Drizzt Saga v3 released, now BGEE compatible!

Drizzt Saga is a quest mod that brings Drizzt and his companions into the game as joinable characters with their own major quest and side quests, numerous new areas, items (some to be forged) and creatures. It was originally released for BG1:TotSC, later updated to be compatible with BGT/Tutu, and now as of v3 also works with Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.
All credit for the story and content goes to the original author: Flysoup The full list of changes from previous versions is in the readme.
Listed below is an explanation of the mod's components:
1. The Drizzt Saga (Main component)
This is the core component and must be installed for the mod to work. You will be prompted to install one of two possible versions, which differ in how many of the new areas are added to the game's worldmap (this changes how player will be able to reach them):
a) Default version: areas connected by travel triggers
Installing this component will lift the default XP limit present in vanilla BGEE and Tutu games, setting it at 3750000 experience points for all classes. Drizzt and all his companions are high level characters, and without this component their actual level will not match their current experience shown on the character record screen - the game will "truncate" their experience to the highest value allowed by the current XP cap. This will not affect their in-game performance (level-dependant stats like THAC0, attacks per round, etc. all depend on the actual level of the character, not current experience), but will just look weird when opening their record sheets.
This component is only available for BGEE and Tutu, and is automatically skipped for BGT.
3. Optional component: Delayed Start - Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower
This optional component aims to improve compatibility (see below) and balance - by delaying the mod's start until the protagonist character has enough experience to be more effective against the high-level enemies and threats introduced by Drizzt Saga. Instead of joining the party right in the middle of the initial encounter with the gnolls, Drizzt will now meet the party after completing Durlag's Tower and can be later recruited in Ulgoth's Beard inn.
This component resolves potential compatibility issues with several mods (see the compatibility notes section in readme for more details) by leaving the original Drizzt vs gnolls encounter completely untouched.
Please note that since the Worldmap mod has not yet been updated to work with EE, BGEE users must choose the "Default" version of the core component when installing.
All credit for the story and content goes to the original author: Flysoup The full list of changes from previous versions is in the readme.
Listed below is an explanation of the mod's components:
1. The Drizzt Saga (Main component)
This is the core component and must be installed for the mod to work. You will be prompted to install one of two possible versions, which differ in how many of the new areas are added to the game's worldmap (this changes how player will be able to reach them):
a) Default version: areas connected by travel triggers
- This subcomponent works the same as the original BG1 version of the mod: only 4 new areas are added to worldmap, and most areas are connected with travel regions, meaning that travelling between them happens automatically when the player clicks at the appropriate edge of the map. Choose this if you're not planning to install the BP-BGT Worldmap mod later, or if you are not sure what option to pick.
- This subcomponent makes use of the larger worldmap offered by the BP-BGT Worldmap mod by adding all 8 possible areas to game worldmap. Method of travel between some of the added areas is changed from travel regions to the usual method of manually picking the destination area on worldmap. Choose this only if you're planning to install the BP-BGT Worldmap mod later.
Installing this component will lift the default XP limit present in vanilla BGEE and Tutu games, setting it at 3750000 experience points for all classes. Drizzt and all his companions are high level characters, and without this component their actual level will not match their current experience shown on the character record screen - the game will "truncate" their experience to the highest value allowed by the current XP cap. This will not affect their in-game performance (level-dependant stats like THAC0, attacks per round, etc. all depend on the actual level of the character, not current experience), but will just look weird when opening their record sheets.
This component is only available for BGEE and Tutu, and is automatically skipped for BGT.
3. Optional component: Delayed Start - Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower
This optional component aims to improve compatibility (see below) and balance - by delaying the mod's start until the protagonist character has enough experience to be more effective against the high-level enemies and threats introduced by Drizzt Saga. Instead of joining the party right in the middle of the initial encounter with the gnolls, Drizzt will now meet the party after completing Durlag's Tower and can be later recruited in Ulgoth's Beard inn.
This component resolves potential compatibility issues with several mods (see the compatibility notes section in readme for more details) by leaving the original Drizzt vs gnolls encounter completely untouched.
Please note that since the Worldmap mod has not yet been updated to work with EE, BGEE users must choose the "Default" version of the core component when installing.
unfortunately I am having a technical hiccup and not being very tech savvy myself I wondered if anyone out there can identify a solution for me.
I am running a version of BGEE (version 1.2.0) I downloaded from the App Store on OS X version 10.8.5. not being very good at this modding stuff myself I have been using this little gizmo (made by @subtledoctor) to install mods and it has worked with most things:
every time I attempt to install the mod this is what I see in the terminal:
Last login: Sun Mar 16 21:53:01 on ttys000
You have new mail.
Sarah-Callows-MacBook-Pro:~ sarahcallow$ cd '/Applications/Baldur'\''s Gate - Enhanced Edition.app/Contents/Resources/'
Sarah-Callows-MacBook-Pro:Resources sarahcallow$ ./setup-drizztsaga
[./setup-drizztsaga] WeiDU version 23107
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
[./setup-drizztsaga] Using scripting style "BG2"
In state 679, I expected one of these tokens:
[0] EOF
[3] <<<<<<<<
[23] ADD_KIT
[29] WITH
[38] LOG
[46] BEGIN
[50] BIFF
[60] PRINT
[91] FAIL
[113] MOVE
[137] MKDIR
[140] WARN
[167] IF_SIZE_IS
[168] UNLESS
[196] IF_EVAL
[201] COPY
[207] IF
[217] END
[220] COPY_KIT
[266] AT_EXIT
[292] AT_NOW
[294] LOAD_TRA
[370] DELETE
Parse error (state 679) at ~~
GLR parse error
[DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2] ERROR at line 306 column 1-11
ERROR: parsing [DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error
Press ENTER to exit.
It auto runs through all of this until it hits whatever the problem is so I have not entered any choices along the way in this.
If anyone has a clue how to get around the problem I would really appreciate it.
I don't know where Easy Mod Installer gets the WeiDU executable it uses to install mods later on, so I'm not sure how you end up with that early version or what you may do to ensure it uses the latest version.
Manual solution would be to follow the instructions in the readme to get the latest WeiDU version:
- download the latest version of Mac OS X WeiDU
- extract the WeiDU binary from the archive (it's in the 'bin' subfolder), and rename it into "setup-drizztsaga"
- move this renamed setup-drizztsaga file into the main BGEE data folder next to the setup-drizztsaga.command file (replacing the existing 'setup-drizztsaga' which is already there)
Then run the .command file to install.
I downloaded the WeiDU version you linked me to and it worked great - I managed to get the install rolling which was more than was happening before. Unfortunately I seem to now be getting stuck on the maps part of the install. this is what I am seeing in the terminal:
Biffing area data...
[data/DZTS-ARE.bif] will contain 156 resources totalling 1476375 bytes
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Default version: areas connected by travel triggers], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 699 files for [DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 699 files for [DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Sys_error("data/DZTS-ARE.bif: Permission denied")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-DRIZZTSAGA.DEBUG to flysoup, http://forums.blackwyrmlair.net/index.php?showforum=103
Using Language [English]
whatever "biffing area data" is - it seems to be having some trouble with it. (sorry I am not very technologically minded!) I am not sure what the problem really is or therefore how to fix it
- you might need to login with administrative rights to install mods in OSX
- you might have to change permissions for files in the Resources game folder as described in this guide to installing mods on OS X under "SPECIAL NOTE FOR MAC APP STORE PURCHASERS"
I am certain this is a problem with the mod itself and not being caused by a clash as when this initially occurred yesterday I completely obliterated BG:EE from my system and any other mods I had installed. This morning I re-downloaded BG:EE from the app store and only installed this mod and the problem still occurred in exactly the same way - installs fine but game now crashes on launch.
the only other things I have as custom content are custom portraits I have created myself and one portrait pack for NPCs. I am on Mac OS X version 10.8.5.
I had a look at the support forums for the mod and could not see this a know issue (unless I missed something) so I don't know if this is a mac-wide issue for the mod, but I thought you would like to know about this in case it is and needs some tweaking.
Obviously I am about to uninstall it all again but if you do have any suggestions on fixes I would be willing to try them out and see if it works.
It's a real shame - the mod looks great and I would love to play it.
thanks for all the help.
Unfortunately the crash report has little meaningful information to go on. Quick google search shows this to be just a generic app crash notification, with no indication as to what might have caused it.
This thread reports a similar crash in BG2EE caused by one of user's "character files":
but Drizzt Saga doesn't add any CHR files, so I'm at a loss why installing DS would cause this.
I'm afraid I can't help debug this problem without having access to a Mac myself, sorry. Tagging @AstroBryGuy in hope he may be able to give some hints on why this crash could be happening on OS X, since I have little experience with it...
I'm not sure from the crash report. I might be that there is a file the mod writes that OSX is reading as mal-formed. For example, if I write a bad .2DA file, BGEE will crash on loading. However, it in that case, you can see in the crash report that it was related to 2DA processing. The error message here is pretty generic.
I'll give installing the mod myself a shot, and see how it goes.
@Princess_Sarah - You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the file SETUP-DRIZZTSAGA.DEBUG?
I do now, however, have a file called SETUP-DRIZZTSAGA.DEBUG sitting in my resources folder and have managed to get a copy of it (thanks to text edit) into pdf format so I can show it to you @AstroBryGuy in the hopes that you can make more of it than I can. it should be attached to this post.
The only things I can think of are; my version of OS X (10.8.5) is causing the trouble; the fact that its an App Store download is responsible; or that I skipped the raise level cap step (which I don't think it is, as, from memory, previously I tried installing this too and still got crashing).
If anyone can figure out what the trouble is, you will be my absolute hero and I will be very grateful.
tispack and tisunpack are distributed with WeiDU. Download the WeiDU package if you don't have it, or discarded the other files after copying out the weidu program.
tisunpack is located in the WeiDU-Mac/bin/x86-64 folder. Copy the file tisunpack to the Drizzt Saga mod, replacing the old version of tisunpack found in the drizztsaga/tiz/osx folder.
tisunpack requires that libjpeg be installed on your system. If it isn't, you can download an installer here:
After you replace tisunpack and installed libjpeg, you should be able to install the Drizzt Saga mod.
COPY_EXISTING ~ORC06.cre~ ~override~
~HLOLAF.cre~ ~override~
~CHAK.cre~ ~override~
~AR18FIG.cre~ ~override~
WRITE_LONG 0x28 0xE700 //IC_OROG1 instead of IC_OROG2
BG:EE doesn't have limit for new animations, so it is no longer necessary to replace existing animations. This is not only reducing the amount of available unique animations, but also creates compatibility problems with mods that use this vanilla animation slot for their creatures.
Also I suggest changing this part:
COPY ~DRIZZTSAGA/Anim/MTAN~ ~override~ //Merilith
your animation is orange, and the original one is green. There is no need to replace the original one. Just add it to a new slot.
If you don't know how to use BG:EE new animation slots functionality just copy the code and files from this mod: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/19501/resource-pack-extended-animations/p1
Thanks in advance.
edit: you can use this code to add Frost Giant into the game following Extended Animations standard, without overwriting exisiting animations:
APPEND ~EXTANIM.2DA~ ~57935 0 1 1 0 0 0 47 0 0 NONE NONE NONE 8 5 MGFR NONE 0 0 NONE~ UNLESS ~57935 0 1 1 0 0 0 47 0 0 NONE NONE NONE 8 5 MGFR NONE 0 0 NONE~
APPEND ~EXTSPEED.2DA~ ~57935 8~ UNLESS ~57935~
And rename your MNO2 files to MGFR, or better yet just use sounds, wav and 2da files from Extended Animations. I've uploaded all files for frost giant here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rya0zv
what if i have pregenerated full party. will i still be able to have access to the new areas, items etc?nvm stupid questions by a newbie to BG games.
I am planning to manually mod BG:EE2.3.67.3/SoD/Big World Fixpack (no BWS this time…) and i am thinking about including this mod to my mod list.
Would you recommend this mod ?
Would it be compatible with BG:EE V2.0+ ?
What would be the issues or bugs ?
Too much fighting, very little/simple dialogue, feels like testosterone infused bloodbath of endless waves of enemies with little sense... and not precisely in a good way (I'm all for mindless powergaming slaughter from time to time to relieve tension, but this feel too detached from the franchise's narrative).
It's not bad it just feels like playing Icewind Dale but with poor writing.
I recommend it only so you can take it out of your chest and say "I was in a party with Drizzt and we kicked ass and it felt awesome!". If you're looking for a cool story and good narrative, look elsewhere.
I'm playing the drizzt saga and it doesn't show me the new areas (the icewind dale'areas).
After talking to Ellminster, he sends me to a small area where I find a dying person updating my map.
If I look at the world map, I am still in Ulgoth Beard and I can't go to lands of Icewind ale.
Are there any codes to go there? How can I solve it?
Probably the problem is due to my mistake: in the installation options, I gave the second choice, but I had previously installed the world map. If I reinstall the world map, could I solve it or would I just create problems?
Which installer you used for your game?
- I enjoyed playing the Drizzt Quests in the northern parts in BG1-EE after the ToSC-part, did so after I finished all sidequests in Chapter 3 and killed Aec Letec, wouldn't so again though and next time playing through I'd postpone it as the last thing to do befoe facing Sarevok (Drizzt Saga in combination SCStratagems is very challenging, and for some reason some protection spells and immunites don't work).
- By now I solved SoD and moved on to SoA, joined Wulfgar, found you can't reject Drizzt, ditched Wulfgar in Irenicus' prison so I could keep Jaheira+Minsc+Imoen+Yoshimo, found I cannot easily non-exploitingly ditch Drizzt, now I wonder what I have to do regularly to get rid of Drizzt in order to free his party space for other SoA-NPCs?
I heard the best way to handle BG2 Drizzt is to boot him from your party, lock him in a room, and return when ready. That's just how things were coded.
Are Drizzt and his 4 companions all required to be in the party together for Drizzt Saga (BG1)? What about Region of Terror (BG2)?
Where are Drizzt's companions found in Drizzt Saga (BG1) & Region of Terror (BG2)?