@Kaltzor: I don't think it's a matter of delving into the internet. I mean, I did saw this woman before, but I thought she was some sort of 90s anime character. I don't think Darkstalkers was ever releaed in my country and even if, I grew up with PCs and Nintendo consoles and arcades are all 18+ here, so I would probably never have played this game anyway. Plus, her design is kinda stupid, imo... I mean, printed tights and wings coming out of her head? Come on :I (But then again, I am a heterosexual woman and I have a +14 resistance to enormous boobs.)
@BaldursCat: Awwwww, thank you I appreaciate your support ~
^^That!^^ Seconded and thirded! And, if you've never spoken to your CN cat familiar, you really need to check out its dialogues if you're a cat person. Who ever wrote them understood cats, oh so well!
Damn it! That's it, I'm firing up Shadowkeeper and risking losing yet another point of constitution (when I get the damned thing killed) just so my NG bard can have a cat familiar.
I only just started reading this thread for the first time the other day. I scrolled down to see this pic, and I nearly pissed my pants with laughter! Even the next day at work, I kept thinking about it and grinning to myself.
wizard slayer was the first bg2 class I ever played because I thought WOW magic resistance that is just TO amazing to pass up, in fact I think I played wizard slayer for at least a year for play throughs in bg2
i would love to see a baldurized version of Good Guy Greg i think he would make a great portrait. can even take the joint out and put a pipe in if u want (could they even roll theyre own cigs in this kind of setting?)
@ForgottenMyth: Well, which character fits him the best? Need to put in someone... and I can't possibly think of any fitting person right now :I (maybe my brain is just stuck atm)
@Buttercheese: hmm it actually seems like he could fit a few roles, he looks kinda like a fighter(like a happy Minsc) yet he appears quite 'cheerful' as maybe a bard or something. Also i think GGG prefers the Cleric class
I know, this is not Baldur's Gate, but I believe that enough people here played Neverwinter Nights 2 (or at least they should play it, it is one of the few games that are fun in the same way Baldur's Gate 2 is). Anyway, have fun: Source: http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/Sucks-To-Be-Kalach-Cha-337057117
I don't think it's a matter of delving into the internet. I mean, I did saw this woman before, but I thought she was some sort of 90s anime character. I don't think Darkstalkers was ever releaed in my country and even if, I grew up with PCs and Nintendo consoles and arcades are all 18+ here, so I would probably never have played this game anyway. Plus, her design is kinda stupid, imo... I mean, printed tights and wings coming out of her head? Come on :I (But then again, I am a heterosexual woman and I have a +14 resistance to enormous boobs.)
Darkstalkers is a fairly insane game where all the characters are these sort of horror cliches and mythical creatures turned on their ears, so most of the designs are a little goofy. Morrigan is actually fairly typical compared to the prettyboy version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Rikuo, or British zombie rock & roll star Lord Raptor.
I know, this is not Baldur's Gate, but I believe that enough people here played Neverwinter Nights 2 (or at least they should play it, it is one of the few games that are fun in the same way Baldur's Gate 2 is).
hm, maybe it is a time to give NWN2 another chance
I don't think it's a matter of delving into the internet. I mean, I did saw this woman before, but I thought she was some sort of 90s anime character. I don't think Darkstalkers was ever releaed in my country and even if, I grew up with PCs and Nintendo consoles and arcades are all 18+ here, so I would probably never have played this game anyway. Plus, her design is kinda stupid, imo... I mean, printed tights and wings coming out of her head? Come on :I (But then again, I am a heterosexual woman and I have a +14 resistance to enormous boobs.)
Awwwww, thank you
I believe you meant Leliana
If my wife still has it i've got a photo of me there !
The quote is from Alora, because her maniacal optimism can be borderline disturbing.
can even take the joint out and put a pipe in if u want (could they even roll theyre own cigs in this kind of setting?)
Well, which character fits him the best? Need to put in someone... and I can't possibly think of any fitting person right now :I (maybe my brain is just stuck atm)
hmm it actually seems like he could fit a few roles, he looks kinda like a fighter(like a happy Minsc) yet he appears quite 'cheerful' as maybe a bard or something. Also i think GGG prefers the Cleric class
Source: http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/Sucks-To-Be-Kalach-Cha-337057117
And speaking of familiars:
MOAR! I want moar cat memes!!!