font size in balder.ini

The android version is fantastic! Performs great and I love the usability tricks like the highlighting toggle and the continue button in conversations.
The text seems a bit small though.
Would it be possible to put a setting field for font size (percentage of original or something) in the baldur.ini? I've already altered the framerate, which works great, but as you can see in the screenshot, there plenty of room for a larger font. And this way, people can determine the size they want.
The text seems a bit small though.
Would it be possible to put a setting field for font size (percentage of original or something) in the baldur.ini? I've already altered the framerate, which works great, but as you can see in the screenshot, there plenty of room for a larger font. And this way, people can determine the size they want.
'Fonts', 'Size', '4',
You can put in any number between 1 and 6; 1 is the same size used on PC, and 6 is optimal for a phone.
I wouldn't object to an increased size above 6, to be honest, but 6 is ideal.
Plus, you won't have to answer to the "what's the ini setting for X or Y?" Typeof questions.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
1, 2, and 4 all appear to be unique sizes, but 3 is the same as 2. 5 and 6 appear to be the same as 4.
On my Nexus 7, 2013 — BG:EE v1.3.1226 — 4 (or 5 or 6) is most suitable for me.
I found the ini file in sdcard > Android > Data > com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition > files > baldur.ini
Is that the correct ini? Also, I am using ES file explorer to edit it from the tablet, should I edit it in the PC? Cuz seems the line I add doesn't come out perfectly lined up with the rest of the lines. So it feels the font is not increasing.
I used the same application and the ES editor, even though it wasn't perfectly in line it was fine in-game. Going into the settings and sliding the difficulty slider from left to right caused the INI file to be updated. When it updated, the line was in alignment with all the others.
'Fonts', 'Size', '4',
Make sure it is also above the ending parenthesis:);
Right under the INSERT line should do it.
I'd gladly give up some screen space for slightly bigger buttons and font.
But nothing changed. Did I do something wrong?
Try capitalising size to Size as it is case-sensitive.
Also, check there isn't already a Size later in the file - if there are 2 instances I suspect the later one will be applied.