@LadyRhian - LOL. All in fun. I'm kind of an old fuddy-duddy and don't need the obvious flesh exposure in order for 'Seduction' to happen. Sometimes the 'chase' is half the fun.
I've long thought that the thread title should read "Images of females in armor designed for protection, not for distraction!" because that is what it ACTUALLY is. The intent as far as I understand it is not to seduce the opponent, but to distract them and get them to let their guard down.
And even then, most of what is posted is very NICE distraction regardless of how much flesh is shown.
by Katotochan by Joachim-hagen by chaos winter by madam-marla by Aleksi--Briclot also by Aleksi--Briclot by Nutfullin by Itzaspace by waynecampell-art by SaraForlenza
by nebezial by MissSinisterCosplay by MadSpartan013 by Zerox-II by GetsugaDante by Blue-Fishies by YunaXD by cha4os by Variones by epi-corner by IvanChanCL by cloudintrousers by maximko
by Bogdan-MRK by Phelan-Davion by crellan00 by cha4os by Ros-kovac by RogierB (Character is female, BTW) by KrasenMaximov by Coffeeater by Dageeling007 by WhatifArt by AITUARMANAS by Stephanieboehm
by ShivainEx by Valkymie by TVegapunk by SourAcid by SH4D0VVKN1GHT by TheRafa by RafaMaciel by hunqwert by Dimikka by Kailyze by ChangingHand by VerdRage
by mjranum-stock by depingo by operion by TheDURRRRIAN by ChloexBowie by Nowio by Katorious also by mjranum-stock and also by mjranum-stock by ShaylyDauron by Flind by Dreemers
by Jagged-Eye by Thaldir by BrittMartin by AaronMiller by AnthonyFoti by JakeMurray by HydraEvil by Cyzra by yomismadesign by Vanikachan by Miguel Regodon
by chaosringen by SilentArmageddon by Patryk-Garrett by AnthonyFoti by InfiniteMinecraftArt by WojciechFus by Ardelia by SilentArmageddon by THE DURRRRIAN
glad this thread is still going. i'm glad that there is a greater prevalence nowadays for armor that covers up. personally, i'm not a fan of "boob armor" or corset style armor. simply because a woman's chest flattens depending on its cover. like so:
@Kiwidoc is it sad, I can tell you where those pictures are used (except #2)?
This is the only one I am not sure of. I know it's Kitiara and Lord Soth. It may have been an interior illustration in a Dragonlance module. Otherwise, no idea.
by PfenixArtwork by IcedWingsArt by Sellenin by CharlieWilcher by Hitotsunami by AndrewDoris by OurakNysot by kimsol by Nutfullin by kejtTENSA by Vanleith by ChrisOzFulton
It looks specially like a soprano viol (far right in pic) or like you found a vielle. We'd know for sure depending if the subject was playing it from the chin (vielle) or legs (viol).
quote: Viols come in a number of different sizes, and all except the largest are held between the player's legs. They were traditionally used mainly as consort instruments, with viols of different sizes playing together, but in Trio Grosso we mainly use the viol to provide a good solid bass line.
The viol originates from late 15th Century Spain from where it found its way to most parts of Europe. It was the preferred bowed stringed instrument of the upper classes until the violin family gained in popularity in the 18th Century.
It's a Gaderffii aka "gaffi stick" (Sand people weapon) from the Star Wars universe. Also note the text above the door is also from the Star Wars universe. The gal looks like GI Joe Baroness of the comic books dropped into SW Imperial uniform, which is pretty cool IMO.
by mjranum-stock by Hugo-H2P by LordHayabusa357 by scynge by AranzazuFernandez by Nightbless by artsdemon by Naariel by Ancha-Snow1 by AdrianWolve by Kamyu by jcoste
by hinatabest (The Dark-haired woman. The blonde is WAY too thin through the waist… how can she be alive with a waist that thin?) by tekino by IcyYmir (Sororitas Battle Armor) by ValentinMinai by MADMANMIKE by LupiNocte by LC-creations by sithsensui by CGlas by meddelirium by butterfrog
by JiroJh by TX-aster by MarthNL by Bri-in-the-Sky by AndrewKwan by Slenderhand by funnyberserker by Neirr by vvh1827sf by SurugaMonkey by Kara-Storm by Loone-Wolf by jhoneil
And even then, most of what is posted is very NICE distraction regardless of how much flesh is shown.
u.s. army website
jamie chung from "once upon a time"
other than that. here's some armor with design choices i like:
Weekly20150527 - NeoSoldier by StMan
机械迷必收 | 泰坦陨落概念设定@高灵采集到动漫造型参考(1826图)_花瓣
IFX - Captain of the Guard by Gorrem
by ryo yambe
ciri redesign by klauss wittman
It's from:
Publication: Interior plate for the TSR 1987 Dragonlance Legends Calendar
Date: 1986
Size: 15" x 15"
Medium: Oils
Kitiara fights for her life against magical hands of the undead, while Lord Soth quietly looks on.
A Google image search led me to the above, from: http://www.clydecaldwell.com/large_images/hands_of_doom.html but I also have the Calender buried somewhere from decades ago and the image looked familiar, I just couldn't recall where, lol.
It looks specially like a soprano viol (far right in pic) or like you found a vielle. We'd know for sure depending if the subject was playing it from the chin (vielle) or legs (viol).
Viols come in a number of different sizes, and all except the largest are held between the player's legs. They were traditionally used mainly as consort instruments, with viols of different sizes playing together, but in Trio Grosso we mainly use the viol to provide a good solid bass line.
The viol originates from late 15th Century Spain from where it found its way to most parts of Europe. It was the preferred bowed stringed instrument of the upper classes until the violin family gained in popularity in the 18th Century.
from: http://www.triogrosso.com/viols.htm
It's a Gaderffii aka "gaffi stick" (Sand people weapon) from the Star Wars universe. Also note the text above the door is also from the Star Wars universe. The gal looks like GI Joe Baroness of the comic books dropped into SW Imperial uniform, which is pretty cool IMO.