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Remove lich Kangaxx



  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    mlnevese said:

    Reinstall your game and start a new game. It's the simplest way to be sure the problem does not come back. If you have any saves from before the problem you can use them.

    In addition to this: just uploading a saved game will not help if, somehow, modified areas have been added to your override folder. Those areas will only be added to your saved game once you get to them.

    For example, I can remove them from the saved game you uploaded, where Kangaxx appears in the first level of Irenicus' Dungeon, but since you have not visited the second level there is no way to know if that area has also been affected.

    Verifying the game cache on Steam, repairing the installation with standalong launcher, or removing the .BEAM and .STATUS files in the Beamdog directory and fixing your game is the only way to ensure that this will not happen again. Then, after that, you will need to start a new game.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I'm a bit amazed that somebody can mod the game on somebody else's machine in multiplayer. The question I'd have for the dev's is if MP with somebody that modded their game makes the mods shared. My suspicion (I'm no Sherlock Holmes) is that the perpetrator modded her (or his) own game and then joined anybody that had MP without a password. The mod was shared and the damage was done.

    Like some others mentioned, look in your override folder. If your game is unmodded, there shouldn't be anything in there. If there is, post the file names and see if everybody knows what those are. I do not believe that verifying file integrite (a la Steam) does anything to override files (but it will fix altered game files).
  • zavulonzavulon Member Posts: 21
    Sorry this sounds like a troll to me.. I don't think such thing is possible. Can anyone verify this?
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    zavulon said:

    Sorry this sounds like a troll to me.. I don't think such thing is possible. Can anyone verify this?

    This actually happened to me back in the day. I have no idea how its possible but yes, its possible.

  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    It's simple, uninstall bg2, delete all folders, reinstall.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490

    It's simple, uninstall bg2, delete all folders, reinstall.

    Except that this doesn't prevent it from happening again. So it is just a bandage, not a solution. We need to find out how it is possible, and prevent it.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    Am I the only one that thought that he wanted to have Kangaxx removed because he thought he is overpowered or whatever?
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    Maybe you have a limited edition of Kangaxx, after when he is released he says something like "fury on the planes shall be" -_-

    Of course I am not helping but except some kind of hacking, this is called a X-File.

  • ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2014
    I've tested the savegame file and I can indeed comfirm that Kangaxx in his demilich form appears even in the first floor of the Irenicus dungeon. Actually decompressed SAV shows that he is there 4x.
    I can't help by fixing the savegame as it is extremely likely that as new areas are loaded from his installation he will appear again.

    You must indeed reinstall the game (i suggest complete clean reinstall). You won't be able to use your previous saves unless they are purged from the infection.

    The developers should seriously take a look into this.
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    Dee said:

    I can confirm that the problem isn't transferred mod files, so that at least eliminates a variable.

    It really warms my heart that this issue is being given such attention. I love this game and the support it's provided. Keep up the good work Dee
  • NeeberNeeber Member Posts: 33
    Is he in every area or just the prison ? If its the latter just warp in a highly enchanted weapon a couple protection from magical energy scrolls, maybe a potion or two, and a scroll of spell immunity, click abjuration and proceed to wipe the floor with him. Maybe a prot3ctionfrom undead scroll just to be sure ?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    That sounds a little bit like whack-a-mole with Liches, (Whack-a-Lich?) And eventually everyone misses a mole, er…Lich.
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    I'm not sure that CLUAConsole is an option in multiplayer, but I could be wrong.
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405

    I'm not sure that CLUAConsole is an option in multiplayer, but I could be wrong.

    You can use clua console in multiplayer

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Wow what a jerk! Hopefully you can fix it! :(
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2014
    WebShaman said:

    It's simple, uninstall bg2, delete all folders, reinstall.

    Except that this doesn't prevent it from happening again. So it is just a bandage, not a solution. We need to find out how it is possible, and prevent it.
    As people have said, it's possible because the host copies the files from the people joining and the OP didn't protect their game. They just need to play TCP/IP instead of connecting to the lobby.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Taear said:

    As people have said, it's possible because the host copies the files from the people joining and the OP didn't protect their game. They just need to play TCP/IP instead of connecting to the lobby.

    No, there needs to be a check that ASKS if copies of files from the people joining should be accepted! That would go a long ways towards preventing this sort of thing.

    Ideally, the host sends the files to those joining, not the other way around.

  • AskejiAskeji Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2014
    This is so cool, haha! Other than the fact that some1's game experience was ruined, ofc. I'd be laughing so hard if that happened to me. I want my game to be infested with Kangaxx!

    So do we know if this was a professional hacker or it was an intelligent abuse of importing chars/items into the host's game?
    Post edited by Askeji on
  • ambrennanambrennan Member Posts: 173
    Have you tried reloading the auto-save (created when you transition between party-required areas)? You might only have to replay one dungeon that way.

    If I might make a suggestion - create a normal single player game and use EEKeeper to turn the NPCs into the classes you'd want (e.g. berserker Minsc, ranger/cleric Jaheira, archer Mazzy) ; that way you can essentially still create your entire party without losing out on all the NPC interaction.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Askeji said:

    This is so cool, haha! Other than the fact that some1's game experience was ruined, ofc. I'd be laughing so hard if that happened to me.

    This is not the least bit funny. It's no different than having someone infect your computer with a virus. Good thing I don't play multi-player. I certainly never will now. Beamdog needs to take a very serious look at this issue.

  • AskejiAskeji Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2014
    Belanos said:

    Askeji said:

    This is so cool, haha! Other than the fact that some1's game experience was ruined, ofc. I'd be laughing so hard if that happened to me.

    This is not the least bit funny. It's no different than having someone infect your computer with a virus. Good thing I don't play multi-player. I certainly never will now. Beamdog needs to take a very serious look at this issue.

    Actually yes it is different, because a) it doesn't screw up my computer, and b) worst case scenario you have to reinstall the game.

    That is why I would be laughing, if it happened to me. If someone ruined my computer somehow, no I would not be laughing.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Askeji said:

    Actually yes it is different, because a) it doesn't screw up my computer, and b) worst case scenario you have to reinstall the game.

    And how can you be sure that they can't pass along something other than some game element? That's quite obviously a security breach and there's no telling what some clever hacker can do with it.

  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Before we start hearing rumours let me clarify that there were internal tests and the game DOES NOT TRANSMIT ANY FILE. If you have a mod or custom portrait it will no be was clarified by @Dee a few posts above.

    The most likely explanation for what happened to the OP is the use of CLua console to spawn Kangaxx.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It doesn't explain why it's affecting new games, though. But we've been unable to reproduce anything like that behavior.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    The console can be used in a MP game for almost everything (only the host can CRTL+Y, thanks to Cuv for hearing my idea), I've CRTL+J my PCs several time in multi-player and accidentally teleported the party to Gullykin while trying to go to the Nashkel Mines with the console (whoops! Forgot the ARE code).
    I've also tried spawning creatures after hearing this, but never happened something like this.
    I played a lot in modded multi-player (even changed Klossed into a Demon Knight and gave the iPad with that game to a friend who had never played the game, I'm evil), but never something like this, and the game does not move the files, my friend was the host and (he was using 5 PCs :P and I only one) went to talk to Klossed (who had his dialog untouched), but in my game I didn't see him as a Demon Knight, just as a fat man.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    I don't understand, then. We have the saved game; It should be possible to take it apart and find out what happened. Reverse engineering, and all that.

  • CladdanCladdan Member Posts: 19
    This is starting to sound like some wierd creepy pasta.
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