The outrage on the right today over Meryl Streep's comments at the Golden Globes is beyond revealing. She was calling out Trump for mocking a disbabled reporter during the campaign (which he absolutely did), and apparently this is an example of how "out of touch" liberals are. Keep in mind these are the same people who bitch ENDLESSLY about political correctness, until someone on the other side uses a public platform to espouse a viewpoint opposite their own. If the social norms of not making fun of disbabled people are too much for you to handle, that doesn't make you "anti-PC" and some kind of crusader for free speech. It makes you someone who is completely devoid of empathy, which is the primary trait of a sociopath. What Trump did in regards to that reporter wasn't humor, it was just cruelty. That his supporters love the fact that he did it, and are defending him today for doing so, simply shows that a major part of his appeal is that he acts out the horrible garbage they think in their heads.
I raise my hat for Meryl Streep for bringing it up.
As for trump, he should be ashaimed of himself. Sadly he is just incapable of feeling shame, because shame is something you feel only if you are wired properly. So I belive to act this way, he must indeed be quite a sociopath. A *normal* civilized person would never make fun of someone's disability in that way. It is just utterly shamefull.
It wasn't like Meryl Streep was the only one calling him out either. Jimmy Fallion opened the Golden Globes by introducing it as an event where "the popular vote in America still counts." At the mention of Game of Thrones, he said Americans would get to find out what living under King Joffery would be like in 12 more days (i.e: Trump's inauguration). Hugh Laurie too ripped Trump a new one in his own acceptance speech.
Funny how Trump only tweeted about Meryl and none of the men. It's almost as if he has a thing against women. -_-
He also called Meryl Streep "overrated", which is a bit like saying Michael Jordan or The Beatles were overrated. In other words, patently ridiculous.
What's the percentage of Meryl Streep movies that have flopped vs. the percentage of Trump-led businesses that have declared bankruptcy?
The funny thing about the "overrated" comment is it stems from the very thing Streep accused him of: His "instinct to humiliate." He can't just disagree with someone, he MUST belittle them.
I also absolutely love the apoplectic fits conservatives go into whenever a celebrity comments on politics (or ESPECIALLY when a black athlete makes a stand). These people feign despising liberal celebrities. I guess no actual people go to these movies and listen to these songs. There is an attitude among the American public in general (but on the right especially) that athletes and entertainers need to "shut up and sing". If I had a penny for every time I heard or read "football and the movies are my escape, how dare they bring politics into it", I'd be able to buy a new laptop. It's a sense of entitlement that can only really come from a demographic group (white middle America) who has never for one second had to live with the cloud of actual oppression.
This ties in very closely with what is now commonly referred to as "real America" which simply means white, rural and most definitely, not on the coast or in a large metro area. Middle America is sick of being "ignored" (which is a laughable idea to begin with)?? You know what liberals are sick of?? Being told the places they live aren't even actually part of the country, as if those of us who live in cities are residing in some sort of decadent Gomorrha.
Conservatives don't hate celebrities. They just elected a reality TV star President, and the patron saint of conservatism, Ronald Reagan, was an actor (one who, by the way, ratted out and just plain lied about all his coworkers in the '50s during the Communist panic). The amount of projection that goes on a daily basis on the American right is frightening.
Let's keep in mind that not every conservative is a Trump supporter and not every Trump supporter agrees with everything Trump stands for. And that conservative doesn't mean white middle Americans. If we want to refer to the folks who go into "apoplectic fits" when celebrities get political, I don't think "conservative" is the right word.
Half the country, after all, leans conservative. It's a big tent.
Let's keep in mind that not every conservative is a Trump supporter and not every Trump supporter agrees with everything Trump stands for. And that conservative doesn't mean white middle Americans. If we want to refer to the folks who go into "apoplectic fits" when celebrities get political, I don't think "conservative" is the right word.
Half the country, after all, leans conservative. It's a big tent.
The main theme I keep hearing today, from those in the center and right of the political spectrum, is that Meryl Streep's CONDESCENDING speech was a perfect example of why Trump won in the first place. And you know what?? If mocking a disabled person is what you want to go to the mat for, maybe you NEED to be talked down to. I am not what you would call a typically "nice" person. I'm almost certain I'm a misanthrope who can't stand most daily interactions with 75% of the people I come across. But that doesn't mean I can't grasp absolutely fundamental concepts of right and wrong. And not mocking people with a disability has got to be right up there with not walking up to senior citizens in wheelchairs and punching them in the face. You just don't do it. And there are plenty of people who either voted for Trump because a.) they LIKE the fact that he says stuff like this or b.) are willing to excuse it for a myriad of other reasons. Both, in my opinion, are pretty shameful.
Let's also remember WHY Trump did this to this reporter. It was because the reporter in question wrote a story calling out Trump's BS urban legend/lie about hundreds of Muslims in New Jersey cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed. So Trump basically mocked a disabled person to cover up for the fact that he had been caught in a bald-faced lie he was using to stir up anti-Muslim bigotry/hysteria. There are no depths this guy won't sink to.
Let's keep in mind that not every conservative is a Trump supporter and not every Trump supporter agrees with everything Trump stands for. And that conservative doesn't mean white middle Americans. If we want to refer to the folks who go into "apoplectic fits" when celebrities get political, I don't think "conservative" is the right word.
Half the country, after all, leans conservative. It's a big tent.
I am not what you would call a typically "nice" person. I'm almost certain I'm a misanthrope who can't stand most daily interactions with 75% of the people I come across.
That would explain why you've done almost nothing but post in this thread for the past two months. Have you considered taking time off from your preaching?
The Site Rules forbid personal attacks. The other moderators and I have been more than clear on this matter. Criticize ideas all you like, but insulting your fellow forumites has no place here.
We tolerated some venting after the election, since emotions were running high and people were upset. But that was two months ago. As I have said before, the moderators will no longer be as lenient as we once were. I read every word of every post in this thread, every day--if you post something here, I will see it.
If you disagree with someone's opinion, argue against their opinion. You're perfectly free to do that, and I for one encourage it. But if you attack the other person, or break the Site Rules in any other way, you will be subject to formal warnings, which can lead to restricted posting privileges and eventually a ban from the forums.
There are no excuses and there are no exceptions. Attacking other commenters is NEVER acceptable behavior.
For the record, I have a full-time job I'm at every weekday from 9 to 5. If anyone would like to know WHY I'm online so much, it's pretty simple. My girlfriend is getting treatment for leukemia in another state and I can't very well afford to fly out to New York from North Dakota every wknd while maintaining my job. As for being around even family or the good friends I do have, I really can't deal with how awkward everything feels since everyone found out and I pretty much just go to work and come home, play games, watch TV, and spend alot of time online. I give myself as much information overload as I can to stay focused on anything else. Which I why I post here alot. That said, don't punish anyone on my account.
As for my preaching, another portion of it is being borne out as we speak. CNN and multiple news outlets are now reporting that Russian operatives have compromising personal AND financial information on Donald Trump. In other words, the guy who is going to be President in 10 days is now subject to wholesale blackmail by Vladimir Putin. Good job America. Fine work.
The details within this story are unconfirmed, but the *ahem* "golden" portion of this report is something I have been hearing about the Russians having on Trump for months. Again, this isn't substantiated yet, but it is also NOT new information for those who have been paying attention to this subject.
But in all seriousness, even as salacious and obviously headline grabbing as the more lurid portions of this are, the meat here is that there are portions of the rest of it that describe nothing less than treasonous activity. Laugh if you want, dismiss if you want. This stuff is coming down the pike.
But you know, let's make sure we sabotage the Democrat instead. No words. If any part of this democracy is still functioning correctly, this guy won't last a year. If not, we might as well throw in the towel. This is like something out of a shitty Bond movie.
Well I noticed a while ago that this thread has become more of a psychiatrists session than a political climate thread. Which is why I and many others have pulled out or seldom post anymore. The convos are one way traffic. It's cool though, people need to vent.
Well I noticed a while ago that this thread has become more of a psychiatrists session than a political climate thread. Which is why I and many others have pulled out or seldom post anymore. The convos are one way traffic. It's cool though, people need to vent.
The details within this story are unconfirmed, but the *ahem* "golden" portion of this report is something I have been hearing about the Russians having on Trump for months. Again, this isn't substantiated yet, but it is also NOT new information for those who have been paying attention to this subject.
But in all seriousness, even as salacious and obviously headline grabbing as the more lurid portions of this are, the meat here is that there are portions of the rest of it that describe nothing less than treasonous activity. Laugh if you want, dismiss if you want. This stuff is coming down the pike.
But you know, let's make sure we sabotage the Democrat instead. No words. If any part of this democracy is still functioning correctly, this guy won't last a year. If not, we might as well throw in the towel. This is like something out of a shitty Bond movie.
As for Obama's farewell address. Elegant, smart, dignified, pragmatic, as always. Truly, in the end, far better than this country really deserves. Hard to fathom in many ways the same country voted for these two people. But of course, numerically, they didn't.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but we are going from the guy who just gave that farewell speech to someone who may (may) have hired Russian hookers to watch them urinate on each other. And even if you don't buy into this story (and we certainly can't say for sure one way or the other at this point), do you REALLY think that isn't something Donald Trump would do??
Not to put too fine a point on it, but we are going from the guy who just gave that farewell speech to someone who may (may) have hired Russian hookers to watch them urinate on each other. And even if you don't buy into this story (and we certainly can't say for sure one way or the other at this point), do you REALLY think that isn't something Donald Trump would do??
Not to put too fine a point on it, but we are going from the guy who just gave that farewell speech to someone who may (may) have hired Russian hookers to watch them urinate on each other. And even if you don't buy into this story (and we certainly can't say for sure one way or the other at this point), do you REALLY think that isn't something Donald Trump would do??
It'd give new meaning to a leaked story.
The jokes on Twitter tonight have been mighty impressive, especially Patton Oswalt. There is the old apocryphal saying "may you live in interesting times". At this point, I'd say things are getting a little too interesting, and I'd happily live in the most boring period in human history without complaint.
A common complaint on the right in the 90s during the Lewinsky scandal was how parents were going to explain to their children the President's behavior. Any guesses on how many parents in the next few days are looking forward to the conversation about "golden showers"?? Meanwhile, his approval, days before taking office, is 37%, which is unprecedented and almost unfathomably low for an incoming President.
I think the golden showers thing is fake. ... Maybe?
Anyway those who delight in conspiracy theories will probably buy into it. Ironic.
It could be, though why one should give more credence to a post claiming so on 4chan than anything being reported doesn't seem anymore concrete. I have no idea if it is true or not. And here's me making an admission.....I don't care. If it's true, so be it. If it's not true, the fact that it is being spread in the same fake news ecosystem that Trump, more than anyone, helped create, is simply what we would call karma. After day after day after day of having to listen to this man lie, there definitely comes a point where playing by the rules doesn't work anymore, because you can't win if the other side doesn't even acknowledge they exist. So in a country in which nearly half the people who voted for Trump think Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophile ring being run out of the back of a Washington DC pizza parlor, I can't bring myself to care whether this is true or not.
Any story such as "Trump hired hookers to do XX" will be used to distract the media when he or the republican party do something that the general population may not like, such as, raise taxes or disband the CIA.
Media outlets and all the talking heads would cover the personal gossip over the policy change. Trump will do what he does when a story such as this comes out and ignore it or give a one line twitter defence ("Locker Room talk") and watch it fade after a couple of weeks, or in enough time to push through whatever was controversial and go on governing.
I think the golden showers thing is fake. ... Maybe?
Anyway those who delight in conspiracy theories will probably buy into it. Ironic.
It could be, though why one should give more credence to a post claiming so on 4chan than anything being reported doesn't seem anymore concrete. I have no idea if it is true or not. And here's me making an admission.....I don't care. If it's true, so be it. If it's not true, the fact that it is being spread in the same fake news ecosystem that Trump, more than anyone, helped create, is simply what we would call karma. After day after day after day of having to listen to this man lie, there definitely comes a point where playing by the rules doesn't work anymore, because you can't win if the other side doesn't even acknowledge they exist. So in a country in which nearly half the people who voted for Trump think Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophile ring being run out of the back of a Washington DC pizza parlor, I can't bring myself to care whether this is true or not.
yeah. Copy pasting this from elsewhere:
After years of pushing birtherism then listening to him complain about Hillary Clinton’s email server, and about Benghazi, and about how thousands of Muslims were cheering for 9/11 on the rooftops, about how millions of people filed fake votes during the election, and how he how Antonin Scalia was murdered by liberals, how Vince Foster was murdered by the Clintons, how Ted Cruz’s dad killed JFK, etc.
Even today he met with an anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist…
In the end, when this all comes out (who knows if it will be weeks, months, or years) Trump's ties to the Russian government and Putin will make the entire thing look like the Manchurian Candidate. Look into his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, his foreign policy adviser during the campaign, Carter Page. I mean, we don't know what is accurate in this report yet and what isn't (because it is raw intelligence, some of it IS going to be wrong) but they are using phrases like "cultivating Trump as an asset" when describing what the Russians were doing. I don't know exactly what the parameters of this are going to be, but they are there, and they are bigger than most people have been letting on.
As for trump, he should be ashaimed of himself. Sadly he is just incapable of feeling shame, because shame is something you feel only if you are wired properly. So I belive to act this way, he must indeed be quite a sociopath. A *normal* civilized person would never make fun of someone's disability in that way. It is just utterly shamefull.
Funny how Trump only tweeted about Meryl and none of the men. It's almost as if he has a thing against women. -_-
The funny thing about the "overrated" comment is it stems from the very thing Streep accused him of: His "instinct to humiliate." He can't just disagree with someone, he MUST belittle them.
This ties in very closely with what is now commonly referred to as "real America" which simply means white, rural and most definitely, not on the coast or in a large metro area. Middle America is sick of being "ignored" (which is a laughable idea to begin with)?? You know what liberals are sick of?? Being told the places they live aren't even actually part of the country, as if those of us who live in cities are residing in some sort of decadent Gomorrha.
Conservatives don't hate celebrities. They just elected a reality TV star President, and the patron saint of conservatism, Ronald Reagan, was an actor (one who, by the way, ratted out and just plain lied about all his coworkers in the '50s during the Communist panic). The amount of projection that goes on a daily basis on the American right is frightening.
Half the country, after all, leans conservative. It's a big tent.
Let's also remember WHY Trump did this to this reporter. It was because the reporter in question wrote a story calling out Trump's BS urban legend/lie about hundreds of Muslims in New Jersey cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed. So Trump basically mocked a disabled person to cover up for the fact that he had been caught in a bald-faced lie he was using to stir up anti-Muslim bigotry/hysteria. There are no depths this guy won't sink to.
We tolerated some venting after the election, since emotions were running high and people were upset. But that was two months ago. As I have said before, the moderators will no longer be as lenient as we once were. I read every word of every post in this thread, every day--if you post something here, I will see it.
If you disagree with someone's opinion, argue against their opinion. You're perfectly free to do that, and I for one encourage it. But if you attack the other person, or break the Site Rules in any other way, you will be subject to formal warnings, which can lead to restricted posting privileges and eventually a ban from the forums.
There are no excuses and there are no exceptions. Attacking other commenters is NEVER acceptable behavior.
As for my preaching, another portion of it is being borne out as we speak. CNN and multiple news outlets are now reporting that Russian operatives have compromising personal AND financial information on Donald Trump. In other words, the guy who is going to be President in 10 days is now subject to wholesale blackmail by Vladimir Putin. Good job America. Fine work.
But in all seriousness, even as salacious and obviously headline grabbing as the more lurid portions of this are, the meat here is that there are portions of the rest of it that describe nothing less than treasonous activity. Laugh if you want, dismiss if you want. This stuff is coming down the pike.
Also, this:
But you know, let's make sure we sabotage the Democrat instead. No words. If any part of this democracy is still functioning correctly, this guy won't last a year. If not, we might as well throw in the towel. This is like something out of a shitty Bond movie.
Now for those interested.
Gotta blame some other to distract from the things he is doing.
That's the guy who trump insulted his wife, now he's Trump's boy. Sad.
As for Obama's farewell address. Elegant, smart, dignified, pragmatic, as always. Truly, in the end, far better than this country really deserves. Hard to fathom in many ways the same country voted for these two people. But of course, numerically, they didn't.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but we are going from the guy who just gave that farewell speech to someone who may (may) have hired Russian hookers to watch them urinate on each other. And even if you don't buy into this story (and we certainly can't say for sure one way or the other at this point), do you REALLY think that isn't something Donald Trump would do??
A common complaint on the right in the 90s during the Lewinsky scandal was how parents were going to explain to their children the President's behavior. Any guesses on how many parents in the next few days are looking forward to the conversation about "golden showers"?? Meanwhile, his approval, days before taking office, is 37%, which is unprecedented and almost unfathomably low for an incoming President.
I think the golden showers thing is fake. ... Maybe?
Anyway those who delight in conspiracy theories will probably buy into it. Ironic.
Any story such as "Trump hired hookers to do XX" will be used to distract the media when he or the republican party do something that the general population may not like, such as, raise taxes or disband the CIA.
Media outlets and all the talking heads would cover the personal gossip over the policy change. Trump will do what he does when a story such as this comes out and ignore it or give a one line twitter defence ("Locker Room talk") and watch it fade after a couple of weeks, or in enough time to push through whatever was controversial and go on governing.
After years of pushing birtherism then listening to him complain about Hillary Clinton’s email server, and about Benghazi, and about how thousands of Muslims were cheering for 9/11 on the rooftops, about how millions of people filed fake votes during the election, and how he how Antonin Scalia was murdered by liberals, how Vince Foster was murdered by the Clintons, how Ted Cruz’s dad killed JFK, etc.
Even today he met with an anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist…