Most Frustrating Baldur's Gate moment?

If my character dies I always give up and start again from the beginning. Somehow it feels like cheating to go back to a saved game. So my worst moment playing Baldur's Gate came recently when I was in the final battle against Sarevok. It was all going pretty well: Tazok and Angelo were down and I had battered Sarevok until he was near death. True, Jimsy, my fighter/mage/thief had succumbed to confusion and was standing in a corner talking to herself. But that didn't matter because she wasn't in the line of fire and Kagain, who was also confused, was still whacking away at Semaj.
It was all getting really exciting. You could hardly see my NPCs portraits because there was so much red on them. But then Minsc swung Spider Bane again and Sarevok was toast. I'd won!
Except I hadn't.
Because before the game could end, Kagain noticed Jimsy standing in the corner and came over and swung his axe one more time. And that was me dead at the last possible moment in the game.
It was all getting really exciting. You could hardly see my NPCs portraits because there was so much red on them. But then Minsc swung Spider Bane again and Sarevok was toast. I'd won!
Except I hadn't.
Because before the game could end, Kagain noticed Jimsy standing in the corner and came over and swung his axe one more time. And that was me dead at the last possible moment in the game.
As for my personal experience with the game, it's been so long since I've played it's hard for me to remember but I'd have to say navigating the tight quarters in the maze under Firewine Bridge (I think that is the name) containing the fire arrow wielding kobolds was the most frustrating experience for me.
a good time to ask i suppose, but is there maybe a better way to prepare to fight them that doesn't completely take out the challenge?
Most annoying moment I've ever had is probably being attacked whilst switching between parts of the map multiple times as I kept going to the wrong place.
The amount of times I went to send in Imeon to disarm traps, only to find my tool of a party were to busy adjusting their standing positions and ended up pushing each other into the traps instead. That or where the party do their hardest to block all of your melee characters from getting in to battle.
I could put up with those, but the vampires in Baldurs Gate 2 and their level/energy drain? Good god, it wasn't difficult, it was just outright annoying.
Pretty good for a video game i think, but your comment just reminded me of the realization brought to me on that day.
I think I need to vote for stat based saves/immunities again.
Me : "Alright, I think I'm ready to take on the beholders at long last!"
*enters area, beholder petrifies PC instantly*
Me : "Son of a--"