Suggestions for original English/translated strings
ID - Original string - Suggested string
9446 - Watcher 2 - Watcher
9450 - Priest of Oghma 3 - Priest of Oghma
9490 - Priest of Oghma 2 - Priest of Oghma
9458 - Number of Attacks - Attacks/Round
10351 - [...] May [...] - [...] Mirtul [...]
10386 - [...] Ragefast [...] - [...] Ramazith [...]
9446 - Watcher 2 - Watcher
9450 - Priest of Oghma 3 - Priest of Oghma
9490 - Priest of Oghma 2 - Priest of Oghma
9458 - Number of Attacks - Attacks/Round
10351 - [...] May [...] - [...] Mirtul [...]
10386 - [...] Ragefast [...] - [...] Ramazith [...]
Post edited by kangaxx on
5748 - "I'm just a thief. Sorry, but I don't have much to tell."
Do you remember who's saying this? The Italian string was originally translated as though the speaker was a female, and I need confirmation.
5198 to 5218 - Spoken lines marked as "The voice"
Who is "the voice" exactly, and when is it heard ingame?
5748: I cannot recall who is saying this, but can confirm that it is male for our original german translation and our text patch.
167 – Nathen - Nathan (the strings are inconsistent about the name)
13140 2488DR - -2488DR (there should be a minus before the year)
13171 - Mieyritar - Miyeritar
633 - Rasheman - Rashemen
633 - wychalarn – wychlaran
Original string: His descendants did not share his wisdom, and in 1053 (…) so his brother Seltarir was crowned King.
Suggested string: His descendants did not share his wisdom, and in 1023 (…) so his brother Hedgita was crowned King.
Besides typo in 7287:
original string: Wyernwater
suggested change: Wyvernwater
Edit: since some heavier changes might be necessary in 7286, I'm posting the entire suggested string:
"History of Estagund:
Estagund history follows a different path than those of Durpar and Var. The Gunders were conquered in 551 DR by Reinhar I, warchief of the Arkaiuns of Dambrath. It regained its independence when Reinhar was slain by the Halruan archmage Mycontil, though the country soon degenerated into a group of small independent city states.
Skirmishes with Var, and between the city-states, continued for several centuries until a king once again united the country. King Bornial was a skilled ruler, and under him Estagund began to prosper. His descendants did not share his wisdom, and in 1023 DR, King Selkarin more than illustrated this. He had failed to conquer Durpar, and Veldorn resisted his challenges. An avowed misogynist, Selkarin turned his attentions to the matriarchy of Dambrath. He led a large fleet to attack Dambrath, taking extreme losses, including his own life. Selkarin died childless, so his brother Hedgita was crowned King. The new ruler faced a country with most of its fighting men gone, and an unforeseen problem: famine. The famine was caused by a blight that wiped out nearly all the year's crops in Estagund. This made him eager for a deal posed by the Durparian merchant Jeradeem Seltarir, and in a legendary trade the entire country of Estagund was sold. Contrary to popular rumor, Hedgita did not trade away the country for 24 pearls. In actuality he received diamonds worth almost a million gold pieces. The sudden wealth gave him an instant seat on the council of merchants, so he retained a measure of rule in addition to his fortune. Chaka Hedgita is still the richest chaka in Estagund to this day. In the years that followed, the Gunders began rebuilding their lives under their new circumstance, and now they compete on equal footing with the merchants of Durpar and Var."
@cherrycoke2l - could you please highlight the parts of the History of Estagund that were changed? I must notify every change I make to the English text to Dave Gross.
I hope bbcode or something like that works on the forums :P
Edit: appears it doesn't. Is there any way I could bold changed parts?
"History of Estagund:
Estagund history follows a different path than those of Durpar and Var. The Gunders were conquered in 551 DR by Reinhar I, warchief of the Arkaiuns of Dambrath. It regained its independence when Reinhar was slain by the Halruan archmage Mycontil, though the country soon degenerated into a group of small independent city states.
Skirmishes with Var, and between the city-states, continued for several centuries until a king once again united the country. King Bornial was a skilled ruler, and under him Estagund began to prosper. His descendants did not share his wisdom, and in 1023 DR, King Selkarin more than illustrated this. He had failed to conquer Durpar, and Veldorn resisted his challenges. An avowed misogynist, Selkarin turned his attentions to the matriarchy of Dambrath. He led a large fleet to attack Dambrath, taking extreme losses, including his own life. Selkarin died childless, so his brother Hedgita was crowned King. The new ruler faced a country with most of its fighting men gone, and an unforeseen problem: famine. The famine was caused by a blight that wiped out nearly all the year's crops in Estagund. This made him eager for a deal posed by the Durparian merchant Jeradeem Seltarir, and in a legendary trade the entire country of Estagund was sold. Contrary to popular rumor, Hedgita did not trade away the country for 24 pearls. In actuality he received diamonds worth almost a million gold pieces. The sudden wealth gave him an instant seat on the council of merchants, so he retained a measure of rule in addition to his fortune. Chaka Hedgita is still the richest chaka in Estagund to this day. In the years that followed, the Gunders began rebuilding their lives under their new circumstance, and now they compete on equal footing with the merchants of Durpar and Var."
Original string: Halruuan
Suggested change: Halruan – this form is repeated in other places, but since the realm's name is Halruaa perhaps form 'Halruaan' might be correct too?
Zaakhara => Zakhara
22634 - Selûne's Curse - Selune's Curse
22637 to 22640 - Selûne's Blade - Selune's Blade
EDIT: Never mind. If I got it right, it should be Selûne.
"û" = "û" ? Please confirm.
The tanar'ri is dead. We have come for our reward.
The Tanar'ri is dead. We have come for our reward.
I'm not sure if Tanar'ri should be capitilized in that example.
Compass Wardstone
Suggestion: A symbolic compass has been scratched on this stone.
Annotation: ID 22218 is Compass Wardstone, whereas its description is ID 22219.
Same for Bone Wardstone (IDs 22220, 22221)
Suggestion for 22221: "This stone feels like bone and oddly warm to the touch."
Detect Illusions
in BG ToB it used to be Detect Illusions. Shall I change German string to plural?
Mastery: At this level the character receives +3 to hit, +3 to damage and an extra 1/2 attack per round with the selected weapon.
It should be:
Mastery: At this level the character receives +2 to hit, +2 to damage and an extra 1/2 attack per round with the selected weapon.
EDIT: Ok, I see that the AD&D rules have changed.
You are correct about "Detect Illusion": Apparently it should be singular. I shall fix it in the English text.