Who is the most underrated NPC? (This time with options!)

To chime in with @booinyoureyes - which NPC does get the most undeserved hate? Which "black sheep" do you find well written, mechanically useful or even both?
- Who is the most underrated NPC? (This time with options!)138 votes
- Garrick  9.42%
- Skie  5.07%
- Eldoth  3.62%
- Faldorn  5.80%
- Nalia16.67%
- Valygar21.74%
- Cernd  8.70%
- Branwen10.87%
- Xzar  5.80%
- someone else12.32%
I went with Garrick because I find him amusing, and I also recently discovered how useful wands are. I know many mages have enough spells that make using wands seem useless until later in a battle, but with a couple wands Garrick becomes amazing. Identifying is also really nice, and if you install Rogue Rebalancing his bard song can get really useful. I also have a bunch of silly roleplay things I do that make him more enjoyable for me (as I mentioned in my bard poll).
Eldoth is also underrated, because he is an awesome interpretation of a bard. As Kid said in a prior thread, he makes the most use of his charisma. Haer'Dalis is more of a fighter/mage type character than a classic bard, and Garrick is a bit wet around the ears to really be the best interpretation of the class. Eldoth's personality is very much appropriate for his class and skill set. You believe him to be a bummy yet keen musician and adventurer. He has a great picture too, lol. His stats are meh, but he can still be as useful as any other bard.
I think Xzar and Branwen are pretty well liked, but I think Kid's idea of dual classing Xzar into a cleric is pretty great and I am totally stealing it when the BG1NPC Project comes out for BGEE. He is underrated in that sense. In my cleric poll I was actually really shocked at how well Branwen is received by fans. She apparently has a lot of supporters!
The one guy I think gets underrated is actually Montaron. I love how he is a halfling thief but instead of your stereotypical overly-careless, super adventurous halfling rogue (like Regis from Drizzt, Tasslehoff the Kender, Sam from LotR, Alora, etc etc) he is a totally badass thug! He is in many ways the anti-Mazzy. I think it was cool how he defied the classical idea of what a person of his class and race *should* be. I think he gets overlooked because of Safana and some other popular thieves in Baldur's Gate 1, and also by the awesomeness of his companion, but I think he is pretty great.
I think Skie, from what I hear, is a very useful thief since she has all the right point allocations when you get her, but as I have never really tried her or Faldorn, I can't really say much about them. Elminster (the super insightful poster on this forum, not the all powerful mage from the stories) also made me reconsider Cernd in his NPC guide and some comments he's made here and there on this forum. I plan on actually trying him out for an extended period of time in a future playthrough, and may find him underrated depending on results.
He's seen as inferior to Edwin (so is every other mage except Neera, so what?) and often shows up in the context of "let Xzar die, then keep Montaron as thief and get Edwin or Baeloth...". I will not tire to point out that Xzar is so versatile - the only NPC who can dual into 2 different classes with one tome each. He can become a necromancer/thief (which is admittedly quite useless with the abundance of thieves in BG1) or a necromancer/cleric - mechanically, the "best" cleric, reaching higher wisdom than Branwen, Yeslick or Viconia can achive.
His stats are actually pretty damn great for an NPC. 14 strength on a mage is neat. Oh so smart Edwin thought it's a great idea to use his hulking strength for Quarterstaff prof; Xan plays the newbie trap with his ridicolous con, dagger prof and a badass looking melee weapon. Xzar has strength to use throwing daggers, carry some of them (!) and still has a melee prof. Best of all worlds, as far as mage weapon profs are concerned.
His 10 con may look low, but Viconia and Shar-Teel, both frequently used as frontliners, have less. Xzar also comes with their combo of "low con, high dex" to make up for it. Dualed, he can wear shields and armor, making his con even less of a problem.
Dualed, Xzar is an absolute casting machine with frontlining ability, and he's paired with Montaron - utility thief, backstabber, frontliner, slinger with pretty good stats on his own. There is no weak link in this pair; it's actually two of the strongest NPCs for the price of none.
Skie - she really gets overlooked more than underrated due to being very late game and tied to yet another often overlooked/underrated NPC. Her stats, profs and thief skills are indeed very decent and she's the least painful late game switch because of that. I also like that her personality is spot on. She is meant to be an annoying, spoiled brat and that's exactly what she is. Unlike Neera, who is probably meant to be the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope, but comes off as an ungrateful brat. Skie's only actual weakness is her portrait. It looks way too old and too serious for her. I think she's meant to be charname's age (along with Imoen and presumably Garrick) - very early 20ies. Her portrait looks like a mischievous milf at best and someone's evil stepmother at worst.
Eldoth - very underrated, but for a good reason. Poison Arrow ability, long bow prof and whooping 12 dex doesn't make the best impression, especially if you met Kivan and Coran on the way, or usually use Khalid as archer. Eldoth is an investment more than any other NPC. Without the dex gauntlets, he isn't useful in any party role except "eye candy". His portrait is definitely easy on all my eyes, his voiceset is great and his backstory and personality are a perfect representation of the bard class. He's a poster boy for "smart evil" or "villain with good publicity". Mechanically... he needs the gauntlets more than anyone. He needs to either sacrifice a spell slot for Armor, or you have to do Dorn's quest for the one armor he can cast in. It also pays out to give him the con tome and get him to 16 con. His strength is actually not so bad, and with potions, his intelligence isn't much of a problem for learning spells. Weapon profs - well, Long Bow (for Dead Shot) and Scimitar (for Rashad's Talon, which you conveniently find on the way to him) are fine. Spear... isn't optimal, since there aren't any really good spears that would balance his otherwise below average stats. Being tied to Skie and being mid game himself doesn't help his case either. The personality is still worth it to me.
Faldorn - rarely use her, or druids in general. I only ever play Avengers in Black Pits. In BG1, druids are not in full bloom; the really good druid only spells come in late and before that, Faldorn has nothing to make up for the wait. Her stats are nothing to write home about, except maybe for her summon ability. From her backstory as Shadow Druid, she would have made an interesting returnee in BG2. More interesting than Cernd, that is, to have the balance of "good leaning" Jaheira and "evil leaning" Faldorn from BG1 again.
Nalia - I can only repeat what I mentioned in another topic. She's a wasted opportunity. The backstory is alright, but the class-alignment-looks combo does scream "Imoen's stunt double". As a sorcerer, maybe Dragon Diciple, or a bard, Nalia could have been incredible.
Valygar - I don't understand why he is so disliked, or better - shunned for a "lack of personality". Sure, he's a bit on the quiet, brooding side. But that didn't hurt Kivan's popularity either. Valygar also has an interesting and popular kit and a neat personal weapon to go with it, a good voiceset and he isn't exactly on the ugly side either. Had he indeed been written as a romance option for female charnames, he would probably be a lot more popular. It's bizarre how Anomen, the one original romance, gets so much flak for his awful personality, yet is still liked for the mechanical aspect. Valygar isn't an "awful person" and mechanically perfectly fine - and a tale of caution that just proves the point: Even bad publicity is good publicity when competing with Anomen.
Cernd - He's awful. I tried and I can't find any redeeming qualities. I probably ruined the druid class for myself by taking a druid through the saga and then NWN. I see "shapeshifter" and ask "why the hell can't you exist as a basilisk for a while, or a drider, or a manticore?! WHY?!" After the True Shifter prestige class in NWN, every other shapeshifter will disappoint. Sorry, Cernd.
Branwen - I, too, was surprised how popular she is in the cleric poll. I've never seen her as anything but a very valid NPC choice. Her personality and voiceset is really nice; she's the best representation of a pure cleric to me. I actually wrote that in a poll about "best class representation" - her personality is very balanced, she seems wise and at peace with herself and her fate and depends on nothing but her faith in battle. She's an outcast in her society because of it, but not angry about it - she just takes it as a test of faith, with a calm acceptance. Her stats aren't outstanding, but they aren't bad either. With a few items that are easily obtained - ankheg plate, Ashideena, later Hands of Takkok - she's a frontline beast. Not the damage output Yeslick can offer, but in turn, she's a pure cleric and makes up for it with faster progression and more spells.
Montaron - Probably underrated, though I absolutely don't see why. His stats are good, his profs are good, he's a thief you get at level 1 for full freedom with skill point distribution, and being a halfling makes up for the slower thief progression as multiclass. It's a good multiclass, too - a thief that can wear a helm and, if used as backstabber, does ridicolous damage. Effective as a slinger, can hold his own as a frontliner, covers all thieving needs if neccessary/only party thief. Plus, as said above and elsewhere, it's refreshing to see an NPC break with the stereotypes of his race. Great voiceset, too.
Cernd is very funny for me, I never took him more than for his personal quest, in which I couldn't stop laughing and thinking "this druid is a complete asshole" and "he could be useful, but I don't know how to make him useful" so I ended up dropping him.
Eldoth is a party memeber I sometimes have around for a week, mostly for a stack of 80 Poisoning Arrows, but certainly he is underrated, he isn't as bad written as other BG1 NPCs and he is maybe funny and much more versatile and useful than Garrick as a bard.
Montaron is like KidCarnival and booinyoureyes said the stereotype breaker, I neer had him around for too long because he got killed by Tarnesh in a no-reload run
Skie, I never, never never used her. I've seen her voiceset while fixing a save of other person and laughed a little, looks like made to counterpart with Montaron, she's totally stereotype, most of te times I play thieves, solo runs (or both) or just don't want to take her. I'm going tp consider her in my next BG:EE evil run with BG1 NPC Project and SCS.
Brawnen is a NPC I never used, I certainly don't see why you need a cleric in BG1, I think that with Yeslik you have enougj Divine spellcasting for BG1, unless you are playing evil and, well, you can take Viconia with you
Anyway, I'd go with Garrick. He's very enjoyable to have around, people literally just don't take him because of his stats. Pretty sad.
Also nailed Montaron. I probably would have voted for him if he was an option, though Garrick and Eldoth would be hard to beat.
To be honest, I find Valygar boring. He definitely feels... unfinished? He should have been a romance option, and a couple mods add it in, which may be interesting. I think the reason that he gets flak that the similar Kivan does not is that he is a BG2 character, so his minimalist personality is highlighted more in comparison with all the other characters. Kivan doesn't get that, since BG1 characters pretty much have their biography, soundset and maybe a quest or two to show themselves.
I agree with Quartz that Xzar and Branwen are kinda well liked. Nalia is a really interesting option for this poll, and your reasoning for her lukewarm reception is spot on. She'd have been interesting as a sorcerer or a bard. The sorceress part would really fit her development in BG2 because of the whole "coming to terms with newfound awesome power" thing.
Another interesting choice might have been Quayle, actually. He gets SO much hate that I really don't get. I don't love him, but find him amusing and pretty useful with all his spell slots.
And I can't be the only one who *still* waits for a Faldorn Romance mod for both games, right..? Right?!
I went with Branwen because I find she is a better cleric than Vic who gets all the love. She's neutral so she can fit into more parties plus I do like her spiritual hammer summoning especially early game WHEN EVERY DAMN WEAPON BREAKS ON ME. *ahem*
Garrick is a close second. I love his personality and his "yes sirrr" response. He can be a good secondary mage and mid wisdom and int scores give him some nice lore later, allowing you to use magical items right away, while not wasting a spell slot on identify.
And Garrick in second place.
I think it is the enchanter kit. I make him a sorcerer myself so I don't experience the pains of not being able to do damage. Enchantment is especially useless in BG2 (I heard somewhere the last enchantment spell is level five anyway, and you lose evocation)
Otherwise, I'd say many of the BG1 NPC's have potential to be a lot more than they were with real character growth and development. Skie realizing how foolish she was to fall for Eldoth and starting to pursue her own goals and interests would have been good.
The poll isn't so much about liked and disliked as it is about underrated NPCs who are in the shadow of another NPC who fills the same role. I'd say that Garrick isn't disliked for his personality either, just passed over because of his medicore stats.
But alas, I made a write in option for the others.
Branwen IMO is a reasonable cleric. Valygar is okay, being good on the bow always adds some value, but the rest are passengers.
Often in the past I didn't even think about taking him because he comes too late. Because his stats are meh. Because his "smart" thing is irritating. But in my recent runs I've changed my mind completely.
There's simply no other NPC in BG1 that combines a mage and a cleric in one person from the start. The focus on magic in the 1st part of the game is not so big as it is in BG2, so I think that 1.5 clerics and 1.5 mages are enough for a party in BG1. You get both "halves" with Quayle and you get them good. +1 to arcane spells per level because of him having a kit. A quick ability to become invisible in any dangerous moment. A solid cleric progression that nearly matches a progression of a pure cleric. Shorty bonuses.
His lack of WIS can be compensated by arcane spells. And you don't need to spend a tome and wait to regain cleric abilities if compared with Xzar.
Cleric/mage multiclass is a powerful combination and with Quayle in the party you're solidly covered in the spells department.
I agree with Coutelier about Aerie getting a lot of undeserved flak, but the thing is with her is that she has a lot of vocal supporters, and everyone acknowledges her ability, so underrated is probably not the best term for her.
skie is also underrated but she is just a weird character altogether seeing as not only is she a late game character she is one of two late game thieves so it just seems very unlikely anyone is ever going to use her unless the specifically plan to ahead of time
It was generally a bad choice to make the late game NPCs all thieves (with the exception of Quayle). If a fighter/ranger or divine caster was in their place, I think these NPCs would not suffer nearly as much from their late game status.
(ignoring some NPC's in BG1 because as the ones in Baldurs Gate are found when you already have your party, effectively meaning you have to plan your play through to make it worth using them)
Also, try as I might, I just can't rate Cernd or Faldorn at all.
He always struck me as boring and lackluster. Nothing particularly interesting about his stats or personality.
However he turned out to be a bit of a bad ass, and his banters with Mazzy were very amusing.
Not a bad character at all.
Second choice is Faldorn, she may not be as good a fighter as Jaheira, but she is a better spellslinger. I think most of her hate comes from her crazy portrait.
Her or Feldorn. Now, I used Feldorn in my BG! EE playthrough (Ajantis, Minsc, Branwen, Feldorn and Imoen with my sorceress) and she could use insect plague, which was amazing. She's fun, feral, and Ajantis constantly told her to behave herself. She's amazing.
Second would go Cernd. Especialy with SCS he's pretty good.
Third goes for Faldron, but I've never actualy liked her.
I believe that Xzar and Branwen should not be in the list, as people use them actualy a lot.
I have found @kidcarnival 's comments about Xzar enlightening. I am guilty of the very habit of finding Montaron the more useful of the duo and will pay more attention (and creativity) next time.
I have grown fond of Garrick despite never using him until recently. As others have stated, he makes an excellent secondary caster and keeper of the wands. He identifies, pickpockets, and is passable as a crossbowman with the Army Scythe.
I tried Cernd for a while and it didn't work out. Like Faldorn though I may not have given him a proper tryout. Although I may also have a bit of class bias to work out there too.
I appreciate Branwen and Nalia a great deal. I find them to be among the most effective in their class/alignment in the games, especially how early you can find them.
Eldoth was another candidate for me. I have never used him and definitely should in the future.
Garrick: I don't play bards myself, though I plan on it soon, and in BG1 Horror is as common broken weapons. Therefore, a quick way to ensure morale/fear resistance is a bard song. Plus, Garrick can use nearly any weapon (alignment restrictions aside, you can make him proficient with anything), so if you really like that Albruin +2 but have no long sword fighters, teach Garrick how to give it a swing or two. He can learn any spell that you can find in the game, unlike Dynaheir, Edwin or Xan so he is a versatile backup for whatever your main mage is (or if you specialize as a CHARNAME mage). He starts with a crossbow and a nice little quest, has humorous voice acting, is so cheerful about adventuring with you, and won't complain if you enjoy the company of Drow, Blackguards, Ajantis or other annoying NPCs.
Valygar: Obvious cons are that he can't wear super heavy armor, his strength is only 17 and he is a boring human, and he's kind of mopey. Pros: Who needs heavy armor when there are plenty of other AC items/spells, and decent Light armor, backstab is truly a ridiculous power (I never used it until I played a stalker in BG1 and now I use backstab every chance I get), he is good with Katanas (his own is great and celestial fury is awesome), Spears (spears are fun) and Daggers (plenty of cute little effect daggers for when he backstabs). All in all, as the versatile Casty/Sneaky ranger kit, Valygar fits really well into most lineups as a damage dealer with style. Also, strength 17 means hardly anything in BG2 due to all of the strength spells and the abundant strength items. His mopey-ness isn't unwarranted, and you can have some cool interactions with him.
Bards are versatile, Stalkers are fairly versatile for a Ranger, both are cool characters. I chose Valygar over Garrick because I play BG2 more than BG1, and he has more depth.
I could have picked Xzar, who is one of my favorite NPCs, but I don't think he is very underrated.