Apart from the armour itself, it's still a rather sexualised picture, what with the tits-and-ass pose (Brokeback pose, I think someone called it?) and the come hither gaze.
@Scriver Yes. It's also Samus, from Metroid. She, as a character, gets sexualized a lot, even though, in the original game, you didn't know she was female until the very end, when she takes off her suit, and underneath is a bikini. And you only got that if you beat it on Hard Difficulty.
Bayonetta?! or the Baroness from G.I. Joe.
I like this one by Mario Wibisono:
And this one, also my Mario Wibisono:
Both of these characters are wearing Lamellar Armor.
@Kiwidoc That's from his DeviantArt Account. It's a card from the L5R (Legend of the Five Rings) Card game. Yeah, it's a pity about the "Leather Lingerie" stuff. There was a Crab Clan soldier card art where the character was wearing armor over nothing, but I doubt that fits the "sane and sensible" theme. (At least, there was some major bewbage on display.) And another one where the character (female, natch) is wearing a kimono and wielding a blood-splattered sword with lots of splatters on her person, and she's practically unrobed to the waist. Also not sane and sensible.
I really don't see what's wrong with the picture. It's a high-tech, space suit, battle/sci-fi armor. It's fully covering her body and it's tailored to her figure to keep her mobile.
She's doing lots of jumping, tumbling, rolling, turning and spinning in the game.
@Elrandir and @AstroBryGuy well spotted - it is Rapunzel and Snow White. Adelruna seems to make a habit of putting well known fictional characters in realistic armor, as well as putting women in historical armour.
I hadn't even noticed Rapunzel. I don't remember a thing about the sun from tangled, and without hair that stretches at least to the floor, there's no way I would have guessed. =p Nice job, @AstroBryGuy
WOW - 1.5K page views .... I'm gobsmacked, overwhelmed and very, very grateful. Many thanks to all of you who keep on looking
I'm not a final Fantasy player (sadly anything but 3/4 view gives me serious motion sickness) but I love this bit of FF fan-art. Can anyone tell me if it's a girl or a guy on the chicken?
The dwarf neko thing has a lot of spikes and suffers from a fully clothed version of "My arms and legs are important, but the rest of me? Not so much." Just saying. Also, she somehow manages to pull off both the hardcore metal look, and the anime "cutesy" look. I'm kind of impressed.
The dwarf neko thing has a lot of spikes and suffers from a fully clothed version of "My arms and legs are important, but the rest of me? Not so much." Just saying. Also, she somehow manages to pull off both the hardcore metal look, and the anime "cutesy" look. I'm kind of impressed.
The pic is actually called "My Cat - Shiru" I think all cats manage to pull off a combination of "Touch me when I don't want it and you'll bleed!" and "Oh I am so cute and cuddly"
@LadyRhian and @Elrandir - I suppose it all depends on where she is trying to blend in ... it's sci-fi so everyone might have purple or electric pink hair :P I have to confess I'm a total ignoramus when it comes to games, but I'm not sure the game she was meant for has even been released.
Fernando Acosta
I like this one by Mario Wibisono:
And this one, also my Mario Wibisono:
Both of these characters are wearing Lamellar Armor.
Anyway here's some more of his gorgeous work. Pity most of the woman he paints are in some form of leather or metal lingerie ... sigh.
Mario Wibisono
It's fully covering her body and it's tailored to her figure to keep her mobile.
She's doing lots of jumping, tumbling, rolling, turning and spinning in the game.
Arman Akopian aka guyjin - Part I
Arman Akopian aka guyjin - Part II
Paul Abrams
Jeka Alyapin - aka username-bomberman
adelruna - Part I
adelruna - Part II
I'm not a final Fantasy player (sadly anything but 3/4 view gives me serious motion sickness) but I love this bit of FF fan-art. Can anyone tell me if it's a girl or a guy on the chicken?
Chen Wei aka lorlandchain
A closer view
Edli Akolli
Igor Artyomenko aka haryarti
Nikolay Asparuhov
A Sloudi
Jacob Atienza