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Which BG1 minor NPC would you have liked to have returned in BG2 OR SIEGE OF DRAGONSPEAR??????????

booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
I've been thinking about some BG1 NPCs who had interesting stories or fun cameos. I personally would have liked to see many again. I'm sure many share this sentiment, but I don't know which characters seemed most popular.

So now I want to see what characters stuck in the minds of most players. I'd like to see some people share what characters from BG1 they would have liked to see in SoA or ToB, and perhaps a word or two about how they would like the reunion to go down (ie place, situation, moment, etc.)

It could be anyone, from Eltan Sivlershield to Larry, Darryl and Darryl

I'll post one of mine below and eagerly await your opinions!
Post edited by booinyoureyes on


  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Ohh... too many, really. There's a lot characters I would be intrigued to see what happened to them after the Bhaalspawn entered their lives.

    I'll go with Tenya. I wrote Tenya in a few fanfics where she's basically decided to adopt Imoen as her guardian, and she proved quite popular. I guess because it subverts of little girls being sweet and innocent, as she's just perpetually angry. I've considered a mod for BG2 where you find her having been kicked out by the Umberlants, and is looking for instruction to find a new class as it were. Not as a joinable NPC, because she's only 12 when you meet her, but hang out in your stronghold learning new things. So if you're a bard, she might try writing some stories and asking for ideas, immediately dismissing Hexxat as vampires are done to death and boring, for example.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    @Coutelier that is a really good one and one I never really thought about. She does seem interesting, and it might actually be kinda cool to see her return as a minor villain, or as a lackey for one of the bigger baddies. Maybe she recognizes you and remember you helped her and decides to return the favor (despite being an evil little she-devil girl, lol)

    What you describe about her exploring the world as an impressionable 12 year old girl looking for a new clerical order would make for an interesting possibility of seeing her in the Cult of the Unseeing Eye. Perhaps she is reluctant to blind herself and you have to convince her one way or the other. Maybe Keldorn's wife could adopt him (that would be the most awkward father-daughter relationship ever)
  • TarlugnTarlugn Member Posts: 209
    Branwen, as a captain of "viking" ship and a commander of a barbarian invasion - just what I´d want in the beginning of SoA - an option to leave Athkatla behind on a merry voyage to any distant ports of call.

    Or, to think about it a little more, in BG:EE - a special quest available, when the player reaches the harbor in Baldur´s Gate city - some adventure elsewhere.

    While brainstorming the idea of Branwen´s quest, Safana could also raid Athkatla as a pirate, and perhaps offer an alternative also to the whole Athkatla: guild war -plot...
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited February 2014
    @Tarlugn unfortunately Safana is already in SoA with a controversial cameo (I actually didn't mind it). I like your idea better.
    I would have liked to have seen her maybe in ToB instead as part of the Saemon Havarian storyline. She could also have been a cool cameo in the Sea's Bounty Tavern (perhaps in the hidden area as a captured rival pirate or part of their crew)
    Branwen would fit in well as having some sort of relationship with Hendak (maybe from the same or a rival barbarian tribe)
    There is actually a Branwen in BG2 mod that I have installed but have yet to try out.
    As far as an invasion is concerned, I don't really think that barbarians would attack Athkatla of all places, and I really don't see that as in-character for Branwen.
    Post edited by booinyoureyes on
  • TarlugnTarlugn Member Posts: 209

    As far as an invasion is concerned, I don't really think that barbarians would attack Athkatla of all places, and I really don't see that as in-character for Branwen.

    She keeps on mentioning several barbarian gods in her quotes (Tempus, Valkur, Auril), and considering that in the story of the expansion Heart of Winter for Icewind Dale 1, the barbarian tribes have actually gathered together to storm the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale. In Icewind Dale 2, the mercenary party arrives at Targos by a seafaring boat from Luskan. So I thought it would be fitting for barbarians to reunite once again, though now that I think about their motive to attack Athkatla, of all the cities along the Sword Coast line, I find it really hard to come up with a plausible reason for them to make a plundering journey so far south. Historically, the vikings made both invasions and trading by boat overseas and inland by travelling up and down rivers.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Permidion Stark
    And you've swayed me, Lord Binky the Buffoon
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Silke. She'd return as evil bard, either as recruitable NPC or as actress in the bard stronghold. Or she may run a rival playhouse, and you'd get quests to compete with her. She'd try to steal your actors and promise them bigger parts, she'd tear down your posters in taverns and put her own up to sell more tickets... You'd get extra quests to do damage control, convince your actors she won't be able to pay them/give them all the lead roles and such.

    This is my favorite idea yet! Maybe the "evil path" could involve having Lord Binky attend one of her plays and lambast it in front of the audience :D
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Out of the joinable NPCs, I'd definitely loved to have seen Shar-Teel and/or Kivan return. They both had memorable personnas and (especially in Shar-Teel's case) interesting backstories with the potential for greater development.

    As for non-joinable NPCs, I would've liked to have seen more of Tamah, the fighter-looking character that you rescue from petrification in the basilisk area. Also Laurel, the paladin that helps you fight the gibberlings - your journal even says that you intend to see her again, but that doesn't happen IIRC. Then there's also that female ranger in the ankheg area (I forget her name).
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282

    As for non-joinable NPCs, I would've liked to have seen more of Tamah, the fighter-looking character that you rescue from petrification in the basilisk area. Also Laurel, the paladin that helps you fight the gibberlings - your journal even says that you intend to see her again, but that doesn't happen IIRC. Then there's also that female ranger in the ankheg area (I forget her name).

    I've thought about Laurel; she doesn't show much personality when you meet her, but I'd have liked to have given her one. And one of the things I would have liked in BG2 would be a pure fighter-type female. There's Jaheira and Mazzy, but I mean more like Shar-Teel. In fact, Shar-Teel, but maybe a non-evil option as well.

  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Absolutely Larry, Daryl and Daryl. They are the greatest. And they should be joinable (joke).
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I actually would really like if they had a quest in BG2EE where you could run into Pique, the guard that was originally planned to be an NPC in BG1 (to be replaced by Imoen).

    He has a bunch of lines that concern Eldoth and Eldoth's involvement in a number of missing monks. So they've got something to work with already. They could have Eldoth making a re-appearance (he's moved on from Skie and is onto the next money maker). Nothing from what I can see would exclude this from taking place in or around Amn.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    @Lemernis the mod Dark Side of the Sword Coast adds him as a joinable character. I think they may have missed the reference though
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    elminster said:

    I actually would really like if they had a quest in BG2EE where you could run into Pique, the guard that was originally planned to be an NPC in BG1 (to be replaced by Imoen).

    He has a bunch of lines that concern Eldoth and Eldoth's involvement in a number of missing monks. So they've got something to work with already. They could have Eldoth making a re-appearance (he's moved on from Skie and is onto the next money maker). Nothing from what I can see would exclude this from taking place in or around Amn.

    He was going to be the first psionic character!
  • dustbubsydustbubsy Member Posts: 249
    I would prefer most characters from the first game to stay there, to give each game a different flavour. But I do want to see...

    The Great Gazib performing in Athkatla! A full chorus-line of exploding ogres singing "Hello Dolly" in top hats and tails before being chunked in glorious synchronicity! First three rows WILL get bloody!

    - generously funded by Qadeel the merchant
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    We need more Portalwiebienedenenenedinen! (or however his name was)...
    And we also need more Linkamus Littledog, oh, wait, he was around since Candlekeep... :)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Tomoko was originally meant to be Yoshimo's sister, and would have served as part of the explanation for his storyline in SoA. You can find that in the Unfinished Business mod, and I think you'd like it.
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    is she a playable NPC in the unfinished business mod?
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