The "30 days of Baldur's Gate"

Hi there gamers, err, I mean GATERS!
It will be 1 month till BGEE next week. 7 days plus one month and we are there. Now that is a LONG wait! People might remember what I did last time I had to wait 24 hours - a marathon, playing Baldur's Gate.
I know not all of you want to play BG now, in fact I am sure plenty want to keep their Baldursgatometer at 0 so that they get the full hype for the Enhanced Edition. I for one like to keep it at 1000% at all times! And to WASTE my time, I will do all kinds of.... (drumroll please?)
This compilation of challenges being the "30 days of Baldur's Gate". Why 30 if it's 37 though? Because I'll technically be away for almost two weeks in September and at that time, things will move fast for me.
I want, not only me, but EVERYONE that enjoys playing the best RPG ever to make RIDICULOUS things... just for the fun of it (and the replayability of the game!). And that are challenges. So my question - what would be your own challenge to make time pass faster till BGEE? Would you post about it and try it out to make this thread feel alive, and make others read the stories about the legends of your deeds?
I would! Feed me some wine and call me a drunkman, I am entering with a challenge that came in my mind by reading threads. My challenge, for me, is the : RESCUE CHALLENGE! -- where I have to collect 20,000 or 15,000 gold in BG2 as soon as possible and rescue Imoen. Keeping us both alive through the Underdark on a kind of low level, with minimal gear! Easy? Well, I guess that with the right preparation, it could be.
So what would YOUR challenge be? Let's make this boring month and a week pass faster shall we?!
It will be 1 month till BGEE next week. 7 days plus one month and we are there. Now that is a LONG wait! People might remember what I did last time I had to wait 24 hours - a marathon, playing Baldur's Gate.
I know not all of you want to play BG now, in fact I am sure plenty want to keep their Baldursgatometer at 0 so that they get the full hype for the Enhanced Edition. I for one like to keep it at 1000% at all times! And to WASTE my time, I will do all kinds of.... (drumroll please?)
This compilation of challenges being the "30 days of Baldur's Gate". Why 30 if it's 37 though? Because I'll technically be away for almost two weeks in September and at that time, things will move fast for me.
I want, not only me, but EVERYONE that enjoys playing the best RPG ever to make RIDICULOUS things... just for the fun of it (and the replayability of the game!). And that are challenges. So my question - what would be your own challenge to make time pass faster till BGEE? Would you post about it and try it out to make this thread feel alive, and make others read the stories about the legends of your deeds?
I would! Feed me some wine and call me a drunkman, I am entering with a challenge that came in my mind by reading threads. My challenge, for me, is the : RESCUE CHALLENGE! -- where I have to collect 20,000 or 15,000 gold in BG2 as soon as possible and rescue Imoen. Keeping us both alive through the Underdark on a kind of low level, with minimal gear! Easy? Well, I guess that with the right preparation, it could be.
So what would YOUR challenge be? Let's make this boring month and a week pass faster shall we?!
Finally, to make it just a bit harder, no rerolling on char creation. first roll, you're done, no matter how high/low.
edit: wait, there are bards in bg1. i think it was Garrick that was a bard? also, i like to be evil irl, and try tog ive the best challenge i can
Will definitely consider it as soon as I finish (or fail) my rescue challenge
I'm not following any challenge in particular but I'm using this playthrough to try new NPCs and a few mods (like the BG1 NPC Project - Warning: don't infiltrate the Bandit Camp with Kivan lol).
what does being intoxicated/fatigued do. it never really seemed to make a difference, so sometimes i went a week before resting, as i manage my spells pretty well. would be a nice addition for your chars to pass out if you went too long, get sick, something.
PS - I don't think I can do the drunk challenge simply because I don't drink alcohol. So no thanks XD
I *am* thinking about killing Drizzt with Garrick... is it possible? Hmm...
Run through ideas (feel free to combine 2 or more of this for extra challenge):
1. A completely naked full solo run through - no items equipped whatsoever, except when required for the plot and then removed immediately afterwords.
Weapons and shields are the only thing you are allowed. -Pick your class
2. Speed run - try to beat the best non-toolassisted time on speeddemos.
3. Wild mage playthough with no saving/loading except to take a break from playing.
4. Low reputation run - get you rep as low as possible (1 or 0) as fast as possible, while still being able to talk to plot npcs and keep it there- you can never equip boots of speed.
5. Kobold run - clua console your whole party into kobolds and keep them there.
6. Minimum possible hit points run - reload on each level up until you get 1 hp.
7. No resting - play through the entire game without resting once
8. Pacifist run through: kill absolutely nothing that doesn't advance the plot.
9. Bear run through: Make a party of druids, shapeshift them into bears. Stay in bear shape the entire game - you can swtich back when absolutely necessary, but you are not allowed into combat ,or if you are thrust into combat, not allowed to do any action except turn into bear form.
10. Low stat roll - set every statistic to 3 then solo the game.
"Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the second day of Baldur's Gate, Firebeard cast on me:
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the third day of Baldur's Gate, by the Inn of the Friendly:
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the fourth day of Baldur's Gate, watched a dream movie:
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the fifth day of Baldur's Gate, they're still fighting me?!?
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the sixth day of Baldur's Gate, while adventuring:
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the seventh day of Baldur's Gate, (he was really bothering me)
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the eighth day of Baldur's Gate, when I killed Mulahey:
Xan soon was sulking,
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the ninth day of Baldur's Gate, *gasp* someone poisoned me!
Did some random questing,
Xan soon was sulking,
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the tenth day of Baldur's Gate, things aren't what they seem:
Fought a doppleganger,
Did some random questing,
Xan soon was sulking,
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the eleventh day of Baldur's Gate, the city turned on me!
Constantly was running,
Fought a doppleganger,
Did some random questing,
Xan soon was sulking,
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
On the twelfth day of Baldur's Gate, I go to Undercity:
Fired arrows of biting,
Constantly was running,
Fought a doppleganger,
Did some random questing,
Xan soon was sulking,
Khalid disappeared while scouting,
Had fun Kobold slaying,
Read a bunch of words,
A useless buff,
And "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
I have been thinking of all sorts of parties and ways of playing though, some of them challenging but mostly just silly. Spent ages entertaining myself with trying out names for a naked monk. Think that was because of a lack of sleep. Is it posible to cuda CHARNAME into a xvart ? if the attack sound also changes then the challenge would be to play for as long as possible with the sound on before sticking pencils in the ears to end it all. Or maybe a beastmaster solo run?
"Kill Drizzt with Garrick" could be interpreted as only killing Drizzt with a party with Garrick present, not that Garrick has to actually kill him. It could also be interpreted that Garrick just gives the death blow, while the rest is entirely up to the party.
Still, will try to do it clean legit - 100% damage dealt by Garrick. With the right spells it (theoretically) should be possible to buff him enough to make him an invulnerable tank for... 1 second? XD
Alternatively use cheese tactic no. 1 - Invisibility, hit with crossbow, run, invisibility, hit with crossbow, run etc...
ALTERNATIVELY, use cheese tactic no. 2 - 200 monsters from wand of monster summoning, mass haste on all of them and surround Drizzt. Let Garrick do the dirty work with a crossbow of speed and arrows of biting (I think they should hurt the crap outta Drizzt)
Ohohoho, I am SOOOO gonna humiliate Drizzt! >:D
@ajwz one of your ideas is interesting, a no rest play through, except where story forces it. I wonder if that is even possible, and would make mages useless unless i get a spell of wish and get lucky. I think i might try that with my fighter/mage, or maybe i should make a fighter/mage/thief, i know the mage seems pointless, but remember there are still staves/scrolls i can use.