could easily be a false flag attack, no? There's been protests and promises of crackdowns. If you really don't give damn about civilian lives, does putin?, this is one way to cow the people and bring "law and order" to things. I don't have any idea if that's how it went down, I'm just looking at who stands to gain.
I don't think it is a false flag attack. Russia has made more than enough enemies with Syria and Ukraine for there to be many real terrorist trying to attack them.
The most conspiracy theorist explanation would be that they simply allowed the attack to take place, but I don't believe this either.
Regarding the post-fact age: this is certainly true for the lazy, but it is a terrible excuse for the rest of us. For example, Politifact could certainly have an agenda. So check some of the claims yourself. Random sampling will turn up if they lie on a regular basis quickly enough.
With politicians like Trump it is even easier. He lies all the time about totally trivial things (size of crowd at inauguration, him working all the time and not taking vacations when elected, him claiming that he did promise that ACA would be repealed early when he is no record saying so). Why would you believe anything else he says?
Don't put the blame for you being lazy on the times.
Now, a smart politician avoids trivial lies and saves them for big things. Those are hard to detect, but this is not a new development. Watergate took time.
@re: Sexism by Trump and locker room talk: if you had locker room talk like this I am happy that I did not attend the same places like you. Looking back, there might have been some discussions about physical attributes and some claims about certain girls being easy, that I found nasty back then as well. But an open suggestion of just fondling them against their will? No.
By the way, I also do not share the negativism about the modern times here.
I am not sure if this tape would have killed a career earlier, but in general sexual assault happens less now and is discussed more openly now. I have heard enough eye-witness accounts of the old times, e.g. I remember cases where the entire village knew that a certain man assaulted his own daughter, but it was just not considered right to talk about that, so nothing happened.
By the way, what impresses me again is the Republican hypocrisy here. They always claim to be the party of family values, but elect someone like Trump. The Obamas had a picture book family life.
@Teo_live: The problem was not Trump's "locker room talk." It was him admitting to committing a crime.
Trump wasn't saying that he liked to "grab them by the pussy." He said that he had done it. Without consent.
Yes, it is in fact illegal to do that.
It is literally and legally sexual assault.
You are wrong
A newly released secret video from 2005 captures it. Here’s what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”
Notice the part in bold, he clearly had consent. I am not saying I condone a rich dude being a sleaze, but I am just saying there was nothing there that classifies as sexual assault.
@Teo_live: The problem was not Trump's "locker room talk." It was him admitting to committing a crime.
Trump wasn't saying that he liked to "grab them by the pussy." He said that he had done it. Without consent.
Yes, it is in fact illegal to do that.
It is literally and legally sexual assault.
You are wrong
A newly released secret video from 2005 captures it. Here’s what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”
Notice the part in bold, he clearly had consent. I am not saying I condone a rich dude being a sleaze, but I am just saying there was nothing there that classifies as sexual assault. When he said "let you do it", he meant they don't stop him, because he is a powerful person and they are not. They don't immediately scream or hit him or anything like that. Seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about in regards to this subject. It's depressing that people think this is how things are. This is a textbook example of why people get away with this conduct in the first place. I am just waiting for any of our frequent female posters here to read these posts......
LOL! And the media wonders why no one trusts them Seriously though I don't think any sane person on the planet believes a word coming out of a Hillary's mouth. Lets face it almost all politicians lie, but the Clinton family take the cake.
To put it another way: If somebody grabbed your daughter by the pussy and bragged about it, on tape, when he thought no one was listening, how would you react?
If it was without consent like you claim, I would go to the authorities. Unfortunately there is no proof of your claim (leftist conspiracy theories don't count I'm afraid, court rulings are what count)
So my answer is:
I would be have a few loud angered words to say to my skanky harlot of a daughter
*Puts on plate mail armor* *Expect heavy feminist assault defending my hypothetical non-existent promiscuous daughter*
It's depressing that people think this is how things are. This is a textbook example of why people get away with this conduct in the first place. I am just waiting for any of our frequent female posters here to read these posts......
Well since the majority of females on the PLANET are not feminists (some even consider it to be an insult) I don't think that will go so well lol.
If anything is a textbook example here it is the anti-Trumpers trying to discredit someone with unproven nonfactual "he may have" virtue signalling. Now I am not saying Trump has or hasn't sexually assaulted anyone, I am just saying there is no concrete evidence of that.
...Perhaps you prefer to live in a country where you are automatically guilty without a trail?
It's depressing that people think this is how things are. This is a textbook example of why people get away with this conduct in the first place. I am just waiting for any of our frequent female posters here to read these posts......
Well since the majority of females on the PLANET are not feminists (some even consider it to be an insult) I would like to see some too.
If anything is a textbook example here it is the anti-Trumpers trying to discredit someone with unproven unfactual "he may have" conspiracy. Now I am not saying Trump has or hasn't sexually assaulted anyone, I am just saying there is no concrete evidence of that. If you do not like it, then don't hate trump instead hate the American democratic process.
...Perhaps a country where you are automatically guilty without a trail is one you would prefer?
I'm not implying he's going to face criminal charges. I don't need a trial to form a personal opinion about someone's behavior. The idea that anyone would take Donald Trump’s word about anything over anyone is mind-blowing.
Also, you don't need to be a feminist to be against sexual assault, nor is feminist a perjorative that I or many others would find insulting.
This is strawman arguing btw, there are no court cases I have ever heard of where this type of crime goes unpunished when proven.
It's not a strawman. It is just one example that lack of resistance does not imply consent. There are other possible examples. It's very simple: if he just grabs and fondles them without prior consent, he is guilty of sexual assault. Even if consent is given post-hoc.
The St. Petersburg bomber was apparently a Russian citizen. He was of Middle-Eastern descent but the report I heard didn't say what triggered him (ISIL, Syria, Chechnya, or something else entirely).
The St. Petersburg bomber was apparently a Russian citizen. He was of Middle-Eastern descent but the report I heard didn't say what triggered him (ISIL, Syria, Chechnya, or something else entirely).
This is almost always the case. Even in the US. It's citizens or legal residents radicalized on the internet, not refugees. And when you throw in people like Dylan Roof and others, the problem demographic isn't Muslims so much as it's alienated young males who have gone completely off the grid. These people aren't actual members of ISIS or other groups. They are weak, easily manipulated nutcases who are acting out violent fantasies.
The St. Petersburg bomber was apparently a Russian citizen. He was of Middle-Eastern descent but the report I heard didn't say what triggered him (ISIL, Syria, Chechnya, or something else entirely).
This is almost always the case. Even in the US. It's citizens or legal residents radicalized on the internet, not refugees. And when you throw in people like Dylan Roof and others, the problem demographic isn't Muslims so much as it's alienated young males who have gone completely off the grid. These people aren't actual members of ISIS or other groups. They are weak, easily manipulated nutcases who are acting out violent fantasies.
The St. Petersburg bomber was apparently a Russian citizen. He was of Middle-Eastern descent but the report I heard didn't say what triggered him (ISIL, Syria, Chechnya, or something else entirely).
This is almost always the case. Even in the US. It's citizens or legal residents radicalized on the internet, not refugees. And when you throw in people like Dylan Roof and others, the problem demographic isn't Muslims so much as it's alienated young males who have gone completely off the grid. These people aren't actual members of ISIS or other groups. They are weak, easily manipulated nutcases who are acting out violent fantasies.
Worst part is ISIS always claims responsibility.
And I think most of the time they are finding out about it the same time everyone else does.
It's not a strawman. It is just one example that lack of resistance does not imply consent. There are other possible examples.
No one said anything about lacking resistance. At best you could say it is "implied" but that is subjective opinion, not fact. The fact is Trump used the word LET
Let definition:to allow or permit An unconscious person cannot possibly allow or permit. A passive person who dislikes the actions being done to her also is not allowing or permitting. ...Regardless of truth word nit-picking of a man's private locker room convo is absolute insanity.
Beamdog forums users here seem to think a sleezy casual private convo between is very important. Just like how some people thought Trump eating ketchup on his steak is very important
It's very simple: if he just grabs and fondles them without prior consent, he is guilty of sexual assault. Even if consent is given post-hoc.
Well in that case I get sexually assaulted on a daily basis
What next, a signed affidavit from a female being needed prior to touching? (yes some crazy screeching SJW activists actually want this to be a thing >.>)
It's not a strawman. It is just one example that lack of resistance does not imply consent. There are other possible examples.
No one said anything about lacking resistance. At best you could say it is "implied" but that is subjective opinion, not fact. The fact is Trump used the word LET
Let definition:to allow or permit An unconscious person cannot possibly allow or permit. A passive person who dislikes the actions being done to her also is not allowing or permitting. ...Regardless of truth word nit-picking of a man's private locker room convo is absolute insanity.
Beamdog forums users here seem to think a sleezy casual private convo between is very important. Just like how some people thought Trump eating ketchup on his steak is very important
It's very simple: if he just grabs and fondles them without prior consent, he is guilty of sexual assault. Even if consent is given post-hoc.
Well in that case I get sexually assaulted on a daily basis
What next, a signed affidavit from a female being needed prior to touching? (yes some crazy screeching SJW activists actually want this to be a thing >.>)
This casual defense of defending sexual assault and comparing it to putting ketchup on a steak in the realm of seriousness is actually pretty revolting. No, you don't need a "signed affadavit" to touch someone you have an ongoing relationship with, but you sure as shit need some sort of permission before you grab a stranger's genitals.
Consent does not need to be written, no. Didn't you claim strawman a moment ago?
Not sure about you, but when dating or being interested in someone I never suddenly grabbed their most intimate spots. There is usually a process of getting closer to each other.
As for the ketchup, this is not only a detestable analogy for sexual assault, it is also a laughable claim given that there was at most some mild making fun of it. The rightist reaction to Obama using fancy mustard was much more intense. I also remember that him wearing a tan suit was literally called "unforgivable".
Consent does not need to be written, no. Didn't you claim strawman a moment ago?
Not sure about you, but when dating or being interested in someone I never suddenly grabbed their most intimate spots. There is usually a process of getting closer to each other.
As for the ketchup, this is not only a detestable analogy for sexual assault, it is also a laughable claim given that there was at most some mild making fun of it. The rightist reaction to Obama using fancy mustard was much more intense. I also remember that him wearing a tan suit was literally called "unforgivable".
You never grabbed a woman by the genitals, well that's because you are not rich and famous. I have it on authority of the President that when you are a celebrity they let you do it.
In other words, he was describing how, on account of his celebrity, he could commit sexual assault and get away with it. That is a world don't think any of us are living unless we have some celebrity commenting here. That approach worked for Bill Cosby for years they let him get away with it too.
The latest bit of White House shamelessness: They're actually trying to blame Obama for the gas attack in Syria. The gas attack was carried out by Putin's puppet Assad, and this was supposed to have been caused by Obama's "weakness". As opposed to being caused the perception that the Trump administration would never go against Putin.
I don't think the attack in St. Petersburg was a false flag to garner sympathy for Putin or his policies; rather, it was the work of this guy from Kyrgyzstan who was most likely protesting Putin and/or his policies. Unfortunately, Vlad is not likely to let the opportunity pass and will thus engage in some sort of new crackdown.
A perpetrator has been named for the St.Petersburg attack.
Moscow (CNN)Monday's deadly St. Petersburg metro attack was carried out by a suicide bomber originally from the central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan, authorities said.
The Russian Investigative Committee said the bomber was Akbarjon Djalilov, 22, identified earlier by Kyrgyz authorities as a Russian national born in Kyrgyzstan. Investigators matched Djalilov's DNA to a bomb left at a second metro station that was defused by authorities, the committee said.
I don't think it is a false flag.
That being said I do expect Putin to use it to his advantage to garner sympathy and possibly use it as a base for talks with President Trump or other European leaders.
'Fighting Terrorism' is a fairly general thing leaders say all the time.
You guys now a dictator picking some schmuck to act as the fall guy is right in line with a false flag narrative right? He just has to tell state run media, yeah it was this Muslim guy, and then they go on TV and say that's what happened. Saying it wasn't me it was some kyrgyzstan guy is the easy part.
I don't know if it was or not but Russia saying it was this guy is the easy part.
The latest bit of White House shamelessness: They're actually trying to blame Obama for the gas attack in Syria. The gas attack was carried out by Putin's puppet Assad, and this was supposed to have been caused by Obama's "weakness". As opposed to being caused the perception that the Trump administration would never go against Putin.
It gets even worse--apparently several hours after the initial attack a rocket struck a hospital where victims were being treated. Right now, no one knows who fired the rocket.
"Nobody respects women more than me" - Donald Trump
The United States, as promised, has drastically cut funding to the United Nations' most significant population agency, which helps women in 155 countries around the world.
UN officials said that the UNFPA, as the group is known, has nothing to do with abortion. And they said that because the US funding goes largely to emergency aid at a time when the world is facing the worst cluster of humanitarian crises in decades, the impact on refugees and women in crisis will be disproportionate.
The most conspiracy theorist explanation would be that they simply allowed the attack to take place, but I don't believe this either.
With politicians like Trump it is even easier. He lies all the time about totally trivial things (size of crowd at inauguration, him working all the time and not taking vacations when elected, him claiming that he did promise that ACA would be repealed early when he is no record saying so). Why would you believe anything else he says?
Don't put the blame for you being lazy on the times.
Now, a smart politician avoids trivial lies and saves them for big things. Those are hard to detect, but this is not a new development. Watergate took time.
@re: Sexism by Trump and locker room talk: if you had locker room talk like this I am happy that I did not attend the same places like you. Looking back, there might have been some discussions about physical attributes and some claims about certain girls being easy, that I found nasty back then as well. But an open suggestion of just fondling them against their will? No.
By the way, I also do not share the negativism about the modern times here.
I am not sure if this tape would have killed a career earlier, but in general sexual assault happens less now and is discussed more openly now. I have heard enough eye-witness accounts of the old times, e.g. I remember cases where the entire village knew that a certain man assaulted his own daughter, but it was just not considered right to talk about that, so nothing happened.
By the way, what impresses me again is the Republican hypocrisy here. They always claim to be the party of family values, but elect someone like Trump. The Obamas had a picture book family life.
@Ardanis any idea how to pronounce Kyrgyzstan.
From my CNBC feed i got this recently so here's an update i guess.
Is Sean Spicer short?
It is much better than refusing to be paid.
edit: Spicer is 5'8 - 5'9.
A newly released secret video from 2005 captures it. Here’s what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”
Notice the part in bold, he clearly had consent. I am not saying I condone a rich dude being a sleaze, but I am just saying there was nothing there that classifies as sexual assault.
Seriously though I don't think any sane person on the planet believes a word coming out of a Hillary's mouth. Lets face it almost all politicians lie, but the Clinton family take the cake. If it was without consent like you claim, I would go to the authorities. Unfortunately there is no proof of your claim (leftist conspiracy theories don't count I'm afraid, court rulings are what count)
So my answer is:
*Puts on plate mail armor*
*Expect heavy feminist assault defending my hypothetical non-existent promiscuous daughter*
If anything is a textbook example here it is the anti-Trumpers trying to discredit someone with unproven nonfactual "he may have" virtue signalling. Now I am not saying Trump has or hasn't sexually assaulted anyone, I am just saying there is no concrete evidence of that.
...Perhaps you prefer to live in a country where you are automatically guilty without a trail?
Also, you don't need to be a feminist to be against sexual assault, nor is feminist a perjorative that I or many others would find insulting.
Let definition:to allow or permit
An unconscious person cannot possibly allow or permit.
A passive person who dislikes the actions being done to her also is not allowing or permitting.
...Regardless of truth word nit-picking of a man's private locker room convo is absolute insanity.
Beamdog forums users here seem to think a sleezy casual private convo between is very important. Just like how some people thought Trump eating ketchup on his steak is very important Well in that case I get sexually assaulted on a daily basis
What next, a signed affidavit from a female being needed prior to touching? (yes some crazy screeching SJW activists actually want this to be a thing >.>)
Not sure about you, but when dating or being interested in someone I never suddenly grabbed their most intimate spots. There is usually a process of getting closer to each other.
As for the ketchup, this is not only a detestable analogy for sexual assault, it is also a laughable claim given that there was at most some mild making fun of it. The rightist reaction to Obama using fancy mustard was much more intense. I also remember that him wearing a tan suit was literally called "unforgivable".
In other words, he was describing how, on account of his celebrity, he could commit sexual assault and get away with it. That is a world don't think any of us are living unless we have some celebrity commenting here. That approach worked for Bill Cosby for years they let him get away with it too.
Moscow (CNN)Monday's deadly St. Petersburg metro attack was carried out by a suicide bomber originally from the central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan, authorities said.
The Russian Investigative Committee said the bomber was Akbarjon Djalilov, 22, identified earlier by Kyrgyz authorities as a Russian national born in Kyrgyzstan.
Investigators matched Djalilov's DNA to a bomb left at a second metro station that was defused by authorities, the committee said.
I don't think it is a false flag.
That being said I do expect Putin to use it to his advantage to garner sympathy and possibly use it as a base for talks with President Trump or other European leaders.
'Fighting Terrorism' is a fairly general thing leaders say all the time.
I don't know if it was or not but Russia saying it was this guy is the easy part.
"Nobody respects women more than me" - Donald Trump
The United States, as promised, has drastically cut funding to the United Nations' most significant population agency, which helps women in 155 countries around the world.
UN officials said that the UNFPA, as the group is known, has nothing to do with abortion. And they said that because the US funding goes largely to emergency aid at a time when the world is facing the worst cluster of humanitarian crises in decades, the impact on refugees and women in crisis will be disproportionate.