"We had no Democrat support. We had no votes from the Democrats. They weren't going to give us a single vote, so it's a very very difficult thing to do," Trump said. "I think the losers are (House Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi and (Senate Minority Leader) Chuck Schumer because now they own Obamacare. 100% own it." - Trump
So first off thank God the Trumpcare failed. It was terrible. Obamacare isn't perfect but it is way better than Trumpcare.
Second off what a spineless loser Trump is. "It wasn't me, it was the Democrats!" Come on, did you ever seek to get any Democratic votes? Did you invite them to hear what they had to say at all ever? No, you didn't. Obama went out of his way to include Republicans (not that it got him any votes) but he made the effort. Hevwas Presidential. Trump and the GOP have been freezing out the Democrats and running this crap though roughshod.
You and your buddies made this and it sucked. And even the GOP saw that it sucked and it failed. For some of the Corporate Republicans it was too generous (a laugh), for others it was going to screw them over by dumping 24 MILLION voters off their health insurance. The bill sucked.
term limits are good, but you don't want amateur hour in the white house either. You wouldn't hire some clown off the street to work on your serious plumbing problem, would you?
No Democratic support?? No shit, Sherlock. Trump is once again relying on the absolute ignorance of base. The Democrats were immaterial to this fight. They have virtually NO power in the House, and are we seriously thinking any Democrat was going to vote to destroy the signature accomplishment of the last 8 years??? Over 21 Republicans had to defect to cause this to happen. Word is it was over 30 or 40. More reports seem to indicate that Trump's sales pitch actually LOST Republican votes.
Even if they weren't going to vote against this because it goes against everything they stand for, even if she had had 2 or 3 people on the fence, Pelosi would have wrangled the votes back and got her caucus in line. Unlike Paul Ryan, she wins fights like these, doesn't lose them.
Let's get one thing straight here: the battlecry of repealing Obamacare was great red meat to throw out to the base for 7 years when they had no hopes of accomplishing it. When the rubber met the road, they couldn't follow through, because it was always a cynical ploy. The Republicans HAD to take this position because they whipped their base up into a frenzy over the evils of the ACA for 7 years. And as I predicted months ago, there was no plan. Anyone who pays attention to politics has known the Republicans haven't had a plan this entire time. They whipped up a bunch of tax breaks and giveaways to insurance companies and called it a health care bill, then tried to ram it through in 13 days. Say what you will about the ACA, but Obama and the Democrats had to sell that thing for damn near a year. That bill was debated EXTENSIVELY. I know this because I remember the town halls of that summer where I watched sociopaths with Gadsden flags throwing dollar bills on and mocking a disabled vet for holding up a sign that supported heath care reform. This bill was a paper tiger, a mirage, an absolute joke that any serious governing party would have never allowed to see the light of day.
No Democratic support?? No shit, Sherlock. Trump is once again relying on the absolute ignorance of base. The Democrats were immaterial to this fight. They have virtually NO power in the House, and are we seriously thinking any Democrat was going to vote to destroy the signature accomplishment of the last 8 years??? Over 21 Republicans had to defect to cause this to happen. Word is it was over 30 or 40. More reports seem to indicate that Trump's sales pitch actually LOST Republican votes.
He was truthful in that he planned to lie and he followed through on that promise.
So after Nunes leaked to Trump, the subject of the Russia treason, about the investigation into the Russia treason. FBI director Comey entered the White House reasons unknown.
If a person trains with their weapon often and for scenarios then what you listed here would not be as much of a issue as you think... I say this because I trained and competed in a Tactical Pistol Squad, and IPSIC competitions with a Ruger P83, a Glock 23, a Colt Commander, and just for "fun" my Grandmothers "Aquarian" .38 special . I also spent many target practice hours with not only my hand guns, but my rifles as well, because I also was training for hunting with both a Knight in-line black powder but also, my SkS . At the time I was married to my first husband and he had many more rifles and handguns that I has range time with, because if we owned it, I learned how to shoot and clean each and every weapon.
Safety is important as responsible gun owners, we did not just leave loaded guns lying around. There are many was of truly securing weapons, where random people or children can not accidentally shoot anyone.
Proper gun handling should be taught, as should proper care.
Therefore "Freezing" at a moment when defending my family and myself was trained out of me, and with all of the people I competed with. Please look up some IPCSIC competition videos if you have any doubt on that matter.
Anyone can own a gun if you want, no one is ever going to stop you in this country. You or someone in your family is INFINITELY more likely to be hurt or killed by the gun you purchased than from an intruder breaking into your home. The chances of any one person needing to use a gun to defend themselves in their lifetime are probably similar to getting struck by lightning. Point being, you'll likely get through your entire life perfectly fine in this regard, and thinking about it is pointless.
IF you do happen to be carrying a gun when a horrendously dangerous situation hits, simulations have shown that people tend to totally panic and freeze, and the gun does no good whatsoever. As I've said before, everyone thinks they have some sort of inner-Wyatt Earp in them just waiting to get out, but the far more likely situation is that without extensive crisis training, the likely outcome is going to be that person will piss their pants and possibly get even more people hurt.
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) admitted as much as he left the meeting Friday. Reporters asked why, after Republicans held dozens of nearly-unanimous votes to repeal Obamacare under President Obama, they were getting cold feet now that they control the levers of power. “Sometimes you’re playing Fantasy Football and sometimes you’re in the real game,” he said. “We knew the president, if we could get a repeal bill to his desk, would almost certainly veto it. This time we knew if it got to the president’s desk it would be signed.”
Once again, the entirety of the last 7 years of opposition to this has been NOTHING but pure cynical gamesmanship to rile up the base of the Republican Party.
If a person trains with their weapon often and for scenarios then what you listed here would not be as much of a issue as you think... I say this because I trained and competed in a Tactical Pistol Squad, and IPSIC competitions with a Ruger P83, a Glock 23, a Colt Commander, and just for "fun" my Grandmothers "Aquarian" .38 special . I also spent many target practice hours with not only my hand guns, but my rifles as well, because I also was training for hunting with both a Knight in-line black powder but also, my SkS . At the time I was married to my first husband and he had many more rifles and handguns that I has range time with, because if we owned it, I learned how to shoot and clean each and every weapon.
Safety is important as responsible gun owners, we did not just leave loaded guns lying around. There are many was of truly securing weapons, where random people or children can not accidentally shoot anyone.
Proper gun handling should be taught, as should proper care.
Therefore "Freezing" at a moment when defending my family and myself was trained out of me, and with all of the people I competed with. Please look up some IPCSIC competition videos if you have any doubt on that matter.
IF a person does this kind of extensive training, that's likely the case. I'm not going to tell anyone they can't own these guns. That's total folly. I think some sort of training should be mandatory to do so, though what you describe (though I know nothing about it) sounds like it might be a little much just to own a firearm. I always hear stats that NRA members and gun owners in general are very much in favor of both extensive background checks and incredibly rigid personal safety standards. Which is why I'm flummoxed as to why these people continue to support an organization that pushes against even the mildest of background checks whenever the issue comes up. I'm not even implying that you are a member yourself, but maybe you have some insight on why it would be that they continue to support an organization that isn't even remotely interested in gun safety but only in acting as a lobbying arm of the gun manufacturers to sell as many weapons and bullets as possible.
I trained and competed in a Tactical Pistol Squad, and IPSIC competitions with a Ruger P83, a Glock 23, a Colt Commander, and just for "fun" my Grandmothers "Aquarian" .38 special . I also spent many target practice hours with not only my hand guns, but my rifles as well, because I also was training for hunting with both a Knight in-line black powder but also, my SkS .
I'm starting to think there might be a reason behind your username.
term limits are good, but you don't want amateur hour in the white house either. You wouldn't hire some clown off the street to work on your serious plumbing problem, would you?
One of the things that really irritates me about Trump's obamacare concession speech is that whole thing that basically goes "well now obamacare is going to explode and it's Shumer and Pelosi's fault. It's all on them."
He's the gosh darn president. He should be trying to help people - to lead people - to work for Americans instead of rooting for something bad to come down on America. What the hell?
Remember his acceptance speech, his threat of "I'm going to be President to ALL Americans." he made that as a threat. You could see his wheels turning in his brain he's like "I can't wait to rub this in their faces!".
Well nows the chance buddy. Lead. You are rooting for American failure? What the hell?
Obamacare is not "set to self-destruct" as Trump is claiming. It has many things that need work, but 12 million people signed up during the last enrollment period, in anticipation of this GOP vote. Furthermore, even if it WAS to collapse, when you make it known that that is what you are banking on, if that were to happen, anyone would have a legitimate reason to think Trump and Tom Price sabotaged it on purpose. Trump just showed the entire poker table his hand. When you announce you are rooting for failure from a bullhorn, you then own the failure.
Trump counting on any Democratic support is a joke. For 8 years, Republicans didn't lift a finger for a single thing Obama proposed. They went so far as to STEAL his Supreme Court pick. If the Republicans proved anything the last eight years, it's that you pay no political price for blanket obstructionism. Democrats have no incentive to work with Trump. None.
Trump counting on any Democratic support is a joke. For 8 years, Republicans didn't lift a finger for a single thing Obama proposed. They went so far as to STEAL his Supreme Court pick. If the Republicans proved anything the last eight years, it's that you pay no political price for blanket obstructionism. Democrats have no incentive to work with Trump. None.
The Freedom Caucus Koch brothers arm of the Republican party just cut off Donald Trump at the knees. That shows that Trump is weak. Sad.
Same as before but even more so now, Democrats should absolutely not have anything to do with his sinking ship. And that's not even yet mentioning the scandals which at minimum seem to show collusion between Trump campaign advisors and Russia, we don't yet know how high that scandal goes possibly Trump himself is involved.
At least with trump as president he supplies plenty of comic relief. I love the David Cameron joke on one of his speaking tours that now he is no longer PM he no longer has to listen to trumps wire taps. Then immediately put in a disclaimer that he is joking as we know trump is a moron who probably took it seriously.
Something very strange is going on.....first let me talk about the National Enquirer. This rag of dishonesty, during most Administrations, publishes non-stop bullshit about the sitting President. This tabloid sits in every checkout aisle and every grocery store in the country. And I've personally seen people on many occasions read a headline and then start discussing it with the person they are in line with as if it is gospel.
But that isn't what is happening since Trump was elected. He and the publisher of the Enquirer (go figure) are close friends. Unlike in every previous Presidency, it does nothing but publish glowing headlines of Trump week after week. But this week their cover is about Michael Flynn being a Russian spy that TRUMP uncovered in his Administration. The very last thing Trump said about Flynn to anyone was how unfair it was that he was being forced out of his spot. Now Trump's go-to fake news source that sits in every supermarket in the country has flipped the script on Flynn. This comes on the heels of reports that Flynn was in talks to help KIDNAP someone in the US to get them to Turkey to deliver to Erdogan. Something is going on here.
There is alot of overzealous speculation about Flynn going on online right now, up to and including that he has flipped to the FBI. I don't buy that at this point, but the entire aura surrounding him continues to get weirder and weirder. Though I clearly don't know this, my best GUESS would be that Trump is well aware of what stories the Enquirer is putting on it's front page every week, just like he was aware this afternoon that a FOX News host was going to call for Paul Ryan's resignation as Speaker when he tweeted out to watch her show. This is the kind of stuff Trump craves, and I can't envision any scenario where they publish that cover without Trump's approval. The only logical conclusion is that, just like when they say Manafort, Page, and Stone had barely anything to do with the campaign, they are trying to distance themselves from something they anticipate is coming. And again, this is why there is more than likely something underneath all this. This is simply not how innocent people act.
There isn't a shred of truth to the White House saying Trump doesn't know these people well. Anyone who was on the campaign trail covering Trump will tell you Flynn was with him 24/7. Carter Page was the first foreign policy adviser. But the real relationship is between Manafort, Trump, and Roger Stone, and that all goes back to Roy Cohn introducing them all in the 1970s. Cohn was Joe McCarthy's council, and probably more responsible for what went on in those hearings than McCarthy himself. He was also the lawyer for the Genovese and Gambino Crime Families. And he was also the personal lawyer of Fred and Donald Trump.
By the way, if you've been following the news the last month or so, you'll notice another interesting trend: tons of dead Russian businessmen and government officials turning up in the most peculiar circumstances imaginable.
By the way, if you've been following the news the last month or so, you'll notice another interesting trend: tons of dead Russian businessmen and government officials turning up in the most peculiar circumstances imaginable.
So in Europe when presumably Putin holds rallies and gets the crowd going "Lock him up!" then he actually follows through.
In the USA, there's enough of a farce of a democracy left that Trump can't actually do it without proof. But it's getting closer to proof not mattering.
By the way, our fearless leader had his 12th golf trip since taking office 9 weeks ago. He lied to the press pool that he was taking meetings all day then was photographed heading out on the links again. Same guy that constantly complained about Obama golfing twice or whatever during his entire presidency has spent more time on the golf course than doing his job.
And Wow, this really lays it out, hard to argue with anything in this Donald Trump's Presidency Effectively Over After Repeal Failure | The Last Word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbSNnHeV_AE
Given everything else Trump does, I wouldn't even much care about his golf outings under normal circumstances, mostly just because I wouldn't have expected him to do anything less. The problem is that practically EVERY time Barack Obama went on vacation or golfed for 8 years, Trump went on FOX News and Twitter to basically call him a lazy black man not doing his job. There is no reason at this point to believe that Trump won't head down to Mar-a-Lago every single weekend of his Presidency. It doesn't really matter in the end. It's simply another in a infinite line of things that prove what kind of person Donald Trump is. He's scum.
By the way, if you've been following the news the last month or so, you'll notice another interesting trend: tons of dead Russian businessmen and government officials turning up in the most peculiar circumstances imaginable.
These killings don't really have anything to do with the U. S. election; rather, they are simply one of the ways in which Putin is cleaning house. I am convinced that he is trying to rekindle the old CCCP of his youth only with a better economy this time around.
Let me again state that this was 50 Republicans voting yes and 48 Democrats voting no. If you care about this issue AT ALL, one party is clearly on your side and one isn't. Same goes for net neutrality. Al Franken is especially well-spoken on these issues.
By the way, if you've been following the news the last month or so, you'll notice another interesting trend: tons of dead Russian businessmen and government officials turning up in the most peculiar circumstances imaginable.
These killings don't really have anything to do with the U. S. election; rather, they are simply one of the ways in which Putin is cleaning house. I am convinced that he is trying to rekindle the old CCCP of his youth only with a better economy this time around.
We don't really know that yet one way or another. I'm not saying it IS related to whatever is going to come out, but more than one of these people has flown close to the Trump orbit. Regardless, what is unmistakable is that Trump seems incapable of even uttering the smallest condemnation of a man who rules this super-power as a authoritarian murderer. In fact, he seems to rather admire him. That this doesn't strike everyone as profoundly odd is beyond me.
Canada also went to war (very minor briefly) with Spain because of this in the 90's.
So first off thank God the Trumpcare failed. It was terrible. Obamacare isn't perfect but it is way better than Trumpcare.
Second off what a spineless loser Trump is. "It wasn't me, it was the Democrats!" Come on, did you ever seek to get any Democratic votes? Did you invite them to hear what they had to say at all ever? No, you didn't. Obama went out of his way to include Republicans (not that it got him any votes) but he made the effort. Hevwas Presidential. Trump and the GOP have been freezing out the Democrats and running this crap though roughshod.
You and your buddies made this and it sucked. And even the GOP saw that it sucked and it failed. For some of the Corporate Republicans it was too generous (a laugh), for others it was going to screw them over by dumping 24 MILLION voters off their health insurance. The bill sucked.
Complaining is easy, governing is hard.
Even if they weren't going to vote against this because it goes against everything they stand for, even if she had had 2 or 3 people on the fence, Pelosi would have wrangled the votes back and got her caucus in line. Unlike Paul Ryan, she wins fights like these, doesn't lose them.
Let's get one thing straight here: the battlecry of repealing Obamacare was great red meat to throw out to the base for 7 years when they had no hopes of accomplishing it. When the rubber met the road, they couldn't follow through, because it was always a cynical ploy. The Republicans HAD to take this position because they whipped their base up into a frenzy over the evils of the ACA for 7 years. And as I predicted months ago, there was no plan. Anyone who pays attention to politics has known the Republicans haven't had a plan this entire time. They whipped up a bunch of tax breaks and giveaways to insurance companies and called it a health care bill, then tried to ram it through in 13 days. Say what you will about the ACA, but Obama and the Democrats had to sell that thing for damn near a year. That bill was debated EXTENSIVELY. I know this because I remember the town halls of that summer where I watched sociopaths with Gadsden flags throwing dollar bills on and mocking a disabled vet for holding up a sign that supported heath care reform. This bill was a paper tiger, a mirage, an absolute joke that any serious governing party would have never allowed to see the light of day.
Trump reportedly says he'll blame Democrats if GOP health-care plan fails
Thursday, 9 Mar 2017 | 9:45 AM ET
And apparently Representative Nunes decided to make the rest of the investigation secret and hidden from the public.
If a person trains with their weapon often and for scenarios then what you listed here would not be as much of a issue as you think...
I say this because I trained and competed in a Tactical Pistol Squad, and IPSIC competitions with a Ruger P83, a Glock 23, a Colt Commander, and just for "fun" my Grandmothers "Aquarian" .38 special . I also spent many target practice hours with not only my hand guns, but my rifles as well, because I also was training for hunting with both a Knight in-line black powder but also, my SkS . At the time I was married to my first husband and he had many more rifles and handguns that I has range time with, because if we owned it, I learned how to shoot and clean each and every weapon.
Safety is important as responsible gun owners, we did not just leave loaded guns lying around. There are many was of truly securing weapons, where random people or children can not accidentally shoot anyone.
Proper gun handling should be taught, as should proper care.
Therefore "Freezing" at a moment when defending my family and myself was trained out of me, and with all of the people I competed with. Please look up some IPCSIC competition videos if you have any doubt on that matter.
“Sometimes you’re playing Fantasy Football and sometimes you’re in the real game,” he said. “We knew the president, if we could get a repeal bill to his desk, would almost certainly veto it. This time we knew if it got to the president’s desk it would be signed.”
Once again, the entirety of the last 7 years of opposition to this has been NOTHING but pure cynical gamesmanship to rile up the base of the Republican Party.
He's the gosh darn president. He should be trying to help people - to lead people - to work for Americans instead of rooting for something bad to come down on America. What the hell?
Remember his acceptance speech, his threat of "I'm going to be President to ALL Americans." he made that as a threat. You could see his wheels turning in his brain he's like "I can't wait to rub this in their faces!".
Well nows the chance buddy. Lead. You are rooting for American failure? What the hell?
Trump counting on any Democratic support is a joke. For 8 years, Republicans didn't lift a finger for a single thing Obama proposed. They went so far as to STEAL his Supreme Court pick. If the Republicans proved anything the last eight years, it's that you pay no political price for blanket obstructionism. Democrats have no incentive to work with Trump. None.
Same as before but even more so now, Democrats should absolutely not have anything to do with his sinking ship. And that's not even yet mentioning the scandals which at minimum seem to show collusion between Trump campaign advisors and Russia, we don't yet know how high that scandal goes possibly Trump himself is involved.
But that isn't what is happening since Trump was elected. He and the publisher of the Enquirer (go figure) are close friends. Unlike in every previous Presidency, it does nothing but publish glowing headlines of Trump week after week. But this week their cover is about Michael Flynn being a Russian spy that TRUMP uncovered in his Administration. The very last thing Trump said about Flynn to anyone was how unfair it was that he was being forced out of his spot. Now Trump's go-to fake news source that sits in every supermarket in the country has flipped the script on Flynn. This comes on the heels of reports that Flynn was in talks to help KIDNAP someone in the US to get them to Turkey to deliver to Erdogan. Something is going on here.
There isn't a shred of truth to the White House saying Trump doesn't know these people well. Anyone who was on the campaign trail covering Trump will tell you Flynn was with him 24/7. Carter Page was the first foreign policy adviser. But the real relationship is between Manafort, Trump, and Roger Stone, and that all goes back to Roy Cohn introducing them all in the 1970s. Cohn was Joe McCarthy's council, and probably more responsible for what went on in those hearings than McCarthy himself. He was also the lawyer for the Genovese and Gambino Crime Families. And he was also the personal lawyer of Fred and Donald Trump.
By the way, if you've been following the news the last month or so, you'll notice another interesting trend: tons of dead Russian businessmen and government officials turning up in the most peculiar circumstances imaginable.
In the USA, there's enough of a farce of a democracy left that Trump can't actually do it without proof. But it's getting closer to proof not mattering.
By the way, our fearless leader had his 12th golf trip since taking office 9 weeks ago. He lied to the press pool that he was taking meetings all day then was photographed heading out on the links again. Same guy that constantly complained about Obama golfing twice or whatever during his entire presidency has spent more time on the golf course than doing his job.
And Wow, this really lays it out, hard to argue with anything in this
Donald Trump's Presidency Effectively Over After Repeal Failure | The Last Word
We don't really know that yet one way or another. I'm not saying it IS related to whatever is going to come out, but more than one of these people has flown close to the Trump orbit. Regardless, what is unmistakable is that Trump seems incapable of even uttering the smallest condemnation of a man who rules this super-power as a authoritarian murderer. In fact, he seems to rather admire him. That this doesn't strike everyone as profoundly odd is beyond me.