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Best editor created unique builds?



  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Assassin/mage is a fantastic idea :)

    Going to try out a dwarven defender/mage which I'm looking forward to!
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    edited June 2014
    @abacus You are probably correct--it has been a really long time since I did anything with BG2 other than messing around with fixing Irenicus' Dungeon to import the standard set of items most parties would have collected during their adventuring around the Sword Coast in the vicinity of the city of Baldur's Gate.

    If they don't work together because they have too short a duration then Improved Haste or Bracers of Blinding Strike should suffice.

    @Gotural UAI should also allow use of a Time Stop scroll (for non-mages) so with Improved Haste/Bracers of Blinding Strike and Assassinate there may not even be a fight, just instant death (from the target's point of view). A few special foes are immune to time stop but that isn't a big concern.

    @comebackhome My suggestion would be dwarven defender/cleric so you can take advantage of Armor of Faith, which should stack with the DD's normal physical protections and abilities. The weapon of choice for Dwarven Defender is *always* Defender of Easthaven, available from Joluv the merchant.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Just thought I'd necro this thread and say I've EE keepered a dwarven defender/mage and they are oh so incredibly overpowered.

    Will be trialling DD/cleric next :)

    Any recent or up to date Assassin/mage builds?
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    I am currently running a Fighter/Mage/Assassin multiclass that is Keepered to look like a ShadowThief. I use the mage part for support and rely heavily on stealh and poison. The extra THAC0, health, damage and apr from the fighter certainly doesn't hurt..

    And eventually a ton of HLA's :D
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    DwD/Cleric multi would be pretty good at not getting hurt. Always nice.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Kensai/Wild Mage/Assassin would be Godly.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    What's the best build people have been using for slinging melfs? In terms of level and classing.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I'd like to see a Cleric of Lathander/Wild Mage. A Berserker/Wild Mage/Cleric of Lathander would also be fantastic.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited February 2015

    What's the best build people have been using for slinging melfs? In terms of level and classing.

    A Fighter/Mage/Assassin multiclass comes to mind.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Might have to try that next :) Berserker/wildmage. Sounds pretty awesome.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I've had some rather lol moments with a Kensai -> Swashbuckler dual. If you ever needed a reason why you can't dual like that... The damage output was sickening.

    I also tremendously enjoyed Kensai -> Wild Mage, mainly because WM is hilarious both in terms of wacky stuff randomly happening to you and in terms of "oh look I'm casting five spell levels higher than what I'm supposed to".

    I also had an Archer -> Mage once, which was very nice. That one was actually fair-ish, it didn't feel OP.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited February 2015
    The Disciple of the dark embrace:
    I sometimes imagined a Blackguard/Assassin (single or dual-wielding daggers) would look cool and still work thematically. I even tried to eekeper one, but didn't get it to work (i'm noobish when it comes to that). I've been thinking about if the poison would stack and then using dagger of venom on top of that for a tripled poison attack (attacking with darts or throwing knives from afar) and with 7x backstab eventually. Thematically I would imagine him/her to have pledged herself to Bane or a similar deity, though my lore knowledge is too inferior to know for sure that would work. Maybe he/she could be somewhat like a monk of long death. I would probably imagine this char to be human and lawful evil, obeying the code and ethos of his/her "church" rather than being some random homicidal maniac killing people on sight. A racial enemy might also add to the flavour of this class, perhaps he/she has taken a vow to eradicate a single race from the face of Faerun, but all other races he7she has no quarrel with?

    The Martyr:
    In 3E I liked to multiclass monk/cleric since the two fit thematically as well. He/she would use his/her wisdom for AC bonus, as per the monk class in 3E, and use buffs to strengthen offense rather than using clerical abilities vs undead or for summoning etc. I guess it would work in 2E as well and I think it would be a pretty awesome combo, though I would have liked a kit rather than a multiclass. If it was possible to restrain alot of the clerical powers and only retain certain buffs, or add this as a monk kit which gets many clerical buffs.

    The Hunter:
    A ranger/bounty-hunter would also be cool, like a hunter living in the forest ("Hunter" could be a ranger kit). I imagine a stalker kit with traps as the only thief skill except stealth, or maybe more like an archer with traps. Bows fit more thematically with hunting rather than swords. Perhaps being restricted to bow, spear and traps, with a few ranger spells like entangle, web, etc could all fit together to create a kit.

    I can spawn a thousand more of these, hehe.. I love to sit in front of my comp, sipping whiskey, rolling new chars and imagining their lifes' stories.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    I thought I'd cast raise from the dead on this thread and see if anyone has anymore ideas since we now have Shamans :)
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited April 2016
    Lately I have been mostly messing with the races of my characters. I made a dwarven Necromancer and a half-orc necromancer that required use of EEKeeper. They were both pretty neat to me but I ended up using the dwarf.

    I am also running through SoD with my gnome Dragon Disciple.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    I thought I'd cast raise from the dead on this thread and see if anyone has anymore ideas since we now have Shamans :)

    Shaman is fairly resistant to EEKeeper, since it already allows a broad range of races and can't dual/multiclass. Not much to do. Same with Sorcerer, hardly anything you can do with it. Too much hardcoded stuff.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2016

    I thought I'd cast raise from the dead on this thread and see if anyone has anymore ideas since we now have Shamans :)

    Shaman is fairly resistant to EEKeeper, since it already allows a broad range of races and can't dual/multiclass. Not much to do. Same with Sorcerer, hardly anything you can do with it. Too much hardcoded stuff.
    That's disappointing,hopefully there's more flexibility as time goes on to tinker around with them.

    In general, I've made both Dwarven defender/mage and dwarves defender/cleric and both seem to be superior tanking machines. Undecided on both as to who's better as the mage has mirror image, stone skin, fire shields etc and the Cleric has an array of defensive spells that are just fantastic.

    With the introduction of the new difficulty settings I think this thread can offer a fun/ helpful (modified) outlook on powergaming. As long as EE keeper is used in a sensible manner of course.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I toyed around with "creative" setups some years back, best tank I ran with was a Barbarian/Cleric Jan Jansen, practically immune to most damage. Fairly OP and fairly boring. Also did Fighter -> Swashbuckler dual, which pushes ludicrous damage.

    Never really did find something that was fun, unique, and not OP at the same time.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254

    I toyed around with "creative" setups some years back, best tank I ran with was a Barbarian/Cleric Jan Jansen, practically immune to most damage. Fairly OP and fairly boring. Also did Fighter -> Swashbuckler dual, which pushes ludicrous damage.

    Never really did find something that was fun, unique, and not OP at the same time.

    Excellent, I might have to try that one out, thank you.

    I'm looking for a build to utilize Assassin/Mage/Fighter for the ranged MELFS meteors with the assassins poison innate. Any help regarding guidance for a good build?
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    Assassin/Mage is probably the best I've ever made.

    A honorable mention to Swashy/mage, shadowdancer/fighter, assassin/fighter.

    My next creation shall be a chaotic neutral, half Elf blackguard.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I enjoyed the RP aspect of my Necromancer/Cleric. There may have been a slight undead focus...
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254

    Assassin/Mage is probably the best I've ever made.

    A honorable mention to Swashy/mage, shadowdancer/fighter, assassin/fighter.

    My next creation shall be a chaotic neutral, half Elf blackguard.

    Could you give a little more detailed info on the Asassin/Mage? Thanks.

    E.g. what levels you took, best spells etc.
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    I've done a few in the past. Some of my favorites were Wild Sorcerer (sorcerer with wild mage kit), Necromancer/Cleric, Kensai/Assassin, Kensai/Illusionist/Assassin (ninja!), Barbarian/Druid, Swashbuckler/Cleric, and Beastmaster/Cleric.

    I think I want to try Kensai/Swashbuckler, next!
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Wild mage/fighter I've just tried out and getting RNG buffs from wild surges can sometimes be a game changer
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    I think I want to try Kensai/Swashbuckler, next!

    The Kensai/Swashbuckler is pretty much the most powerful non-spellcasting build (except for builds which can get 100% physical damage resistance). At max level in Throne of Bhaal (level 24 kensai, level 28 swashbuckler), they get a total of +8 AC and +13 to hit/damage. In addition, Use Any Item eliminates the kensai's drawbacks of not being able to wear armor or bracers. They can potentially get -24 AC without any buffs.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I want to make a fighter or fighter/mage that forsakes conventional weapons and instead only uses magically-created weapons many times per day, like Shocking Grasp, Ghoul Touch, Melf's Meteors, Cause (X) Wounds, and Black Blade of Disaster.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Probably the "best" edited class I've done is a Kensai/Mage multiclass. I'm currently running through with a Stalker/Shadowdancer Multiclass. Mwahahahahah
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    edited February 2017
    Whenever I play a thief/mage instead of thief/cleric (because of wild mage, the most fun class evah!!!) I like to "edit in" cleric as the third "class", by adding appropriate innate spells at appropriate levels. Such as 2x chevalier lay on hands on lvl 1 and then one more every two levels following, ,1x totemic animal on level 1, 1x animate dead on lvl 3, etc etc etc. Noteworthy is that - oddly enough - draw upon holy might which is like THE BEST cleric spells, does not work until you get it or vampiric touch as a bhaalspawn ability, then you can add it freely. Also note that you can only have 12 memorized abilties, without adding kit abilities, so this is not for everyone, as you need to delete kit abilities to make room for abilities unavaible through kitting, and then add the kit effects again every now and then, which can be a pain in the arse if you are an impatient person. This also happens when you rescue Imoen, some of your added abilities are randomly deleted, arrrghhh.

    Also, my thief is a swashbuckler, even though it doesnt say, so I add kit effects and move about my profiency points every five levels.

    FInally note that innate abilities are also subject to wild surge so your "cleric" spells sometimes summons demons. RUN!!!
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    edited February 2017
    I'm currently doing a whole BG series (incl. SoD) run with an EE keepered chaotic neutral aasimar "Wild" Sorceress (Sorc with Wild Mage Kit) which is very powerful and so much fun to play.. nearly as much fun as my tiefling chars *^_^* . I just wished that it would be possible to do a Shadowdancer/Sorceress (which I usually play(ed) in 3rd Edition).
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    edited February 2017
    Kurumi said:

    I'm currently doing a whole BG series (incl. SoD) run with an EE keepered chaotic neutral aasimar "Wild" Sorceress (Sorc with Wild Mage Kit) which is very powerful and so much fun to play.. nearly as much fun as my tiefling chars *^_^* . I just wished that it would be possible to do a Shadowdancer/Sorceress (which I usually play(ed) in 3rd Edition).

    Its easy to make a shadowdancer / wild mage. Just make a wild mage, keeper it to a thief mage specialisation wild mage, and keeper in the shadowdancer abilties and special effects. You wont get "hide in plain sight" though, so keeper in some innate invisibility spells to compensate.

    Then add some extra memory for lvl 1 spells, since lvl1 wild magic spell is like being a sorceress, because you can cast any spell you know w/o memorizing it. I havent tried it, but I think that you can change the wild surge level modifer. So, with extra lvl 1 wild magic spells with no negative surge effects, that is in essence a sorcerer, that also memorizes spells. To play fair, never memorize anything...

    You will get more skill points per level and normal backstab. You can reduce your skill points using keeper. Backstab though, I dunno. I dont think so, so you will be a little little bit cheaty.
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