@SionIV Not really. I already appreciate good armor and I like the more "unrealistic" fantasy armor. It's meant to be eyecandy and I take it as that.
But I don't appreciate an entire thread full of well-drawn pictures with people pointing fingers at it and saying "Omg look at how awful that is! haha". *shrug*
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. It's insulting to the artists. Luis Royo makes much "unrealistic" fantasy art and I don't see anyone bashing his work.
I find it pointless to bash something, for something it was never intended to be. In that case, "realistic".
I agree with @Archaos. Complaining about unrealistic fantasy armor is just
It seems like we should be able to accept that no one really thinks it's plausible, and it's just soft core porn for guys with a fantasy fetish, and while we may not like it(myself included. having your underwear made of chainmail doesn't make you more attractive) there's nothing we can do about it.
And no offense to LadyRhian. I understand where your coming from, I guess, and I don't have anything against your thread.
@meagloth I really don't mind "chainmail bikini"-styled art. It's not realistic or meant to be taken too seriously. It's meant to look pretty and be an eyecandy, because it's fantasy and it's art.
Pablo Picasso wasn't making realistic art but so what? He didn't want to.
Like I said, Luis Royo and Frank Frazetta are considered top notch artists and their art is actually half-naked or fully naked women with swords or other weapons. Just google their work. It's NSFW mind you.
Why do they get a free pass but other modern, less known and younger artists need to be pointed at and go "omg what is this" ? That is what I don't like.
@meagloth I really don't mind "chainmail bikini"-styled art. It's not realistic or meant to be taken too seriously. It's meant to look pretty and be an eyecandy, because it's fantasy and it's art.
Pablo Picasso wasn't making realistic art but so what? He didn't want to.
Like I said, Luis Royo and Frank Frazetta are considered top notch artists and their art is actually half-naked or fully naked women with swords or other weapons. Just google their work. It's NSFW mind you.
Why do they get a free pass but other modern, less known and younger artists need to be pointed at and go "omg what is this" ? That is what I don't like.
To paraphrase Pratchett, if there're *urns*, then it's *art*! Or fig leaves... fig leaves are definitely art...
@BelgarathMTH I always assume that a woman warrior with metal boobs is going to be using a one handed weapon. Sure the projections may inhibit their movement a bit, but it would be way much less of a problem than swinging a greatsword, or a two handed axe. There ... I hope I have unruined fantasy for you (grin)
@Archaos Many thanks for the positive comment about a positive thread And I am so glad to meet another Pterrry fan - Pratchett ROCKS! I have to admit as yet I haven't found a pic with a chick swinging a sword that has either urns or fig leaves ... my apologies to Sergeant Colon.
I think the reason game artists use soft-porn images of females is that the majority of their market is either adolescent males, or males that never grew up. Men with a more mature perspective on what a fighting woman should look like are well in the minority, and as for a woman gamer ... well, we don't exist do we? But this is a chicken and egg situation - does the game define the players, or do the players define the game. Are the game developers catering for the players they already have, or the the art and the sexism put the more sensible blokes and the women off, so only adolescents and immatures are left as players?
p.s. I make no apologies for the numbers of Eowyn's you're going to see. You'll also get large numbers of Joan of Arcs - these two are the archetypes of women in armour.
Finally, that last harness would be really nice...if only there were hinges/straps/buckles on the cuirass!! It lets itself down, because it would be a nice, and very believable, half-harness otherwise.
After taking a long look at Joan, I can't figure out how she got that on. Does it hinge to open at the sides?
I remember a skyrim mod that made more "realistic" armors and when everybody complained (anybody who goes to skyrim nexus knows the community there...) somebody brought up an article made by an armorsmith really showing off what was wrong with fantasy art. It wasn't actually focusing on the chain mail bikinis etc, but actually what you see in things like Skryim vanilla... boob plate. Apparantly those things could actually cause all sorts of medical issues, though I cannot really say what they were as it seems to have been brought down. The few female warriors to exist would actually wear the same armor as a male and to get their extra bits to fit in they would strap it down heavily and because armor has room between the body and armor where they put padding it is not usually a problem. I am sure if you look like one of the "unrealistic" fantasy ladies body wise you would have problems fitting in, but those are generally unrealistic expectations so most people could make it work still.
I agree with @Archaos. and while we may not like it(myself included. having your underwear made of chainmail doesn't make you more attractive) there's nothing we can do about it.
another thing I liked about the article was really some of the examples of that. they actually brought up Tali from Mass Effect in the article to show how you can make an attractive character without any skin showing whatsoever. although I guess google images goes to show if they don't get it in game people will be off to make their fan fiction art... sometimes even dismissing lore because they don't like the idea that sex between humans and quarians don't work
wish I could say more but as someone who isn't interested in either gender I don't quite get the reaction that men who like the soft core porn stuff get. i stick far away from it and look for something where characters have decency and I can get immersed. I don't really have a problem with boob plate because it does go to define gender and it IS fantasy meaning realism doesn't matter too much, so I still didn't bother with the mod that brought me to that article, but when I am looking through the nexus armors for any game it does take exceptionally long for me to find just one armor that I want in game if it is meant for a female (generally male armor is much easier so I can get plenty of that in comparison). I guess I won't do anything about the people who want porn over immersion, but it stays far away from my in game experiences.
Apparantly those things could actually cause all sorts of medical issues, though I cannot really say what they were as it seems to have been brought down.
Speaking as a lady who is rather well endowed I'll testify it is possible to wield a single handed weapon without squishing your boobs. I had a duel with hubby the other day (we were armed with empty 2L fizzy water bottles ... yes I know, I am already deeply ashamed) . I was completely OK If I turned side, as recommended for posing the smallest target, on or even three quarters.
I have to rant here. I HATED the whole part with "No man can kill me!" and then the plot device jumps in and she's all like "I'm no man!" and then kills the Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing.
I'm all for female power, but that was some shitty writing.
I have to rant here. I HATED the whole part with "No man can kill me!" and then the plot device jumps in and she's all like "I'm no man!" and then kills the Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing.
I'm all for female power, but that was some shitty writing.
Though as far as loopholes go, it was pretty funny.
I have to rant here. I HATED the whole part with "No man can kill me!" and then the plot device jumps in and she's all like "I'm no man!" and then kills the Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing.
I'm all for female power, but that was some shitty writing.
This kind of thing has a long tradition, you can probably blame Shakespeare. It was prophesied that "no man of woman born" could kill Macbeth. Turns out MacDuff was a caesarean. *D'oh*
I have to rant here. I HATED the whole part with "No man can kill me!" and then the plot device jumps in and she's all like "I'm no man!" and then kills the Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing.
I'm all for female power, but that was some shitty writing.
Sadly the film missed a piece of subtlety that's in the book - though you may have to be on your umpteenth read through to really notice it. The Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing isn't killed by one person who isn't a man ... it gets killed by two. Merry (a hobbit, not a man) stabbed the Nazgul king in the back of his ankle, presumably severing the achilles tendon. This made the Nazgul collapse down onto his knees, and pulled his attention away from Eowyn. Because of this, Eowyn was able to stab the Nazgul without having to get through all that armour.
Eventually you are going to see a lot of Eowyns on this thread!
Apparantly those things could actually cause all sorts of medical issues, though I cannot really say what they were as it seems to have been brought down.
that isn't exactly it... but it gets everything I read down minus the examples from games and how some did it better. thank you for sharing since I couldn't get my own
oh and I gotta say I've recently learned to appreciate at least having the boob plate version of fantasy armor. when playing Dark Souls 2 there actually ended up being a coffin I could lay in and, seeing as though there was one in the first game, I entered to see what would happen. At first everything seemed the same but the game declared that "the nature of your being has changed". I actually had to look it up and a thread on it told the asker to "take off your armor" or "you'll find out next time you pee" and I suddenly understood what I got into. It is cool that they went for that realism with the armor... but I can't imagine if I kept playing for hours and then wondered as I strip down to save my armor from an acid pool when I became a woman so I could reverse it
Sadly the film missed a piece of subtlety that's in the book - though you may have to be on your umpteenth read through to really notice it. The Immortal-shadow-brother-dude-thing isn't killed by one person who isn't a man ... it gets killed by two. Merry (a hobbit, not a man) stabbed the Nazgul king in the back of his ankle, presumably severing the achilles tendon. This made the Nazgul collapse down onto his knees, and pulled his attention away from Eowyn. Because of this, Eowyn was able to stab the Nazgul without having to get through all that armour.
Plus they both get unnatural injuries. #bookgeeksunite :P
@ChildofBhaal599 Couldn't you immediately tell when you wanted to run off into a corner sobbing, or you had this urge to bat your eyelashes at the nearest male, or when you got this overwhelming craving for chocolate
@CrevsDaak This all got started when I was hunting for a decent portrait!
I'm really enjoying the chat on this thread, but maybe some people want to just look at the pix. This means I better post a link to my new Tumblr blog .... and it isn't that I'm jus boasting about how good I've got it to look - honest.
On a more serious note, this is me fighting back at all those untold blogs that never give an artist credit, or if they do they get it wrong more often than they get it right. And as for a link - you've got to be joking. This blog arranges the pics by the artist's name, and always gives a credit and a link. When anyone reblogs it, the credit and link go too.
I didn't design the theme, but the backing tiles were my pick, and the graphics in the banner and sidebar are all my work as well (the original knight on the horse wasn't my work but the graphic I made from it is).
Hehe, I was just looking at some 3d renderings of bg characters I found via google images, and the author took some... Well call it creative liberties. I think I saw nipples on one of the boobplates, and I almost laughed out loud. You see that sometimes, and it's just way beyond realistic it's funny.
It's about promoting something positive, than bashing something negative, in other words.
But I don't appreciate an entire thread full of well-drawn pictures with people pointing fingers at it and saying "Omg look at how awful that is! haha". *shrug*
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. It's insulting to the artists.
Luis Royo makes much "unrealistic" fantasy art and I don't see anyone bashing his work.
I find it pointless to bash something, for something it was never intended to be. In that case, "realistic".
It seems like we should be able to accept that no one really thinks it's plausible, and it's just soft core porn for guys with a fantasy fetish, and while we may not like it(myself included. having your underwear made of chainmail doesn't make you more attractive) there's nothing we can do about it.
And no offense to LadyRhian. I understand where your coming from, I guess, and I don't have anything against your thread.
Pablo Picasso wasn't making realistic art but so what? He didn't want to.
Like I said, Luis Royo and Frank Frazetta are considered top notch artists and their art is actually half-naked or fully naked women with swords or other weapons.
Just google their work. It's NSFW mind you.
Why do they get a free pass but other modern, less known and younger artists need to be pointed at and go "omg what is this" ?
That is what I don't like.
Or fig leaves... fig leaves are definitely art...
@Archaos Many thanks for the positive comment about a positive thread
I think the reason game artists use soft-porn images of females is that the majority of their market is either adolescent males, or males that never grew up. Men with a more mature perspective on what a fighting woman should look like are well in the minority, and as for a woman gamer ... well, we don't exist do we? But this is a chicken and egg situation - does the game define the players, or do the players define the game. Are the game developers catering for the players they already have, or the the art and the sexism put the more sensible blokes and the women off, so only adolescents and immatures are left as players?
Brenoch Adams
Staffan Alsparr
p.s. I make no apologies for the numbers of Eowyn's you're going to see. You'll also get large numbers of Joan of Arcs - these two are the archetypes of women in armour.
Igor Chunin aka Procrust
wish I could say more but as someone who isn't interested in either gender I don't quite get the reaction that men who like the soft core porn stuff get. i stick far away from it and look for something where characters have decency and I can get immersed. I don't really have a problem with boob plate because it does go to define gender and it IS fantasy meaning realism doesn't matter too much, so I still didn't bother with the mod that brought me to that article, but when I am looking through the nexus armors for any game it does take exceptionally long for me to find just one armor that I want in game if it is meant for a female (generally male armor is much easier so I can get plenty of that in comparison). I guess I won't do anything about the people who want porn over immersion, but it stays far away from my in game experiences.
Whee, sharing!
Speaking as a lady who is rather well endowed I'll testify it is possible to wield a single handed weapon without squishing your boobs. I had a duel with hubby the other day (we were armed with empty 2L fizzy water bottles ... yes I know, I am already deeply ashamed) . I was completely OK If I turned side, as recommended for posing the smallest target, on or even three quarters.
René Aigner
I'm all for female power, but that was some shitty writing.
Eventually you are going to see a lot of Eowyns on this thread!
btw: this thread is great for farming portraits!!
@CrevsDaak This all got started when I was hunting for a decent portrait!
Volkan Baga Part I
Volkan Baga Part II
I'm really enjoying the chat on this thread, but maybe some people want to just look at the pix. This means I better post a link to my new Tumblr blog .... and it isn't that I'm jus boasting about how good I've got it to look - honest.
Dressed To Kill - Women in Fantasy Art, Believable Armour
On a more serious note, this is me fighting back at all those untold blogs that never give an artist credit, or if they do they get it wrong more often than they get it right. And as for a link - you've got to be joking. This blog arranges the pics by the artist's name, and always gives a credit and a link. When anyone reblogs it, the credit and link go too.I didn't design the theme, but the backing tiles were my pick, and the graphics in the banner and sidebar are all my work as well (the original knight on the horse wasn't my work but the graphic I made from it is).