The most logical starting character

What do you think is de most logical starting race and class for CHARNAME? And why?
I think that bards, clecics, thieves, fighters and mages al are logic classes growing up in Candlekeep. And I think dwarves are the most un-logic Bhaal worshipers, so also the most unlogic race to play. More of my thoughts come when the discussion runs
I think that bards, clecics, thieves, fighters and mages al are logic classes growing up in Candlekeep. And I think dwarves are the most un-logic Bhaal worshipers, so also the most unlogic race to play. More of my thoughts come when the discussion runs

I don't mean to come off as trollish but I just don't get how some people think sometimes.
I think the most logical classes would be probably fighter and cleric (because of all the guards and priests in Candlekeep) as well as mages in part (many visitors can be mages after all)
Bards and thieves are big question marks I guess, since there isn't a lot to steal or to sing for in Candlekeep. Unless the PC Bhaalspawn really wants to enter the quartet of prophecy singing dudes XD
Thieves can be bored childeren who don't like the strikt rules and make a little mischief.
However, as was stated, any character is still quite valid as Bhaal was quite promiscuous and Candlekeep offers many paths to adulthood (except Barbarian, that one's a little odd).
I think you are all right about every race is possible...
But I think druids and rangers (and barbarian also, like @Drugar said) are a bit strange in Candlekeep, you have lived inside for 20 years. I don't feel offended
And I love Baldur's Gate ( I played it, up and down, for about 12 years now) but I also love the Forgotten Realms and the stories. So I somtimes try to play a logic story/game (no useless killing as good character, don't grind), that could fit in a novel.
I think Sceptenar is referring to the fact that when you meet your mother she is a priestess of Bhaal. But that happens in Throne of Bhaal and in ToB there are a number of inconsistencies with the rest of the lore.
"Come on in son, have a seat. I need to tell you something that might shock you. As you know, I am not your biological father. I think you need to know the truth, your father was Satan..... also I killed your mother."
Gorion is such an ass.
I'm a jerk, i know, i just had to.
Ranger, thief and druid all make less sense, I think for obvious reasons.
Logic is not based off of intelligence. Logic is a way of thinking. Intelligence is the speed at which you think.
1) You have less cause to practice thieving skills, based on the fact your basic needs are provided for. Most people turn to larceny out of necessity (although I will concede some simply do it for the thrill).
2) Since you're in a small, tight-knit community you're probably less likely to do things which would make you look bad, since you'll have to live with the poor reputation. Your character's not planning on skipping town, so stealing bottles of Winthrop's finest ale could come back to haunt you. It probably wouldn't be too difficult for authorities to conduct searches and find the stolen items, either, given the relatively small scale of Candlekeep.
3) Among the populace, you don't really have an established NPC to teach you. Mages have Gorion, warrior-types have the guard captain and clerics have the clergy at the shrine, but how many thieves are sticking around Candlekeep to teach you how to pick locks? Not many, I'd wager.
That's just how I view things, though. An argument could be made for thieves making sense, I'm sure. They just make less sense to me.
2. Yes, you live in a small boring place with all needs provided for. Unless you really like reading, I can see how someone would easily be bored there. I can see someone growing up there turning to larceny and other minor things to liven things up a bit. "Idle hands are the devil's playthings"
3. Imoen clearly stated that she learned her skills from Winthrop the innkeeper (that rascal).
I don't recall reading anything about Winthrop teaching Imoen, but I'll accept your info on face value. The influx of travelers argument also has merit, and I've already conceded that some people steal for the thrill. Pickpocketing mages visiting Candlekeep would certainly be thrilling, considering you're potentially risking being turned into a toad!
Ranger/Druid - I think that nature could find a place there. Gorion has contacts among the druids, so I think it possible that CHARNAME was impressed by some and learned during visits of some sort.
Barbarian is a tougher sell for me conceptually. But I see them more as the peoples on the edge of civilization and there are wilderness areas near Candlekeep. Imagine CHARNAME as a good fighter, but more focused on the brute force approach than the disciplined learning approach. It would make sense to me in this context.
The one I can't rationalize this way is the Monk. Knowing how much training this takes and how long one trains, there doesn't appear to be a means for this learning. This wouldn't keep me from trying as a monk, mind you, but the logical jump is hard for me.
@reedmilfam shouldn't that mean that pc and imoen should have some doctor skills as well? Just a thought. As far as barbarian, pc could have gotten fed up with all the enlightenment and decided that thinking isn't his style, and just smash. He could have had a temper/etc.
For monk, not much different. He learns to fight from the guards, but realizes that he doesn't care for the site of blood. He's in a place of learning, i'm sure there were books there he could study. In further details, i could say that he and imoen mock fought all the time, and wanted to not hurt her, he would just fight bare handed. Over time, he learned to disarm her. Then, he learned to disarm her and floor her without causing her injury. Then, he could learn to toss her/knock her about without injuring her seriously, but give her a big blow to her pride.
Then, after the attack, he wouldn't have any weapon fighting abilities, but he could realize over time that his training could be quite deadly if only he could hone it. I mean, i think i could justify any of the starting classes, and monk wasn't available in the orginal game. :P