by Egonzoli by Arkeoklept by dounyatsu by Mick2006 by AuriV1 by CharlieWilcher by WhatifArt by Francisco-Moraes by I-Am-Madbat by Ryarenpaw by GENZOMAN by nebezial
by PfenixArtwork by TariToons by ThePinkRectangle by CepahlonLethea by Kevindeee by Asarea by peacestream by deaded78 by PascaldeJong by Asgard-Art by t-rob by The-Deadly-Soul
by ptitvinc by zanacosplay by Sorianumera by Spydrouge by axouel2009 (Proof that you can be fully clothed, and still be SO WRONG!) by DoranBladefist by cyberaeon
by Wu-Gene also by Wu-Gene and also by Wu-Gene by AlexandreLeoniART by OlieBoldador by SulaMoon by Dark-Indigo by Sinad-Jaru by nguy0699 by Atsukine-chan by ProtagonistSe7en by Inna-Vjuzhanina
by itzaspace by tomeriksmithArt by felines by KaanaMoonshadow by legrosclown by Kimonas by doneplay by BloodlustComics by clayscence by SavilleHyde by apronce by juliedillon
by Wu-Gene by cha4os also by Wu-Gene by ZeroNis by SirTiefling by Hreztil by Joe-Roberts by shizen1102 by YunaXD by treesyngo by ARTOFJUSTAMAN by fdasuarez
So I recently began to replay Harvest Moon: Rune Factory 4, since I never got very far into it the first time around. While playing, I realized that the Dragon Knight Forte, one of the possible bachelorettes, had a surprisingly awesome and logical design, so here she is. It's a really good RPG/Sim game guys. You should check out the Rune Factory series.
by Michael-C-Hayes by BlackAssassiN999 by ArgentFatalis by MerkeLuuk by ArtOfRivana by CintelTex by vuogle by bearcub by dchan by Sayta0 by AkumA-die by kamyu
You know you play too much Elder Scrolls when you can tell a portrait is from Morrowind simply by reading the script around the crescent moon and star. I did a double-take as I thought I was crazy, but I looked at the moon/star with the script and mumbled "Moon and stars, outlander" and found the link saying Nerevarine-Dragonborn.
@Brer_Rabbit I'm sorry, did you just say "too much Elder Scrolls", specifically Morrowind? My dear miss, that is an impossibility. But good on you for playing one of the best games ever made a lot! =D
@Brer_Rabbit I'm sorry, did you just say "too much Elder Scrolls", specifically Morrowind? My dear miss, that is an impossibility. But good on you for playing one of the best games ever made a lot! =D
He he, it is too much when you hear a sound like a cliff racer and immediately hunker your head down and watch the horizon for the damned beasts, or in ESO immediately charge attack or try to shoot the stupid things down. Still baffled as to why they're not killable in ESO, I think every Morrowind player would make a Duck Hunt metagame out of it...
by cric by SebastianBecker by Reno-Viol by Arkenstellar by Lurockia by Blu0ltremare by JACThRipper by Arunawolf by evelinsart by TheObliviousOwl by ElenaLeetah by AlwynT
by Kaizoku501 by neylica by Anne86 by Kermad by clay3570 by dungeonsmeister by UngracefulGrace by DemeDesigns by joachim-hagen by mos88 by gabrix89 by vitalik-smile
I do love my exceptionally hot assed heroine per Larian's Divinity II.
But I admire this real world gal rather more!
You know you play too much Elder Scrolls when you can tell a portrait is from Morrowind simply by reading the script around the crescent moon and star. I did a double-take as I thought I was crazy, but I looked at the moon/star with the script and mumbled "Moon and stars, outlander" and found the link saying Nerevarine-Dragonborn.
I don't have a problem!!