When you think about it. It kinda makes for a slightly awkward relationship between her and you in bg2. If you're an elf you're only 16-22 years old? Elves aren't supposed to 'mature' until 100+. Her husband is killed due to their association with you. No ifs or buts about it. He's dead because of you. Plus this relation takes place days/weeks/ a couple months at best after his death. Creepy.
Firstly, How does the age thing come into play? Im sort of lost there. Secondly, yes but she wold never hold you accountable for the acts of evil men, ever, thats not even a thing! Lastly, the "plus" i have this role-played perfectly in my head >.> See in bg-tutu i use the banter packs and i ALWAYS do the dynaheir romance, so in bg2 when BOTH of our lovers are dead, we sort of "take care of each other" even though its just a couple months, that would be quite common a sentiment in real-world thinking. <.<;;
Firstly, How does the age thing come into play? Im sort of lost there. Secondly, yes but she wold never hold you accountable for the acts of evil men, ever, thats not even a thing! Lastly, the "plus" i have this role-played perfectly in my head >.> See in bg-tutu i use the banter packs and i ALWAYS do the dynaheir romance, so in bg2 when BOTH of our lovers are dead, we sort of "take care of each other" even though its just a couple months, that would be quite common a sentiment in real-world thinking. <.<;;</p>
whatever, I would never date my boy Khalid's (RIP OG) woman. Bros before hoes.
If your elf character was only 16-22 though, wouldn't he/she resemble a human child in size?
Eh, possibly not...If drow are the same as light-elves, then they age normally until about the age of 16 then they just age VERY slowly from then on out (In the dark elf trilogy drizzt had the body of a grown human adult, but mentally he was only a teenager)
I don't know how that works, the source books don't go that far in depth. Essentially anyone other than a human, halfling, or Half orc at 16-18 is not going to be considered an adult (or even adolescent) in their society. Half-elves might at a stretch be considered adults, they 'mature' a little slower than humans. (I am trying to remember this at 11pm as I head off to bed, so I could be completely wrong and mixing things up)
No, they are not considered adults, that's not what i'm saying.
Physically, from age 0-16 they age quickly like humans. But at that point, their bodies slow down quickly, so they could be physically 16 for 50 years.
So are we saying that if you play an elf anyone you romance is a pedophile?
Absolutely not, Pedophiles are attracted to physical child-like features. Being attracted to a 16yr old who is far past puberty has nothing to do with pedophilia.
@Bjjorick "If at first you don't succeed, the wife won't let me forget it." (One of Khalid's lines)
Hey, if jeheria dies to the point that she can't be rezzed, you should have khalid say his usual line, then, since no new VA/VO, you can have him suddenly realized, I'm free!!!!! Could have fun with it as he notices something and then starts to apoligize before he realizes that jeheria isn't yelling at him. Just my thought and won't happen, but nice to have hope
Depends on your player. If you start BG1 as a mage, you need SOMEBODY who can wear some armor and do a little of the grunt work. Khalid beats the other options, at least until you get to Minsc. As for Jaheira, somebody has to heal somebody sometime. Especially the first couple of times thru the game. Then I usually find myself just keeping them. Sort of like a comfortable old chair.
I thought Khalid was a fantastic fighter, he had both higher dex and con than Minsc which in my view allowed him to withstand a much greater barrage in combat. His lower str score is easily counter-acted by potions and spells (2nd lvl wizard spell strength for example) until you get the gauntlets of orge power. As a fighter he can also place more proficiency points on weapons, I usual have him with a sword and shield set-up - drizzts defender being the ideal sword for him, if you can morally justify killing him that is. I've never had any issue with doing so and repenting at a near-by temple.
I've never thought much of Jaheria in BG1 but this is largely due to the lack of good druid spells in the first game and that her low str and dex aren't easily solved. I do however think she's a strong character in BG2. Since EE will grant the more powerful druid spells from BG2 I'm now conflicted, because Iron Skins and Insect plague are both great spells to have. Depends on what character I play, if I'm a cleric/ranger I don't see the point in having her since I'll have both druid and cleric spells (that's if they haven't changed that perk).
I should add that I'll have to have Khalid with an actual longsword rather than drizzts scimitar in BGEE. I still mantain that he's a fantastic fighter. My issue with Kagain is that he suffers from both a lower str score than Minsc and a much lower dex score than Khalid. Items to combat this failing in the form of both the gauntlets of orge power and the gauntlets of dex, both are as their names imply gauntlets. Limiting Kagain to either increasing his dex or increasing his str. There's also a lack of powerful axes early in the game, where-as there's a powerful longsword quite early on.
It also depends on whether you're having a purely good/evil party. In BG1 I usually have a mixed party, unlike BG2 where a solely evil/good party gells much better. Shar-Teel is a great BG1 evil fighter, with both high dex and str. Terrible con however (unlike Kagain). I usually turn her into a fighter/thief, which results in her having more HP and better THAC0/proficiencies than Monty. If I have a completely evil (including some neutral characters) party in BGEE I will contemplate having Kagain in my party.
Hah, some of you guys are hating on Kagain and others are liking him;
I have to say Kagain is probably my favorite fighter in BG1. And don't get me wrong, I've worked with all the rest; Khalid is the best-rounded, love him. Minsc is a little ehh but he can definitely be worthwhile. Kivan is one of my favorite characters in the whole series and he's overall just very good. Shar-Teel is good fun too, her Con is meh but she makes up for it. Ajantis is fantastic if you pop the Gauntlets of Dexterity on him.
But Kagain, you pop some Gauntlets of Dexterity on that bro and he is ownage. Sure he's still stuck with a 15 Strength, but that hasn't really held me back that much. He's a tank regardless. 20 Constitution? 20?! Enough said, you've got me hooked! He *regenerates*! You pretty much travel to a different map and BAM! he's got all his HP back. So, so convenient.
So don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing on the other fighters; all of the fighters in BG1 are actually really well done, I have to say. Kagain is just my fav.
You seem like someone with few enemies Quartz. You're right on both accounts. I think Kagains str is actually 16 but I could be wrong. I certainly am not hating on Kagain haha, just attempting to take some heat off Khalid.
Kagain is a fantasic character, my arguement was more each character has their own weakness to overcome. I would however like a greater range of powerful axes for him to use earlier in the game.
He is to con as Coran is to dex, Kagains con can also be increase to 21 should you choose to use the tome on him rather than yourself (useful if you don't stand to benefit from it ) which'll garner him an additional HP per level. I'm usually greedy though and my PCs do stand to benefit from using it and can take it with them to BG2.
Kagain is arguably the most effective tank in BG1. But you can certainly get along fine with any of the warrior class NPCs in BG1.
I like a constant variety, so I'm always putting a different party together. But Jaheira and Khalid at least until the Nashkel Mines just fits the storyline, so I do often use them.
You're right on both accounts. I think Kagains str is actually 16 but I could be wrong. I certainly am not hating on Kagain haha, just attempting to take some heat off Khalid.
Totally understood. I dig this thread, I think people hate on Khalid too much. And 16? *Searches* Umm, yup it's 16. Haha well done.
Kagain is a fantasic character, my arguement was more each character has their own weakness to overcome. I would however like a greater range of powerful axes for him to use earlier in the game.
Oh totally. I think it's super awesome that in BG1 every NPC has a weakness to overcome. I used to hate that as a little kid because I wanted my party to be demigods, but now I realize it's part of what makes the game so compelling. And your point on the axes couldn't be any more true. The best you can get until Chapter 5 is a +1 and you have to BUY it at Feldepost's. Awful. I hope they add one somewhere else in BG:EE, that would be neat.
He is to con as Coran is to dex, Kagains con can also be increase to 21 should you choose to use the tome on him rather than yourself (useful if you don't stand to benefit from it ) which'll garner him an additional HP per level. I'm usually greedy though and my PCs do stand to benefit from using it and can take it with them to BG2.
Yup. I've done that only once, but I gotta say his even better regeneration and 16 HP per level was absolutely heavenly. Yeah, Coran's 20 Dexterity is ... ehh. I mean his thieving abilities are better because of that but base AC doesn't even get another upgrade until 21. So you have to feed him your tomb.
I dont understand why people like Khalid: he always has moral failure. He is annoying. He isnt confident character. His portrait is nothing like his soundset. He sucks badly compared to other fighters such as Shar-teel or Kagain. And he has nothing such attracting in his personality like Tiax,Edwin,Minsc. I think of him even worse then about Ajantis. And Ajantis feels like sorry excuse for npc.
My problem with Khalid is Jaheria and I only run with both of them combined cause of Minsc and Jaheria starting with you in BG2. Like @LadyRhian I've never been able to actually bring myself to kill someone off to keep their partner. I guess I'm too good.
moral failures are annoying for gameplay, but i like how they reflect his character. he seems like a normal , average guy, not a psycho that had his humanity surgically removed (aka almost every hero in epic story).
@Leon He definitely has personality, though, even if it's a personality you don't like. I'd prefer Khalid over Rambo, say, any day. There's no reason for every fighter to be a towering wall of strength any more than all wizards to be old, bearded and wise, or rogues to be oily, slimy and slippery.
I played BG Tutu for the first time a while ago and Khalid was a dual-wielding fighter swinging a bastard sword in each hand. It seemed a bit out of character to me. I definitely had him down as a guy who liked to carry a big shield.
I played BG Tutu for the first time a while ago and Khalid was a dual-wielding fighter swinging a bastard sword in each hand. It seemed a bit out of character to me. I definitely had him down as a guy who liked to carry a big shield.
This is why I play BGT, IMO Tutu changes too much that didn't need to be changed.
Secondly, yes but she wold never hold you accountable for the acts of evil men, ever, thats not even a thing!
Lastly, the "plus" i have this role-played perfectly in my head >.>
See in bg-tutu i use the banter packs and i ALWAYS do the dynaheir romance, so in bg2 when BOTH of our lovers are dead, we sort of "take care of each other" even though its just a couple months, that would be quite common a sentiment in real-world thinking.
Maybe the essence of Bhaal speeds that along.
Physically, from age 0-16 they age quickly like humans. But at that point, their bodies slow down quickly, so they could be physically 16 for 50 years.
I've never thought much of Jaheria in BG1 but this is largely due to the lack of good druid spells in the first game and that her low str and dex aren't easily solved. I do however think she's a strong character in BG2. Since EE will grant the more powerful druid spells from BG2 I'm now conflicted, because Iron Skins and Insect plague are both great spells to have. Depends on what character I play, if I'm a cleric/ranger I don't see the point in having her since I'll have both druid and cleric spells (that's if they haven't changed that perk).
It also depends on whether you're having a purely good/evil party. In BG1 I usually have a mixed party, unlike BG2 where a solely evil/good party gells much better. Shar-Teel is a great BG1 evil fighter, with both high dex and str. Terrible con however (unlike Kagain). I usually turn her into a fighter/thief, which results in her having more HP and better THAC0/proficiencies than Monty. If I have a completely evil (including some neutral characters) party in BGEE I will contemplate having Kagain in my party.
I have to say Kagain is probably my favorite fighter in BG1. And don't get me wrong, I've worked with all the rest; Khalid is the best-rounded, love him. Minsc is a little ehh but he can definitely be worthwhile. Kivan is one of my favorite characters in the whole series and he's overall just very good. Shar-Teel is good fun too, her Con is meh but she makes up for it. Ajantis is fantastic if you pop the Gauntlets of Dexterity on him.
But Kagain, you pop some Gauntlets of Dexterity on that bro and he is ownage. Sure he's still stuck with a 15 Strength, but that hasn't really held me back that much. He's a tank regardless. 20 Constitution? 20?! Enough said, you've got me hooked! He *regenerates*! You pretty much travel to a different map and BAM! he's got all his HP back. So, so convenient.
So don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing on the other fighters; all of the fighters in BG1 are actually really well done, I have to say. Kagain is just my fav.
Kagain is a fantasic character, my arguement was more each character has their own weakness to overcome. I would however like a greater range of powerful axes for him to use earlier in the game.
He is to con as Coran is to dex, Kagains con can also be increase to 21 should you choose to use the tome on him rather than yourself (useful if you don't stand to benefit from it ) which'll garner him an additional HP per level. I'm usually greedy though and my PCs do stand to benefit from using it and can take it with them to BG2.
I like a constant variety, so I'm always putting a different party together. But Jaheira and Khalid at least until the Nashkel Mines just fits the storyline, so I do often use them.
Yeah, Coran's 20 Dexterity is ... ehh. I mean his thieving abilities are better because of that but base AC doesn't even get another upgrade until 21. So you have to feed him your tomb.
I think of him even worse then about Ajantis. And Ajantis feels like sorry excuse for npc.
Editted for misspelled name