There have been several claims by the conservative press of transgender or those claiming to be transgender "invading women's rooms". In every case, it's proved to be false. Even in those instances where there was a real incident, it's always turned out to be a run-of-the-mill male pervert, and nothing to do with trans-anything. For example.
In the meantime, Milo Yiannopoulos, who has been given a keynote address at CPAC (which nearly every single Republican candidate for President speaks at every year) now has had multiple videos come to light where he not only defends pedophilia, but seems to actively encourage it. Keep in mind that this man is the crowning hero of the anti-PC/Gamergate movement. He is their Christ figure. Another prediction?? His fans will dismiss it all as a elaborate joke, because hey, it's the internet, and you can't take anything seriously. I mean, really, what kind of special snowflake can't handle differing views on child sex abuse?? The reality?? In no way can his discussions about this be construed as a joke. I'll leave it to any who wants to to actually track the videos down, but dismissing his views on this subject as a joke is just the purest form of crap imaginable.
Looks like that prediction didn't quite come to pass.
What will liberals now do about Bill Maher, though?
Well, he was invited, and, more to the point, it was the conservatives who pushed him out, not the liberals. Which means the whole "Milo/free speech hero" thing was a bunch of crap. They just liked what he was selling, right up to the whole defending pedophile priests fiasco.
That's really what I love about the internet edge-lord types. It's practically impossible to argue against anything they say because they can always fall back on "hey man, lighten up, it was just a joke", even if it clearly wasn't. It's the biggest escape hatch I've ever seen.
As for Maher, he's been a bit of an ass for years, moreso in the past couple, even moreso in the last few months. He's made similar comments about Michael Jackson before, to tell you the truth. I'm not even going to defend him.
I'll admit I had similar views on the video you showed when I was in my late-teens, early 20s, simply because the social dynamic of a young man essentially "conquering" his teacher has been a pop culture trope for years. Van Halen has a song about it that everyone has heard. I no longer feel this way, I'm sure I did then because I was young and stupid. I'll also admit it's a very sexist and chauvinistic way to approach the subject. I can't excuse it because at one time I might have thought my Spanish teacher was hot.
Age of consent is a tricky subject, but I think we can all agree that at a MINIMUM it should be 16, and that even then it can't be given when involving an authority figure. At 18, clearly, all bets are off. I'm also sure we can all agree that 13 is simply out of the question ridiculous.
Also, as a reminder. Donald Trump walked into Miss Teen USA locker rooms while underage girls were changing. And I'm still convinced he wants to bang his daughter (this last part is kind of a joke, but not really).
Wait do you seriously believe that there hasn't been a SINGLE assault in any restroom, at any point in recorded history? That is ridiculous.
No, but I am saying there hasn't been a case of a transgender person purposefully using a opposite bathroom to commit an assault. Because if there was it is inconceivable in this political climate that we wouldn't have heard of it.
Wait do you seriously believe that there hasn't been a SINGLE assault in any restroom, at any point in recorded history? That is ridiculous.
No, but I am saying there hasn't been a case of a transgender person purposefully using a opposite bathroom to commit an assault. Because if there was it is inconceivable in this political climate that we wouldn't have heard of it.
Or rather, a case of a person claiming to be trans, who used it as an excuse to commit sexual assault. That's what the conservative position says it is trying to prevent. But this hasn't happened.
Maybe because you'd have to be a complete moron to commit a felony in a public restroom where a single shout would alert multiple witnesses in seconds. And where your only means of escape would be to run right past all of those witnesses who just heard the shout.
There have been several claims by the conservative press of transgender or those claiming to be transgender "invading women's rooms". In every case, it's proved to be false. Even in those instances where there was a real incident, it's always turned out to be a run-of-the-mill male pervert, and nothing to do with trans-anything. For example
Hm. When my daughter was in nappies, I used to 'invade women's bathrooms' to change her, because the malls here used to assume that only women changed nappies. Anyone who looked at me funny got a glare of note, and it probably helped that I'm 6'4". Yeah OK that's not particularly relevant, but it was funny. 3 years later when I was doing the same thing with my son, there were changing stations in the men's loos too.
I totally agree about the hysteria surrounding bathroom 'invasions'. However, I also haven't heard about any transgenders, or gays for that matter, getting beat up in bathrooms either. Does that suggest that there may be unfounded fears in that direction as well?
Hm. When my daughter was in nappies, I used to 'invade women's bathrooms' to change her, because the malls here used to assume that only women changed nappies. Anyone who looked at me funny got a glare of note, and it probably helped that I'm 6'4". Yeah OK that's not particularly relevant, but it was funny. 3 years later when I was doing the same thing with my son, there were changing stations in the men's loos too.
Going out on a limb here and saying you didn't do this in america. You'd probably be arrested as a sex pervert by an overzealous person.
The thing with all these 'bathroom bills' the GOP are pushing are that they are totally unneeded. These are a solution in search of a problem and a way for the right to fearmonger and create another bad guy for you to be afraid of besides terrorists - they want you to beware the evil transgender person is out there spying on you in the bathroom, be afraid! In reality these are often people that have had to put up with bullying, and so forth and need protection from the law more than persecution from it.
But yeah it'd be great if we could get the GOP out of our bathrooms. Because Former U.S. Senator Larry Craig, Florida state Representative Bob Allen, and Mississippi Congressman Jon Hinson were all Republican lawmakers, and were all arrested for sexual misconduct in a public bathroom.
Caitlyn Jenner, a vocal Trump supporter, surely must be regretting it now lol. Oops yeah must be a shock to see that such a bigoted person is actually not looking out for you.
"Donald Trump keeps comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln. We found out just how close they are in this recently discovered audio of the Gettysburg Address."
The actual, real problem with assaults and transgender citizens is that THEY are the ones who are far more likely to get beaten up, or even killed simply for being who they are (though not in bathrooms necessarily), are 4 times more likely to live in extreme poverty (less than $10,000 a year), which leads very easily into sex work, which leads to very dangerous situations. Nevermind the massively higher rates of suicide. Most transgender people who are murdered tend to be people of color.
The gay community, though they still face much discrimination, have won the war for equal rights. In my opinion the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states was the highlight of the Obama years. It was a total victory years in the making (if you think you've seen protests, just wait if Trump gets 2 Supreme Court picks and they try overturn this). Transgender rights have a long way to go.
Caitlyn Jenner, to quote Joe Rogan, is a fundamentally ridiculous person, and her self-promotion and ultimately totally self-serving "work" on these issues is a hinderance more than a help.
There have been several claims by the conservative press of transgender or those claiming to be transgender "invading women's rooms". In every case, it's proved to be false. Even in those instances where there was a real incident, it's always turned out to be a run-of-the-mill male pervert, and nothing to do with trans-anything. For example.
No, no, no, I'm not talking about transgender people causing problems. If you identify as a woman, I doubt you would assault another woman. I mean unisex bathrooms in general will make it easier for perverts in general to assault people.
There have been several claims by the conservative press of transgender or those claiming to be transgender "invading women's rooms". In every case, it's proved to be false. Even in those instances where there was a real incident, it's always turned out to be a run-of-the-mill male pervert, and nothing to do with trans-anything. For example.
No, no, no, I'm not talking about transgender people causing problems. If you identify as a woman, I doubt you would assault another woman. I mean unisex bathrooms in general will make it easier for perverts in general to assault people.
If a pervert is so dead-set on exploiting someone in a bathroom, it doesn't matter what kind of bathroom it is. Man, woman, unisex, what have you. This guy is actively looking to prey upon someone and commit a crime. You really think a symbol on the outside of a door is going to stop him? I don't.
There have been several claims by the conservative press of transgender or those claiming to be transgender "invading women's rooms". In every case, it's proved to be false. Even in those instances where there was a real incident, it's always turned out to be a run-of-the-mill male pervert, and nothing to do with trans-anything. For example.
No, no, no, I'm not talking about transgender people causing problems. If you identify as a woman, I doubt you would assault another woman. I mean unisex bathrooms in general will make it easier for perverts in general to assault people.
If a pervert is so dead-set on exploiting someone in a bathroom, it doesn't matter what kind of bathroom it is. Man, woman, unisex, what have you. This guy is actively looking to prey upon someone and commit a crime. You really think a symbol on the outside of a door is going to stop him? I don't.
Yes and no. People are clearly brazen enough that this does occur, but a unisex restroom makes it easier to casually walk in, rather than needing to be more subtle about it.
Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, just today at CPAC gave a number to how much left-wing protesters are being paid. $1500 a week. If this is true I am quitting my current job immediately.
Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, just today at CPAC gave a number to how much left-wing protesters are being paid. $1500 a week. If this is true I am quitting my current job immediately.
Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, just today at CPAC gave a number to how much left-wing protesters are being paid. $1500 a week. If this is true I am quitting my current job immediately.
Are they accepting resumes?
The good news is, if this is true I'll be making as much as the average Trump voter (70k a year).
Sooo... Swedish politicans from the far-right get to write in Wall Street Journal about how Trump is right about Sweden and everything here is a nightmare. Basically just repeating the myths they're trying to sell every single day here.
Fox News interviews a Nils Bildt about the horrors of Sweden, claiming he's a "Swedish defense and national security advisor". Even though no one has heard of him here. Neither the State department or the SAF knows who the guy is. It seems he hasn't even lived in Sweden for years.
And meanwhile Trump is blocking media from taking part in press briefings while claiming that the Swedish people understands him. It's like we're trapped in a silly parody mixed up with a surreal dream.
Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, just today at CPAC gave a number to how much left-wing protesters are being paid. $1500 a week. If this is true I am quitting my current job immediately.
With 500,000 people at the women's march in Washington, D.C. alone, that would amount to 750 million dollars.
Spent after the election, instead of during the campaign, when it would have made a bigger difference.
Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, just today at CPAC gave a number to how much left-wing protesters are being paid. $1500 a week. If this is true I am quitting my current job immediately.
With 500,000 people at the women's march in Washington, D.C. alone, that would amount to 750 million dollars.
Spent after the election, instead of during the campaign, when it would have made a bigger difference.
To finance a single event.
While leaving no paper trail.
For just shy of ONE BILLION dollars.
No. Lapierre made that number up.
He lied.
Lying is not okay.
People who do it are liars.
I pretty sure we all know this. My point being that if anyone just takes the time to do the math like you did, the entire theory falls apart at the seams. Meanwhile......
Are regulations good or bad? President Trump signed the dangerous executive order requiring an arbitrary number (two) regulations be cut for every new regulation. And today he added a new executive order to create witch hunts er task force's in every agency to cut regulations.
Scott Slesinger, who serves as legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in a statement that the latest directive also poses a threat to the public.
“Don’t be fooled,” Slesinger said. “No matter how President Trump tries to dress it up, this order is a directive to kill the safeguards Americans depend on for clean air, drinkable water and safe food.”
American Sustainable Business Council CEO David Levine called the measure “misguided.”
“Regulations exist for a reason,” he said in a statement, adding that regulations protect businesses and the public “from a range of real risks and threats that markets can not adequately address. In addition, good regulations encourage innovation, a key ingredient to a robust economy. Let’s not lose those vital benefits.”
I don't see how that first executive order mentioned by @smeagolheart could be constitutional or legally binding. The President cannot require the legislative branch to remove 2 old regulations for every new one: only Congress can regulate interstate commerce and only state legislatures can regulate intrastate commerce.
If he wants to place a check on the legislature, that's what the veto is for.
I don't see how that first executive order mentioned by @smeagolheart could be constitutional or legally binding. The President cannot require the legislative branch to remove 2 old regulations for every new one: only Congress can regulate interstate commerce and only state legislatures can regulate intrastate commerce.
If he wants to place a check on the legislature, that's what the veto is for.
The idea that Trump either knows or cares about this fact is pretty naive at this point. Whether or not his orders are in actuality legally binding doesn't much matter. He THINKS he has the power to do these things, and his supporters believe that he has.
That's really what I love about the internet edge-lord types. It's practically impossible to argue against anything they say because they can always fall back on "hey man, lighten up, it was just a joke", even if it clearly wasn't. It's the biggest escape hatch I've ever seen.
As for Maher, he's been a bit of an ass for years, moreso in the past couple, even moreso in the last few months. He's made similar comments about Michael Jackson before, to tell you the truth. I'm not even going to defend him.
I'll admit I had similar views on the video you showed when I was in my late-teens, early 20s, simply because the social dynamic of a young man essentially "conquering" his teacher has been a pop culture trope for years. Van Halen has a song about it that everyone has heard. I no longer feel this way, I'm sure I did then because I was young and stupid. I'll also admit it's a very sexist and chauvinistic way to approach the subject. I can't excuse it because at one time I might have thought my Spanish teacher was hot.
Age of consent is a tricky subject, but I think we can all agree that at a MINIMUM it should be 16, and that even then it can't be given when involving an authority figure. At 18, clearly, all bets are off. I'm also sure we can all agree that 13 is simply out of the question ridiculous.
Also, as a reminder. Donald Trump walked into Miss Teen USA locker rooms while underage girls were changing. And I'm still convinced he wants to bang his daughter (this last part is kind of a joke, but not really).
Maybe because you'd have to be a complete moron to commit a felony in a public restroom where a single shout would alert multiple witnesses in seconds. And where your only means of escape would be to run right past all of those witnesses who just heard the shout.
The thing with all these 'bathroom bills' the GOP are pushing are that they are totally unneeded. These are a solution in search of a problem and a way for the right to fearmonger and create another bad guy for you to be afraid of besides terrorists - they want you to beware the evil transgender person is out there spying on you in the bathroom, be afraid! In reality these are often people that have had to put up with bullying, and so forth and need protection from the law more than persecution from it.
But yeah it'd be great if we could get the GOP out of our bathrooms. Because Former U.S. Senator Larry Craig, Florida state Representative Bob Allen, and Mississippi Congressman Jon Hinson were all Republican lawmakers, and were all arrested for sexual misconduct in a public bathroom.
Caitlyn Jenner, a vocal Trump supporter, surely must be regretting it now lol. Oops yeah must be a shock to see that such a bigoted person is actually not looking out for you.
The gay community, though they still face much discrimination, have won the war for equal rights. In my opinion the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states was the highlight of the Obama years. It was a total victory years in the making (if you think you've seen protests, just wait if Trump gets 2 Supreme Court picks and they try overturn this). Transgender rights have a long way to go.
Caitlyn Jenner, to quote Joe Rogan, is a fundamentally ridiculous person, and her self-promotion and ultimately totally self-serving "work" on these issues is a hinderance more than a help.
Make bathrooms great again, get the GOP out of our bathrooms.
Fox News interviews a Nils Bildt about the horrors of Sweden, claiming he's a "Swedish defense and national security advisor". Even though no one has heard of him here. Neither the State department or the SAF knows who the guy is. It seems he hasn't even lived in Sweden for years.
And meanwhile Trump is blocking media from taking part in press briefings while claiming that the Swedish people understands him. It's like we're trapped in a silly parody mixed up with a surreal dream.
Spent after the election, instead of during the campaign, when it would have made a bigger difference.
To finance a single event.
While leaving no paper trail.
For just shy of ONE BILLION dollars.
No. Lapierre made that number up.
He lied.
Lying is not okay.
People who do it are liars.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
Scott Slesinger, who serves as legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in a statement that the latest directive also poses a threat to the public.
“Don’t be fooled,” Slesinger said. “No matter how President Trump tries to dress it up, this order is a directive to kill the safeguards Americans depend on for clean air, drinkable water and safe food.”
American Sustainable Business Council CEO David Levine called the measure “misguided.”
“Regulations exist for a reason,” he said in a statement, adding that regulations protect businesses and the public “from a range of real risks and threats that markets can not adequately address. In addition, good regulations encourage innovation, a key ingredient to a robust economy. Let’s not lose those vital benefits.”
If he wants to place a check on the legislature, that's what the veto is for.