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Can YOU Brave the Sword Coast? - Real-Life Ability Scores! CHALLENGE MODE!



  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    STR 10
    DEX 15
    CON 12
    INT 11
    WIS 12
    CHA 14

    Total Roll = 74! Wow, that's almost the minimum roll for Baldur's Gate!


    According to another more generous test, I have the following stats, which I have incidentally played through BG1EE to the end without dying:

    +3 WIS due to stat tomes; +1 DEX due to Kiel's Buckler (highlighted in red). And since there's no Druid/Mage multiclass, Avenger is the closest thing to it.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632

    Oh god. Imoen is a genius! That's adorable! She is the most adorable genius ever! :3!

    And nally Nalia is just like her, a genius, lightning fast, really tough... but less attractive :D
    Turns out that Bhaal blood is good for something!

    I also just noticed that Nalia is way stronger than any of us :O
  • LordRumfishLordRumfish Member Posts: 937
    nano said:

    Oh god. Imoen is a genius! That's adorable! She is the most adorable genius ever! :3!

    And nally Nalia is just like her, a genius, lightning fast, really tough... but less attractive :D
    Turns out that Bhaal blood is good for something!

    I also just noticed that Nalia is way stronger than any of us :O
    But she's not stronger than all of us combined!

    ...that would take Dorn.
  • lelag200lelag200 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2013
    Strength- 13
    Dexterity- 15
    Constitution- 18
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 13
    Charisma- 13

    These were my results when BGEE first released so that str/dex score might not be so accurate now as I haven't trained in months. It was an interesting playthrough with realistic stats. More challenging in some ways, but easier in other.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Flashburn said:

    STR 10
    DEX 15
    CON 12
    INT 11
    WIS 12
    CHA 14

    Total Roll = 74! Wow, that's almost the minimum roll for Baldur's Gate!


    According to another more generous test, I have the following stats, which I have incidentally played through BG1EE to the end without dying:

    Wow! This test loved me, and actually landed much closer to where I would want to be than the other test.

    This test's results:

    STR 13
    DEX 16
    CON 15
    INT 15
    WIS 18
    CHA 17

    Neutral Good Human Sorcerer

    Yeah, so I wound up with 94 points, damn-near powergaming stats, a great class, and the ability to Wish for whatever I want. I'll take it. And it's probably the best alignment for me, which is a bonus.

    I like the class breakdown. Apparently, I'm EXTREMELY anti-paladin and anti-monk, despite still being a Neutral Good person. And I'm only -4 for Ranger, despite my first instinct when discussing animals being to call them "delicious".

    I'm actually currently playing a character that's quite close to this. I may EEkeeper him to exactly these stats and then roleplay myself exactly (which I've done before, but based off of a different test).
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Flashburn said:

    STR 10
    DEX 15
    CON 12
    INT 11
    WIS 12
    CHA 14

    Total Roll = 74! Wow, that's almost the minimum roll for Baldur's Gate!


    According to another more generous test, I have the following stats, which I have incidentally played through BG1EE to the end without dying:

    +3 WIS due to stat tomes; +1 DEX due to Kiel's Buckler (highlighted in red). And since there's no Druid/Mage multiclass, Avenger is the closest thing to it.

    On that test (which this makes the 4th time I've taken it, and the first time I didn't get a wizard of some sort, although I'd prolly invest a few levels anyway with my int.)

    Lawful Good Human Paladin (4th Level)

    Strength 12
    Dexterity 13
    Constitution 14
    Intelligence 15
    Wisdom 13
    Charisma 12

    As I said, with that kind of scores, I'd prolly at least invest a little into Wizard. Which is fine I think a Paladin of Mystra (or Bahamut) is more likely for me than Torm, Tyr or Helm. Shame a greatsword would be such a waste with 12 str.

    Other interesting changes this time compared to the last few:

    1. Normally LG and NG for me are almost tied. For the first time I am LG (28), CG (26), NG (24)
    2. As I said, normally I'm a Wizard of some sort; Wizard, Ranger, Sorcerer and Monk are all tied at 2
    3. In an odd turn, race wise I go Human (13), Half-Orc (12), Elf/Half-Elf (10) then halfling (8), dwarf (6), gnome (2)
    4. As usual I end up with no points into evil at all. I'm just not good at being bad when push comes to shove. I can be an a-hole sure, but not really evil (more sarcastic).
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    For sure any of the stats you get from these tests are estimates. You are only asked roughly 20 questions to assess any of the stats, and some stats have even less questions. A proper IQ test alone takes 100-200 questions on various different topics and aspects of intelligence. The chance that you get a stat distribution unlike you expected is quite high
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I always want to make a poll to show what people thought their stats roll was, and a poll after a good quiz to show what they actually are, but you'd have to make a poll for each stat, and that would be 12 discussions at least, so I didn't think it feasible.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 10
    Dexterity- 17
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 16
    Wisdom- 19
    Charisma- 12

    True neutral.
    I never liked this test. The scores are exaggerated, and it's entirely opinion based. I try not to be bias or rash, but that doesn't mean I'm neutral. Neutral means you try to maintain balance, not that you try to be unbiased.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    *still panting from doing the STR test*

    STR: 11 (I've been exercising more lately)
    DEX: 16
    CON: 10
    INT: 16 (16/15)
    WIS: 16
    CHA: 15

    Total: 84

    Necromancer, Cleric/Mage, or Arcanist (2e Ravenloft)

    I like the Angelfire test, as it requires you to demonstrate some measure of your abilities.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    meagloth said:

    I never liked this test. The scores are exaggerated, and it's entirely opinion based.

    Yeah, some of these stats show how biased self-reported scores can be. I think the strength scores from the Angelfire test are reasonable. Most of us are around 10, as it should be. The others, well... not that I don't love you guys, but I don't think are any Olympic athletes or geniuses here.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Did anyone try the 4 stairs at a time part of the test? I did it but I think I pulled a hammy.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Tried the other, more generous test:
    Neutral Good Human Sorceror (5th Level)
    Str 14
    Dex 14
    Con 14
    Int 16
    Wis 15
    Cha 16
    Total 89
    Seems off base to me, and obviously way too high in several ability scores.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    STR: 10
    DEX: 14
    CON: 12
    INT: 17/17
    WIS: 17
    CHA: 12

    However, such things are not to be taken seriously--it is an online test with no certifiable credibility whatsoever. That being said, though, those aren't bad stats for a mage/cleric; ironically, that was the class of my first character in BG and, subsequently, BG2. Interestingly, I scored a little higher on charisma than I would have thought. *shrug*
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    My parents hit ctrl 8 when I was born! Muwahahah! All 18s!

    ...except they forgot to edit the ini file first, doh
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    This seems stupid. Why would a version of me living in the Forgotten Realms have the exact same stats?
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 138
    STR 12
    DEX 10
    CON 14
    INT 17/16
    WIS 15
    CHA 14

    Playable :P :D 81/82
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Alright. Come at me Sword Coast!

    STR: 10
    DEX: 16
    CON: 13
    INT(pt1/pt2): 16/17
    INT: 17
    WIS: 15
    CHA: 13

    Looks like it's time to find me some tomes, I suppose. Since I am, unless I can bribe someone for a controlled reincarnation, human, I'd be stuck dual classing, so I'm thinking Cleric 16 -> Mage 29.

    And yes, I loathed the Charisma questions, both answers on some of the questions were signs of high Charisma.

    Since according to the WotC alignment test I'm Neutral Good, I daresay I'm stuck with Lathander.
  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    Did the test and rolled up a neutral good stalker :
    STR: 14
    DEX: 16
    CON: 11
    INT: 10
    WIS: 15
    CHA: 13

    79 Point character. Interesting playthrough with SCS and the G3 tweakpack. Glad someone posted something like this, it add more roleplay to my game.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    STR: 17
    DEX: 15
    CON: 15
    INT(pt1/pt2): 15/15
    INT: 15
    WIS: 12
    CHA: 14

    You can tell I wasn't raised in a library.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    ^ wow, how many pushups can you do?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Schneidend, a lot of people, including me, like to do self-inserts into games with our characters. Taking silly psychological profile tests to confirm your self-belief about what powers you'd be given in a game universe is just fun. You do know about having fun, right?

    I think the authors of the tests deliberately write them to give self-affirmation to the subject. All in the name of good cheer and good fun.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    But, in real life I haven't trained all my life to kill people with swords and wear armor. In a fantasy setting, I would totally do that.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    You can think of it as "if you were transported to Faerun today, how screwed would you be?"
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited December 2013
    @Schneidend, fair enough, but we all fantasize about being given special powers that fit our natures. In real life, the people who are trained to fight with weapons are our military and police, martial arts experts, and also, a lot of the skills practiced in various athletics and sports would be easily converted into military use, especially the aggression that competitive sports foster and encourage.

    So, I see the real life melee fighters as what we would often call "jocks" when they are sportsmen or mercenaries. Real-life soldiers, policemen, and firemen, I would call "heroes". The best of them might even be real-life paladins and cavaliers.

    Doctors and clergy are our "clerics", environmentalists and outdoorsmen are our "druids" and "rangers", and scientists, engineers, and technicians are our "mages".

    Our liberal and fine arts people are our "bards", and our hackers, robbers, poachers, or, on the good side, our spies, informants, and whistle-blowers are our "thieves."

    There are a disproportionate number of "bards" who love to play computer games and who frequent the forums, loving to take tests and make threads like these, sharing their love of being the heroes of their own epic stories.

    This thread is for people who get so immersed in D&D games that they really like to imagine it's *them* in these games, being given special powers.

    I know that many players want to use the game as a chance to be something that they're *not* in real life, at all. This isn't really a thread for those players.

    Both things can be fun - imagining oneself as something totally different from oneself in a fantastic world, including a total body type and aptitude change, or a total personality change, or even a gender change. Or, in a universe where abilities are granted to every transportee according to his or her natural aptitudes, imagining "What powers would *I* have, and what would I do with them?"

    This thread and the various D&D attribute and alignment psychological profile tests are for the people who really get immersed in D&D games only through inserting some version of ourselves, which maximizes our fun with the genre.

    The other camp, of people who play games only to completely get out of themselves, so to speak, and act out a role that is completely different to what they are in real life, may have trouble understanding why people like me and others here have so much fun inserting our real selves into these games, and even go to the trouble to write and take elaborate psychological tests to intensify our interest in ourselves as heroic subjects.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    I do like to self-insert. Before EE my CHARNAMES were basically me. Of course, I don't have an 18 Strength, but then I'm not a Berserker wielding a two-handed sword, so I made my stats appropriate to how I would be if I actually lived in Forgotten Realms, or at least how I would try to be.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited December 2013
    @Schneidend, kudos to you, then! :)

    It's not really a self-insert to be a berserker unless you have a history of losing your temper, or deliberately going into a rage, or you have a mental illness that can cause a berserk state.

    (I could do it completely realistically for a self-insert if I wanted to encourage that part of myself - I struggle with a life-long mental illness that has in fact caused berserk states, in my past. But I usually choose to just let that be represented in BG by the Slayer form, which I ruthlessly repress in real life. In my youth, while working out and running daily, my strength has gone up to the point that, while berserk, (or barbarian raged), I could snap canvas restraints effortlessly, and knock down several huge male paramedics and police officers, terrifying everyone who witnessed it, including my poor family. I am not proud to admit that.)

    This discussion is inspiring me to want to try to play my semi-self-insert, but mostly just an exercise in playing someone completely different from me, Todek the Barbarian, again, in BG2:EE. For his original run, if you're interested, it starts in this thread, about halfway down the page:
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2013
    13(yeah, it might sound strange, but I am not so skinny)/16/15/17(18/16)/15(too much about common sense)/7

    And in
    Strength- 14
    Dexterity- 19
    Constitution- 17
    Intelligence- 19
    Wisdom- 18
    Charisma- 13 (WTF! I can't even get someone to not to hate me, really).
    CN, Wizard, sorcerer by second, -21 in monk :P, altrough very near CE (by one point) and Law & Chaos was like Law (5) Chaos (20), no neutrality, human, only by 4 points woth Dwarf and Half Elf. It gave me lvl1 since I am 14.
    Post edited by CrevsDaak on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Truly, you are wise.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @jackjack but I lack some common sense.
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