Dualed-classed Barbarian-ish Fighter 3/Transmuter. Via EE Keeper assigned Transmuter kit after dualing to Mage and added one Barbarian Rage and Barbarian movement speed. Two-Handed Weapon ++, Halberd ++++. Uses mainly Alteration school spells. He's a beast.
First, my Intruder, whom I made a kit for, and second, The Lord of Chaos, for whom I built an entire class :P Then, Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin, Berkserker/Battleguard of Tempus and a Janitor kit for bards.
@abacus Totally agree with Minsc as Barbarian. When I played BGT I would use Drews' Minsc mini-mod that gave him an actually useful Berserk skill and made some other tweaks. But rebuilding him from level 0 as Barbarian seems a great way to go.
Actually, a mod that remakes him a Barbarian but gives, say, a 1 in 10 chance that he'll have a kill-everything-in-sight flip-out when using Barbarian Rage would make sense.
Frankly if the creators had the means to make Minsc a Barbarian when they created BG1, he probably would have been one. The addition of Boo was probably (and apologies to die-hard Minsc fans) a tenuous compromise so they could retain the character of Minsc and justify his Ranger class. His stats and attitude (as well as home region culture) blatantly reflect the more archetypal Barbarian as his true class than the Ranger.
@recklessheart Agree that the conception of Minsc may well have been as a Barbarian. Although according to Rashemi lore their warriors are Berserkers that all have Minsc's capacity to lose total control--just not all the time.*
Here's a reference that I found interesting about the general subject of Barbarians:
@recklessheart I believe you have a quite narrow definition of the ranger class. I think Minsc fits more as a ranger - he is very interested in nature and it is an integral part of his character. If they wanted to make more of a barbaian type they could have just made him a fighter with a berserk ability in the original BG1.
This is kinda off topic, but I've always wondered how this two kit thing even worked. Near as I can figure there's only one field for it in engine. Are there more background shenanigans going on or am I missing something?
@Aristillius It isn't a narrow definition - there are plenty of different ways to interpret the class. Valygar, for one, does not fit the mold of the archetypal Ranger. In fact, what is the archetypal Ranger?
That said, Minsc has almost no personality-based reference to Nature. It is built up from his class, I would argue, but he in and of himself has no moral goals directly related to the vindication of Nature. His quest with Dynaheir was about proving himself to a Berserker Lodge; she, in turn, was investigating the Bhaalspawn crisis. In lore, the Barbarian is a much more applicable class to Rashemi male warriors, and Dynaheir herself refers to Minsc never as a Ranger, but always as a warrior and berserker.
I'm not saying that Minsc is in no way applicable to the Ranger class, but if there was no such thing as a class title, and he was just a joinable NPC, I daresay most would regard him more closely to a Barbarian (or Fighter, as you said) than as a Ranger. Jaheira even questions his legitimacy as a servant to Nature throughout BG2, and is only placated by the end in ToB by his love of Boo and his good intentions, but not by any legitimate faith or status placed upon him. Imoen says at the end of ToB to Minsc that she too might someday adopt a hamster, as she sees the love Minsc has for Boo and is comforted by it. But that does not justify an interpretation of Imoen as a would-be Ranger (or at least I wouldn't say so).
PS. I am an English student, and therefore write in what may be interpreted as a very argumentative way. Apologies if it is taken in that tone.
@SethDavis I don't know how Tresset did for his B->S (probably played a B until he dual classes and then changed the kit with EEKeeper), but the multikit (short explanation) mod creates a kit with all the abilities and stuff, that is then assigned to the multiclass via a script in the game. Also, it is possible to assign a kit to a multi-class at character creation like it's done with single classes?
I love editing NPCs, not only Minsc as a Berserker or Barbarian but also: - Safana as a Swashbuckler or Gypsy (with the Song & Silence mod), - Valygar as a Wizard Slayer, - Montaron as a Fighter/Assassin, - Xan (who I never use) as a Fighter/Enchanter so that his Moonblade makes more sense, - Alora as a Burglar (Song & Silence), - Khalid as a Fighter/Wild Mage (his lack of control over his magic being part of the cause of his insecurity), - Faldorn as an Avenger - Jaheira as a Fighter/Totemic Druid, - Aerie as a Chorister Bard (they can cast a number of priest spells, again Song & Silence mod), - Mazzy as a Cavalier.
As to charname faves, atm I think Teyl the NE Halfling Strifeleader/Thief has been my biggest success. Devious little bugger he was.
@SethDavis Sometimes it is really simple, in @Tresset case I think he played a vanilla fighter, but restricted himself to 1 pip in range weapon, and gave him the Berserk ability once per day every 4 or 5 levels. Then putted the Shadowdancer kit when dualing.
But sometimes it can be quite harder, for example with Barbarian, I know I wouldn't be able to give my character the immunity to backstabs with EE:Keeper for instance.
@SethDavis I hear it is impossible to do two kits at once without a mod, but like Crevs said I just played a Berserker until it was time to dual when I switched my kit to Shadowdancer. Since the only kit benefit of the berserker is the rage spell I just decided to keep the rages that I had earned. The game considered me a Fighter->Shadowdancer but I had all the benefits of both classes with only the penalties of the Shadowdancer. The main issue I encountered with doing this was that the backstab multiplier was higher than it should have been, but I had enough modding experience to lower it with the class ability table and a custom spell made just for that purpose back when the Shadowdancer kit first came out and had a bugged backstab progression.
So no, you aren't really missing anything, it is just that we use a ton of tricks to pull this sort of thing off.
@SethDavis It's possible, it just requires some time with NI/EEK.
Let's say you're looking for a Berserker/Assassin:
All you have to do is creating a Berserker, dual-class into Thief and then modify the kit via NI/EEK/whatever, in this case Assassin. It's important to verify that it has the correct effects. (Just create an Assassin lvl1 and check/copy/paste them) Now, if you log your char you'll have a Fighter/Assassin with all the skills working. To make him perfect, add the effect 290 (Change Title) and set the value of the string you're interested in.
Here I just made a sample:
Ofc, this was easy to mod. A multiclass case with many restrictions can be pretty frustrating at every level-up, but still doable.
EDIT: and to stay in topic, I love the Swashbuckler/Mage multiclass >8)
I like playing Wild Mage/Fighter do about 3 levels wild mage then dualing to fighter for a gambler type class that plays slots using NRD and is able to be a pseudo caster with scrolls/wands and mage items.
@SethDavis It's possible, it just requires some time with NI/EEK.
Let's say you're looking for a Berserker/Assassin:
All you have to do is creating a Berserker, dual-class into Thief and then modify the kit via NI/EEK/whatever, in this case Assassin. It's important to verify that it has the correct effects. (Just create an Assassin lvl1 and check/copy/paste them) Now, if you log your char you'll have a Fighter/Assassin with all the skills working. To make him perfect, add the effect 290 (Change Title) and set the value of the string you're interested in.
Here I just made a sample:
Ofc, this was easy to mod. A multiclass case with many restrictions can be pretty frustrating at every level-up, but still doable.
EDIT: and to stay in topic, I love the Swashbuckler/Mage multiclass >8)
Sorry, is this to rename the effect string of Beserker instead of fighter?
I had some fun with a created npc, a Wild Mage that got 3 pip in dw and 2 in daggers. I wasnt comfortable with a protsgonist wild mage, but felt an urge to try this. Probably inspired by Black Mage from 8-bit Theater. Not at all overpowered, but a fun character to have around. I tried it after realizing Edwin couldnt hit tge broad side of a gnoll in melee without a critnin bg2, so he took on mooks by dwing a pair of Staffmaces.
The animation for mages in combat this way was hilarious, as was imagining what he must be muttering.
I didnt see any rules in here and i never used any modes so here we go. How about a dual classed Dwarven defender/Red dragon disciple:P, and call it Marshall Burns:)
Currently I am running an assassin/mage, a character combination which was legitimate in good old AD&D (pre-2nd edition). The game still classifies his class as mage_thief so he gets 25 skill points per level and Poison Weapon works with Melf's Minute Meteors nicely.
I haven't tested this but wizard slayer/assassin should be extremely powerful once HLAs kick in. The combination of Use Any Item to overcome the wizard slayer restriction then Whirlwind/Assassinate to backstab with every hit should be sufficient to make even the most powerful foes sit up and take notice.
@Mathsorcerer Aren't Whirlwind & Assassinate single-round abilities? How is it possible to have both active at once? (Improved Haste + off-hand speed weapon is another matter)
An Assassin/Mage can't get Whirlwind Attack. And both this ability and Assassinate are indeed lasting only one round like @abacus said. However, you could use Improved Alacrity, which also allow you to use multiple special abilities like HLA in the same round, a Fighter/Mage could use Critical Strike and Greater Whirlwind Attack in the same round.
More canon than canon!
Then, Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin, Berkserker/Battleguard of Tempus and a Janitor kit for bards.
Actually, a mod that remakes him a Barbarian but gives, say, a 1 in 10 chance that he'll have a kill-everything-in-sight flip-out when using Barbarian Rage would make sense.
Here's a reference that I found interesting about the general subject of Barbarians:
* http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Rashemen
I believe you have a quite narrow definition of the ranger class. I think Minsc fits more as a ranger - he is very interested in nature and it is an integral part of his character. If they wanted to make more of a barbaian type they could have just made him a fighter with a berserk ability in the original BG1.
It isn't a narrow definition - there are plenty of different ways to interpret the class. Valygar, for one, does not fit the mold of the archetypal Ranger. In fact, what is the archetypal Ranger?
That said, Minsc has almost no personality-based reference to Nature. It is built up from his class, I would argue, but he in and of himself has no moral goals directly related to the vindication of Nature. His quest with Dynaheir was about proving himself to a Berserker Lodge; she, in turn, was investigating the Bhaalspawn crisis. In lore, the Barbarian is a much more applicable class to Rashemi male warriors, and Dynaheir herself refers to Minsc never as a Ranger, but always as a warrior and berserker.
I'm not saying that Minsc is in no way applicable to the Ranger class, but if there was no such thing as a class title, and he was just a joinable NPC, I daresay most would regard him more closely to a Barbarian (or Fighter, as you said) than as a Ranger.
Jaheira even questions his legitimacy as a servant to Nature throughout BG2, and is only placated by the end in ToB by his love of Boo and his good intentions, but not by any legitimate faith or status placed upon him. Imoen says at the end of ToB to Minsc that she too might someday adopt a hamster, as she sees the love Minsc has for Boo and is comforted by it. But that does not justify an interpretation of Imoen as a would-be Ranger (or at least I wouldn't say so).
PS. I am an English student, and therefore write in what may be interpreted as a very argumentative way. Apologies if it is taken in that tone.
Also, it is possible to assign a kit to a multi-class at character creation like it's done with single classes?
- Safana as a Swashbuckler or Gypsy (with the Song & Silence mod),
- Valygar as a Wizard Slayer,
- Montaron as a Fighter/Assassin,
- Xan (who I never use) as a Fighter/Enchanter so that his Moonblade makes more sense,
- Alora as a Burglar (Song & Silence),
- Khalid as a Fighter/Wild Mage (his lack of control over his magic being part of the cause of his insecurity),
- Faldorn as an Avenger
- Jaheira as a Fighter/Totemic Druid,
- Aerie as a Chorister Bard (they can cast a number of priest spells, again Song & Silence mod),
- Mazzy as a Cavalier.
As to charname faves, atm I think Teyl the NE Halfling Strifeleader/Thief has been my biggest success. Devious little bugger he was.
But sometimes it can be quite harder, for example with Barbarian, I know I wouldn't be able to give my character the immunity to backstabs with EE:Keeper for instance.
So no, you aren't really missing anything, it is just that we use a ton of tricks to pull this sort of thing off.
Let's say you're looking for a Berserker/Assassin:
All you have to do is creating a Berserker, dual-class into Thief and then modify the kit via NI/EEK/whatever, in this case Assassin.
It's important to verify that it has the correct effects. (Just create an Assassin lvl1 and check/copy/paste them)
Now, if you log your char you'll have a Fighter/Assassin with all the skills working.
To make him perfect, add the effect 290 (Change Title) and set the value of the string you're interested in.
Here I just made a sample:
Ofc, this was easy to mod. A multiclass case with many restrictions can be pretty frustrating at every level-up, but still doable.
EDIT: and to stay in topic, I love the Swashbuckler/Mage multiclass >8)
So, I vote for Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin as the best unique edited build.
The animation for mages in combat this way was hilarious, as was imagining what he must be muttering.
How about a dual classed Dwarven defender/Red dragon disciple:P,
and call it Marshall Burns:)
I haven't tested this but wizard slayer/assassin should be extremely powerful once HLAs kick in. The combination of Use Any Item to overcome the wizard slayer restriction then Whirlwind/Assassinate to backstab with every hit should be sufficient to make even the most powerful foes sit up and take notice.
Aren't Whirlwind & Assassinate single-round abilities? How is it possible to have both active at once?
(Improved Haste + off-hand speed weapon is another matter)