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The Support Forums Have Been Updated

DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
This is an update; the original content is at the bottom of this post.

With the release of the 1.3 patch for BG:EE, you likely have noticed that the "Performance Issues" forum has been archived, and that the BG:EE Bugs forum has a lot fewer threads in it than it did before. This is part of an initiative to not only streamline our bug-finding (and therefore bug-fixing) process, but also to improve the process of getting players the assistance they need with any problems they encounter.

The Troubleshooting forum is for anyone who needs help fixing a problem, or who is having trouble diagnosing the cause of an issue. Whether it's an issue with your graphics card, a mod you installed, or the latest patch not downloading as quickly as you'd expect it to, start with the Troubleshooting forum. I and the other members of the community will do our best to help you solve your issue and get you playing again.

The Bugs forum is for clear gameplay issues that exist in the game-as-installed; that is, an un-modded game with un-edited saves. Use this forum to report any issues you encounter with the current (v1.3.2053) patch for BG:EE. Read the stickied threads there for tips on how to best format your bug reports to facilitate getting them into our system; we'll do our best to help as well, and the whole process should go a lot faster.

If you have any questions you can ask them in this thread.

= = =

As we approach the release of Patch 1.3 for BG:EE, we will be creating a new system for bug reports; one of the first things that we will be doing is archiving the existing bug reports. These reports won't be deleted, but you will no longer be able to post in them. The "Performance Issues" section will also be replaced with a new "Troubleshooting" forum, and the current platform-specific forums will be archived as well.

This does not mean that we're discontinuing support. All it means is that we're reconstituting the forums so that you can get the help you need more quickly, and so that we can get a better sense of what the current issues are for players. If you have questions about this forum update or what it means for you, post them here and I'll do my best to answer.
Post edited by Dee on


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The banner was supposed to be big and red, actually; looks like our forum skin doesn't show different ones.
  • TograSkullmasherTograSkullmasher Member Posts: 1
    For BG2EE how do you tell which patch you are on since i don't believe the beamdog launcher updated anything. Where would i find the manual patch download if there are any?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited May 2014
    @TograSkullmasher That is actually a bug that is being worked on. The next update ought to have a version number clearly listed.
    Post edited by Tresset on
  • LoubLoub Member Posts: 471

    Err... I know this might seem rude, but as a Bachelor of the Letters, I feel it is imperative to educate you in the matters of such subject.
    The 'aught' you used there is incorrect - the word you were looking for is 'ought' - 'aught' is a pronooun and antonym to 'naught', so it means either 'anything' or 'everything', which is obviously not fitting for the context you presented - 'ought' is an auxiliary verb used to indicate an obligation, certainty or duty, which fits squarely into the context of your discourse.
    It might be a little confusing, even though these words sound the same, their etymologies are completely unrelated, as anyone with even the most basic degree of academic English (pre-intermediate, my own level of English is considered pre-advanced, for instance, although I believe I was placed there due to administrative incompetence coupled by severe underestimation of my own capabilities) should be capable of confirming, lest they perish in their collegiate journey if their institution is of any worth.

    I could also present a dissertation over the origins of such words connecting them to their Angliscan roots, as well as another on the obvious shortcomings of the international college system when compared to that of the Brazilian public one, most notably that of the fact that my own fluidity and understanding seem to rival, if not surpass, that of the various PhD-bearing fops that regularly present themselves at the institute.
  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    This is great news! I'm looking forward to the revamped support forums and the release of BG:EE v1.3. :)

    Plus, I have a question. Given that I won't be able to respond to existing reports once they have been archived, is there a way I can still make sure that my pending reports make it onto the bug tracker (Link, Link, Link)?

    Coming to think about the bug reporting process... I would really like to be more involved and be able to submit more relevant bug reports, but I often find myself wondering whether an issue has already been reported or not. The List of Known Issues here and here cannot be kept up to date all the time, despite the invaluable work of the moderators in the Bugs section. Wouldn't it be easier to just make the internal bug tracking list available to the public (in read-only mode)? Is that something you are considering, by any chance?
  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    Got it. Thank you, Dee. :)

    By the way, if a forum member has the Beta Tester role assigned, that means the person can help organize the incoming bug reports and transfer them to the bug tracker, right? I know I'm not in a position to ask for any such thing, but if you guys ever need additional Beta Tester members, I'll happily help out.
  • typhustyphus Member Posts: 2
    Just wondering if you have added a way yet to the tablet to opt for robes after dual classing instead of been stuck looking like a kensai. Shadowkeeper mod dct
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    No, I'm afraid not. The animations for fighters and mages, specifically human mages and fighters, are significantly different--such that having the engine switch between them for a particular character would be jarring. That being said, you can transfer your saved games from your Android device to a Windows computer and use EE Keeper to modify your own character's animation.
  • typhustyphus Member Posts: 2
    Dee said:

    No, I'm afraid not. The animations for fighters and mages, specifically human mages and fighters, are significantly different--such that having the engine switch between them for a particular character would be jarring. That being said, you can transfer your saved games from your Android device to a Windows computer and use EE Keeper to modify your own character's animation.

    @Dee‌ thank you very much for the help. All I have to do is stop killing my computers :)
  • reavenreaven Member Posts: 8
    Quick question: If I have a bug with Android version BG:EE 1.3, and posted it under existing Android, is it better to wait until the new setup is in place, or do a review (don't really want to do it), or...? Asking as its bad enough that I can't play it, but want to play it bad enough that I don't want to go through refund process.

    Okay - question not so quick ;o)
    Link to Post about my issue
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    All I care about is the fact that we are getting a patch, only thing I would ask if they do a BG3, put better companions than hexaat and that wannabe bruce lee fake
  • ernestoernesto Member Posts: 2
    I think I am in the right section to report a bug for the i pad advanced edition of bg2 right? If not apologies , I am new to the forum ( actively that is). Two problems, the first of which i have seen some references to in other threads but not specifically, which is that I loose the items I put in dragomir's little bag (particularly sad about the pommel jewel,gesen bowshaft and other collectables).

    The other one though is more pressing. In spellhold after I talk to the gnomish jailkeeper and pay him the 2,000 to leave me do my stuff, mr irenicus appears again and starts the dialogue he starts when you first get to spellhold . i end up in the soul splitting cells again and get thrown in the scene where you fight bhaal together with imoen. A nice little groundhog day were it not that bhaal remains nearly dead infinitely. So basically i am stuck in that dream. Tried deleting the autosave and reentering but that is as far ad my genious to come up with solutions goes I am afraid.

    Any suggestions?
  • TaltosTaltos Member Posts: 3
    Hey everyone, quick question... Wanted to use a skald/thief, but my human skald never offers the dual-class option on level up? Why?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited May 2014
    Taltos said:

    Hey everyone, quick question... Wanted to use a skald/thief, but my human skald never offers the dual-class option on level up? Why?

    Unfortunately Bards and Bard kits are hard-coded as single class only. Not even EEKeeper will help you here.
    @CrevsDaak‌ may be able to help you, though there simply may not be a way around this limitation.
  • TaltosTaltos Member Posts: 3
    Thanks. Well that shot down my party idea.
  • yoyodtyyoyodty Member Posts: 2
    when we can get the chinese on ios?pc and Mac are got the Chinese for a long time.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    jackjack said:

    Taltos said:

    Hey everyone, quick question... Wanted to use a skald/thief, but my human skald never offers the dual-class option on level up? Why?

    Unfortunately Bards and Bard kits are hard-coded as single class only. Not even EEKeeper will help you here.
    @CrevsDaak‌ may be able to help you, though there simply may not be a way around this limitation.
    No way around it. The game does not support bard/thief dual classed characters.
  • hughcaldhughcald Member Posts: 9
    Where can find the most recent patch, newly installed download BG Enhanced edition? Please
  • Lewsifer7Lewsifer7 Member Posts: 15
    I bought baldurs gate enhanced edition for tablet bought neera @ the very beginning I had quite a lot of apps I stalled I don't know if that has influenced but it crashed then when I got it up and loaded again it said that neera was installed but she's no where too be seen on the character select screen. Now since then I have rebooted my tablet , installed the game again , loaded it and its saying installed for neera when that's Impossible I did a full system reboot please send me a bug fix or give me some sort of idea what is going on. Please...... THANKYOU, Sincerely Lewis catterall
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @Lewsifer7 I don't have the tablet version but if it is like the PC version you won't start with Neera. You will find her as you explore the city. Hope that helps.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Hello, @Lewsifer7‌ !

    Just follow the plotline and you'll meet her. Neera is not a character you can choose to play as, she can be a party member.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited June 2014
    Good (insert relevant time zone here) all,

    a couple of questions:

    1. Is there a good reason why I can post a comment but not start a discussion (I vaguely remember something about having to post a certain number of comments first)?

    2. Please can anybody tell me where someone who is not a resident of the US can buy BGEE. I'm getting really frustrated here as GOG don't stock it, Amazon US won't sell it to me and the download I bought from Beamdog is "corrupt/invalid" - as is their support link (their sales link works but I have yet to receive a reply).
    Post edited by dunbar on
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268

    1. What does it say when you try to start a discussion? Something about you needing approval or something like that? I think I can fix that. Try now.

    2. You would have to ask @Dee stuff like that.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Regarding your second question, it's an issue with Internet Explorer. If you download the installer with Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser that isn't IE, it won't give you that message.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Dee said:

    Regarding your second question, it's an issue with Internet Explorer. If you download the installer with Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser that isn't IE, it won't give you that message.

    Thanks, that explains a lot, please move this to Not an Issue.

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