Which BG1 minor NPC would you have liked to have returned in BG2 OR SIEGE OF DRAGONSPEAR??????????

I've been thinking about some BG1 NPCs who had interesting stories or fun cameos. I personally would have liked to see many again. I'm sure many share this sentiment, but I don't know which characters seemed most popular.
So now I want to see what characters stuck in the minds of most players. I'd like to see some people share what characters from BG1 they would have liked to see in SoA or ToB, and perhaps a word or two about how they would like the reunion to go down (ie place, situation, moment, etc.)
It could be anyone, from Eltan Sivlershield to Larry, Darryl and Darryl
I'll post one of mine below and eagerly await your opinions!
So now I want to see what characters stuck in the minds of most players. I'd like to see some people share what characters from BG1 they would have liked to see in SoA or ToB, and perhaps a word or two about how they would like the reunion to go down (ie place, situation, moment, etc.)
It could be anyone, from Eltan Sivlershield to Larry, Darryl and Darryl
I'll post one of mine below and eagerly await your opinions!
Post edited by booinyoureyes on
My boy Firebead Elvenhair. I always felt like there was more to him than we saw. He is a level 11 mage in the game, and he was a frequent visitor at Candlekeep while also having a home in Beregost (with a young elven woman sleeping in his bed upstairs
He loves books so he must be well studied and probably knew Gorion pretty well. It would have been cool if he served as a mentor or someone who would research some information for you about Bhaal and what it means to be one of his offspring after he finds out about your heritage. He's got the "Absentminded Professor" thing going on so he could have been CHARNAME's version of Doc Brown from back to the future (or Professor Oak from Pokemon, lol).
I always liked the idea of him opening up a bookshop in Waukeen's Promenade in the second game. You find a LOT of books in this game, so maybe he'd give you quests to find rare tomes (maybe some stuff from Watcher's Keep... it would allow that portion of the game to make more sense roleplaying-wise since I always thought it seemed kind of weird for a Bhaalspawn to visit it randomly). Maybe you could exchange books for identification, since this would fit into his role as a scholar from Candlekeep, and because the first thing he ever asked you for was a Scroll of Identify!
He could also be like your go-to guy for information. Like he may have read about the shadow thieves, or vampires, or even Firkraag! That could make for some interesting background, especially since Gorion had a history with the red dragon. Maybe Firebead was also part of that adventuring party? That could be a spot for some pretty cool content.
Also in my "head canon" he was Imoen's tutor for magic. She would badger him until he taught her new spells, exchanging books that she "found" or "bought" with her fingers for lessons in magic. This would make the idea of her dual-classing a bit more interesting
-Thalantyr: He already has some backstory that he shares with you about being the only survivor of an adventuring party. In my "head canon" he may have been a survivor of the Black Pits. This would be a fun way to tie the two little arena games into the main story in an interesting way. Maybe if you visit him with Baeloth he will attack you?
Or even better, his background could be tied to a BG2 quest. Perhaps he had a previous run in with the Shade Lord? Maybe he fought Lovak when Valygar was still a kid? Maybe he tried to save a friend from Spellhold? So many possibilities
-Lord Binky the Buffoon: He is hilarious and would fit in very nicely in the Bard Stronghold quests as a critic that you need to impress. He could malign your play and your costumes and your acting and your music and... you get the point.
For me he was always a Jester kit bard. It would be cool to see him as an Easter Egg if you get the Jester's Chain from the Spellhold basement. That item sounded so interesting but ended up being like a normal set of armor. It would be cool if he could enhance it for you or give you a prize for returning it. Or if you wear it he could call it absolutely dreadful and refer you to a new tailor who could fix it up for you, adding some cool abilities to it (casting spells if you are a bard, or improving your bardsong/adding a new bardsong).
If all else fails he could just be random cameo making fun of all the nobles. I'd love to see him roast Nalia's dear Auntie if he was a visitor in the Fighter Stronghold quests.
I'll go with Tenya. I wrote Tenya in a few fanfics where she's basically decided to adopt Imoen as her guardian, and she proved quite popular. I guess because it subverts of little girls being sweet and innocent, as she's just perpetually angry. I've considered a mod for BG2 where you find her having been kicked out by the Umberlants, and is looking for instruction to find a new class as it were. Not as a joinable NPC, because she's only 12 when you meet her, but hang out in your stronghold learning new things. So if you're a bard, she might try writing some stories and asking for ideas, immediately dismissing Hexxat as vampires are done to death and boring, for example.
What you describe about her exploring the world as an impressionable 12 year old girl looking for a new clerical order would make for an interesting possibility of seeing her in the Cult of the Unseeing Eye. Perhaps she is reluctant to blind herself and you have to convince her one way or the other. Maybe Keldorn's wife could adopt him (that would be the most awkward father-daughter relationship ever)
- Korax the Ghoul: Pretty much the most iconic undead of the Baldur's Gate saga. His reputation is topping even that of Bodhi and Kangaxx put together.
- Ursa the Cavebear: This tough lady is a dream come true for everyone who enjoys his woman somewhat hairier than normal. You just have to bear with her devoted Xvart fan club which follows her anywhere.
Or, to think about it a little more, in BG:EE - a special quest available, when the player reaches the harbor in Baldur´s Gate city - some adventure elsewhere.
While brainstorming the idea of Branwen´s quest, Safana could also raid Athkatla as a pirate, and perhaps offer an alternative also to the whole Athkatla: guild war -plot...
I would have liked to have seen her maybe in ToB instead as part of the Saemon Havarian storyline. She could also have been a cool cameo in the Sea's Bounty Tavern (perhaps in the hidden area as a captured rival pirate or part of their crew)
Branwen would fit in well as having some sort of relationship with Hendak (maybe from the same or a rival barbarian tribe)
There is actually a Branwen in BG2 mod that I have installed but have yet to try out.
As far as an invasion is concerned, I don't really think that barbarians would attack Athkatla of all places, and I really don't see that as in-character for Branwen.
Agreed about Talanthyr; maybe he finally finished his elemental research in High Hedge and left that pissant town to open a bigger, better shop on Waukeen's. He might sell elemental related items - a specialized store with scrolls of elemental summons and wands. He'd give you a reward for bringing him rare items like the Staff of Air/Fire and might craft new items from that for you. He'd also pay you handsomely for the notes from the elemental level in Watcher's Keep.
Permidion Stark
And you've swayed me, Lord Binky the Buffoon
As for non-joinable NPCs, I would've liked to have seen more of Tamah, the fighter-looking character that you rescue from petrification in the basilisk area. Also Laurel, the paladin that helps you fight the gibberlings - your journal even says that you intend to see her again, but that doesn't happen IIRC. Then there's also that female ranger in the ankheg area (I forget her name).
I would like him to appear again in BG2 in a random house you pop into to rob... But this time he is more prepared... But you still wouldn't understand what it was they were trying to do and kill him all over again...
Then meet him again in ToB in Saradush, the perfect place for him to be but... I think you get the picture...
I would also like to meet Shaella again in BG2... But as she is a follower of Leira, the goddess of the mists and the unknowing she would not know, and you would not know if you had met her before... And the lack of knowing will unknowingly allow you to find the sacred book of unknowing that will magically effect you, unknowingly, to forget that you ever found the book of unknowing in the first place... But perhaps you already unknowingly know this... I think many people will find such a quest, if they have no prior knowledge of it, quite unforgettable... If you know what I mean...
Lastly, I would like to reverse the thread somewhat and meet a Mummie I met in BG2 in BG1. The valley of the tombs needs a Mummies touch... It really does...
He has a bunch of lines that concern Eldoth and Eldoth's involvement in a number of missing monks. So they've got something to work with already. They could have Eldoth making a re-appearance (he's moved on from Skie and is onto the next money maker). Nothing from what I can see would exclude this from taking place in or around Amn.
The Great Gazib performing in Athkatla! A full chorus-line of exploding ogres singing "Hello Dolly" in top hats and tails before being chunked in glorious synchronicity! First three rows WILL get bloody!
- generously funded by Qadeel the merchant
And we also need more Linkamus Littledog, oh, wait, he was around since Candlekeep...
It is possible to convince her not to throw her life away outside of Saravok's underground lair, so she can return in SoA with a vengeance for not keeping our promise to try to redeem Saravok, but during the dialogue it would be possible to convince her that you did everything you could, but Saravok was dedicated to becoming the new Lord of Murder and forced the battle. At this point she would join you as a badass fighter with grandmastery in katanas and dual-wielding specialization. She also has proficiency in darts, but as a special ability, has the power to create 10 +3 ninja stars, yes, i said mother F***ing ninja stars, because she's a ninja from Kara-Tur, once per day, increasing to 2x per day at level 15, 3x per day and +4 at level 20.
She would resent you at first, seeing similarities in you with Saravok and hating you for it. During your travels, however, if making good-aligned decisions, she would slowly see that you are the person she wished Saravok would have become. This would be a very slow realization, and only after the defeat of Bodhi in Chapter 6 would her and the player-character finally officially become an item, only for the newly consummated relationship to be interrupted by the reincarnation of Saravok at the beginning of ToB. Upon Saravok's appearance, Tomoko would beg you to give him the piece of your soul to make him whole again. Saravok, reincarnated with a piece of your soul, would also inherit a tiny piece of something he never had before: affection. Unsure of how to deal with these unexpected feelings of longing for Tomoko, and resentment of the relationship between Tomoko and CHARNAME, Saravok eventually demands Tomoko choose between you and him. She chooses you, and in a rage Saravok attacks you in a fight to the death if you didn't geas him. If you did geas him, Saravok leaves the party to strike out yet again on his own. His fate in that case remains unknown.
If I knew how to mod, i'd have done it already.
Tomoko was originally meant to be Yoshimo's sister, and would have served as part of the explanation for his storyline in SoA. You can find that in the Unfinished Business mod, and I think you'd like it.