When will the BGII: EE for Android be released?
When will the BGII: EE for Android be released? I've bought the PC Edition already, but actually I'd like to buy the android edition as well for the my tablet.
I only hope the android version will be as good as the ipad version, I have a feeling that they focus on ipad rather than android.
But hopefully it's not too far away with the Beta Testing for BG:EE well under way! Too excited for it
Now that BG1:EE is out on Android, can we expect a release date of BG2:EE for Android soon?
I really enjoyed BG1 on my tablet and hope to play BG2 on it very soon.
Finish 1.3 client for BG:EE PC.
Build BGII:EE client patch 1.3
Somewhere in the middle of the 1.3 work, I imagine Android will happen, because that's roughly when it happened for BG:EE.
Trust me, I'm as desperate as you are.