This -type- of situation has happened to me while rolling. They weren't ALL less than 10, but I've rerolled a ton and had it happen where you get a perfect strength and all the rest of your stats are horrible. If you're Bad Luck Brian though, the minimum roll is not 75. "Grats, you got perfect STR. Oh, but your DEX and CON are 3. Try not to get in a combat situation. Ever."
Sorry for bringing this up again, but I can't get over that so easily. Are you saying that the minimum roll is not 75 points? I'm asking because I've had my fair share of rolls in BG, believe me, and I'm almost always counting my rolls, even the crap ones, and I've yet to see one roll that's less that 75 points. 75 seems to be the artificial minimum limit the devs had put into the game for one reason or another. But of course, I'm not 100% sure it's the actual minimum, just pretty darn close.
Well, I just got a 74 as my first roll using the BG with ToTSC installed. Talk about a crap roll.
@decado Wow, I'd say the 75 minimum is pretty definitive then. I probably made an error in adding the scores in my head. I didn't save the character either (I can't imagine why not).
decado Wow, I'd say the 75 minimum is pretty definitive then. I probably made an error in adding the scores in my head. I didn't save the character either (I can't imagine why not).
It's not as if I did any real work, just left the autoroller rolling for X hours and then dumped the results into Excel.
But three of them are the same kind of tome... Oh, okay, I get it now. 3 of 8 in the game... Isn't there one that raises your intelligence, too? Doesn't that also raise your lore?
But three of them are the same kind of tome... Oh, okay, I get it now. 3 of 8 in the game... Isn't there one that raises your intelligence, too? Doesn't that also raise your lore?
Necromancy, its fun!
Jon Irenicus