I have been called by my foster father for an adventure! I was told to gather together what I could and we would leave the keep immediately. Of course, as always, there where some distraction, damsels in distress, attempted poisoning, ect, but really it was all very routine, until I stepped into the bunkhouse. I was violently attacked by a murdering thief! Truly, it was an epic duel, and I bear the scars to prove it.
After this, I was able to finish an epic crusade, retrieving an ancient, powerful, longsword for my comrade, and was able to return to my father and leave the keep. On the way he explained we where in grave danger, and that we could be going to see some friends at the friendly arm in. Suddenly, we where ambushed by a massive armored figure and his monstrous lackeys. Gorion instructed me to run away, and I could not perceive the dead tails of the ensuing battle from my hiding spot. I could however, see the result. Gorions powerful wizardry slated many of the monsters, but in the end it all proved to much. I write now with tears and blood smearing the page, for in the end, the armored fiend and his witch killed my father. After my longest night, When the morn finally came, i approached the scene. It was a gruesome picture. The bodies of the armored figure's minions stained the ground, and their black blood mingled with my fathers pure red. Laying next to Gorions body I found a mysterious note, signed E, and his dagger, among the other things I retrieved to aid my survival. After this I saw that Imoen, the immature fool, had sneezed out behind us. She expressed her condolences, and gave me some magic items she said she had been keeping for an emergency. Unfortunately, I cannot figure how to work the wand for the life of me, though expect it shall fetch a fair price at market, so it will aid my quest of vengeance in its own way. And I swear, GORION WILL BE AVENGED! I sent Imoen away, so that I could continue my noble quest, and continued on the road. while I traveled, I encountered an minor monster, that I dispatched without issue. After that, I ment to fellow adventures on the road. The Mage seemed amicable enough, if somewhat lost In His spells. His face was marked, no doubt from some spell gone wrong. His halfling companion was far less friendly, I can only assume he was having a bad day. Regardless, the Mage and his friend provided me with yet more healing potions and magical items. I am ever thankful for the kindness of strangers on the road. I do not know where I would be without these good folk.
Now, after this, I traveled south, as the road was proving scarce of damsels in distress, and I had learned while studying in Candlekeep that a powerful Mage lived in a castle not but a days walk from my own home. Perhaps he would have some need of a noble fighter such as myself. Ohshitohshitohshit! That a bigass wolf! Maybe we should go this way! Oh, good. Looks like it didn't see me. Pardon my French, it was an exceptionally large hound, and I was caught off guard. It has been a long hike, an I have had little sleep. I must make my way to an inn in the nearby town of Beragost soon. I should not risk another night in the open with viscous wolves of that stature roaming just off the road. Soon after that I met another adventurer. He seemed capable enough, if not the friendliest chap. Our meeting was brief.
I made it to the mages castle! It is quite an imposing structure, and some manner of reanimated creature serve as both guards and butlers. They hardly let me live to see the Mage himself. His name it seems, is Thanlatyr, and he has quite the arcane setup going on in there. He had little interest in my heroic skillz, but he did take Imoen's wand off my hands for a reasonable price, and I was able to purchase a powerful elixir from him.
The land around his home is completely overrun with monsters. I barley escaped a scuffle with a large group of gnolls right outside his from door! I must return and ask if he wishes his lands cleaned up.
After a short walk, I made it to Beragost, were I was able to rest in the inn, and comfort a man who has lost his son when he tried to clear the kobolds from the area. While recovering in the inn, I heard that there was adventure to be found in an area east of the towns temple, and the next day I traveled there to see what evil lay in wait to be smited. Just past the temple, I ran into a wild dog, which could had been an issue, but luckily I rolled a natura- err, got him right between the eyes.
On the road, I was ambushed by a mischievous group of kobolds with bows. I barely escaped with my life. These were no ordinary kobold for certain. No wonder people have been whispering about the kobold raids.
Eventually, I reached the area the local men had spoken of. After just a short while, I encountered a ghoul. Naturally, I prepared my weapon, but he came up to me and spoke! He said his name was Korax, and he would aid me in my quest. I am not one to deny a creature an chance at heroics, and together we went on a rampage, clearing the north of the area of vile basilisks and a madman slinging spells.
Unfortunately, korax charged directly into the fray, and was quickly killed. Luckily, I still had the potion that I had purchased from Thalantyr, and I realized this was the perfect moment. I gulped down the potion and jumped into the fray! I dispatched all the vile creatures, dealing the final blow the same moment the effects of the potion wore off. At this point I decided it would be a good idea to go back to the inn and Beragost and tell my new drinking buddies of my noble deeds.
I returned to Beragost, and once again spent the night in The inn. After that, I spoke with a bard, who said his mistress needed the skills of such a powerful fighter as myself. I am on call for that job, but before I was able to do that, I was distracted as an elf-Mage ran through town. Seeing that I was equipped to handle myself in battle, she requested defense from her perusing wizards. Of course I accepted, and soon the evil thugs arrived. I successfully threw myself into a rage, and easily dispatched the fighters, but the robes mans magic proved a challenge. The she-elf attempted to counter with her own magic, but he was still a formidable foe. I drank all of my healing potions.
Alright, I'm breaking character now, because I'm not sure what happened next, really. The red wizard had cast acid arrow on me, and then tried to finish me off with magic missile, but I was able to down a healing potion before it hit me, and I was alright. He started to cast again, and then the screen blinked and I was dead. I did not see anything hit me, I simply fell over. I suppose it could have been acid arrow, but I thought that had run out. Looking at the screenshot the icon is no longer there. The Mage also seemed to be casting to fast, not waiting I between spells, and the same went for the rate I was downing healing potions. I'm not sure what happened, and I can't look back at the log, unfortunately.im not sure if I should count this as my first reload. It looks like some kind of unique bug:/ what do you guys think?
I wouldn't count anything that questionable. It seems anti-climatic for the (admittedly differently abled) child of Death itself to perish so ignobly!
Besides, whst will Irenicus say when he finds out he wont be needed for the sequel? What can he do, file for unemployment?! He built a secret lair in the sewer just to tortu- I mean unlock your potential! Do you even realize the power you possess (to press the 'Load Game' button)?
When the time comes... press 'Load Game'. Think of the Archmagi!
Oops, that one was legit. First reload. Maybe that battle can wait. Tale of the orgorillons under the bridge and the gauntlets of dexterity tomorrow. I'm going to bed.
*note. I will </ strike> everything that has been reloaded over! and continue logging it anyway.*
After resting in Beragost, I decided to travel south to investigate the rumors around the iron mines in Nashkel. Just outside of Beragost, I encountered two vile half-breed monsters. I attempted to sneak at them, and take them one at a time, but unfortunately, my plan failed and they both came at me at the same time. I tried to fend them both off, but they proved to strong, and I decided that a tactical retreat would be in everybody's best interest. As I fled down the road as fast and far as my 3 con/dex combo would carry me, I ran into a group of three officers! I couldn't believe my luck, a group of three well-armed, trained, upholders of the law. Surly they could help me defeat these vile beasts! Oh, dear. They thought I was a banding gang, and came after me! I was unable to convince them of my well-meaning intentions, and so I furthered my tactical retreat in the direction of Nashkel. I got away quickly, though I was still hurting from the orgorilllon incident. I observed that there was a large band of hobgoblins on the road ahead, I decided to sneak through a poor old mans yard. I know, I shouldn't trespass, but I believe it was a life or death situation.
when I reached Nashkel, I found out about the evil plot of some thayan bastard to kill a poor woman. He said she was being held in a gnoll stronghold to the west. I immediately embarked on a quest to save her from the wizards slimy fingers. As I traveled to the gnoll encampment, I cam across the mines that had been whispered of in the bar, and decided to look around, sense I was there a way. It turns out the area is completely overrun. I could not take a step wimp thout encountering some dangerous fiend. We shall say that that day was a series of Unfortunate events.
Eventually, through incredible stealth img src="https://forums.beamdog.com/uploads/FileUpload/1d/37bef44a45e385d1d3bd28a858f1ef.jpg" /> I made it to the gnoll stronghold. I rested on the bridge across the moat so that I could not be ambushed by a large group, and the next day I was ready to confront the first guards. Oh dear. Perhaps another tactical retreat. I ran back to the previous area I remembered, recovered my wits, and hoped that the ogres had had enough sense to go home and eat lunch, or some such. However, when I retuned, I saw that they where still there, waiting for me, and had FULLY HEALED! *at this point, no bullshit, the game crashed. I had to reload. I am not counting it, though reloading the quicksave instead of the autosave is a little weak of me.*
I was able to knock the first guard out with my sling, but the second proved far more agile, and much harder to hit. Hex hashed me around for a while, and I had to deal with some xvarts as well, because this was not already hard enough. Eventually, I did get him, but it wasn't easy. When I inspected the body, I found out the source of his exceptional agility. He was wearing bracers of a magical design; when I equipped them I became as light-footed and nimble as an elf! surly these are immensely powerful. With my newfound courage, I ventured on through the cliffs that surrounded the castle, hoping to find a back way in. If I could take out their leader first, perhaps they would all abandon their evil ways. I defeated many small monsters, but eventually found a cave. Hoping it would lead to the castle, I went in. Oh, god, that's a lot. I had to excuse myself, and take them one at a time. I did manage to defeat them, but not without using up most of my healing potions. Shit!
*sigh* this is going to sound bad, but being solely on iPad is taking it's toll. That last screenshot came with a cost. I fumbled the iPad, and Instead of pressing home, I pressed unpause, simultaneously locking the screen and unpausing the game. WhenI got the game back up I was already held. I don't want to count this, but with neera and the crash at the bridge I'm felling both very clumsy and pathetic. I don't usually have this many problems.(or maybe I just don't notice?) I haven't done anything past this, but I don't want to look like I'm cheating. Just to come clean, there was also a load in Beragost I didn't tell you about when I accidentally drank my potion of mirrored eyes that I don't think I mentioned. I'm sorry.
To be honest (I'm normally a lying pos), you're at a subdtantial disadvantage and not milking the cheese (...did I just type that? I am cut off!), so dont worry about the bs deaths! They dont count.
alright, I guess I won't count it. I need to be more careful.
I defended the orgorilllons in the same way as before, so I don't see the point in telling you how I did it again, but screenshots anyway:
After I had dealt with the guards on the bridge, I decided to sit down and tend my wounds again. I do not intend to enter an enemy encampment injured and tired. When I woke, I felt much better and decided to look for a back way in. With my newfound agility I was very optimistic about taking the gnolls. Around the back, I found a cave guarded by an unholy number of xvarts. Carefully, drawing them out one at a time, I was able to defeat them all. Then above did not lead up into the fortress, biput I did find a few magical items and a incredibly heave tome. It was do doubt magical, so I put down my armor and carried it to nashkel in the hopes of someone being able to tell me what it was. Unfortunately, the man In the store was not able to tell me what the book was about. does anyone know why that is? Is it a bug? Outside of the role play I took him to the smithy in Beragost and he couldn't tell me either, but when I loaded up another game high hedge was able to identify some +2 bullets. I just can't select it in the screen. It's acting like an item that can't be sold.
Some places will identify most things, but not stuff like Tomes and Wands and such ... Temples will always identify everything, so I tend to go there for my identifying.
I continued on my quest to find the origin of the massive tome. I traveled to Beragost, but the smithy nor the bartender could identify it. Eventually, I made it to high hedge, and thalantyr was able to identify it magically. It turns out the book is a magical tome of great strength, which reading will increase my people skills permanently, but destroy the book. Clearly I have no need of a boost in this area, but I read it regardless. I needed it more than your average farmer. Perhaps now I will be able to convince the gnolls to change thier ways, and turn over the witch. After that, I traveled back to beregost, and decided to rid the land to the south of the orgorrilon brigands murdering travelers. i bought some new equipment from the smithy, and went down the road. The battle was difficult, but I was able to pick them off with my sling. After this encounter, I felt I was energized and and an even more capable warrior, and I decided to see if I could find the owner of the letter that the orgorillon had stolen. Unfortunately, while I was asking around Beragost, I got distracted by an elven maiden in need of aid. She said she was being pursued by evil magical bandits. I had my doubts about the story, but I stood by her anyway, and soon enough, it proved itself. A group of thayan thugs, headed by a powerful Mage, where pursuing her so that they could inspect her "anomalous powers" m She was able to put the powerful Mage away with her magic, but a lesser one and his guards remained. The battle was going well, the guards where weaklings and the Mage was not well practices. I was on the way to saving the elven girl, until her a "anomalous powers" showed themselves. I decided maybe a tactical retreat was In Order.
I hope those where in order. This is hard on mobile. Why did silke get mad at me? I never attacked her, and the nabbasu wasn't mine.
The elf witch was killed by her own chaos, and so was much of Beragost. After the beast wrecked it's havoc, I cleaned up as best I could, and silke the witch attacked me, for reasons beyond my compression. In the middle of all this, I accidentally downed my potion of strength, and so I decided instead of wasting it I would clear all the evil that lay around Beragost. First I went into the inn, and easily dispatched a dwarven assassin. After that, I found that the three officers that had mistaken me for a bandit gang where still after me. Their A.I. fighting style was a little wonky, they kept regrouping and running away, but I eventually one. At this point, a hobgoblin came out of the woods and shot me in the arm with a poisoned arrow, along with the fist officers chasing me. The run to the temple for healing was exciting, but I made it. After I was healed, I came back, and now with the officers spread apart, they where no problem. I was even able to carry the armor back to sell, thanks to the strength potion.
After I solved most of Beragost, I decided to travel north to the friendly arm inn. Perhaps these friends of Gorions could give me some advice. On the way I found an ogre and some gibberings. This was annoying, but not much of a problem, and the orge had a magic belt. Once I arrived at the friendly arm, I encountered yet another assassin. This one was a Mage, but his magic proved useless against my rage. The guards tried to help some, but really, it was beyond them. They should have just left it to me.
I was able to retrieve a woman's ring, that had been stolen by hobgoblins, which was easier than I had though it would have been. She had described them as viscous murderers. One shot kill!
After I had done that, Khalid and jahiera gernorously donated a long bow and an invisibility potion to my cause. I am indebted to them.
After I finished my business at the friendly arm, I traveled south to nashkel again, wherei encountered ute another assassin in the in. Her spells, however, where useless against my power and skill, of course. I plan to rescue the witch tomorrow, and perhaps investigate the area around the mines more.
Oh, god, all those photos. This is almost taking as much time to load as one of @LadyRhian's threads:P Also, does anyone have any strategy suggestions for greywolf? I'm to dumb to use wands, but I really want that sword:/
After I rested in nashkel, I set off to the Gnoll stronghold to confront the beasts, and rescue Dynahier the witch. Strangely, they did not have anyone guarding the gates, and I was able to walk straight into the fortress. I heard growls up the stairs, and so I carefully sneaked up, picking them off on at a time with my new magic sling. It took a while, and a lot of healing potions and running around, but eventually I was able to get most of them. Unfortunately, their leader and his guard proved difficult, especially when they called in xvarts reinforcements. I managed to get the guard, but the leader eluded me and I decided that the tactical retreat plan would be suitable. I attempted to rest in the wilderness, and regain some of my strength, but it was disrupted, so I traveled back to the gnoll stronghold.when I. Ame back, the leader was nowhere to be found. No doubt he had fled the scene, knowing that me and my heroics would return only with greater force. I killed the remaining gnoll fodder, and found the witch. Being the chivalrous knight that I am, I did not simply release her, but of course escorted her to her guardian, Minsc, in nashkel.
Now that I had done that, I went to investigate the Nashkel mines further. On the way, I was met by a bandit gang. O_o these where a lot more talkative than most bandits. I didn't really want to fight them, they seemed vey powerful, and those arrows looked mighty pointy. (I've never played Dorn's quest before. I was a bit worried, this kind of encounter is made for a full party, and these guys looked powerful.) luckily! a fellow brave knight came to my aid anpt that very moment! Together we crushed the heads of up our enemies! Well, mostly me, obviously, but I don't know where I would be without him. He said he was seeking vengeance on the bandits because the had betrayed him, and left him in some prison far away. He said there were still two more of his fellow companions left, and he mentioned he had heard of my heroics, crushing baddies across the realms! Thee was a lot of good loot, too. They hardly needed my money. Figures. I just payed 1000 gold for a small shield +1.
So I took him in. Clearly I could teach him a thing or two about fighting. On the way to the carnival, however, I learned a few more things about dorn. Perhaps he was not the best companion for a righteous adventurer such as myself. So I asked to see that fancy sword, and ditched him in the merchants tent, after the merchant relieved my of the weapon.
Finally. Now I was able to travel to the mines. I was immediately reminded of the dangers of the area. After walking around a bit, and talking to the guard, I decided I needed better gear, and more experience fighting monsters. The guards seemed very afraid of whatever was down there. So I decided to finish of the basilisks. I bought some more potions, and traveled north. Oh dear. More traveling issues. I rand quite quickly that day, to my shame. I should have smited them where the stood, and rid the realms of the vile creatures. Searching for basilisks, I immediately ran into a bunch of increasingly annoying gnolls. They are hardly worth my time, but they prove exhausting in the long run. They seem to be getting stronger. Perhaps the escaped gnoll captain Is holding a grudge. Eventually, I did find some basilisk, and after downing Thalantyr's potion, dispatched them with my sling. I drank a few more potions to boost my ability, as I sensed a bigger fight coming on. I soon discovered 3 basilisks all together, one clearly the alpha male. I threw one of them explodey-bottles, and then started slinging as fast as I could. I got two of them down, but before I could throw the last bullet at the third, thalantyr magic fell short.
Oh, god, all those photos. This is almost taking as much time to load as one of @LadyRhian's threads:P Also, does anyone have any strategy suggestions for greywolf? I'm to dumb to use wands, but I really want that sword:/
What about the red potion? (from that Nashkell's merchant).
@Farl thanks for the tip, but the red potion grants 50% magic resistance, and 25 intelligence:P I'm pretty sure you mean the violet potion, which is 25 strength for 24 hours. That could work, but I still have 3 con. Is have to hit him real fast. That and I just used the violet potion for something else. It doesn't matter now though, you'll see, if I ever get around to posting. I played a lot last night.
After I killed the small basilisk, I senses a large group up ahead, and downed another potion. It turns out it was a large group, three tops them, one clearly and alpha male. I threw a potion of explosions, and started slinging as fast as a can. I was able to kill one of the small ones, but my protection wore off before I was able to finish off the other two. I retreated to halfling village of gullykin, where I was able to rest. Soon after that, I traveled to the firewine bridge. There I met an exceptional bard, by the name of Poe. He had for me a wonderful tale, in rhyme. I donated 10 gold to his cause. To the north of the bridge, I was confronted by a villain that came at me with his sword! He was very skilled, be eventually I defeated him with my sling. After inspecting the corpse, I found the source of his prowess. Magic gloves, and an enchanted blade! He shouldn't have been bragging like that.
Once I was finished with the Firewine, I traveled to the dungeon of Ulcaster school. After speaking with a ghost, I entered the dungeon. And then I decided it would be a good time to leave.
I went exploring in an area south of Thalantyr's castle, and found chicken THAT SPOKE! After I saved it from a wolf, it said he was a student of Thalantyr's, and had misspoke an incantation, and he had been stuck like this for a month. I immediately took him to Thanlatyr, who, with much reluctance, said that if I could find the head of an undead creature than perhaps he could restore poor Melimcamp. I found the skull, and returned to Thanlatyr immediately, and he began casting as soon as I have it to him. IT WORKED! Melimcamp is restored! I was, of course, glad I could be of any aid. After this, I went exploring around the coast a little more, but did little of any interest. After a while, however, WhenI happened to have drank an invisibility potion, I can across a group of gnolls! It was a very large group, so I remains invisible, and tried to figure out what they where doing. After I while, I caught a glimpse of a man in the fray, just standing there! I was to shocked to move, and by the time I could think, he was already dead. Upon inspection(the gnolls seemed to have no interest in me) it was revealed to be a drow. No doubt he deserved what he got. He did have some good loot though. at this point I am regretting my proficiency choices. When I returned to town, I discovered that the gear was actually incredibly powerful. And I am now learning the art of fighting with scimitars.
After this, with my new gear, I traveled back to Ulcaster in hopes of clearing the dungeon. Close by the enterence, I encountered a ghast, but I set myself into a barbaric rage and was able to smite it with great force. I was glad to see that this was in my ability. Long story short, I cleared the west end of the dungeon, and barely escaped with my life. Perhaps one day I will come back and see if theirs any loot I missed. I used twinkle for the fire resistance, and that's the only way I survived. I was really very lucky, if didn't have that I don't know what I would have done. I am very lucky. It's clear now that that was beyond my level, and I should have leveled up before I did it. But I made it through, so whatever. I got my level up, and my scimitar proficiency.
I traveled back to the nashkel carnival to restock my supplies. I decided that it was time to investigate the going ons in the mines. Oops, wrong tent! I'll just be leavin-aww..... That was way harder than it should have been. I swear, I rolled like, all 1s and 2s. He use ALLL his spells. That's how long it took. I defeated the Mage, after a long battle, and saved the maiden. She did not give any gold or loot. Eventually, I found the right tent, bought some more bullets, and traveled to the mines.
I met an unfriendly elven Mage, Xan, who left without even taking his sword. the mines where *really* easily. It took all of three minutes. I should check the difficulty slider. I've been playing core the whole time, not even changing for level ups.
When I traveled back to nashkel, I was met with an unhappy surprise. I COMPETENT BARD! Unfortunelty he was trying to kill me. He cast a spell, I did not have the strength to resist it, and kill me he did. third reload.
I knew I didn't have any rages left. I shouldn't have come to nimble. That's completely on me. I should have rested at the carnival. I'd done all this in one shot, and I was at the end of my attention span, I guess. Fail.
After this, I was able to finish an epic crusade, retrieving an ancient, powerful, longsword for my comrade, and was able to return to my father and leave the keep. On the way he explained we where in grave danger, and that we could be going to see some friends at the friendly arm in. Suddenly, we where ambushed by a massive armored figure and his monstrous lackeys. Gorion instructed me to run away, and I could not perceive the dead tails of the ensuing battle from my hiding spot. I could however, see the result. Gorions powerful wizardry slated many of the monsters, but in the end it all proved to much. I write now with tears and blood smearing the page, for in the end, the armored fiend and his witch killed my father. After my longest night, When the morn finally came, i approached the scene. It was a gruesome picture. The bodies of the armored figure's minions stained the ground, and their black blood mingled with my fathers pure red. Laying next to Gorions body I found a mysterious note, signed E, and his dagger, among the other things I retrieved to aid my survival. After this I saw that Imoen, the immature fool, had sneezed out behind us. She expressed her condolences, and gave me some magic items she said she had been keeping for an emergency. Unfortunately, I cannot figure how to work the wand for the life of me, though expect it shall fetch a fair price at market, so it will aid my quest of vengeance in its own way. And I swear, GORION WILL BE AVENGED! I sent Imoen away, so that I could continue my noble quest, and continued on the road.
Ohshitohshitohshit! That a bigass wolf! Maybe we should go this way!
Oh, good. Looks like it didn't see me. Pardon my French, it was an exceptionally large hound, and I was caught off guard. It has been a long hike, an I have had little sleep. I must make my way to an inn in the nearby town of Beragost soon. I should not risk another night in the open with viscous wolves of that stature roaming just off the road.
Soon after that I met another adventurer. He seemed capable enough, if not the friendliest chap.
Our meeting was brief.
I made it to the mages castle! It is quite an imposing structure, and some manner of reanimated creature serve as both guards and butlers. They hardly let me live to see the Mage himself. His name it seems, is Thanlatyr, and he has quite the arcane setup going on in there.
He had little interest in my heroic skillz, but he did take Imoen's wand off my hands for a reasonable price, and I was able to purchase a powerful elixir from him.
The land around his home is completely overrun with monsters. I barley escaped a scuffle with a large group of gnolls right outside his from door! I must return and ask if he wishes his lands cleaned up.
After a short walk, I made it to Beragost, were I was able to rest in the inn, and comfort a man who has lost his son when he tried to clear the kobolds from the area.
While recovering in the inn, I heard that there was adventure to be found in an area east of the towns temple, and the next day I traveled there to see what evil lay in wait to be smited. Just past the temple, I ran into a wild dog, which could had been an issue, but luckily I rolled a natura- err, got him right between the eyes.
On the road, I was ambushed by a mischievous group of kobolds with bows. I barely escaped with my life. These were no ordinary kobold for certain. No wonder people have been whispering about the kobold raids.
Unfortunately, korax charged directly into the fray, and was quickly killed.
Luckily, I still had the potion that I had purchased from Thalantyr, and I realized this was the perfect moment. I gulped down the potion and jumped into the fray!
I dispatched all the vile creatures, dealing the final blow the same moment the effects of the potion wore off.
At this point I decided it would be a good idea to go back to the inn and Beragost and tell my new drinking buddies of my noble deeds.
I returned to Beragost, and once again spent the night in The inn. After that, I spoke with a bard, who said his mistress needed the skills of such a powerful fighter as myself. I am on call for that job, but before I was able to do that, I was distracted as an elf-Mage ran through town. Seeing that I was equipped to handle myself in battle, she requested defense from her perusing wizards. Of course I accepted, and soon the evil thugs arrived.
I successfully threw myself into a rage, and easily dispatched the fighters, but the robes mans magic proved a challenge. The she-elf attempted to counter with her own magic, but he was still a formidable foe. I drank all of my healing potions.
Alright, I'm breaking character now, because I'm not sure what happened next, really. The red wizard had cast acid arrow on me, and then tried to finish me off with magic missile, but I was able to down a healing potion before it hit me, and I was alright. He started to cast again, and then the screen blinked and I was dead. I did not see anything hit me, I simply fell over. I suppose it could have been acid arrow, but I thought that had run out. Looking at the screenshot the icon is no longer there. The Mage also seemed to be casting to fast, not waiting I between spells, and the same went for the rate I was downing healing potions. I'm not sure what happened, and I can't look back at the log, unfortunately.im not sure if I should count this as my first reload. It looks like some kind of unique bug:/ what do you guys think?
Sounds like a bug to me. It happens. I vote to not count the reload.
Besides, whst will Irenicus say when he finds out he wont be needed for the sequel? What can he do, file for unemployment?! He built a secret lair in the sewer just to tortu- I mean unlock your potential! Do you even realize the power you possess (to press the 'Load Game' button)?
When the time comes... press 'Load Game'. Think of the Archmagi!
Oops, that one was legit. First reload. Maybe that battle can wait. Tale of the orgorillons under the bridge and the gauntlets of dexterity tomorrow. I'm going to bed.
After resting in Beragost, I decided to travel south to investigate the rumors around the iron mines in Nashkel. Just outside of Beragost, I encountered two vile half-breed monsters. I attempted to sneak at them, and take them one at a time, but unfortunately, my plan failed and they both came at me at the same time. I tried to fend them both off, but they proved to strong, and I decided that a tactical retreat would be in everybody's best interest. As I fled down the road as fast and far as my 3 con/dex combo would carry me, I ran into a group of three officers! I couldn't believe my luck, a group of three well-armed, trained, upholders of the law. Surly they could help me defeat these vile beasts!
Oh, dear. They thought I was a banding gang, and came after me! I was unable to convince them of my well-meaning intentions, and so I furthered my tactical retreat in the direction of Nashkel. I got away quickly, though I was still hurting from the orgorilllon incident. I observed that there was a large band of hobgoblins on the road ahead, I decided to sneak through a poor old mans yard. I know, I shouldn't trespass, but I believe it was a life or death situation.
As I traveled to the gnoll encampment, I cam across the mines that had been whispered of in the bar, and decided to look around, sense I was there a way. It turns out the area is completely overrun. I could not take a step wimp thout encountering some dangerous fiend. We shall say that that day was a series of Unfortunate events.
Eventually, through incredible stealth
img src="https://forums.beamdog.com/uploads/FileUpload/1d/37bef44a45e385d1d3bd28a858f1ef.jpg" />
I made it to the gnoll stronghold. I rested on the bridge across the moat so that I could not be ambushed by a large group, and the next day I was ready to confront the first guards.
Oh dear. Perhaps another tactical retreat. I ran back to the previous area I remembered, recovered my wits, and hoped that the ogres had had enough sense to go home and eat lunch, or some such. However, when I retuned, I saw that they where still there, waiting for me, and had FULLY HEALED!
*at this point, no bullshit, the game crashed. I had to reload. I am not counting it, though reloading the quicksave instead of the autosave is a little weak of me.*
I was able to knock the first guard out with my sling, but the second proved far more agile, and much harder to hit. Hex hashed me around for a while, and I had to deal with some xvarts as well, because this was not already hard enough.
Eventually, I did get him, but it wasn't easy. When I inspected the body, I found out the source of his exceptional agility. He was wearing bracers of a magical design; when I equipped them I became as light-footed and nimble as an elf! surly these are immensely powerful. With my newfound courage, I ventured on through the cliffs that surrounded the castle, hoping to find a back way in. If I could take out their leader first, perhaps they would all abandon their evil ways. I defeated many small monsters, but eventually found a cave. Hoping it would lead to the castle, I went in.
Oh, god, that's a lot. I had to excuse myself, and take them one at a time. I did manage to defeat them, but not without using up most of my healing potions.
*sigh* this is going to sound bad, but being solely on iPad is taking it's toll. That last screenshot came with a cost. I fumbled the iPad, and Instead of pressing home, I pressed unpause, simultaneously locking the screen and unpausing the game. WhenI got the game back up I was already held. I don't want to count this, but with neera and the crash at the bridge I'm felling both very clumsy and pathetic. I don't usually have this many problems.(or maybe I just don't notice?) I haven't done anything past this, but I don't want to look like I'm cheating. Just to come clean, there was also a load in Beragost I didn't tell you about when I accidentally drank my potion of mirrored eyes that I don't think I mentioned. I'm sorry.
...seriously, milking the cheese?!
You couldn't let @Quartz down, could you? xD
I defended the orgorilllons in the same way as before, so I don't see the point in telling you how I did it again, but screenshots anyway:
After I had dealt with the guards on the bridge, I decided to sit down and tend my wounds again. I do not intend to enter an enemy encampment injured and tired. When I woke, I felt much better and decided to look for a back way in.
With my newfound agility I was very optimistic about taking the gnolls. Around the back, I found a cave guarded by an unholy number of xvarts. Carefully, drawing them out one at a time, I was able to defeat them all. Then above did not lead up into the fortress, biput I did find a few magical items and a incredibly heave tome. It was do doubt magical, so I put down my armor and carried it to nashkel in the hopes of someone being able to tell me what it was.
Unfortunately, the man In the store was not able to tell me what the book was about.
does anyone know why that is? Is it a bug? Outside of the role play I took him to the smithy in Beragost and he couldn't tell me either, but when I loaded up another game high hedge was able to identify some +2 bullets. I just can't select it in the screen. It's acting like an item that can't be sold.
After that, I traveled back to beregost, and decided to rid the land to the south of the orgorrilon brigands murdering travelers. i bought some new equipment from the smithy, and went down the road. The battle was difficult, but I was able to pick them off with my sling. After this encounter, I felt I was energized and and an even more capable warrior, and I decided to see if I could find the owner of the letter that the orgorillon had stolen.
Unfortunately, while I was asking around Beragost, I got distracted by an elven maiden in need of aid. She said she was being pursued by evil magical bandits.
I had my doubts about the story, but I stood by her anyway, and soon enough, it proved itself. A group of thayan thugs, headed by a powerful Mage, where pursuing her so that they could inspect her "anomalous powers" m
She was able to put the powerful Mage away with her magic, but a lesser one and his guards remained. The battle was going well, the guards where weaklings and the Mage was not well practices. I was on the way to saving the elven girl, until her a "anomalous powers" showed themselves.
I decided maybe a tactical retreat was In Order.
I hope those where in order. This is hard on mobile. Why did silke get mad at me? I never attacked her, and the nabbasu wasn't mine.
The elf witch was killed by her own chaos, and so was much of Beragost. After the beast wrecked it's havoc, I cleaned up as best I could, and silke the witch attacked me, for reasons beyond my compression. In the middle of all this, I accidentally downed my potion of strength, and so I decided instead of wasting it I would clear all the evil that lay around Beragost. First I went into the inn, and easily dispatched a dwarven assassin.
After that, I found that the three officers that had mistaken me for a bandit gang where still after me. Their A.I. fighting style was a little wonky, they kept regrouping and running away, but I eventually one.
At this point, a hobgoblin came out of the woods and shot me in the arm with a poisoned arrow, along with the fist officers chasing me. The run to the temple for healing was exciting, but I made it.
After I was healed, I came back, and now with the officers spread apart, they where no problem. I was even able to carry the armor back to sell, thanks to the strength potion.
Once I arrived at the friendly arm, I encountered yet another assassin. This one was a Mage, but his magic proved useless against my rage.
The guards tried to help some, but really, it was beyond them. They should have just left it to me.
I was able to retrieve a woman's ring, that had been stolen by hobgoblins, which was easier than I had though it would have been. She had described them as viscous murderers.
One shot kill!
After I had done that, Khalid and jahiera gernorously donated a long bow and an invisibility potion to my cause. I am indebted to them.
After I finished my business at the friendly arm, I traveled south to nashkel again, wherei encountered ute another assassin in the in. Her spells, however, where useless against my power and skill, of course.
I plan to rescue the witch tomorrow, and perhaps investigate the area around the mines more.
Also, does anyone have any strategy suggestions for greywolf? I'm to dumb to use wands, but I really want that sword:/
After I rested in nashkel, I set off to the Gnoll stronghold to confront the beasts, and rescue Dynahier the witch. Strangely, they did not have anyone guarding the gates, and I was able to walk straight into the fortress.
I heard growls up the stairs, and so I carefully sneaked up, picking them off on at a time with my new magic sling.
It took a while, and a lot of healing potions and running around, but eventually I was able to get most of them.
Unfortunately, their leader and his guard proved difficult, especially when they called in xvarts reinforcements.
I managed to get the guard, but the leader eluded me and I decided that the tactical retreat plan would be suitable.
I attempted to rest in the wilderness, and regain some of my strength, but it was disrupted, so I traveled back to the gnoll stronghold.when I. Ame back, the leader was nowhere to be found. No doubt he had fled the scene, knowing that me and my heroics would return only with greater force. I killed the remaining gnoll fodder, and found the witch.
Being the chivalrous knight that I am, I did not simply release her, but of course escorted her to her guardian, Minsc, in nashkel.
O_o these where a lot more talkative than most bandits. I didn't really want to fight them, they seemed vey powerful, and those arrows looked mighty pointy. (I've never played Dorn's quest before. I was a bit worried, this kind of encounter is made for a full party, and these guys looked powerful.) luckily! a fellow brave knight came to my aid anpt that very moment! Together we crushed the heads of up our enemies! Well, mostly me, obviously, but I don't know where I would be without him. He said he was seeking vengeance on the bandits because the had betrayed him, and left him in some prison far away. He said there were still two more of his fellow companions left, and he mentioned he had heard of my heroics, crushing baddies across the realms!
Thee was a lot of good loot, too. They hardly needed my money.
Figures. I just payed 1000 gold for a small shield +1.
So I took him in. Clearly I could teach him a thing or two about fighting. On the way to the carnival, however, I learned a few more things about dorn. Perhaps he was not the best companion for a righteous adventurer such as myself. So I asked to see that fancy sword, and ditched him in the merchants tent, after the merchant relieved my of the weapon.
After walking around a bit, and talking to the guard, I decided I needed better gear, and more experience fighting monsters. The guards seemed very afraid of whatever was down there. So I decided to finish of the basilisks. I bought some more potions, and traveled north.
Oh dear. More traveling issues. I rand quite quickly that day, to my shame. I should have smited them where the stood, and rid the realms of the vile creatures.
Searching for basilisks, I immediately ran into a bunch of increasingly annoying gnolls. They are hardly worth my time, but they prove exhausting in the long run. They seem to be getting stronger. Perhaps the escaped gnoll captain Is holding a grudge.
Eventually, I did find some basilisk, and after downing Thalantyr's potion, dispatched them with my sling.
I drank a few more potions to boost my ability, as I sensed a bigger fight coming on. I soon discovered 3 basilisks all together, one clearly the alpha male. I threw one of them explodey-bottles, and then started slinging as fast as I could. I got two of them down, but before I could throw the last bullet at the third, thalantyr magic fell short.
second reload
It just cracked me up to picture big, burly Dorn saying “Wait, are HeroGuy?”
Firstly, I want to thank you how this great adventure is turning to be. Best luck with those dices!
That said:
I retreated to halfling village of gullykin, where I was able to rest. Soon after that, I traveled to the firewine bridge.
There I met an exceptional bard, by the name of Poe. He had for me a wonderful tale, in rhyme. I donated 10 gold to his cause.
To the north of the bridge, I was confronted by a villain that came at me with his sword! He was very skilled, be eventually I defeated him with my sling.
After inspecting the corpse, I found the source of his prowess. Magic gloves, and an enchanted blade! He shouldn't have been bragging like that.
Once I was finished with the Firewine, I traveled to the dungeon of Ulcaster school.
After speaking with a ghost, I entered the dungeon.
And then I decided it would be a good time to leave.
I went exploring in an area south of Thalantyr's castle, and found chicken THAT SPOKE!
After I saved it from a wolf, it said he was a student of Thalantyr's, and had misspoke an incantation, and he had been stuck like this for a month. I immediately took him to Thanlatyr, who, with much reluctance, said that if I could find the head of an undead creature than perhaps he could restore poor Melimcamp. I found the skull, and returned to Thanlatyr immediately, and he began casting as soon as I have it to him.
IT WORKED! Melimcamp is restored! I was, of course, glad I could be of any aid.
After this, I went exploring around the coast a little more, but did little of any interest. After a while, however, WhenI happened to have drank an invisibility potion,
I can across a group of gnolls! It was a very large group, so I remains invisible, and tried to figure out what they where doing.
After I while, I caught a glimpse of a man in the fray, just standing there! I was to shocked to move, and by the time I could think, he was already dead. Upon inspection(the gnolls seemed to have no interest in me) it was revealed to be a drow. No doubt he deserved what he got. He did have some good loot though.
at this point I am regretting my proficiency choices.
When I returned to town, I discovered that the gear was actually incredibly powerful. And I am now learning the art of fighting with scimitars.
After this, with my new gear, I traveled back to Ulcaster in hopes of clearing the dungeon. Close by the enterence, I encountered a ghast, but I set myself into a barbaric rage and was able to smite it with great force. I was glad to see that this was in my ability.
Long story short, I cleared the west end of the dungeon, and barely escaped with my life. Perhaps one day I will come back and see if theirs any loot I missed.
I used twinkle for the fire resistance, and that's the only way I survived. I was really very lucky, if didn't have that I don't know what I would have done. I am very lucky. It's clear now that that was beyond my level, and I should have leveled up before I did it. But I made it through, so whatever. I got my level up, and my scimitar proficiency.
I traveled back to the nashkel carnival to restock my supplies. I decided that it was time to investigate the going ons in the mines.
Oops, wrong tent! I'll just be leavin-aww.....
That was way harder than it should have been. I swear, I rolled like, all 1s and 2s. He use ALLL his spells. That's how long it took.
I defeated the Mage, after a long battle, and saved the maiden. She did not give any gold or loot.
Eventually, I found the right tent, bought some more bullets, and traveled to the mines.
I met an unfriendly elven Mage, Xan, who left without even taking his sword.
the mines where *really* easily. It took all of three minutes. I should check the difficulty slider. I've been playing core the whole time, not even changing for level ups.
When I traveled back to nashkel, I was met with an unhappy surprise. I COMPETENT BARD! Unfortunelty he was trying to kill me. He cast a spell, I did not have the strength to resist it, and kill me he did.
third reload.
I knew I didn't have any rages left. I shouldn't have come to nimble. That's completely on me. I should have rested at the carnival. I'd done all this in one shot, and I was at the end of my attention span, I guess. Fail.