone comes up with a good remake. I would love to see one.

    Either way, it wasn't a serious proposal to include EoB. There are very good reasons for the current team not to work on EoB. Just the reason "because it's old" made me laugh. :P
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    @Thels. Beholder is not only old for the technical aspect, but also for the gameplay (it's higly repetitive), morever, in this kind of game, several Might & Magic are better than the Beholder serie.

    For BG, it's not the same thing, it's a ropleplay game with tactics battles, party creation, a great storyline and so on... This game is immortal. :)
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    Do the IWD's next please then PST. Take all the cash from the remasters and use it to fund an epic 3 part BG3.
    ie: part 1 levels 1-8, part 2 8-16, part 3 16-epic..
    Please use 3rd or 2nd ed rules and set the game in the Moonsea area or somewhere cool in the realms..include as many different monsters and magic items as possible (not just weapons) and make taverns a fun useful place to hangout get quests..gambling mini games etc..
    This in beautiful 2d ISO is my dream for this team to do..I'll do all I can to buy in/make it happen :-)
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    Oh..and if what I proposed above isn't enough cash to do it right combine the above earnings (less of course, the teams salaries..they gotta eat too :-) ) and tack in on to a giant kick starter..With these games following, new life through the remakes, streamlined UI across the games, easier to mod for fanbase you've got a large pool of customers..
    Kick starter goes into millions easy I would the team a real budget to work with for the next all time great BG :-)
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    Dungeon Hack - as it was, only with current-gen graphics and sound.

    It seems they are interested in remaking pre-EA Bioware games, not any D&D games, since their previous remake was MDK2.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Yeah, I would also like to see IWD before Planescape, as one requires alot more work than the other.
  • DragothDragoth Member Posts: 9
    Maybe it shall be better if they made Icewind dale 3 instead of BG3 with non-linear story based on advanced Infinity engine.
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    planescape- without any doubt in my mind.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Besides BG 3, Planescape clearly has the most votes.
  • reddwarfreddwarf Member Posts: 22
    Baldur's Gate II EE is necessity, then Baldur's Gate III, Planescape Torment (with added High Spheres, more Lower Spheres, maybe added home of Modrons and extended end of game), Planescape II wouldn't be bad and also Icewind Dale I and II (In Icewind Dale I added subraces, kits and a little more side quests).
  • JarlaxleJarlaxle Member Posts: 105
    But what about a Planescape:Torment 2? The Planescape atmosphere is unique!
    Ok, here my timeline: BG:EE-->BG2:EE-->BG3-->P:T2
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Hmm. Planescape was an entire campaign setting. If there was a Planescape 2 they don't need to bring the Nameless One back, it could be new protagonist finding their way around Sigil and the planes.
  • KouTheMadKouTheMad Member Posts: 77
    i'd say Birthright: Gorgon's Alliance, but seeing as thats not a choice, i chose Planescape.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Well it looks like many might get their Planescape remake or sequel soon.

    Planescape: Torment Designer "Very Tempted" by Kickstarter

    Chris Avellone says he's tempted to try his luck with Kickstarter but isn't sure he actually wants to make another Planescape game.

    Chris Avellone is no stranger to Kickstarter. The creative director at Obsidian Entertainment is working with inXile Entertainment on Wasteland 2, the sequel to the classic 80s RPG that brought in nearly three million crowdfunded dollars earlier this year. Avellone knows his way around post-apocalyptica, too; he was a designer on Fallout 2 and the far-more-recent Fallout: New Vegas.

    Avellone said that Fallout is "much more limiting" than Wasteland, in part because of the need to maintain the familiar Fallout vibe inspired by 1950s sci-fi. "You can't lose that or you lose Fallout," he told GamesIndustry. "In Wasteland, that's one of the parameters that's removed, you can do a fun post-apocalyptic game and have a lot more freedom with what you want to do."

    Avellone expects the Kickstarter frenzy to slow as people grow fatigued with the idea and, perhaps more importantly, run out of money to throw at projects they like. But that apparently hasn't stopped him from kicking around the idea of a Planescape Kickstarter, which he described as a "very tempting" idea - but not necessarily for a Planescape game.

    "I think a better approach would be to ignore the D&D mechanics and respect what Planescape was trying to do and what the game did and see if you can do what Fallout did when it became the spiritual successor to Wasteland," Avellone said. "With Torment, I'd argue that the D&D base actually, in places, got in the way of the experience. It was a lot harder to make a game with those ideas in it with D&D mechanics. So much that we had to break a lot of them. We had to ignore certain spells, change up the class mechanic so that you can switch at any time you like by remembering abilities."

    "That was stuff that D&D didn't allow for, it was too restraining in some respects," he added. "If we did do a spiritual successor, then I don't know if we'd use the Planescape license or attach the mechanics, perhaps something that has a different feel to Torment."

    A theoretical Planescape 2 is an exciting idea unto itself, but it's Avellone's statement that the setting and the mechanics didn't really mesh that I find particularly interesting. It's true, and Planescape: Torment did break a lot of rules in order to accommodate its narrative, but I never found that doing so negatively impacted the game, nor I suspect did most other fans. Would a Planescape-style game, rather than a real return to the City of Doors, be enough to satisfy gamers who have lusted after a sequel for more than a decade? With all due respect to Avellone, I just don't think it would.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Planescape wouldn't be Planescape without, well, Planescape :p
    The setting is integral, and IMO it inspired a good idea the developers had to become a truly great game in the context of the setting. But then again I've always been a fan of the setting so my spectacles of rose-tinting +1 are probably playing tricks on me...
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    Icewind dale for me, Although i`d love an updated Planscape if they dropped the awful radial UI, i _Hate_ radial ui`s. Did`nt finish the game because of it. same with ToEE (pluss the massive amount of game-breaking bugs of coarse) , Got angry every time i had to issue orders or do anything in NWN too.
  • MaathMaath Member Posts: 2
    PS:T no doubt (and I know that would mean the end of my social life)! such a rich game, which graphics could use some refreshening, so an EE? I would buy it even faster than BG's!
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Seems the way the BG 3 topics pop-up we might only get that game and not Planescape like others want.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited August 2012
    I voted for PS: T but what I actually want is to be able to change the appearance of the central character . I can be a big, ugly lump in real life, when I role play I want to be good looking.
  • I really wanted to like PoR. It was barely even playable at the time. Was never able to get finish the game because of gameplay and stability issues and always hoped a cleaner reissue would be made.
  • GASH505GASH505 Member Posts: 2

    I actually wouldn't mind a new IP, like a DARKSUN game.

    I would pay good money to play a darksun game or a ravenloft game
  • ptifabptifab Member Posts: 1
    Planescape Torment, because it deserves it. The best narrative and immersive RPG i've ever played (and re-played so much) in my hole life !
  • kreywetkreywet Member Posts: 8
    I would love to venture again in the world of IWD 1 & 2 again. Those are the games that got me into RPGs and after playing those games I have played RPGs ever since.
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