Jaheira: Undesired Opinion Does what it says on the tin. Has 10 uses per day and can be invoked during any conversation. If you rest without first depleting the charges, Jaheira will use any leftovers to opine during future combat without pausing the game to do so.
Aerie: Attempt to Fly Aerie is reminded that she cannot and begins to whine. Triggers the next lovetalk. Also restarts a broken romance.
Viconia: The Drow Solution to Everything If willing,you will spend some quality time with Viconia. Afterwards, she will criticize your skills, and the drop in confidence will cost you 1 charisma. Even though you won't click this button ever, you would accept that deal every time IRL you hypocrite.
Might want to tag @Pecca. He's working on the "vanity scrolls" and to make future abiliy mods easier, I sent him roughly 80 random ability icons in blue/white/red. Maybe some of those work for the suggested abilities.
Activating this ability will cause Nalia to opine about how the common folk are really just misunderstood and need their betters to be more benevolent to them. Duration: 1d3 round(s).
Dorn: Bloodbath This ability instantly kills all anonymous innocent NPCs in the immediate vicinity, and only them. Truly, this is a senseless, brutal, even clichéd slaughter - there is no practical application for this ability, and it often proves counterintuitive to common sense and the goals of any/all of Dorn's companions. It shall be even bloodier than you hoped, indeed.
Only usable if Charname is a Wizard and has cast Find Familiar. For brief periods of time, you can send your familiar out "Cattin" such that they leave your backpack, but don't appear on the main map. The 'Cat' will prowl around chasing the odd mouse or, if they find a creature of the opposite sex (or otherwise but amenable) with get on with their business. This lasts for 8 game hours. There is a 1% chance per game month (checked on the first use during that 30 day period) that this will result in a union wherein two familiars will travel around with Charname, although the second one will not add any extra hit points and the player only has the most limited of control over the creature.
Viconia: De' sade stare.
Once per game month, Viconia can invoke the De' sade stare, causing any other single party member to become so enamored of her that any previous aggression between the two get dialed down 25%. The subject of the stare becomes totally subservient to Viconia for the entire month and will follow her around doing her bidding. He (or she) will often make comments like 'It hurts so good' etc... and the stare will ultimately result in the two going off for a night together, after which there is a 20% chance that the enamored feeling will continue for another month, and a 20% that the aggression will return back to it's previous level, the remaining 60% the agro remains at the -25% level. If this ability is used on Dorn, it has a 50% chance of resulting in a heightened aggression factor between the two and will in any case, automatically result in a -10% hit points for both for the duration, but means that they both get +1 to hit and damage during the same time period.
Jan: Light fingers
During any travel between zones, there is a 5% chance that a random item from a random other NPC or Charname will "Mysteriously" appear in Jan's inventory. Jan will have no problem relinquishing said item when confronted and make some comment about how they must have Dropped it and he merely was being nice in keeping it until he could return it.
Khalid: Doh!
there is a 10% chance during any given day (non-combat) that some random NPC will walk up and attack Khalid for no readily apparent reason. This attack lasts one round and will not result in AGRO on either participant (or any other party member) after that.
When activated, Haer'Dalis will recite a short poem depending on the current status of the party or where they are currently located. For example, he may recite a limerick about a certain party member or an elegy for one who has died.
Based off my favorite interaction between Haer'Dalis and Edwina:
"I once knew a Red Mage of Thay Who dreamed of lichdom some day He said he knew how to do it But still managed to screw it Up in the funniest way!"
@Flashburn - He should have a secondary HLA which is Recite Dirty limerick. This ability adds +1 to moral among the male party members and +1 damage among the women.
Garrick: Ability: "With god's speed" Description: Makes short the miles with talk and smiles Effect: Garrick attempts to soothe 1 savage breast/level with his music. Target(s) entitled to a Will Save. If save fails target flees in annoyance for 1 turn. If save is successful target is confused for 2 rounds and will then attempt to slap caster (1d3 non-lethal damage, touch attack).
Jaheira: Undesired Opinion Does what it says on the tin. Has 10 uses per day and can be invoked during any conversation. If you rest without first depleting the charges, Jaheira will use any leftovers to opine during future combat without pausing the game to do so.
What 10 uses per day, can I get a patch for this she tells me all the things all the time. "I don't think you should have this Mead, I think the Knee-Cracker Cider is better." "Khalid, tie your shoelaces." "Imoen, you should practice Druidism."
Branwen: Ability: Colorful Exclamation Effect: Branwen says an amusing and colorful exclamation, including, but not limited to: "By Valkur's mighty blade!", "By the ice breath of Auril!", and "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!"
Branwen: Ability: Colorful Exclamation Effect: Branwen says an amusing and colorful exclamation, including, but not limited to: "By Valkur's mighty blade!", "By the ice breath of Auril!", and "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!"
Get her drunk, and there's 1% chance cumulative per round when she's below 50% health that she cries out "WHERE'S THE PAPER TOWELS?!".
Cernd Ability: ConCERNed about stats Description: For the next turn every stat is increased at +2. Hoooah, 15 STR and 15 CON, now Cernd is not useless anymore... Wait...
Shar-Teel Ability: Iron Maiden Description: For the next 4 rounds attack and damage rolls against males gain +3 bonus. Against Eldoth these rolls multiply by *3
Valygar Ability: Added personality Description: For the next hour Valygar starts actively speaking to other NPCs in the party, giving humorous remarks and interesting points of view
Neera Ability: Elven... ahm,*half-elven luck Description: For the next 2 turns Neera randomly get +40 or -40 bonus or penalty to rolls on the wild surge table.
Quayle Ability: Smart look Description: For the next turn our little hipster gets S-M-R-T look so that his CHA gets +10 bonus
Edwin Ability: Pointy hat Description: For the next 5 turns the caster level of any spells is increased at +5
Keldorn: Father Figure Keldorn will make a comment on the party's reputation and imply that each point above average is due to his influence. If you then tell him he's a better father than even Gorion, he'll swell with pride and his size category will go up by 1 until you rest.
However, for an evil charname, there's a 10% chance for each reputation point below 10 that Keldorn will instead cut off your hand and declare, aided by artificial breathing, that he IS your father.
If you use the ability 100 times, Keldorn will forget that he is neglecting his own children and the lack of guilt will grant him +2 charisma.
Charname: Play world's tiniest violin Effect: NPCs such as Noober, Neeber and Lord Binky are unable to say more than one line, if the ability is used while they first speak to charname
Xan Ability: "Looming Doom" Description: We're all doomed Effect: Xan communicates with one enemy, describing how futile his efforts really are. Works as the 4th level mage spell Emotion:Hopelessness, but only on targets within earshot.
Xzar Ability: "Eyes of Infravision" Description: Only targets elves. 1x/day School: Necromancy Spell Components: Somatic (literally) Effect: Xzar targets one character of elven heritage. Target must make save vs spell at +6 or be blinded permanently. If successful a potion of infravision will appear in Xzar's inventory.
- Imoen
Does what it says on the tin. Has 10 uses per day and can be invoked during any conversation. If you rest without first depleting the charges, Jaheira will use any leftovers to opine during future combat without pausing the game to do so.
Aerie is reminded that she cannot and begins to whine. Triggers the next lovetalk. Also restarts a broken romance.
Viconia: The Drow Solution to Everything
If willing,you will spend some quality time with Viconia. Afterwards, she will criticize your skills, and the drop in confidence will cost you 1 charisma. Even though you won't click this button ever, you would accept that deal every time IRL you hypocrite.
Bro Fist for Sarevok
Failed Flight for Aerie
Boo disappears for 1r/l freeing up the quick item slot. No, you don't want to know where he is...
Sympathize with the Peasants
Activating this ability will cause Nalia to opine about how the common folk are really just misunderstood and need their betters to be more benevolent to them. Duration: 1d3 round(s).
This ability instantly kills all anonymous innocent NPCs in the immediate vicinity, and only them. Truly, this is a senseless, brutal, even clichéd slaughter - there is no practical application for this ability, and it often proves counterintuitive to common sense and the goals of any/all of Dorn's companions.
It shall be even bloodier than you hoped, indeed.
Only usable if Charname is a Wizard and has cast Find Familiar. For brief periods of time, you can send your familiar out "Cattin" such that they leave your backpack, but don't appear on the main map. The 'Cat' will prowl around chasing the odd mouse or, if they find a creature of the opposite sex (or otherwise but amenable) with get on with their business. This lasts for 8 game hours. There is a 1% chance per game month (checked on the first use during that 30 day period) that this will result in a union wherein two familiars will travel around with Charname, although the second one will not add any extra hit points and the player only has the most limited of control over the creature.
Viconia: De' sade stare.
Once per game month, Viconia can invoke the De' sade stare, causing any other single party member to become so enamored of her that any previous aggression between the two get dialed down 25%. The subject of the stare becomes totally subservient to Viconia for the entire month and will follow her around doing her bidding. He (or she) will often make comments like 'It hurts so good' etc... and the stare will ultimately result in the two going off for a night together, after which there is a 20% chance that the enamored feeling will continue for another month, and a 20% that the aggression will return back to it's previous level, the remaining 60% the agro remains at the -25% level. If this ability is used on Dorn, it has a 50% chance of resulting in a heightened aggression factor between the two and will in any case, automatically result in a -10% hit points for both for the duration, but means that they both get +1 to hit and damage during the same time period.
Jan: Light fingers
During any travel between zones, there is a 5% chance that a random item from a random other NPC or Charname will "Mysteriously" appear in Jan's inventory. Jan will have no problem relinquishing said item when confronted and make some comment about how they must have Dropped it and he merely was being nice in keeping it until he could return it.
Khalid: Doh!
there is a 10% chance during any given day (non-combat) that some random NPC will walk up and attack Khalid for no readily apparent reason. This attack lasts one round and will not result in AGRO on either participant (or any other party member) after that.
When activated, Haer'Dalis will recite a short poem depending on the current status of the party or where they are currently located. For example, he may recite a limerick about a certain party member or an elegy for one who has died.
Based off my favorite interaction between Haer'Dalis and Edwina:
"I once knew a Red Mage of Thay
Who dreamed of lichdom some day
He said he knew how to do it
But still managed to screw it
Up in the funniest way!"
Ability: "With god's speed"
Description: Makes short the miles with talk and smiles
Effect: Garrick attempts to soothe 1 savage breast/level with his music. Target(s) entitled to a Will Save. If save fails target flees in annoyance for 1 turn. If save is successful target is confused for 2 rounds and will then attempt to slap caster (1d3 non-lethal damage, touch attack).
"I don't think you should have this Mead, I think the Knee-Cracker Cider is better."
"Khalid, tie your shoelaces."
"Imoen, you should practice Druidism."
Ability: Colorful Exclamation
Effect: Branwen says an amusing and colorful exclamation, including, but not limited to: "By Valkur's mighty blade!", "By the ice breath of Auril!", and "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!"
Ability: ConCERNed about stats
Description: For the next turn every stat is increased at +2. Hoooah, 15 STR and 15 CON, now Cernd is not useless anymore... Wait...
Ability: Iron Maiden
Description: For the next 4 rounds attack and damage rolls against males gain +3 bonus. Against Eldoth these rolls multiply by *3
Ability: Added personality
Description: For the next hour Valygar starts actively speaking to other NPCs in the party, giving humorous remarks and interesting points of view
Ability: Elven... ahm,*half-elven luck
Description: For the next 2 turns Neera randomly get +40 or -40 bonus or penalty to rolls on the wild surge table.
Ability: Smart look
Description: For the next turn our little hipster gets S-M-R-T look so that his CHA gets +10 bonus
Ability: Pointy hat
Description: For the next 5 turns the caster level of any spells is increased at +5
Keldorn will make a comment on the party's reputation and imply that each point above average is due to his influence. If you then tell him he's a better father than even Gorion, he'll swell with pride and his size category will go up by 1 until you rest.
However, for an evil charname, there's a 10% chance for each reputation point below 10 that Keldorn will instead cut off your hand and declare, aided by artificial breathing, that he IS your father.
If you use the ability 100 times, Keldorn will forget that he is neglecting his own children and the lack of guilt will grant him +2 charisma.
Effect: NPCs such as Noober, Neeber and Lord Binky are unable to say more than one line, if the ability is used while they first speak to charname
Ability: "Looming Doom"
Description: We're all doomed
Effect: Xan communicates with one enemy, describing how futile his efforts really are. Works as the 4th level mage spell Emotion:Hopelessness, but only on targets within earshot.
Ability: "Eyes of Infravision"
Description: Only targets elves. 1x/day
School: Necromancy
Spell Components: Somatic (literally)
Effect: Xzar targets one character of elven heritage. Target must make save vs spell at +6 or be blinded permanently. If successful a potion of infravision will appear in Xzar's inventory.