Anomen quest

I'm playing with Anomen on BG II EE... Terl keeps approaching me but never initiates any dialog. I've seen a few threads regarding this, but never found anything solid as far as a fix was concerned.
Can someone help me out?
Can someone help me out?
Post edited by Balquo on
Also, what operating system are you using (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, MacOSX, iOS), and are you using any mods?
It's the whole 00000000 folder (the one with this issue of course), rar/zip it and upload it with the attach a file option under the comment box.
Well... let me know what you guys find out. Anomen appears to be totally jacked. Like every time I even try to go to a different area and back to have Terl come back in and re-initiate dialog.... I try resting, and Anomen keeps trying to want to talk to me... I don't know... just looks off.
Thanks for the assistance guys!
I have also tried resting and Anomen does not attempt to talk to the player character. I have tried looking through all the scripts and dialogue entries and they appear to be intact for Anomen.
@Gate70, have you tried looking at this saved game?
If Arkane is experiencing more symptoms such as Sir Ryan Trawl not appearing I could upload a save at that stage, or after he is knighted.
IF InParty(Myself) PartyRested() AreaType(OUTDOOR) !AreaType(CITY) See(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,STATE_SLEEPING) CombatCounter(0) Global("BAnomen4","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Interact(Player1) END
I'll do some more digging in a short while, if you get there before me on the cause between this and the dialogue file feel free to post.In the meantime,
should fix the issue for now.Local BAnomen4 is 0.
They should either both be 0, or both be 1.
Anomen has no local variables, I am certain he has died and experienced the lost locals bug.
Is there a way to tell if he has died.