Playing a lich

Hi! I was interested in playing a lich playthrough. He would of course be a lich and a spellcaster (reputation 1). But i know little about liches so i need some help .
Speed (must be slow)
Inmunities (to spells? to spell lvls? to magic? to cold?
Negative inmunities *fire?
Base AC
Touch attack?
Lowest starting level?
Any spells you would forbid?
Can it be cleric/mage ?
Speed (must be slow)
Inmunities (to spells? to spell lvls? to magic? to cold?
Negative inmunities *fire?
Base AC
Touch attack?
Lowest starting level?
Any spells you would forbid?
Can it be cleric/mage ?
Plus, unless you concealed your pc's identity somehow he'd be attacked on sight by just about everyone...i don't think it would work.
*turning* into a lich could be cool though. It would be one hell of a hla.
Intelligence: Supra-genius (19-20)
Movement: 6
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: 9
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attacks: 1-10
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defences: +1 or better magical weapon to hit
Hit Dice: 11+
Magic Resistance: Nil
- Any creature of fewer than 5 Hit Dice (or 5th level) which sees the lich must save vs. spell or flee in terror for 5-20 (5d4) rounds.
- When the lich touches a living creature, its aura of absolute cold will inflict 1-10 points of damage. Further, the victim must save vs. paralysis or be utterly unable to move. This paralysis lasts until dispelled in some manner.
- Liches can themselves be hit only by weapons of at least +1, by magical spells, or by monsters with 6 or more Hit Dice and/or magical properties. The magical nature of the lich and its undead state make it utterly immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity, or death spells. Priests of at least 8th level can attempt to turn a lich, as can paladins of no less than 10th level.
- Also, the components of its phylactery cost no less than 1,500 gold pieces per level of the wizard (thus it would require 16,500 gold pieces for a level 11th mage to turn into a lich, for example).
Never heard of a cleric/mage lich, and I personally wouldn't allow it either. Not even for a cleric of Jergal or Myrkul.
So, no mr? weird
cold resistance, etc?
Also the lich spell immunity is 5 and below, hence Breach not working on them. It's too bad, 4 and below is just a Globe of Invulnerability and would make my life much easier
But yeah, nothing's to stop you from tweaking your color scheme and tinkering with some files just so!
that a try and give feedback - it may become the best lich mod ever, since
it could bundle all features for a lich or a lich-theme into one mod. A
demi-lich skull variant would also be hilarious, like "hey I don't need
the LOWER PARTS of my body anymore, let me become a POWERFUL
skull!!!". Poor Jan ...