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How do YOU play: reloads? SCS? etc.

YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
Baldur's Gate is a rare game that is balanced so that it is possible, but very difficult, to play a no-reloads game through the entire saga. Tell us YOUR favorite play style.
  1. How do YOU play: reloads? SCS? etc.108 votes
    1. Power Word: Reload all the way - (will reload even for missed saves or lost loot)
    2. Reload only when things go south - (won't go back to temple to revive NPC)
    3. Minimal Reloads - (reload only when charname dies)
    4. No-Reloads - (dead is dead! time to re-roll)
    5. No-Reloads with SCS AI - (why, yes, I do autopause to just about everything)
    6. Worse... - (75 stats; insane difficulty; no pause while your cat jumps on your lap etc.)
    7. Just show me the results... or I'll reload at ya!


  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited May 2014
    To be fair to the NPCs in the game: THEY play a No-Reload game against whatever odds you are stacking against them!

    With one singular exception of that one TOB party, which "reloads" your encounter after realizing that you are too hard for their level. (Singularly best self-referential humor in all CRPG history that one!)
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    And I quicksave constantly.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    edited May 2014
    It gets addictive once you've played it and if you end up dying you just lose interest in the character. It's the adrenaline of keeping someone alive for so long, you have to play completely different and have to do easy quests first to level up and then gradually move towards harder quests.

    Certain zones you'll have to ask yourself it it's worth the risk, and once in a while when you do something very hard and daring early on and succeeded you'll feel awesome. It's like when i went after Bassilus on level 1-2 to get his hammer, with SCS it was a very hard fight and one unlucky saving throw and it would have been over. But i managed with a shit ton of luck to beat him, and then i got my reward which was the hammer +2. To have a hammer like this at such an early point in a SCS No-reload is awesome and a game changer.

    I love it and couldn't play without it.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited May 2014
    Oh, lord. Basillus...
    I remember hauling back three dead party members (and what I can carry of their loot) back to Beregost along with that +2 hammer, wandering to myself if it was wise. (That early on in the game, resurrection costs can break your bank.)

    Close calls *define* no-reload runs.
    I've had a recent game where Safana saved the day with a kiss while 5 party members (including charname) were incapacitated:
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    It really depends of the playthrough, but the more I play BG, the more I restrict myself and increase the difficulty of the game.

    Some time ago I would reload for a failed save, I wanted everyone to survive every fights. But now I generally play minimal-reload, because I'm too lazy to redo the fight each time something go wrong and because it feels (obviously) more realistic. When a pary member die, you feel like it's a sad event.

    I'm starting to play no-reload since a few weeks and I'm loving it, it really is some kind of new experience and it is a lot of fun. And I'm starting to think this is how the game was meant to be played.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    I reload when CHARNAME dies. Not when my romance interest gets chunked, I roll only one hit point for level, I get halfway through a dungeon before realizing I forgot to buy the scroll I'll need for the last encounter, etc so on so forth.

    No reload can be fun, but I sort of got tired of it after trying it once. It's the same with soloing for me. I want the banter and I get attached to my CHARNAME's.
  • GlorenBronzebeardGlorenBronzebeard Member Posts: 45
    I have only reloaded if A.) my character dies or B.) everyone in my company but my character dies... (I was unaware you could bring them back via temple... so far I ahve lost 3... and removed them from my party replacing them... are they gone forever now? )
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    Varies. Sort of a pseudo-minimal reloads usually I guess. I tend to make up my mind about what my party will look like early on and usually won't let any NPCs I plan to keep be killed off permanently.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689

    I have only reloaded if A.) my character dies or B.) everyone in my company but my character dies... (I was unaware you could bring them back via temple... so far I ahve lost 3... and removed them from my party replacing them... are they gone forever now? )

    If you remove someone from your party that is dead (petrification is the exception) they will be gone forever. You can still use the clua console to bring back a new copy of them though.
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    I only go back to the temple to revive an NPC if I don't have Raise Dead, Resurrection, Mass Raise dead, etc.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I only use the auto-pause settings for Trap Found and Spell Cast when using Improved Alacrity, but I do play SCS & no reload.

    I also play minimal reload with SCS when I use a party (only because of BG1NPC project), seems more like "Human Assassin babysitting 5 other adventurers so far".

    I was also thinking of adding the Item Randomizer to the fray... I'm bored of going with a Long Sword with all my BG1 PCs.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    No pausing for kitties?!

    Feel the cold stare of JONES!

    If I clearly screw up, I reload.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    edited June 2014
    I reload ANY time i want, since i can... I always take what i can have mine, and try to utilize it to the max. Never settle down with anything else, or even more disgustingly, less, than whatever it is that i am ALLOWED to do, to have, to handle...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's interesting that nobody has voted for the vanilla No-Reloads - (dead is dead! time to re-roll) while there're answers regarding no-reloads with difficulty enhancing mods.
  • WalstafaWalstafa Member Posts: 116
    If i'm four-manning it, I lose a member of my team and i know I have no easy way back to a temple after the fight (Isle of Baldurian or Durlag's Tower for instance) then I'll reload. Apart from anything else, carrying their gear and their share of the loot becomes too onerous a penalty.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I did no reloads with scs, but I lost ten or more charnames till now. Some showed real potential, too. I may opt for minimal reload soon, when inspiration strikes for a charname&party.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    bengoshi said:

    It's interesting that nobody has voted for the vanilla No-Reloads - (dead is dead! time to re-roll) while there're answers regarding no-reloads with difficulty enhancing mods.

    The only time I've ever played strict no-reload is in competitions (aka challenges). I actually had a really great time with it in Create a random game (optional no-reload speed game contest included) (spoilers); but I rolled so many fun and unusual characters that died quickly, that I soon realized that I also wanted to be able to enjoy them more.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Tresset said:

    I even reload if I win a hard fight. :)

    I do that whenever I'm not playing no reload. Minimal reload ≠ reload on PC death :)
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    I love the series and the EE versions even more, but I've yet to play through a complete game that I've been satisfied with. I'm this way with most games that I play, but I like to experience everything possible as a character. When I find that I've missed out on something, I typically delete my saves and character and start a new game. Needless to say, I've yet to complete the trilogy.

    I've had two characters beat BG1 with, but I'm sure that I missed out on a ton of banters that should have been possible for the parties that I had. As the EE versions stand, you basically only get the select and happy banters. Others just fire don't fire near enough to get all of them. Some might argue that this is a strong replay point that the games offer, but I certainly feel differently. I also used the jump to cursor cheat in Durlog's Tower both times, so missed out on something there, too.

    Once I complete the trilogy with a game that I'm satisfied with, I'll consider fanfiction mods and further challenging myself.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    I reload freely. I am especially fond of replaying various hard fights to experiment with different strategies or to verify the consistency of a particular strategy in terms of effectiveness.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited June 2014
    Poll option lies. I'll use the temple for ressurections resurrections ress make-no-longer-dead-spell. Though eh. Depends how many really. 4 or more is too much of a hassle. Of course it's no longer an issue when the priest(s) pick up Raise Dead :)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I am not a masochist.
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2014
    No raise dead, even for party members or NPCs. CORE difficulty. I find the difficulty/tactics mods are usually over the top, or rely on save scumming, or using followers as "temporary" sacrifical lambs.

    I butchered some of my scripts so certain quests and events can't even use raise dead... Raise dead spells just fizzle. You play alot differently when everyone only has one chance.
  • NokkenbuerNokkenbuer Member Posts: 146
    I overuse and abuse the quicksaving and reloading features because it ensures that I can build the best character I can. I usually only do this on my first few playthroughs because I don't know about all the secret gems and builds which could easily break the game without savescumming. By the time I have an understanding on how to already build an adequately powerful character, I will forsake reloading as much (or at all). Generally, however, I abstain from employing the quicksave and reloading features only when I care to do a challenge. Otherwise, I'm playing the game for the entertainment value and, at least for me, reloading to ensure better results is fun for me.

    Anyway, this strategy does come with a penalty: encounters become progressively easier than I suspect they should be and sometimes, I do something with the expectation of reloading, only to find I don't have a quicksave or autosave close enough to my current position to help. As a result, I reload a saved game from HOURS or even DAYS back (realtime), causing me to have to redo the whole quest(s) and encounters all over again. It can be quite frustrating in its own right.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited July 2014
    Core difficulty (the random hit points and spell scroll fails are enough randomization for me). I'm sure one day no reload SCS runs might be something I could get into, but I typically reload after things go irreversibly south in any fight, and try again. I can absolutely see the value and fun in doing things more hardcore, I'm just not (and may never will be) at that point.

    I find item randomization in Infinity Engine games make no sense as far as the game and story goes, though it would certainly add a different strategy to every andventure (IWD has loot tables on certain fights, but they are still fixed to one of 3 or 4 items). I think SCS is a legitimate tool for making the game harder without just tweaking numbers. But core difficulty feels right to me in almost all these games.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Or if I know there's just no chance before things go south and don't feel like taking the extremely low chance that I could still pull through a fight I'm losing really badly. Sometimes I recognize a saving throw is my only chance of winning a fight without stupid luck so I don't feel bad about reloading then.
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