Oh, sure, that's an invasion...

Wendric tells you that there is zombie invasion going on in his farm, but there are only 20 freaking zombies actually, and it looks like most of the times, that you have to search in the map for the zombies because they are pacifically "zombyifying" themselves (aka they are doing literally nothing).
So I thought of 'enhancing' this a little more with the console, hence this happened:

a real zombie invasion started, I spawned around 760 zombies, and killed them all, that was worth around 50k XP, which is pretty much for a single class Priest of Lathander.

They easily fell to Turn Undead, I changed my tactic because hitting them with the Stupifier was taking too long and I got hit several times that way.

And finally, some could say that it was a slaughtering, or a massacre, but... They were already dead! And as a Priest of Lathander, my duty is to destroy evil undead, right?

So I thought of 'enhancing' this a little more with the console, hence this happened:

a real zombie invasion started, I spawned around 760 zombies, and killed them all, that was worth around 50k XP, which is pretty much for a single class Priest of Lathander.

They easily fell to Turn Undead, I changed my tactic because hitting them with the Stupifier was taking too long and I got hit several times that way.

And finally, some could say that it was a slaughtering, or a massacre, but... They were already dead! And as a Priest of Lathander, my duty is to destroy evil undead, right?

Get 4 of us in a multiplayer session, spawn in a bunch more zombies, and pretend its Left 4 Dead, D&D Style!
Bill is obviously a fighter, while Luis seems like he could be a cleric what with his support (Keep happy guys!)
That leaves Zoey as the wizard since Francis is obviously a thief. Zoey would be an awesome wizard.
-Ellis under Haste
Now you could have added a few elites like greater ghouls or fell ghasts to the mix while you are at it. :-)
I added a few ghosts, but killed them before they killed :P me and I didn't screenshot them, I was thinking of adding a Vampire as leader, which would be insane for BG1, but it's worth killing for the XP.
@Flashburn and @Necomancer probably that will cause more slowdowns, but sounds funny
We could make this many zombies, but they could have pretty crappy thac0 so it won't be too annoying.
Also crossbows would be super effective!
Why don't you kill living people instead? It'll be more fun.
They scream louder and more coherently and then we can turn them into Zombies afterwards and dance to thriller all night and eat brains!
As you can see, this would be a better option all round. People usually die sooner or later anyway...